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So what city-states are you missing?

Thanks! I'd be down with all the Northern European ones and even a few more if a way to separate the names of the cities and the states was possible. I'm just kinda a stickler about these semantic things.

Also, do all these Scandinavian capitals mean the Vikings aren't coming our way?! :eek:

The Scandinavian capitals were founded after or at the earliest near the end of the Viking period.
I for one am happy to see the herein, often, chastised "Eurocentric" city state focus, not because I don't want more representation in other parts of the world, but because it's a testimony to the decrease in Eurocentric player nations, while still giving us a call out to places and parts of history that are both familiar and important to many of us.

To make my point more clear I'll give a counter approach, used last generation. How did the developers give us this representation in Civ IV? The beloved Holy Roman Empire, that's how. In order to pull some sense of importance and game play to Italy, Central Europe, and Eastern Europe, they created a blanket representation under good ol' Charlie (A historic figure I actually quite like). So all of these European city states tell me pretty clearly that they've found a better way to do that.

Conversely, (and I realize we might not yet have a complete list) the absences speak to what we might expect in the future more so than to some daftness in the developers. As just one example I'll sight the absence of Carthage: pretty good candidate for city statehood. Not there so far? I don't take that as an oversight of the developers.

Now there are no doubt other city states, from other regions of the world, that wont be represented in future civs and DO deserve to be in the game. But the ones that are there now, to me, speak more to what we likely WONT see in future incarnations.

Tikal, Palenque, Chichen Itza, Copan...

I mean I actually thought that maybe the reason the Maya had not been included as a civ was because in reality all they were was a bunch of city states.

However, their absence here might be a hint at a full civ in some upcoming DLC, so I guess I shouldn't be too upset...

Edit: just realized this had already been said. Oops, guess I should wait a few minutes next time I try to post immediately after waking up :)
Normally I'd say Carthage as well, but since it's so blisteringly obvious of a choice, I'm going to say it's pretty damn likely that they're considering it for Civ-hood. Which makes me :).
I am sad that Prague didnt get city state... it was pretty important city in 13th/14th century (first university (or second?) in Europe, big role in HRE etc.), I think if Vienna managed to get in I don't understand why Prague didnt...
I am sad that Prague didnt get city state... it was pretty important city in 13th/14th century (first university (or second?) in Europe, big role in HRE etc.), I think if Vienna managed to get in I don't understand why Prague didnt...

I would wager that Holy Romans get a Civ later in the game. Alternately, look for it in Germany's list.
I would wager that Holy Romans get a Civ later in the game. Alternately, look for it in Germany's list.

well that's a bit too cheap in my book considering the impact of Bohemia kingdom on medieval Europe...
We were once voters not vassals! so it would be even historically appropriate since you can conquer or ally city states...
Meh, Bogota should be a later down the list Spanish city, as should Panama, etc. Same goes for Rio and Bahia with Portugal. As for the Mayan cities, their dis-inclusion almost guarantees they'll be DLC at some point.

Tlaxcala - Should be Military. Allied with the Spanish to defeat the Aztecs. Were never conquered by the Aztecs themselves, but were "farmed" for sacrificial victims.
Teotihuacan - THE Ur-Central Mexican Valley state
Monte Alban - this feature was made for them
Cohokia - dito
Moche and Tiwanaku - pre-Inca, and important ceremonial Andean centers
Benin - c'mon - show some love! - I've always wanted them in some form in a Civ game ever since I saw a traveling exhibition of their art as a child.
Oyo and Ife - the two most important Yoruba city states: former Militaristic, later cultural.
Kongo would be a great central African fit.
Great Zimbabwe - the major historical Southern African center - give Capetown to the Dutch!
Kilwa was the major Swahili coastal city.
Zanzibar - no brainer. Where are they?
Napata or Meroë - although I hope the Nubians get added later as a civ finally.
Axum - If they're gonna be dicks and not add the Ethiopians within a year, or at all!!!
Kano - was the most important Hausa city state, and the Songhai even conquered and held it for a brief period.
Byblos - Why only Sidon and Tyre?
Palmyra - even temporarily held a quarter of the Roman empire.
Angkor - with Siam in, I doubt that the Khmer will be added as a whole civ.
Pagan - early Burmese city-synonymous kingdom
Malacca - Seriously were are these guys? They should be the Malayan one, not Kuala Lumpur!
Majapahit - if they're not gonna be a civ - need something Javanese (Bantam and yes, Jakarta, would work as well)
Ghent, Antwerp, Zurich, Danzig, etc. - to replace the modern Euro-Nation capitals.
Krakow - Instead of Warsaw. It was actualy a city-state in the 19th cent. for a while.
Kiev - after the collapse of Kievan Rus, functioned as a semi-city state paying tribute to various groups.

Well here is a good list. In fact there are lots of possible city states in Africa and Americas.
Is Helsinki REALLY one of them? That's awesome.

Finish city in in a vanilla civ game. :) Yep it is VERY awesome :goodjob:

Turku might also been a good choice for a Finish city but they put Stockholm and Oslo (capitals) in so Helsinki is pretty logical choice.
Dear Firaxis!

I love that you put Budapest in as City-State. Great!

What I don't really get is that it will be militaristic... huh?
Budapest is existing as Budapest since 1873 - and got fame for its culture (sport, too) an science...
just when was Hungary known for military? Lost WWI, WWII... lost land...
Talk of Jerusalem and the Vatican gave me a thought. Does anyone think they might make an entrance as city states in an expansion pack along with a new religion mechanic? For example, city states could found religions (instead of civs) and become holy cities and attempt to spread their religions.

It has already been said that city states will care about your social policies but other civs won't. The same could be true of religion (i.e. adopting their religion will make city states more friendly towards you, but other civs won't care that much). That would avoid the problem in civ4 where diplomacy was too religion-focused, and it would also stop the race to found religions. It could also lead to some interesting requests - e.g. the Vatican asking all Christian civs to join a crusade against another religion or holy city.

Any thoughts?
Talk of Jerusalem and the Vatican gave me a thought. Does anyone think they might make an entrance as city states in an expansion pack along with a new religion mechanic? For example, city states could found religions (instead of civs) and become holy cities and attempt to spread their religions.

It has already been said that city states will care about your social policies but other civs won't. The same could be true of religion (i.e. adopting their religion will make city states more friendly towards you, but other civs won't care that much). That would avoid the problem in civ4 where diplomacy was too religion-focused, and it would also stop the race to found religions. It could also lead to some interesting requests - e.g. the Vatican asking all Christian civs to join a crusade against another religion or holy city.

Any thoughts?

That would be an intresting ideia. But the problem is the Holy city of Islam Mecca is the capital of the Arab civilization in CiV.

that actually is great idea and would solve a bit the spreading religion problems we discussed somewhere else...
you just rename it, then :)

Yeah, I would think theat Damascus would be a better capital anyways. Have the holycities always be city states, that makes it more like the pope is telling you to invade egypt, not a city that has no real power. I love that idea, city states = holy land :D
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