Six-Months War; Take 4


Let's talk Michelle.
Nov 23, 2008
Pennsylvania U.S.A.


Banner, courtesy of Lord of Elves

Special thanks to;

Lord of Elves; for being the person who forced encouraged me to give this another go. And writing a wonderful history for this; without him, I would have certainly not done this.

EQandCivfanatic; it's hard to run a non-fantasy NES without copying from one of your rulesets, or one of your NES's as a whole. Most of the time developing this, I found myself skirting around ideas already in use, or already done by you, but ultimately resistance was futile.

Welcome to my NES, Six-Months War; Take 4, a continuation of my previous NES. After a two year wait, a poorly constructed and non-canon sequel (which from this point on will never be referenced again.) I am proud to say I am prepared to moderate perhaps my most successful NES, and the one I've had the most fun doing.

For those of you who don't know, the Six-Moths War NES was based off of a series of Harry Turtledove novels, called the "Southern Victory Series". In these novels, the Confederate States of America find themselves independent from the United States, with the direct help of the United Kingdom and the Third French Empire. Through a series of butterflies from that point (for our purposes, I'm considering the South Victory Series up until about 1913 to be canon), the original NES opened with the world gearing up for The Great War, a war, that many experts claimed would be over within six-months.

Starting in 1922, you will experience the after effects of the Great War politically, socially and of course, militarily. This is still a time of nationalism, and a time of imperialism. The unbalanced system of Treaties ending the war have greatly effected the losers of the war, while the victors seem to have "bitten off more than they could chew." Calls for reform echo through Europe, as demands for self-determination can be heard throughout colonial territories.

Whether you're a nation attempting to shirk off the embarrasment of losing the Great War, or one of the victors, trying to hold on to your spoils, the world of Six-Months War; Take 4 is yours to explore, and make into your own. Remember, your choices will affect the lives of millions, and could lead your nation to glory or defeat.

The Rules

Anybody can play this NES, but not everyone can be a Great Power. If you see an open nation, just go ahead and take over for them. In order to keep your nation though, you must send orders consistantly. If you continuesly miss the deadline, I reserve the right to kick you out. I also reserve the right to take nations away from players, if the players are acting OOC (out of charactor), just doing a generally terrible job, or being a nuiscance.

I for one, love stories, or anything that one could consider to be a 'world building action', such as maps, flags, or anything else you feel like making an argument about. As such, I have had a policy in my past few NES's to reward players who post stories, or anything else of that nature between updates, as a way to flesh out this world a little bit. These bonuses are generally small, and aren't too consequential, but it's my way of recognizing the players that put forth a little bit more effort to develop a character for their country. Rewards cannot be stacked however, so don't feel obligated to write multiple stories (though that would be nice!). Not everyone has the same amount of time to dedicate to the NES, and it would be unfair for someone to get that many more bonuses because they have the time and ability to write multiple stories. This is also done to prevent poor story spam.

When asking about when the update will be up, keep in mind, that I have a life outside of NESing, and real life is always a priority to this. I will do my best to update in a timely manner, but constantly asking or complaining about the time taken to update is generally annoying. Anyone who has moderated an NES before can understand.

I also reserve the right to redact any player action, or consider it non-canon, and just make it disappear. If any action is ridiculous enough, or OOC enough, I do have the right to step in and just plain and simple make it not happen. I won't be abusing the power, and thankfully, never have really had to use it to any major extent. If you're ever that worried about whether or not your action will be IC (in-character) or not, it probably isn't. But just to humor you, feel free to ask me, and I will explain my position, and why you can or can't commit to that action.

If you were wondering what happens when you run out of manpower, let's just say, bad things. Since it's a representation of both men available to fight for you, and industry to support them, that means you are running on fumes. If you wish to recruit more ships, planes, tanks, or other non-living things, you can always get another country to recruit them for you, and work out a way to buy them. If you are in need of divisions, you're more or less out of luck. Recruiting more, once you ran out of manpower can also really hurt your economy. Just so you know.

On to the stats themselves...

This is the base template I have used for national stats.

Nation Name: Capitol
Political Status of the Nation
Government Type: Leader
Stability: 1-10
Economic Power: () /
Manpower: (+)[]
Army Experience: 1-10
Navy Experience: 1-10
Air Force:
Air Force Experience: 1-10

Nation Name: Capitol


Political Status of the Nation

If a nation is a dominion, a protectorate, or something else special, I mention it here.

Government Type: Leader

The type of government you have, and who the Head of State is. This can be changed if you want, or especially if your people want, through reform, or violent revolution. Be careful with how you do it though!

Stability: 1-10

How stable is your nation currently? If you are on the verge of a civil war or revolution, your stability number will be below 5. If your people are happy, or just terrified of the thought of revolt, you'll be higher than 5. 5 is just that grey zone.

Economic Power: () /

How much money your nation has to spend each turn. If there is a number in parethesis, that's your bank, or stored money, which can be used whenever is convenient for you. If you have a slash after your economic total, that's so you know how much of your total money is from your colonies. So if your economic stats read (5)50/10, that means you have 5 EP in the bank, 50 EP each turn, and 10 of that 50 EP is from your colonies. Economies can be grown through domestic investment, annexing new territories, or even just luck! Though, keep in mind you can lose money through many of the same means.

Manpower: (+-)[]

Is a sum of your population and industry available to your nation. Immigration, better medical technologies and general improvements will increase either your complete total, or your yearly increase. The initial number you see if your total manpower available. The number in parenthesis with a plus (or in some bad cases, a -) is your yearly increase. The numbers in brackets, if you have any, are the total population of your colonies, which have been kept seperate from your overall national population.

Army Experience: 1-10
Navy Experience: 1-10
Air Force:
Air Force Experience: 1-10

The units of your army, navy and air force will be represented here. If you have colonies, these aren't your total units, as units garrisoned in colonies will not be represented here, but on the colonial stats themselves. When you recruit a unit, they are instantly 'created', arcade style, and can be used in your orders for the turn you recruit them. The experience statistic is based off of how much fighting your soldiers have been doing, and how well they're doing in it. Just because you're in a war, doesn't mean your soldiers are getting more experience, for statistical purposes. After all, if your army runs away at every opportunity possible, it shouldn't be beneficial for you!

UU's, and Tech

Part of the fun in the previous SMW was a players ability to customize their own military with their own desgins. Designing Unique Units, or UU's, will be easy in this NES. Similar to Capto Iugulum (for those of you familiar with it), UU's have a series of different stats, with point values after it. Each point for a design costs 25 EP, though prices can be less, depending on technology you may get, or bonuses from the update. You can co-develop UU's with other nations, rework existing designs (though each point costs 50 EP, instead of 25. I also reserve the right to refuse this, depending on if players figure out a way to "game" the system. Infantry Units will cost 100 EP for a design, and each nation is only allowed to use 1 Infantry unit design at a time.

I will not be using a tech tree in this NES, as long as possible. Tech trees can be gamed by players, and generally (seem) to cause more problems than they are worth. Tech isn't the focus of this NES by any stretch, and should develop along similar lines as tech in real life. That being said, you "get technology" by developing new UUs, or embarking on brave new research projects. Technology also gets dispersed among all nations over a period of time, so if you find yourself technologically irrelevent, don't fret, as it's probably just a temporary set back.


Any nation has the ability to mobilize at any given time. In the NES, mobilization is the representation of your nations resources, industry and overall manpower being used towards the construction of military hardware and units to the fullest extent possible. The benefits of mobilization include getting twice as many units that you paid for, increased stability (everyone wants to lend a hand with the war effort, so long as it's a popular war!) along with a slight increase in both EP and MP. A mobilized nation should be able to outproduce non-mobilized nations easily, but being mobilized isn't exactly a good thing either. It severely limits the amount of money and industry being used on other non-military related activities (for this NES's purposes, most domestic projects not directly related to your war are going to be stalled, stopped or completely shutdown), and if used innapropriately, could hamper your economy in the post-war world. I would recommend against mobilizing unless it's absolutely necessary- see how far you can manage to go, without commiting the entirety of your nation's resources towards winning the war!


A nation can disband, or scuttle it's military at whim. It will receive 1/2 the total EP cost of the units, and 1/2 the total Manpower cost of the units back.

