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So what city-states are you missing?

Yeah, I would think theat Damascus would be a better capital anyways. Have the holycities always be city states, that makes it more like the pope is telling you to invade egypt, not a city that has no real power. I love that idea, city states = holy land :D

Or Baghdad I think Baghdad would be better for capital of Arabia.
Why isn't it called "Kaapstad" then? :p
And calling a fledging colony a city-state? :lol:

A fledgling colony? After it was established it became a major port for sea trade with India and South East Asia. It was also the staging point for the European colonization of South Africa. I would hardly call it fledgling.
Here is the list that I posted in March:

Abu Dhabi

Chichen Itza
Great Zimbabwe

Hong Kong


Sri Kestra

I don't get where some guy gets in his head that Helsinki should be militaristic. It was founded to compete against Reval (modern city of Tallinn) in trade and later it got the Viapori fortress that was mainly ment to protect ships and the harbor from attack. There also was small fleet assigned to the fort. With these two things I would see Helsinki as port city with much maritime influence. So to me its not big suprise that its Maritime.

Also just to point out that Finland has always been quite big member in transporting stuff on the seas. Even today Finland employes a lot of people in maritime industries and thats a lot more people than employed by the military. Also don't see how 5 years of war compare to the 87 years of peace makes Finland militaristic. Also any nation bordering a nation that is little unpredictable would keep their military in top shape. I would see militaristic nation as one that starts and gets involved in wars regularly and Finland doesn't fit in that category at all.

Oh... and just wanted to add. Its great to have Helsinki in CiV.

To stay atleast some what in the topic I would say that the only Nordic capital that isn't in the game would be nice. To those who don't know what city I mean "Reykjavik"
I really hope they don't add more because City States needs something to give them more flavour.Actually they are just the same with a different name and bonuses.
The city state concept could be developed with specific city quests, unique bonuses, unique flavour images.
More city states are created; less likely will happen that City States become different.
Isn't that what all the civs are? :lol:

Well i don't mean as much unique as civs but a bit more flavourful ;).

You know Lisboa City State with a background of Tower of Belem, Venice with a pepper unique resource, Singapore offering unique trade advantages.
If they spice up this feature i think it will be a lot better :)
But also each city state is either Friendly, Neutral, Hostile or Irrational. So there are 12 different types in effect (not sure how different they will be though).
Hong Kong, Djibouti, Aden, Siena, Pisa, Danzig, Dubrovnik, Zanzibar, Puducherry, Macau, Jerusalem, Tangier, Panama, Gibraltar, Curaçao, Belize, Brunei...

Those are the kind of cities I would think about as city-states. Not necessarily country capitals.
I think the reason it feels a bit funny is that the influence Vatican city exerted over civs was religious - a mechanic that isn't implemented. Vatican city is a bit of an oddity among city states in that without the religious power of the pope it probably would have been ground into the dust halfway through the dark ages. That said, I have no problem with its inclusion.

Well Religion is partly included in the social policy Piety. Also, since social policy determines relations with city-states this addition would make some sense. I say a Cultured city-state.
But the vatican city is only a neighbourhood of Rome.

You just cannot distinguish the Vatican city from Rome. It doesn't really make sense IMHO.
Hypothetically, they could fix the whole "can't include some city-states because they're part of civs" thing by just putting in a filter that says, say, the city-state of Amsterdam and the civilization of the Netherlands can't be put in the same game. Since a city state would only invalidate one civ and a civ would at most invalidate two or three city-states, this probably wouldn't be a problem, and as far as we know you can't customize which city-states are in your game (just the number) so we wouldn't have to worry about players mucking it up.

Just because a city-state has the same name as a city in a civ list, that doesn't mean there will be problems. In Civ IV (possibly earlier ones to), when a city already existed (either by renaming a city to one that is later on the list or by two civs having that city... i.e. Thebes which was in both the Greek and Egyptian city lists) the game would just skip that in the order and proceed to the next one.

Also, I suspect (and would be really disappointed if this is not the case) that when you create a map, you can place the city-states on the map that you want, along with the civs. So even if you can't customize it for a random game, you should be able to customize it for pre-planned maps.
But the vatican city is only a neighbourhood of Rome.

You just cannot distinguish the Vatican city from Rome. It doesn't really make sense IMHO.

At differing points the Vatican DID control the City of Rome. It was the capital of Christianity in the west and of the Papal States. Vatican City for the past 2000 years has been a Major political player and for the last 600 it has been a world wide player. This has been as a separate entity from the City of Rome. Yeah I think you can differentiate b/t Vatican City and Rome.

That being said I really like the thread about religions being introduced via religious city states in an expansion. That is a great discussion and I hope, hope, hope it will be examined and included in an update.
Also I was trying and failing to come up with North American City States... Ones that wouldn't be Iroquois.

Speaking of the Iroquois... I really Like and Understand the intention of having native north Americans in the game but really wouldn't they be better served in this case by city states instead of being a civ?
But the vatican city is only a neighbourhood of Rome.

You just cannot distinguish the Vatican city from Rome. It doesn't really make sense IMHO.

Working under the assumption that there were religious holy cities:

How about this then, the vatican becomes a diplomatic entity INSIDE another city state once Christianity appears :eek:

You would interact same as any other holy city, however, if you aren't friendly with it's host city, problems could arise. Also it would influence the diplomacy of it's host city a bit, so if you got them to like you, then the host city would be convinced that maybe you aren't such a bad civ, after all.

What would a religious city state do? Same as any other. Missions (Pilgrimages, Crusades/Jihads/Holy Wars) and so on.

This sounds crazy, but it could just work!
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