Spanish Scenario Succession Game!!!!

I took my turn - expanded as much as I could in 20 turns. Still no sign of any other civs. Well here is the summary so far:

(0) 3050 BC Why is a worker building roads everywhere but not irrigating? Time to fix that - he's set to irrigation. Since science is same regardless of percentage, set to 10% to get max wealth.
(1) 3000 BC Nothing
(2) 2950 BC Nothing
(3) 2900 BC Very little of note.
(4) 2850 BC Madrid builds temple, switched to settler.
(5) 2800 BC Nothin
(6) 2750 BC Spacebar...
(7) 2710 BC Still waiting for settler to appear.
(8) 2670 BC Goody hut spotted to the south by scout.
(9) 2630 BC Settler built in Madrid - since it costs so little population, another is immediately set to be produced. 25 gold in hut - not much.
(10) 2590 BC Bilbao founded close to Madrid - only 1 square overlap though they look closer than that.
(11) 2550 BC Nothing. This must be a hot world, with so much jungle and desert.
(12) 2510 BC Shrug.
(13) 2470 BC Barbarians appear - our conscript warrior kills them and becomes regular.
(14) 2430 BC Settler produced in Madrid. Barbarians approaching Bilbao - no worries though. We discover bronze working and start wheel. Another hut in the remote south - hoping for better stuff.
(15) 2390 BC Barbarian killed. We now have a veteran unit (with 10 hit points...) Hut is abondoned (damn).
(16) 2350 BC Our conscript warrior is now veteran too. Bad news is that our scout has been cornered by barbarians and is going to die soon.
(17) 2310 BC Andorra founded. We spot another barbarian camp. Scout dies from unavoidable combat.
(18) 2270 BC Madrid builds archer, set to produce another settler. We now have a huge treasury, so science is set to 100% (only -2 deficit).
(19) 2230 BC We take another camp, +25 gold.
(20) 2190 BC Nothing important happened on this turn.

There you go - the reign of mighty Sulla goes out not with a bang, but with a whisper. The goal for now is just expand, expand, expand.

Civanator, I would like to see a list of all the changes you made in this mod soon if possible - like why sea squares are now awesome, for example. Note to others: build cities on coastline as those squares get 2 grain, 2 shield, and 1 commerce with 0 city improvements! This kind of unbalances the game though... And why exactly do workers/settlers have 2 move? I dunno, it's different and somehow it doesn't feel much like Civ III to me.

Here's a map of the world so far. Andorra should be changed to temple production immediately - I forgot to do that. Units are indicated by arrows in which cities they are based. Good luck! :king:


  • 2190bc.jpg
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The reason i changed alot of stuff is for quick expansion and technological races. I always hate it when it is 2000 a.d. and i am just gettin flight, so alot of changes are towards technology and expansion.

some others are for unit battles. again, i hate it when my marine loses to a rifleman. also, som changes are from the book, like the infantry is now 8/12/1 instead of 6/10/1, and this is in the back of the manual. i will post the scenario so u can see everything i changed from wonders to units to terrain.
The reason i changed alot of stuff is for quick expansion and technological races. I always hate it when it is 2000 a.d. and i am just gettin flight, so alot of changes are towards technology and expansion.

some others are for unit battles. again, i hate it when my marine loses to a rifleman. also, som changes are from the book, like the infantry is now 8/12/1 instead of 6/10/1, and this is in the back of the manual. i will post the scenario so u can see everything i changed from wonders to units to terrain.

ALSO where do the screenshots go after i take one???:(
I NEED TO KNOW!!:mad: :cry:
Okay, I have downloaded the game and hopefully will play and post tonight. As for the screenshots, I don't know.:confused: I was going to ask the same question myself. The screenshots always make it look so cool.
You can make a sceenshot by hitting the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard and then pasting the image into a graphics program (like Microsoft Paint, or maybe you have something better). Save the image as a .jpg file, and then attach it to your typed message (Do not just put a link to a file on your computer - you will be able to see it but not anyone else). At least that's what I do :D

I hope this helps - and as for slow tech and expansion, I routinely make it to tanks before 1600, so your play style must be different from mine. I think the AI expands fast enough as the game is!
Okay, my first succesion game post coming up.

2150- Noticed four luxuries around Spain! Wow!

2110- Madrid's cultural influence expands, and our brave warrors attacked and defeated barbarian warriors up north.

2070- Madrid finishes it's settler it was building, and starts on Colossus, which will be changed to Pyramids.

2030-Dispersed a barbarian encampment up north and got 25 gold.

1950-Our archers heading south to attack barbarians, encounters another barbarian encampment previously unknown near the mouth of the southern river. It is promptly dispersed and plundered for 25 gold. Our Veteran warrior down south meets a Burgundian tribe, which teaches us the knowledge of Mysticism.

1910- Salamanca is founded on a jungle square full of Spices near jungles and hills and south of plains.

1870- Nothing interesting

1830- Attacked by Vandals, kill them. Our wise men discover the secret of the wheel, and strt on Masonry. Horses are dicovered to be under Balboa!

1790- Nothing interesting.

1750- " "

1725- Balboa builds its temple, starts on temple. Barbarians attack our archer thay are killed.

1700- Attack Barbarians with archer, they are defeated easily. Our Veteren Warrior spots a red border down South!

1675- Barbarians attack our archer, they are killed.Our Archer is promoted to Veteran!

1650- More barbarians attack our archerthey are defeated and our archer becomes elite! A Hun tribe teaches us Horseback riding.

1625- More barbarian are killed, Bilbao's cultural influence expands.

1600- Discover Masonry, Colossus in Madrid changed to Pyramids.
Start on Iron Working.

1575- Bilbao builds settler, starts on another. Our archers attack barbarians, kill them, and discover another barbarian camp.

1550- Our archer attacks the barbarian encampment and plunders it for 25 gold.

1525- The Pheonicians teach us Alphabet.

1500- Salamanca builds spearmen. Our archer attacks more barbarians and kill them. Notice another border, this one blue, across eastern sea.

All in all, an uneventful but good turn. TONS of barbarians, they are all throughout the swamps. Try to expand more, don't worry to much about military, barbs are easy to kill.
Okay, going to try to post a screenshot. Green dots look like good city spots.
Okay, going to try to post a screenshot. Green dots look like good cty spots.
Hmmmm. This is not working, let me try again.
Arghh!:mad: I'll try that later, heres the save
I don't know, whenever I try to post a screenshot, the blue line at the bottom goes all the way across, and stops right before the end, then after 10 minutes, hangs up.:(
Make sure it is a .jpg file.
A .bmp file won't post with a large size picture.
I've put up a picture of our territory so that Hammurabi II doesn't have to keep fooling with it :D F11 reveals that we are 7th in land area - apparently the AI expands even more relentlessly under these modified rules. We'll probably be at tanks by 1200AD with the production bonuses in this mod...
Hmmm - starting to look very interesting. I'm at work right now - I'll get the turn done first thing tonight, so around 6:30ish CST I'll be posting the results.

Can't wait for the conquistadors!
Thanks Sullla, I don't know what's going on. I think it was a .jpg file, I'm not sure but I think so. Must just be my ISP, its really slow. I'll try again my next turn. Good luck ravensfire!
Since I am in 2 succession games right now and in a single player game, I'm holding off on patching right now till after I finish. If anyone can find a way to patch and still use the old games, I would be all in favor of it, but if you're like me and have no clue what you're doing with patches, I'd advise holding off for a week or so (it won't kill you... :D )
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