Generic Unit Pricings UU's can become generic after mass distribution. Units like these will be in Italics.

Infantry Brigade: 5 EP and 5 manpower, for 1 Brigade
Destroyer: 5 EP and 1 Manpower, for 1 ship.
Cruiser: 15 EP and 1 Manpower for 1 Ship
Dreadnought: 40 EP and 5 Manpower for 1 ship.
Submarines: 10 EP and 1 Manpower for 1 ship.
Zeppelin: 5 EP and 1 Manpower for 1 Zeppelin
Fighter Squadron: 10 EP and 1 Manpower for 1 Squadron
Xiaolong H-I Bomber Squadron: 15 EP and 1 Manpower for 1 Squadron
Warkers Mod I: 15 EP and 1 Manpower for 1 Brigade
Spoiler :

Leopold Warker Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 20 EP and 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Approved For Production: The German Empire
Against Infantry: 1
Armor: 1
Speed: 1
Reliability: 2

Warkers Carrier "Apache" Mod I
Spoiler :

Cost: 25 EP and 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1922
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Approved For Production: The United States of America
Against Infantry: 1
Armor: 1
Speed: 2
Reliability: 2

Spoiler :

Warkers Mod I
Spoiler :

Cost: 15 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1916
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Approved For Production: The United States of America, The German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire
Against Infantry: 2
Against Armor: 1
Armor: 1
Speed: 1
Reliability: 1

Warkers "Bison" Mod II
Spoiler :

Cost: 30 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1918
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Approved For Production: The United States of America
Against Infantry: 2
Against Armor: 3
Armor: 2
Speed: 1
Reliability: 3

Hindenburg Light Warker
Spoiler :

Cost: 30 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1917
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Approved For Production: The German Empire, The Republic of Ireland, Spain, The United States of America, The Ottoman Empire, The Chinese Empire
Against Infantry: 2
Against Armor: 2
Armor: 1
Speed: 2
Reliability: 2

Congressional M-1 Warker
Spoiler :

Cost: 25 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: Sweden, Portugal, Belgium
Nations Approved For Production: Sweden, Portugal, Belgium
Against Infantry: 3
Against Armor: 1
Armor: 1
Speed: 1
Reliability: 1

Conquistador Warker
Spoiler :

Cost: 45 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1925
Developed By: Italy, Spain
Nations Approved For Production: Italy, Spain
Against Infantry: 4
Against Armor: 4
Armor: 1
Speed: 2
Reliability: 2

Pimlico Model 1 Warker
Spoiler :

Cost: 30 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1925
Developed By: The United Kingdom
Nations Approved For Production: The United Kingdom
Against Infantry: 4
Against Armor: 1
Armor: 1
Speed: 2
Reliability: 1

Infantry Units
Spoiler :

Lion Battalions
Spoiler :

Cost: 7 EP, 10 MP for 1 Division
Developed In: 1917
Developed By: Sweden
Notes: Made from Sweden's bravest units.

Iron Guard Battalions
Spoiler :

Cost: 12 EP, 10 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: Spain
Notes: Limited Warker attachment included.

United States Marine Corp
Spoiler :

Cost: 10 EP, 10 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1924
Developed By: The United States of America
Notes: Excellent for amphibious invasions.

Spoiler :

Cost: 10 EP, 10 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1924
Developed By: Denmark
Notes: Fights using 'infiltration tactics'.

Spoiler :

Subsurface-Class Submarines
Spoiler :

Cost: 15 EP, 1 MP; 1 Submarine
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The United Kingdom
Nations Able To Use: The United Kingdom
Weapon: 2
Armor: 1
Speed: 2
Reliability: 1

Barracuda-Class Submarines
Spoiler :

Cost: 23 EP, 1 MP; 1 Submarine
Developed In: 1924
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Weapons: 2
Armour: 1
Speed: 3
Reliability: 2

Dreadnoughts and Battleships
Spoiler :

Kaiser-Class Dreadnought
Spoiler :

Cost: 50 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1916
Developed By: Germany
Nations Able To Use: The German Empire, The Japanese Empire, The Dutch Empire, Brazil, The Andean Republic, The United States of America, The Kingdom of Italy, The Ottoman Empire
Weapon: 4
Armor: 4
Speed: 2
Reliability: 4

California-Class Battlecruiser
Spoiler :

Cost: 45 EP, 2 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1917
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Weapon: 3
Armor: 3
Speed: 4
Reliability: 4

Littorio-Class Battleship
Spoiler :

Cost: 55 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1918
Developed By: The Kingdom of Italy
Nations Able To Use: The Kingdom of Italy
Weapon: 5
Armor: 4
Speed: 1
Reliability: 3

New Jersey-Class Dreadnought
Spoiler :

Cost: 62 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Weapon: 6
Armor: 4
Speed: 1
Reliability: 3

Nelson-Class Battleship
Spoiler :

Cost: 55 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The United Kingdom
Nations Able To Use: The United Kingdom
Weapon: 3
Armor: 4
Speed: 2
Reliability: 4

Conte di Cavour-Class Battleship
Spoiler :

Cost: 63 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1922
Developed By: The Kingdom of Italy
Nations Able To Use: The Kingdom of Italy
Weapon: 5
Armor: 2
Speed: 3
Reliability: 4

Aircraft Carriers
Spoiler :

Lexington-Class Aircraft Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 62 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Defenses: 1
Speed: 1
Reliability: 1
Capacity: 1 Fighter Squadron

Centurion-Class Aircraft Carrier

Spoiler :

Cost: 80 EP, 3 MP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1924
Developed By: The Kingdom of Italy
Nations Able To Use: The Kingdom of Italy, The Second Spanish Empire, The Empire of Japan
Defenses: 1
Speed: 2
Reliability: 2
Capacity: 1 Fighter Squadron

Moltke-Class Aircraft Carrier

Spoiler :

Cost: 100 EP, 5 MP for 1 Ship
Developed In: 1924
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Able To Use: The German Empire
Defenses: 3
Speed: 2
Reliability: 2
Capacity: 2 Fighter Squadrons

Spoiler :

Mitsubishi IS1M
Spoiler :

Cost: 13 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1918
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Japanese Empire, Indochina, Siam
Weapons: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 1
Reliability: 1

Bordeaux 19'
Spoiler :

Cost: 13 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The French Empire
Nations approved for Production: The French Empire, The Kingdom of Spain, Crimea
Weapons: 1
Speed: 1
Range: 2
Reliability: 2

Curtiss P-1 Hawk
Spoiler :

Cost: 17 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations approved for Production: The United States of America, The German Empire
Weapons: 1
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 3

Mitsubishi IS2M
Spoiler :

Cost: 25 EP, 2 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1924
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Japanese Empire, The Second Spanish Empire
Weapons: 2
Speed: 3
Range: 3
Reliability: 3

Spoiler :

Cost: 20 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1925
Developed By: The United Kingdom
Nations approved for Production: The United Kingdom
Weapons: 2
Speed: 3
Range: 2
Reliability: 2

Bordeaux 25'
Spoiler :

Cost: 23 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1925
Developed By: The Third French Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Third French Empire
Weapons: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 3
Reliability: 2

Spoiler :

Xiaolong H-I
Spoiler :

Cost: 15 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1916
Developed By: The Chinese Empire
Nations approved for Production: All
Defenses: 1
Payload: 2
Speed: 1
Range: 1
Reliability: 2

Douglass LB-3
Spoiler :

Cost: 22 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations approved for Production: The United States of America, The German Empire
Defenses: 1
Payload: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Reliability: 2

The Kiki B1
Spoiler :

