Snoopy's Terrain Graphics Modpack

I almost dropped from my chair.

You have really done good job.
Game has now really different feel when playing it.
Thank you.
Snoop, loaded the terrain files last night and :goodjob: Love the changes! Really love the Mts and forsest. My only small critiques are... It's a bit difficult to tell Forest from jungle, (@ first it annoyed me:cry: , But I will say after playing a bit it was a very SMALL issue, Individualy I really like bolth. Just a bit tough to diff.

Irrigation...:sad: Well i got to admit I am going w/ Zeb's Irr. art, yours is very good! But I reeeeallly like the farm blds and overall look of that mod. Very good job though!!! :goodjob: All of you mod makers are giving the game sooooooo much more depth! I am running LWC/ERP-4 with your files... will never play regular ole' Civ3 again!:rocket:
I lost them last night, they fell down there where my marbles are and I cant seem to find my sanity no more, anyway nice mod-pack snoop:nuke: :nuke :king: :rocket2: :sniper: :slay:
blood makes the grass grow, kill kill kill
I'm not sure if this version of Snoopy's modpack has the regular or neon grass, but if it is the neon version, here is his regular grass version.
Originally posted by GIDustin
Dude, no offense or anything, but, you ened a hobby :P

No offence, mate. But he has got a hobby.

Show the Snoopy man some respect.

And if you are so cool, why are you surfing a CIV3 site?

Go home. :lol:
i LOVE it except for sometimes the mountains turn brown and the old jungle shows on them
besides that....:goodjob:
Yeah looks like sn00p didn't have the time to fix up the 'mountains jungles.pcx', 'hill jungles.pcx' etc. files.

Personaly I like the occasional brown mountain, but I made the green colour match sn00ps design by taking the file into Paintshop Pro, and modifying the hue map by shifting the yellow to green, and added some palm trees from the other file (see below).

Amazing mod, sn00p.


  • mtnjng.jpg
    126.3 KB · Views: 2,953
For those interested, here are the two files (extract to the Civ3\Art\terrain folder). Not perfect like sn00ps work but these mtns/hills blend in a tad better than the original Civ3 ones.


I'm not sure if this version of Snoopy's modpack has the regular or neon grass, but if it is the neon version, here is his regular grass version.

Hmmm....sounds familiar. When I visited the 'files' section of the Civ 3 forums on Apolyton I spotted a thread named 'Sn00py's grey mountains with correct grass' by Martinus Magnificus...
At least THAT guy gave proper credits to Sn00py for the file he posted there...:rolleyes:

Anyway, have fun with 'siebodiis' grey mountains!

Imperator (AKA Martinus Magnificus! :enlighten)
Don't forget this one.

I still get people seeing my posts wanting to know where I got it!
Thanks for the graphics Sn00py, I especially like your Jungle. Much better than the original. Theirs looks more like fungus than a flourishing ecosystem! I did a bit of cutting and pasting with the rest of them and now I can clearly see the terrain difference just by the trees. It's great!

One thing though, I think you overdid it with the snow on the tundra pines. I ended up using your other pines for that terrain.

Anyway, thanks for your effort, my game looks and functions much better now.
Just bumping this thread, and letting people know:

Sn00py has a new graphics pack coming out real soon! In a thread over at Apolyton he said he was hoping to have it done before April 1st, but it looks like the final tweaking will take a little longer. I'm sure we'd all rather that it be done when it's done. You can't rush good art!
Originally posted by Padma
Just bumping this thread, and letting people know:

Sn00py has a new graphics pack coming out real soon! In a thread over at Apolyton he said he was hoping to have it done before April 1st, but it looks like the final tweaking will take a little longer. I'm sure we'd all rather that it be done when it's done. You can't rush good art!

Uh, what do you think we're talking about? He's had it done for days now, that's what this thread is all about. :rolleyes:
This was posted by sn00py about 10 hrs ago at 'Poly:
For people who feel like 'beta testing', download it and please let me know how it goes, I suggest that the rest of you don't use these graphics until people who have tested it respond with any problems, so that I can fix them.
Thanks fellows, for doing a great job on the graphics mods. I have used quite a few. Has anybody done a mod to show all resources at start of the game? I get a little peeved off to go half way through the game to find I don't have the resource I need for an advancment

Originally posted by Padma
Excuse me, but this is an OLD thread that was resurrected. If you download the current graphic modpack, it is still the 'old' version. This morning at 'Poly, Sn00py was trying to get out an unfinished, 'beta' version of his new mod.

Ah, I see now. Sorry, my bad, I wasn't paying attention to the dates. Humblest apologies.
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