• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

SNES8:UberNES4: War on Ice

To Germany(Top Secret):
We both hate Japan, and I think we can work out a deal. We are willing to end our embrago of your country if you give us the technology to build atom bombs. We can both contain Japan and her allies.
Can I be East Russia?
To: Germany
From: Italy
Our gracious allies! Please give us the Atom Bomb technology.
To Italy:
If Germany does not give you the technology to builg nuclear weapons, we can work togather and share the knowledge we gain form it. We also like to trade with you as well.
To Japan:

We do not reconize that you have the right to the territory that you have taken form us. We still reconize them to be part of the United States of America, and demand that these lands be given back to us, once this is done we will lift all embragos on you and your allies.
To America:
You WILL lift your embargo against us, not that you weak, defeated economy can hurt ours.

To Italy:
You will not get our atom bomb technology.
70 Rocket Cuilding (Build Rocket)
after i discover this tech... how much a rocket cost?
(i tomorow will say if i join as britian or not)
To Germany:

We are open to ending embrago, but we will not cave into threats.

To Italy:
If you form an alliance with us we can share technology, such the technology to build atom bombs.
Im sorry for so many questions -

I can I build units anywhere in my lands, or just from my capital? And can i move infanite through my terriroty? If so, across oceans or straits?
You can build units in any territoy but can only build sea units near seas.

I completely forgot to add a transport sea unit. i will remedy that.

I wish more people played this. I am leaving post it's mortem.

All units have 1 territory of motion per turn unless otherwise noted.

To: Germany
From: Italy
Ok let us establish trade!
(dont forget to tell skilord in orders)
(skilord: can we send in first orders now?)
To: USA, Canada
From: Italy
Dont be ridiculous. We wont trade with the losers of WW2!
Tensions Mount

A riot in Seattle today brought to the surface the immense tensions between the Japanese and occupied Americans. It was calmed by a show of overwhelming Japanese might but is still to be noted as an example of the problems in the newly conqured territories.

Atomic Bomb discovered

In a desert 100 miles from the border with the Japanese Border American scientists finally managed to detonate a nuclear weapon. Could the Americans be regaining their lost glory?
To Italy:
We find your aditude very childish. You would benfit form trading with us, just because we lost a war is not very good reason not to do so. Our economy is still one of the largest in the World.

To Japan:
We will not attack you. But we will still do not reconize your right to occupy part of the United States of America. Also note that our words are now backed with Nuclear Weapons.
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