Cost: 25 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Japanese Empire
Defenses: 1
Payload: 3
Speed: 1
Range: 2
Reliability: 1
The Entente- The United Kingdom, The Third French Empire, Russia, The Confederate States of America, the Mexican Empire, the Dominions of the United Kingdom Dissolved With the Signing of the Treaties of London, Paris, and Boston, in 1917
The Quadruple Alliance-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, The United States of America Broken, as of 1918
The Commonwealth- The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Bhutan, Nepal
The Tokyo-London Defensive Alliance-Japan, The United Kingdom Broken, as of 1914
Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere-Japan, Siam, Indochina
The Treaty of Jinan-Germany, China, The United States of America
The Treaty of San Clemente- The United States of America, Colombia, Venezuela, Andean Republic, Brazil, The Republic of Mexico(1917), Bolivia (1919), Ecuador(1919), Chile(1919), Argentina(1919), Nicaragua(1919), Suriname(1919), Guiana(1919), Uruguay(1919), Paraguay(1919)
The Congress of Nations- Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium Broken, as of 1924
The Ottoman-Bulgarian Alliance- The Kingdom of Bulgaria, The Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman-German Alliance- The German Empire, The Ottoman Empire
The Italian-Montenegrin Alliance- The Kingdom of Italy, The Kingdom of Montenegro
The Italian-Austrian Alliance- The Kingdom of Italy, The Austro-Hungarian Empire Broken, as of 1922
The Madrid-Berlin Pact The German Empire, Spain Broken, as of the Great Ottoman War
The Italian-Swedish Alliance- The Kingdom of Italy, Sweden Dissolved with the signing of the Treaty of Kiel
The Montreal Pact The United States of America, Quebec
Pact of the Crescent Saudi Arabia, Persia
Quebecois-Aleyskan Alliance La Republique Indépendant du Québec, The Republic of Aleyska
Brussels-Berlin Pact The Commonwealth of Belgium, The German Empire
The Treaty of Medellin The United States of America, The Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Colombia, Haiti

The Charter of the Congress of Nations, 1915 The Republic of Portugal, Manuel de Arriaga; Sweden, Gustav V; Switzerland, Arthur Hoffman; Belgium; 1918, Leopold I

Treaty of Copenhagen, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm II; Sweden, Gustav V; Denmark, Christian X; Norway, Haakon VII

Treaty of London, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm II; The United Kingdom, David Lloyd George; The Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele III

Treaty of Tokyo, 1917 The Empire of Japan, Taishō; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George; The Kingdom of Siam, Vajiravudh; The Russian Empire, Nicholas II; The Third French Empire, Napoleon IV

Treaty of Boston, 1917 The United States of America, Theodore Roosevelt; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George

Treaty of Dublin, 1917 The Republic of Ireland, Liam McCourt; The German Empire, Wilhelm II;

Treaty of London, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm II; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George; The Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele III; The Kingdom of Spain, Alfonso XIII

Treaty of Buenos Aires, 1917 Argentina previously La Plata, Earl Stanley Baldwin; Brazil, Venceslau Brás; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George

Treaty of Paris, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm II; The Third French Empire, Napoleon IV; The Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele III

Treaty of Barcelona, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm II; The Kingdom of Spain, Alfonso XIII; The The Republic of Portugal, Bernadino Mercado

Treaty of the Balkans, 1918 The Ottoman Empire, Mehmed V; The Kingdom of Greece, Constantine I; The Kingdom of Bulgaria, Ferdinand I; The Kingdom of Romania, Carol I

Treaty of Königsberg, 1918 The German Empire, Wilhelm II; The Russian Union, Georgy Gref; The Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Joseph I; The Kingdom of Romania, Carol I; The Kingdom of Montenegro, Nicholas I

Treaty of Taranto, 1919 The Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele III; The Kingdom of Montenegro, Nicholas I; The Principality of Albania, Prince William I

Pact of Medina, 1919 The Ottoman Empire, Mehmed IV; The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud

Montreal Pact, 1922 The United States of American, Alexander Palmer; La Republique Indépendant du Québec, Pierre Thomas Brown

Treaty of Dammam, 1922 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud; Persia, Ahmad Shah Qajar

The Brussels-Berlin Pact, 1922 The Commonwealth of Belgium, Albert I; The German Empire, Wilhelm II

Treaty of Muscat, 1922 The United Kingdom, H.H. Asquith; Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud

Treaty of Riyadh, 1922 The Second Spanish Empire, Nicholas Estardo; Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud; Kingdom of Persia, Ahmad Shah Qajar

Treaty of Palermo, 1922 The Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele III; The Ottoman Empire, Mehmed VI

Baltic Pact, 1922 The German Empire, Wilhelm II; Republic of Finland, Paavo Vanhanen; Denmark, Christian X

Treaty of Port-au-Prince, 1923 The United States of America, Alexander Palmer; The Dominican Republic, Francisco Henriquez; Haiti, Emergency Government of 1923

The Saint-Joachim Agreement, 1923 La Republique Indépendant du Québec, Pierre Thomas Brown; Republic of Aleyska, Ivan Streckli

The Treaty of Kiel, 1923 The German Empire, Wilhelm II; Sweden, Gustaf V; Denmark, Christian X; Norway, Haakon VII

The Treaty of Richmond, 1923 The United States of America, Alexander Palmer; The Confederate States of America, Daniel Blaine

The Madrid-Rome Compact, 1923 The Second Spanish Empire, Nicholas Estardo; The Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele III

The Teaty of Istria, 1924 The Austro-Hungarian Empire, Charles I; The Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele III

The Treaty of Honolulu, 1924 The Empire of Japan, Taishō; The United States of America, Alexander Palmer

The Treaty of Lecce, 1925 The Kingdom of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuele III' The Second Spanish Empire, Nicholas Estardo; The Greek Republic, General Antonis Merikoki

Current Wars

Name: The Great Ottoman War
When: 1925-
Who: The Second Spanish Empire, The Kingdom of Italy, Saudi Arabia, Persia VS. The Ottoman Empire, The German Empire

Name: Chinese Civil War
When: 1923-
Who: The Empire of Japan VS. The Chinese Empire VS. Chinese Republicans VS. Warlord Cliques

Name: Arab Rebellion
When: 1922-
Who: The Ottoman Empire VS. Arab Rebels
Other: See Also; The Great Ottoman War

Name: Austro-Hungarian Civil War
When: 1919-
Who: The Austro-Hungarian Empire, Greece(1923-24) VS. Slav Rebels

Name: Lima War
When: 1914-1915
Who: Chile vs. Peru
Description: Peru, always described as being relatively unstable had apparently planned a hostile take over of Chile. Chile took the fight to Peru however, and launched a surprise invasion quickly pushing back their under-powered Peruvian defenders. The fighting ultimately ending in mass amounts of Peruvians surrendering to the Chilean army. The Peruvian president Benavides was also exiled to Brazil. Peru was completely annexed, and the Andean Confederation was formed.

Name: The Wars of Scandinavian Unification
When: 1915-1917
Who: Norway, Denmark, (Germany) vs. Sweden (Great Britain)
Description: In Sweden, a odd slightly Fascist movement had been building up in the years leading to the war. The movement clung to the idea that all of Scandinavia should be united under one banner. The war began when a Swedish fleet entered into Copenhagen, and destroyed much of the Danish fleet. From their, and invasion of Jutland went forth, with fighting throughout the Peninsula. Norway declared its support for Denmark, after a diplomatic breakdown between the nations. After another year of fighting throughout the region, and Sweden playing Germany and Britain off against each other, the conflict ended in what is more or less a tie.
Other: Some scholars argue that this was as much a theater of the Great War, as Iberia, or North America. A separate war, but a theater nonetheless. While many Swedes were against the war from the outset, large portions of the original movement remains, with many people joining after the war, because of what they viewed as mistreatment by the British and Germans.

Name: Italo-Albanian War
When: 1918
Who: The Kingdom of Italy, Montenegro vs. Albania
Description: Albania, long lacking a stable government, came into conflict with Italy, after Italian ships stationed themselves off the Albanian coast. After a year of unsuccessful diplomacy, Albanian cannons fired at Italian ships, after they went too close to the Albanian coast. Italy soon declared war afterwords, bringing their Montenegrin allies into the battle. The war was fought fairly quickly, and was a very mobile war. The more experienced Italian troops clearly came out on top, as the whole of Albania was occupied before the year was up.
Other: Strong condemnations came from many nations in Europe, such as Germany. A more stable government was set up in Albania, the nation becoming a dominion of Italy.

