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Small Observations General Thread (things not worth separate threads)

Re: Machineguns

Yeah maybe they dont need a full unit to represent them but I just like them representing the lethal battles of world wars.

Maybe an infantry unit could include machinegun graphics in single soldier, like how some soldiers seem to hold a pistol instead of a rifle/musket.
Probably a massive anti Infantry bonus to for a dug in Infantry unit (with Graphics)
In the new dev diary, the two unknown leader slots can be seen. Frederick the Great correlates to the one left of Harriet Tubman. The last leader is alphabetically between Isabella and Lafayette.
Was it in alphabetical order? Hatshepsut was in between Augustus and Amina and Ashoka.
Was it in alphabetical order? Hatshepsut was in between Augustus and Amina and Ashoka.
There's a second graphic further down that has them in correct order.
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Kublai Khan or Kamehameha or Justinian
Going by past choices that is. They can go with something new.
There's a second fraphic further down that has them in correct order.
Freat catch. But if Giraxis also observes your liberal spelling conventions, it could grankly be anyone.
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Did NATO (or Pre-Nato armies) has anything equivalent to BS3 10cm field gun? What is US Army equivalent that's called 'Guns' rather than 'Howitzers' and has long barrels and same antitank capabilities?
Late in WWII the British Army used their 17-pounder as both a towed and self-propelled antitank piece, and although it was only a 76mm cannon, it had the same ballistics as the L70 7.5cm cannon mounted in the German Panther medium-heavy tank and much more advanced APDS ammunition. At the same time, the US Army used the 90mm antiaircraft gun as an antitank piece mounted in the M36 self-propelled tank destroyer. Both also proposed 120mm antitank/antiaircraft pieces, but never fielded them as direct-fire artillery except mounted in post-war heavy tanks like the US M103.

None of the western armies used direct fire artillery pieces except in exceptional circumstances, like blowing in the gates of the Metz fortresses with 155mm 'Long Tom' cannon from 300 meters' range (which caused the German commander of the defense to complain that the Americans weren't playing fair!). Both the British and US armies had invested too much effort in creating extremely flexible indirect fire systems that could mass fire on any target within range in a few minutes, which was far, far more effective than sitting in the front line dodging enemy counterfire while trying to hit a target.
It's weird. Hatshepsut is the odd one out, but everyone else is in alphabetical order
Maybe because she was in the first preview build alongside the other three?

Himiko here has headwear that is different than the one in the Nintendo showcase, no? Maybe it means a persona?
Appparently yes, though I think there was no blue veil (?)
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