Name: The Great War
When: 1914-1918
Who: The German Empire, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, The Kingdom of Italy, The United States of America, The Japanese Empire, Bulgaria, Abyssinia, The Ottoman Empire, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia,The Chinese Empire, Siam, Spain VS. The United Kingdom, The Third French Empire, The Empire of Mexico, Bhutan, Nepal, La Plata, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, The Confederate States of America, The Russian Empire, The Ottoman Empire, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Belgium, Portugal
Description: See LoE's history of it here, here and here.
Other: The greatest conflict in human history, up to this point. Ireland, Finland, Belarus, Crimea, Estonia, Cuba, Suriname, Guiana, Mexico, Alyeska, Indochina, and by extension the Transvaal Republic all gained state ship during this war, or soon thereafter. The British and French Empire's influence in world affairs began waning after being almost completely shut out from the Pacific, and the Americas.

The German and American navy's both ended up becoming the pre-eminant naval forces on the planet, while several other nations greatly expanded influence, and territory. Spain soon after became the worlds first Fascist state, for many reasons caused by this conflict. The Russian Civil War is also a direct consequence of this war.

Name: The Franco-Spanish Invasion of Abyssinia
When: 1921
Who: The Kingdom of Spain, The Third French Empire VS. Abyssinia, Addis Ababa Rebels
Description: In the midst of a Civil War, Abyssinia was invaded by the Franco-Spanish alliance, and was promptly split between the two nations.
Other: Led to a rebirth in the Spanish Imperial spirit, was an attempt at reasserting French power in Africa

Name: The Russian Civil War
When: 1918-1922
Who: The Russian Union VS. The Russian Monarchists, The Condor Legion (Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands)[Left in 1921], The Spanish Foreign Legion (Spain, France, Persia)[Left in 1921], Japan [Left in 1921 VS. The Bolsheviks
Description: After their terrible losses in the Great War, the Russian Republic fell to the revolutionary tides of Bolshevism.

Name: The Spanish Invasion of Liberia
When: 1922
Who: Liberia VS The Second Spanish Empire
Description: Border transgressions between the two nations ended with a Spanish invasion of the African state, and prompt take over.

Name: The Second War of Scandinavian Unification
When: 1922
Who: Sweden VS The German Empire, Norway, Denmark
Description: Oddly enough, at the encouraging of Norway, Sweden launched an all out attack on Denmark, in the hopes of quickly taking it over, and reestablishing itself as the top player in Scandinavian politics. German intervention made this almost impossible, and Sweden's hopes for Pan-Scandinavianism were quickly dashed.

Name: The Haitian War
When: 1920-1922
Who: Haiti VS The United States of America, The Dominican Republic
Description: An attempted assassination of the Dominican President by a Haitian nationalist caused a military response by the Dominican Republic, aided by the United States.

Name: The Greco-Italian War
When: 1923-1924
Who: The Kingdom of Greece VS The Second Spanish Empire, The Kingdom of Italy
Description: The start of the war was muddled in controversy and politicking; the end of the war was a bit more clear. The Spanish and Italian expeditionary force completely overwhelmed the Greek Army, which was split due to the Greek Monarchy's attempt at invading Italy through the Balkans. Complete victory in hand, the Spanish and Italians threw their support behind the Republican Greeks in the Greek Civil War.
Spoiler North American stats :

The Tsardom of Aleyska: Sitka
Constitutional Monarchy: Cyril Vladimirovich
Stability: 7
Economic Power: (5)54
Manpower: 46(+1)
Army: 1 Division
Army Experience: 8
Navy: 2 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: 1 Fighter Squadron
Air Force Experience: 1

The Dominion of Canada: Toronto
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Constitutional Monarchy: David Robinson
Stability: 3
Economic Power: 99
Manpower: 315(+2)
Army: 10 Divisions
Army Experience: 6
Navy: 15 Cruisers, 23 Destroyers, 5 Submarines
Navy Experience: 5
Air Force: 5 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

The Confederate States of America: Richmond
Confederal Republic: William W. Brandon
Stability: 6
Economic Power: (365)275
Manpower: 1,320(+5)
Army: 30 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

The Republic of Cuba: Havana
Presidential Republic: Alfredo Machado
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 19
Manpower: 307(+2)
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: 5 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

The Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo
Presidential Republic: Francisco Henriquez
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 16
Manpower: 92(+1)
Army: 4 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: 1 Destroyer
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Haiti: Port-au-Prince
Protectorate of the United States of America
Presidential Republic: Jean Perot
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 6
Manpower: 112(+1)
Army: None.
Army Experience: None.
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

The Republic of Mexico: Mexico City
Presidential Republic: Manuel Torreblanca
Stability: 6
Economic Power: (4)69
Manpower: 841(+3)
Army: 22 Divisions
Army Experience: 6
Navy: 5 Armored Cruisers, 1 Destroyer
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

The Dominion of Newfoundland, Labrador and New Brunswick: St. John's
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Constitutional Monarchy: Kyle Burnett
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 45
Manpower: 112(+2)
Army: 2 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Nicaragua: Managua
American Protectorate
Presidential Republic: Adam Suplee
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 24
Manpower: 308(+2)
Army: 1 Division
Army Experience: 1
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Republic of Quebec: Quebec City
Parliamentary Republic: Pierre Thomas Brown
Stability: 9
Economic Power: (60)78
Manpower: 218(+2)
Army: 5 Divisions
Army Experience: 7
Navy: 1 Destroyer
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: 2 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

The United States of America: Philadelphia
Presidential Republic: Alexander Palmer
Stability: 8
Economic Power: (26)564/16
Manpower: 6,660(+20)[259]
Army: 89 Divisions, 4 Marine Brigades, 9 Mod I Armored Divisions, 12 Mod II "Bison" Divisions, 4 Warkers Carrier Apache Mod I
Army Experience: 9
Navy: 32 Dreadnoughts, 39 Cruisers, 116 Destroyers, 58 Submarines, 2 Barracuda-class Submarines 17 California-class Battlecruisers, 8 New Jersey-class Dreadnought, 4 Lexington-class Aircraft Carriers, 1 Moltke-class Aircraft Carrier
Navy Experience: 8
Air Force: 18 Fighter Squadrons, 18 Curtiss P-1 "Hawks" Squadrons, 6 Douglass LB-3s Bombers
Air Force Experience: 6
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

Puerto Rico
Stability: 7
Manpower: 115
Economic Power: 2
Garrison: 1 Division.

The Sandwich Islands
Stability: 7
Manpower: 18
Economic Power: 7
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 10 Destroyers, 1 California-Class Battlecruiser, 1 New Jersey Class Dreadnought, 3 Fighter Squadrons

The Bahamas
Stability: 5
Manpower: 7
Economic Power: 3
Garrison: 2 Divisions

Stability: 5
Manpower: 85
Economic Power: 2
Garrison: 2 Divisions, 5 Destroyers, 1 Curtiss P-1 "Hawks" Squadron

American Lesser Antilles
Stability: 6
Manpower: 33
Economic Power: 2
Garrison: 1 Division, 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 2 Fighter Squadrons

South Atlantic Islands
Stability: 8
Manpower: 1
Economic Power: 0
Garrison: 5 Destroyers

Spoiler South American Stats :

Andean Republic: Santiago
Parliamentary Democracy: Pedro Canto
Stability: 10
Economic Power: (160)228
Manpower: 945(+3)
Army: 23 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 1 Dreadnought, 12 Cruisers, 8 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Navy Experience: 3
Air Force: 2 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 2

Argentina: Buenos Aires
Constitutional Republic: Earl Stanley Baldwin
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 119
Manpower: 808(+2)
Army: 10 Divisions
Army Experience: 4
Navy: 1 Dreadnought, 7 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: 8 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

Bolivia: Sucre
Military Junta: Bautista Saavedra
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 44
Manpower: 196(+1)
Army: 4 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Brazil: Rio de Janeiro
Protector of Suriname
Presidential Republic: Delfirm Rodrigues
Stability: 9
Economic Power: (326)246
Manpower: 2,767(+7)
Army: 35 Divisions
Army Experience: 7
Navy: 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 5 Dreadnoughts, 16 Cruisers, 14 Destroyers, 14 Submarines
Navy Experience: 5
Air Force: 17 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

Colombia: Bogota
Presidential Republic: Jose Vicente Concha
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 105
Manpower: 627(+3)
Army: 16 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 1 Dreadnought, 5 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Ecuador: Quito
Presidential Republic: Luis Cordova
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 77/0
Manpower: 209(+1)[1]
Army: 9 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 8 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: 2 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-1 Bomber Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

The Galapagos Islands
Stability 8
Manpower: 1
Economic Power: 0

Guiana: Cayenne
Presidential Republic: Olivier Cajon
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 7
Manpower: 2
Army: 1 Division
Army Experience: 1
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Paraguay: Asunción
Military Dictatorship: Eduardo Schaerer
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 19
Manpower: 89(+1)
Army: 2 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 3 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None

Suriname: Paramaribo
Protectorate of Brazil
Presidential Republic: James Ryan
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 13
Manpower: 11
Army: 1 Division
Army Experience: 2
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Uruguay: Montevideo
Presidential Republic: Jose Batlle
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 38
Manpower: 104(+1)
Army: 2 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 3 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Venezuela: Caracas
Military Dictatorship: Juan vicente Gomez
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 94
Manpower: 320(+2)
Army: 12 Divisions
Army Experience: 6
Navy: 4 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Spoiler African Stats :

The Kingdom of Egypt: Cairo
Dominion of Italy
Constitutional Monarchy: Omar II
Stability: 8
Economic Power: (39)68
Manpower: 786(+3)
Army: 12 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 2 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Experience: N/A

The Union of South Africa: Cape Town
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Parliamentary Democracy: J. B. M. Hertzog
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 140
Manpower: 690(+4)
Army: 11 Divisions
Army Experience: 7
Navy: 12 Cruisers, 16 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: 7 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: None.

The Transvaal Republic: Pretoria
Parlimentary Democracy: Andries Graaf
Stability: 6
Economic Power: (15)65
Manpower: 237(+1)
Army: 6 Divisions
Army Experience: 8
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.
Spoiler Asian Stats :

Afghanistan: Kabul
Absolute Monarchy: Amānullāh Khān
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 46
Manpower: 528(+1)
Army: 15 Divisions
Army Experience: 1
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Bhutan: Thimpu
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Absolute Monarchy: Ugyen
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 14
Manpower: 35
Army: 1 Division
Army Experience: 1
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Far Eastern Russian Republic: Vladivostock
Emergency Government: Igor Zolot
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 39
Manpower: 79(+1)
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Indochina: Hanoi
Japanese Dominion
Absolute Monarchy: Nguyen Anh
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 73
Manpower: 1,487(+10)
Army: 15 Division
Army Experience: 4
Navy: 5 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Japanese Empire: Tokyo
Absolute Monarchy: Emperor Taishō
Stability: 6
Economic Power: (57)506/119
Manpower: 4,617(+6)[3,061]
Army: 67 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 7 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 24 Dreadnoughts, 36 Cruisers, 69 Destroyers, 70 Submarines
Navy Experience: 8
Air Force: 6 ISIM Squadrons, 6 Fighter Squadrons, 3 Kiki B1 Bombers
Air Force Experience: 5
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

The Philippines
Stability: 7
Manpower: 1,149
Economic Power: 25
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 1 Dreadnought, 7 Cruisers, 12 Destroyers, 10 Submarines

Stability: 6
Manpower: 150
Economic Power: 12
Garrison: 10 Divisions 5 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers, 5 Submarines

Japanese Melanesia
Stability: 6
Manpower: 12
Economic Power: 5
Garrison: 1 Dreadnought, 4 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers

Japanese Polynesia
Stability: 8
Manpower: 15
Economic Power: 5
Garrison: 1 Destroyer

Stability: 6
Manpower: 425
Economic Power: 20
Garrison: 6 Divisions, 5 Destroyers

Manchukuo (occupied)
Stability: 1
Manpower: 23,545
Economic Power: 20
Garrison: 17 Divisions

Stability: 5
Manpower: 1,280
Economic Power: 38
Garrison: 25 Divisions, 15 Destroyers

Aleutian Islands
Stability: 8
Manpower: 2
Economic Power: 1
Garrison: 2 Destroyers

Hong Kong
Stability: 6
Manpower: 34
Economic Power: 3
Garrison: 1 Division

Spoiler Qing Expedition :

68 Divisions, 3 IS2M Fighter Squadrons, 2 Kiki B1 Bomber Squadrons

Nepal: Kathmandu
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Absolute Monarchy: Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 20
Manpower: 566(+2)
Army: 2 Divisions
Army Experience: 4
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Persia: Tehran
Absolute Monarchy: Ahmad Shah Qajar
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 115 [Mobilized]
Manpower: 1,407(+2)
Army: 57 Divisions
Army Experience: 4
Navy: 30 Cruisers, 12 Submarines
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: 20 Fighter Squadrons, 14 Xiaolong H-1 Bombers
Air Force Experience: 1

Saudi Arabia: Riyadh
Absolute Monarchy: Ibn Saud
Stability: 8
Economic Power: (15)39
Manpower: 5(+4)
Army: 25 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 17 Cruisers
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: 2 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

Siam: Bangkok
Absolute Monarchy: Prajadhipok
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 151
Manpower: 933(+3)
Army: 65 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 1 Dreadnought, 7 Cruisers, 8 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Navy Experience: 3
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Spoiler European Stats :

Principality of Albania: Durrës
Protectorate of Italy
Absolute Monarchy: Prince William
Stability: 3
Economic Power: 23
Manpower: 80(+1)
Army: 2 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: 5 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Austro-Hungarian Empire: Vienna
Constitutional Monarchy: Charles I
Stability: 1
Economic Power: 253/75
Manpower: 6,054(+5)[2,755]
Army: 59 Divisions
Army Experience: 7
Navy: 16 Dreadnoughts, 13 Cruisers, 20 Destroyers, 16 Submarines
Navy Experience: 3
Air Force: 6 Zeppelins, 8 Xiaolong H-I Bomber Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 2
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

Stability: 1
Manpower: 205
Economic Power: 0

Stability: 1
Manpower: 180
Economic Power: 30
Garrison: 12 Divisions

Stability: 1
Manpower: 2,085
Economic Power: 45
Garrison: 30 Divisions

J.K. Stockholme
Belgium: Brussels
Constitutional Monarchy: Albert I
Stability: 5
Economic Power: (55)187/45
Manpower: 308(+2)[650]
Army: 20 Divisions
Army Experience: 4
Navy: 15 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

Stability: 6
Manpower: 650
Economic Power: 45
Garrison: 10 Divisions

Bulgaria: Sofia
Absolute Monarchy: Ferdinand I
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 47
Manpower: 371
Army: 9 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 2 Destroyers
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Crimea: Simferopol
Parliamentary Republic: Viktor Azarov
Stability: 7
Economic Power: (30)58
Manpower: 159(+1)
Army: 6 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 3 Cruisers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: 1 Squadron
Air Force Experience: 1

Denmark: Copenhagen
Constitutional Monarchy: Christian X
Stability: 7
Economic Power: (67)122/45
Manpower: 38(+6)[14]
Army: 31 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 9 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 5
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

Stability: 9
Manpower: 2
Economic Power: 3
Garrison: 2 Cruisers

Stability: 7
Manpower: 9
Economic Power: 27
Garrison: 2 Divisions, 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers

Danish Virgin Islands
Stability: 8
Manpower: 3
Economic Power: 15
Garrison: 2 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers

The Kingdom of the Netherlands: Amsterdam
Constitutional Monarchy: Wilhelmina
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 234/75
Manpower: 668(+2)[4,520]
Army: 18 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 1 Dreadnought, 13 Cruisers, 21 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: 10 Zeppelins, 6 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

Dutch East Indies
Stability: 3
Manpower: 4,525
Economic Power: 68
Garrison: 10 Divisions, 15 Colonial Divisions, 1 Kaiser-class Dreadnought 7 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 3 Submarines, 4 Zeppelins, 2 Fighter Squadrons

Dutch Antilles
Stability: 9
Manpower: 5
Economic Power: 7
Garrison: 3 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers

Estonia: Tallinn
German Protectorate
Absolute Monarchy: Andrus I
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 69
Manpower: 331(+3)
Army: 15 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: 4 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: None.

Finland: Helsinki
Presidential Republic: Paavo Vanhanen
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 13/71
Manpower: 189(+1)
Army: 15 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 2 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

The Third French Empire: Paris
Constitutional Monarchy: Napoleon V
Stability: 4
Economic Power: (580)386/74
Manpower: 3,844(+3)[1,326]
Army: 48 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 12 Dreadnoughts, 22 Cruisers, 25 Destroyers, 15 Submarines
Navy Experience: 4
Air Force: 4 Bordeaux 19' Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 3
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

French Abyssinia
Stability: 5
Manpower: 190
Economic Power: 14
Garrison: 9 Divisions, 2 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers

French Sudan
Stability: 5
Manpower: 855
Economic Power: 45
Garrison: 10 Divisions, 2 Cruisers, 6 Destroyers

Stability: 7
Manpower: 280
Economic Power: 25
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 1 Dreadnought, 4 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers, 5 Submarines

French South Atlantic Islands
Stability: 9
Manpower: 1
Economic Power: 0
Garrison: None.

The German Empire: Berlin
Absolute Monarchy: Kaiser Wilhelm II
Stability: 6
Economic Power: (50)642/136
Manpower: 7,685(+12)[2,254]
Army: 92 Divisions, 15 Hindenburg Light Divisions, 2 Leopard Carriers
Army Experience: 9
Navy: 3 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 24 Dreadnoughts, 27 Cruisers, 40 Destroyers, 50 Submarines, 1 Moltke-Class Aircraft Carrier
Navy Experience: 7
Air Force: 13 Zeppelins, 5 Fighter Squadrons, 5 Xiaolong H-1 Bomber Squadrons, 2 Curtiss P-1 Hawk Fighters, 1 Douglass LB-3 Bomber
Air Force Experience: 4
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

German Nigeria
Stability: 5
Manpower: 565
Economic Power: 25
Garrison: 5 Divisions

German East Africa
Stability: 7
Manpower: 710
Economic Power: 20
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg Light Division, 2 Dreadnoughts, 4 Cruisers, 6 Destroyers, 4 Submarines

German Sudan
Stability: 6
Manpower: 310
Economic Power: 13
Garrison: 2 Divisions

Stability: 8
Manpower: 370
Economic Power: 15
Garrison: 1 Division, 2 Destroyers

Stability: 8
Manpower: 97
Economic Power: 5
Garrison: 2 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers

German Pacific Islands
Stability: 5
Manpower: 75
Economic Power: 10
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 2 Dreadnoughts, 6 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers, 10 Submarines

German South Africa
Stability: 8
Manpower: 40
Economic Power: 15
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 2 Hindenburg Light Divisions

German New Guinea
Stability: 4
Manpower: 30
Economic Power: 10
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 5 Cruisers, 8 Destroyers, 5 Submarines

German Samoa
Stability: 9
Manpower: 6
Economic Power: 2
Garrison: 2 Destroyers

Stability: 9
Manpower: 11
Economic Power: 5
Garrison: 1 Cruiser

Stability: 8
Manpower: 38
Economic Power: 2
Garrison: 1 Cruiser, 3 Destroyers

Suez Canal Zone
Stability: 10
Manpower: 2
Economic Power: 5
Garrison: 2 Divisions

Spoiler Ottoman Defense Expeditionary Force :

19 Divisions, 4 Hindenburg Light Brigades,1 Leopard Carrier, 3 Xiaolong H-1 Bomber Squadrons, 4 Zeppelins, 2 Moltke-Class Carriers, 2 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 18 Dreadnoughts, 7 Cruisers, 19 Destroyers, 20 Submarines, 4 Curtiss P-1 Hawk Fighters

Republic of Greece: Patras
Transitional Governemnt: General Pergantas
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 13
Manpower: 4(+2)
Army: 4 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Ireland: Dublin
Constitutional Republic: Liam McCourt
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 73
Manpower: 428(+2)
Army: 10 Divisions, 2 Hindenburg Light Divisions
Army Experience: 4
Navy: 2 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Navy Experience:
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

The Kingdom of Italy: Rome
Protector of Albania
Constitutional Monarchy: Victor Emmanuel III
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 384/68
Manpower: 3,282(+2)[764]
Army: 25 Divisions
Army Experience: 6
Navy: 2 Littorio-Class Battleships, 12 Dreadnoughts, 13 Cruisers, 12 Destroyers, 10 Submarines, 2 Conte di Cavour Battleships, 2 Centurion-Class Aircraft Carriers
Navy Experience: 7
Air Force: 24 Zeppelins, 8 Fighter Squadrons, 5 Xiaolong H-1 Bomber Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 2
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

Stability: 6
Manpower: 105
Economic Power: 8
Garrison: 5 Divisions

Italian East Africa
Stability: 5
Manpower: 65
Economic Power: 12
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 5 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers

Stability: 2
Manpower: 415
Economic Power: 15
Garrison: 10 Divisions

Stability: 4
Manpower: 27
Economic Power: 10
Garrison: 4 Divisions

Stability: 6
Manpower: 210
Economic Power: 15
Garrison: 2 Divisions

Aegean Islands
Stability: 5
Manpower: 20
Economic Power: 3
Garrison: 1 Littorio-Class Battleship, 2 Dreadnoughts, 7 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers, 4 Divisons

Ionian Islands
Stability: 6
Manpower: 5
Economic Power: 0
Garrison: 2 Divisions

Stability: 1
Manpower: 10
Economic Power: 0
Garrison: 4 Divisions

Suez Canal Zone
Stability: 10
Manpower: 2
Economic Power: 5
Garrison: 3 Divisions

Spoiler Levant Expedition :

14 Divisions, 5 Conquistador Warker Brigades

Luxembourg: Luxembourg
Constitutional Monarchy: Duchess Charlotte
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 26
Manpower: 30
Army: 2 Divisions
Army Experience: 1
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

The Kingdom of Macedonia: Skopje
Absolute Monarchy: King Alexander
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 17
Manpower: 110(+1)
Army: 7 Divisions
Army Experience: 9
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: 2 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

The Kingdom of Montenegro: Cetinje
Absolute Monarchy: Nicholas I
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 45
Manpower: 36(+1)
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Norway: Oslo
Constitutional Monarchy: Haakon VII
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 117
Manpower: 231(+3)
Army: 14 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg Light Warker
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 1 Dreadnought, 11 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, 2 Submarines
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: 1 Fighter Squadron
Air Force Experience: None.

The Ottoman Empire: Constantinople
Protector of Qatar
Absolute Monarchy: Mehmed VI
Stability: 3
Economic Power: 263
Manpower: 2,810(+5)
Army: 32 Divisions, 6 Hindenburg Light Warker Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 4 Dreadnoughts, 23 Cruisers
Navy Experience: 3
Air Force: 10 Fighter Squadrons, 6 Xiaolong H-1 Bomber Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

Portugal: Lisbon
Presidential Republic: Vitorino Meirera
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 199/57
Manpower: 613(+2)[646]
Army: 30 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 30 Cruisers, 16 Destroyers, 8 Submarines
Navy Experience: 4
Air Force: 12 Zeppelins, 6 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

Portuguese East Africa
Stability: 6
Manpower: 310
Economic Power: 15
Garrison: 5 Divisions

Portuguese Southwest Africa
Stability: 4
Manpower: 270
Economic Power: 12
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 5 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers

Stability: 7
Manpower: 10
Economic Power: 15
Garrison: 2 Divisions, 4 Cruisers, 6 Destroyers, 2 Submarines

Portuguese Guinea
Stability: 5
Manpower: 24
Economic Power: 8
Garrison: 1 Division

Azore Islands
Stability: 8
Manpower: 26
Economic Power: 5
Garrison: 2 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers

São Tomé and Príncipe
Stability: 6
Manpower: 6
Economic Power: 2
Garrison: 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 1 Submarine

Romania: Bucharest
Absolute Monarchy: Ferdinand I
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 117
Manpower: 819(+1)
Army: 25 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 12 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Ruthenia: Minsk
Protectorate of Germany
Absolute Monarchy: King Ivan I
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 75
Manpower: 42(+1)
Army: 12 Divisions
Army Experience: 1
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: 7 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: None.

The Soviet Republic of Russia: Moscow
Soviet Republic: Leon Trotzky
Stability: 2
Economic Power: (94)152
Manpower: 17,991(+17)
Army: 141 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Russian Workers Revolutionary Airforce: 1 Fighter Squadron
Russian Workers Revolutionary Airforce Experience: None.

Lord of Elves
The Second Spanish Empire: Madrid
Constitutional Monarchy: (PM) Nicholas Estuardo
Stability: 10
Economic Power: (50)322/92
Manpower: 2,110(+2)[851]
Army: 36 Divisions, 1 Iron Guard Battalion, 3 Hindenburg Light Warker Brigades
Army Experience: 6
Navy: 1 Dreadought, 14 Cruisers, 14 Destroyers, 5 Submarines
Navy Experience: 3
Air Force: 12 Zeppelins, 4 Fighter Squadrons, 4 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 2
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

Stability: 4
Manpower: 427
Economic Power: 25
Garrison: 3 Divisions

Spanish Abyssinia
Stability: 4
Manpower: 230
Economic Power: 10
Garrison: 5 Divisions

Sierra Leone
Stability: 6
Manpower: 125
Economic Power: 8
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 2 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers, 2 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 1 Xiaolong H-1 Squadrons

Canary Islands
Stability: 8
Manpower: 40
Economic Power: 7
Garrison: 2 Destroyers, 1 Fighter Squadron

Spanish Arabia
Stability: 8
Manpower: 6
Economic Power: 15
Garrison: 1 Hindenburg Light Division, 1 Bordeaux 19' Squadron, 1 Destroyer

Grande Rio Muni
Stability: 6
Manpower: 26
Economic Power: 5
Garrison: 2 Divisions

Stability: 6
Manpower: 65
Economic Power: 12
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 2 Hindenburg Light Warker Divisions

Occupied Qatar
Stability: 5
Manpower: 6
Economic Power: 0
Garrison: 3 Divisions

Spoiler Arab Liberation Army :

12 Divisions, 3 Conquistador Warker Brigades, 2 Hindenburg Light Warker Brigades, 1 Dreadnought, 7 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer, 7 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 11 Xiaolong Bomber Squadrons

Spoiler Crimean Defense Garrison :

5 Divisions

Spoiler Guanxi Expedition :

8 Divisions, 1 Dreadnought, 3 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers

Sweden: Stockholm
Constitutional Monarchy: Gustaf V
Stability: 3
Economic Power: (255)101
Manpower: 327(+3)
Army: 15 Divisions, 2 Lion Troop Battalions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 15 Cruisers, 7 Destroyers, 5 Submarines
Navy Experience: 3
Air Force: 1 Zeppelin, 1 Xiaolong H-1 Bomber Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

Switzerland: Bern
Confederation: Philipp Etter
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 106
Manpower: 389(+1)
Army: 20 Divisions
Army Experience: 4
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: 11 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

Thessalonkie Sovietiki: Salonica
Soviet Republic: Avraam Benaroya
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 9
Manpower: 7(+1)
Army: 9 Divisions
Army Experience: 4
Navy: 15 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain: London
Parliamentary Democracy: George Curzon
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 511/207
Manpower: 3,579(+4)[31,729]
Army: 22 Divisions, 2 Pimlico Warker Model 1 Brigades*
Army Experience: 6
Navy: 30 Dreadnoughts, 35 Cruisers, 70 Destroyers. 8 Nelson-class Battleships*, 10 Subsurface-class Submarines*
Navy Experience: 7
Air Force: 6 Zeppelins, 2 Fighter Squadrons, 3 Xiaolong Bomber Squadrons*, 3 Arion Fighter Squadrons*
Air Force Experience: 3
Spoiler Possessions and Colonies :

Stability: 6
Manpower: 28,200
Economic Power: 109
Garrison: 25 Divisions, 3 Dreadnoughts, 10 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers

Stability: 6
Manpower: 1,001
Economic Power: 20
Garrison: 10 Divisions

British Nigeria
Stability: 6
Manpower: 1,550
Economic: 20
Garrison: 8 Divisions

Gold Coast
Stability: 6
Manpower: 290
Economic: 8
Garrison: 4 Divisions

British Arabia
Stability: 5
Manpower: 55
Economic: 15
Garrison: 11 Divisions, 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 1 Fighter Squadron

Stability: 7
Manpower: 5
Economic: 5
Garrison: 3 Divisions

Stability: 8
Manpower: 20
Economic: 2
Garrison: 4 Dreadnoughts, 7 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers

Maldive Islands
Stability: 6
Manpower: 6
Economic: 0
Grassion: 5 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers

British East Africa
Stability: 7
Manpower: 180
Economic: 6
Garrison: 6 Divisions, 1 Dreadnought, 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 1 Fighter Squadron

Stability: 6
Manpower: 2
Economic: 0
Garrison: 2 Destroyers

Stability: 6
Manpower: 374
Economic: 15
Garrison: 2 Divisions, 3 Cruisers

Stability: 5
Manpower: 24
Economic: 4
Garrison: 3 Cruisers, 2 Submarines

Stability: 6
Manpower: 20
Economic: 3
Garrison: 1 Division

Stability: 6
Manpower: 11
Economic: 1

Stability: 5
Manpower: 38
Economic: 2
Garrison: 2 Divisions

Spoiler Oceania stats :

The Dominion of Australia: Perth
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Constitutional Republic: Joseph Cook
Stability: 10
Economic Power: (42)136
Manpower: 519(+10)
Army: 24 Divisions
Army Experience: 5
Navy: 2 Dreadnoughts, 8 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Navy Experience: 3
Air Force: 4 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-1 Bomber Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

The Dominion of New Zealand: Wellington
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Constitutional Republic: James Willsworth
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 96
Manpower: 129(+1)
Army: 8 Divisions
Army Experience: 3
Navy: 30 Cruisers, 20 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Spoiler Chinese Warlord Factions :

East Turkestan: Yengisar
Republic: Ma Ming
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 15
Manpower: 25
Army: 10 Divisions
Army Experience: 1
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Xinjiang: Urumqi
Warlord Clique: Quan Yi
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 22
Manpower: 501(+1)
Army: 31 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Qinghai: Xining
Warlord Clique: Zhang Shuzheng
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 29
Manpower: 151(+1)
Army: 15 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Mongolia: Niĭslel Xüree
Theocracy: Bogd Khan
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 24
Manpower: 70(+1)
Army: 7 Divisions
Army Experience: 1
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Tibet: Lhasa
Theocracy: Thubten Gyatso
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 21
Manpower: 126(+1)
Army: 4 Divisions
Army Experience: 1
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

Yunnan: Kunming
Warlord Clique: Yan Jianyi
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 38
Manpower: 1,154(+4)
Army: 80 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: 2 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: None.

Guangxi: Nanning
Warlord Clique: Lu Zongren
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 30
Manpower: 6,312(+12)
Army: 195 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: 2 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: None.

Sichuan: Chengdu
Warlord Clique: Zhu Zhonggong
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 49
Manpower: 5,188(+10)
Army: 96 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: 2 Fighter Squadrons
Air Force Experience: None.

The Last Melon
The Republic of China: Nanchang
Emergency Republic: Li Sangui
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 53
Manpower: 7,215(+15)
Army: 96 Divisions
Army Experience: 2
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: None.
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: None.

The Chinese Empire: Beijing
Absolute Monarchy: Puyi
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 60
Manpower: 5,146(+20)
Army: 96 Divisions, 5 Militia Divisions, 2 Hindenburg Light Warker Brigades
Army Experience: 6
Navy: 18 Submarines
Navy Experience: 4
Air Force: 4 Fighter Squadrons, 4 Xiaolong X-1 Bomber Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1

Hall of Destroyed Nations

1. The Republic of Peru, NPC'd

The South American nation declared it's independence from Spain in 1821, and formally began running its own affairs in 1824. As the world erupted in war in 1914, Chile invaded the small nation, claiming it had been planning an attack. With the rest of the world going down in flames, no one really noticed the war, and ensuing annexation by Chile. The short-lived Peruvian Liberation Army also kept the name going for a year, before a crack down by the Chilean military.

2. The Empire of Mexico, NPC'd

Taken by the French Empire in 1864, with the help of the Confederacy. It survived for the rest of the century as a French dominion/puppet state in what remained of Mexico. It's zenith was in 1914 when Imperial Mexican troops fought side by side with the Confederacy in defending against a United States invasion of the north. It's soldiers played an important part in the Siege of Hermosillio, and defended the city before overwhelming American numbers over ran them. From there, various rebellions sprang up throughout the Empire, and it began its steady decline. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, the Empire of Mexico was abolished, with the Republic of Mexico taking its place.

3. The Kingdom of Serbia, NPC'd

Gaining it's freedom from the Ottoman Empire, in 1815, Serbia has long been stuck in the politics of the Balkans, being threatened by both the Ottomans and Austrians throughout it's short history. Serbia, always wishing to see a Slav superstate arise in the region, almost got its wish, had the Great War gone in the Entente's favor. The Great War, was started by Serbia, (or so the Quadruple Alliance claims) when Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip killed Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne. With the Ottoman entry in the war, and with Bulgaria's, a Quadruple Alliance associated power, defeat, it looked as though Serbia might finally of beat off the Austrian forces in Serbia.

Rather, the war shifted, when France and England both made peace with Germany, allowing for Germany, and Austria to focus more soldiers on the Eastern and Balkan front. Before long, the Serbian allies of Romania and Montenegro surrendered, with Russia succumbing to revolution. Serbia was annexed by the Austrian empire in 1918.

4. Abyssinia, NPC'd

One of the longest continuous nations in world history, it fell to combined French and Spanish arms after suffering through a civil war, caused by it's "Ill gotten gains" in the Great War.

5. Liberia, NPC'd

Founded by the American Colonial Society, Liberia was left relatively alone during the great Scramble for Africa. Ultimately, it's independence was taken away by the Second Spanish Empire, looking for new ways to flex it's muscles.
Encyclopedia of Random Things to Make Note Of

Alfonsia Colony - Previously known as Liberia.

Berlin-Windhoek Railway - A massive railway initiative that made Britain's "Cape to Cairo" seem small in comparison. Started by the German Empire after the Great War, the railway stretched from Germany, through Austria-Hungary, to Constantinople, from there down the Levant to Egypt, then through the German Sudan, all the way south towards Windhoek in German Southwest Africa. Aside from some attacks by Egyptian bandits, the railway is being built on time, and is expected to be finished by 1925.

Confederate Colonial Empire - Destroyed almost as quickly as it was conquered, the Confederate States of America had owned Cuba, Nicaragua and Suriname (Confederate Guinea) from the 1890's until the end of the Great War (officially).

Congress of Nations - An attempted neutrality movement that broke out at the start of the Great War, though, ironically half of the nations involved participated in the Great War, and another attempted to annex it's neighbors in a nationalistic fervor. Needless to say, it has come under it's fair share of criticism, and has of late been a relatively inconsequential organization.

Falangism - The Authoritarian ideology the Second Spanish Empire has prescribed too. It's mix of worker's rights, Spanish nationalism, and Catholic piouty have made it perhaps the most influential of all of Europe's political movements since the end of the Great War.

Gangnon Style - A musical phenomena that has hit Quebec; started by the artist stylings of Marie Gangnon, it is a beautiful mix of classic Celtic music, and African-American Jazz.

Josef Stalin - Soviet Russian revolutionary leader, was assassinated in 1920 by American Intelligence Agents.

La Plata - Formerly a British Dominion, now known as Argentina. After it's unsuccessful war against Brazil and other associated Quadruple Alliance powers in the Great War, it's dominionship was cancelled, and complete independence gained.

Pan-Scandinavianism - A recently revived concept, popular in Sweden, and in minor parts of Denmark, Finland and Norway. The idea that the entirety of Sweden should be united under one government. No means a brand new concept, it took the world by surprise, when Sweden used it as a pretext for invasion of it's neighbors in 1915. Continues to be a popular platform in Swedish politics.

Treaty of San Clemente - An economic trade union created by the United States, with many Latin American nations being coerced into joining it. The original tenets of the Treaty have been muddled in the post-war bureaucracy of the United States, but the specialization of each participating nation's economy, and low tariffs between the members to encourage trade has been a cornerstone. In theory, it would allow for each nation to reap the rewards of having a monopolistic grasp on a sector of each nation's economy, but has in practice been dominated by the industry and agriculture of the United States, to the detriment of Latin American businesses. The benefits still remain though, as the upper-classes across the board have been generally wealthier post-Treaty, and closer relations between the United States and it's southern neighbors have been prevalent of late.

Warkers - Are tracked, armored, fighting vehicle designed by the United States of America in the Great War. Since their invention, they have quickly become invaluable to any serious armies across the planet. [Tanks and Armored Personal Carriers]

Starting Map​

Spoiler :

-1914 The Great War begins, Battle of the Rhine, Battle of Cambridge, Battle of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Siege of Hermosillo, The Yellow Sea Engagement, Ottoman Reforms, Swiss Highway Begins Construction

-1915 The Wars of Scandinavian Unification Begin, Ireland Rebels, Mexico Rebels, The Great War Continues, The Battle of Plovdiv, The Battle of the Orkney Islands, The Battle of Veilje, The Battle of Sidi Bou, The Battle of Wilhelmina, The Second Battle of Cambridge, The Battle at Guantanamo, New Orleans assaulted via air.

-1916 The Wars of Scandinavian Unification Continue, The Great War Continues, Both Mexico and Ireland are recognized by the Quadruple Alliance, The Battle of Konigsberg, The Second Battle of Stry, The Third Battle of Cambridge, The Second Battle of Fredericksburg, East Timor is sold to the Dutch Empire, Swiss Highway Completed

-1917 The Wars of Scandinavian Unification End, The Great War continues, France and England, among others sign peace treaties, Finland, Cuba, Indochina and the Republic of Alaska become nations, the Battle for Houston, The Russian Revolution

-1918 The Great War Ends, The Russian Civil War Begins, Alesyka secures its independence, Spanish revolution, Italo-Albanian War, The Transvaal Republic gains its freedom, Windhoek-Berlin Railway Continues Construction

-1919 The Condor Legion, Spain, and Japan get involved in the Russian Civil War. The Battle of St. Petersburg, Spanish-Liberian border conflicts, Quebec gains independance, Windhoek-Berlin Railway Continues Construction, get's attacked by Egyptian Nationalists

-1920 The Russian Civil War continues, The Battle of Baku, Spanish-Liberian Trials, Cottonmouth Attacks Throughout The Confederacy, Windhoek-Berlin Railway Continues Construction, The Dominican Republic Invades Haiti

-1921 The Russian Civil War all but ends, Spanish and French Invasion of Ethiopia, Egypt gains its freedom.

-1922 pt. 1, 1922 pt. 2 The Invasion of Liberia, Second War of Scandinavian Reunification, Attempted Italian Coup, Siberian Massacre

-1923 pt. 1, 1923 pt. 2 The Arab Revolt, Slav Revolt, Greco-Italian War, Lenin's Stroke; Man of the Year: Vittorio Emmanuele III

-1924 pt. 1, 1924 pt. 2 Chinese Civil War, The Arab Revolt, The Greco-Italian War; Man of the Year: Nicolas Estardo

-1925 pt. 1, 1925 pt. 2 Chinese Civil War, the Great Ottoman War, the Montreal Expo
Flags of Our World​

Spoiler Flags :

Spoiler The United States of America :


Spoiler The Union of South Africa :


Spoiler Ecuador :


Spoiler Second Spanish Empire :


Spoiler The Kingdom of Arabia :


Spoiler The Kingdom of Italy :


Spoiler Crimean Flag :


Spoiler The Kingdom of the Netherlands :


Spoiler Quebec :


Spoiler Nunavik :


Spoiler China :

Spoiler Sichuan :


Spoiler The Republic of China :


First Post!

Sweden here, Pan-Scandinavianism running strong!
Nippon checking in. We're still willing to lay waste to Greece if necessary.
Regno D'Italia is here.


We confirm our alliances with Austria-Hungary, and Montenegro

Ooc - my alliance with Sweden was extremely ooc and so I think I should cancel it.. :p
Spain! One. Spain! Great. Spain! Free.
The Aleyskan Republic is here and ready to brave the frontier.
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