SprylliNES III: The Three Dynasts


Jan 13, 2010
Orders Due at the end of Friday 22nd October.

Tryplerida, once a single kingdom, stood united for hundreds of years, but now it stands divided between three kings, each with a claim to the whole, and thus it has been for two decades. The old warlords are dead, and they each had a single son who now rules his father’s kingdom. There are no younger brothers, and all the sons are infants. Further background on each kingdom will be given to the players for that kingdom.

The Kingdoms are Pogyum in the north, Clinody in the south, and Burence in the West. The currencies are respectively the Pogg, the Ingen and the Gryren; the demonyms are respectively Pogyese, Clinodene and Burencian. To the west lie Prepelesian city-states, which are wealthier but less populated than the Tryplerid kingdoms, and to the east lie the furthest outposts of the overextended Empire of the Yplirigi.

This NES imagines its players as the King, Queen and Chancellor of each of the three kingdoms. All players above the quota of nine will be reserves. Reserves will fill positions at my discretion when players die/are deposed/divorced/sacked and the old player will become a reserve.

Each turn is three years long, and, in order to give you plenty of time to communicate, updates will be every two (or occasionally every three) weeks. All players can and should communicate with each other. Please use the time wisely and do not just do everything just before the deadline. If you do so, you will irritate me and I will feel perfectly justified in ensuring your character dies far more easily than they would have done otherwise. :)

Updates come, uniquely, by PM, and the players each receive different information. Sharing this information well will be a key part of success in this NES. Nothing except update deadlines, a starting map, and applications to join, would be posted on the thread. Everything will go on by PM, irc, AIM or whatever. Players who joined would have to promise to make sure that, upon their departure, they sent information of all knowledge to the moderator to pass on to the next player.

The King is absolute, but uninformed and unfunded. He may decree as he likes and he may sack his chancellor, and he can change the law and speak to his people from his palace balcony, but he receives minimal information in updates, and relies on the chancellor to fund his actions, and on either the Chancellor or the Queen (or both) at his discretion to command the army. Most of all, though, he cannot leave the palace.

The Chancellor has full control of all the government’s money and receives a fairly clear understanding of the kingdom’s finances in his update PM. He receives a broad idea of everything that happens in the kingdom and of the intricacies of the internal government of the nation. The finances will be ambiguous like everything else in this NES, and it will not be publically known what the exchange rates are between the currencies; they will be minted in different metals and at different purities, and the only certain measure will be how much of each currency is needed to raise a soldier.

The Queen receives information on the general situation, like the Chancellor, but may receive information that differs in parts depending on where the Queen and Chancellor are respectively located and on what they do during the turn. The Queen may take the King’s orders and rule on his behalf outside the city, but may well command more or less respect than the Chancellor depending on the circumstances, possessing more regality on the one hand, but also less manhood than him. Thus she may communicate royal decrees to the people. The Queen is there to act as a check to prevent the Chancellor misleading the King too much (if she sees fit).

If a regency is necessary, either the Queen or the Chancellor may fill it. I will then allow a reserve to fill the position of infant King and another to fill a role of opposition Chancellor to keep power balanced within the Kingdom.

If a succession happens extremely smoothly, such that the successor's tenure of the position can seem quite easily to represent a continuation of his predecessor's tenure of the same position, then I may well not choose to replace the player in those circumstances.

The Army is commanded by the King but he must send instructions so that the Queen or Chancellor or both can command it instead, because the King cannot leave the palace. Armies largely consist of javelin throwers, of which all have light shields; some soldiers may have horses.

Please present yourself as interested now; you may state the position you want, but the important thing is to be in a team with people you can easily and willingly communicate with, and I will try to consult with the interested players and set these teams, and put the other players as reserves. Being the first to post does not guarantee you a position at the start, but everyone should get a chance sooner or later. I already have some people interested, I believe, but these people should post below anyway.

This may be unprescriptive, but I will tell you everything else you need to know in Update Zero.

Update Zero will be on Saturday 9th October, provided I get at least nine players organised in three teams by then.


Red squares are Tryplirid cities; the ones with yellow centres are the capitals of the three kingdoms. Blue squares are Prepelesian cities or Yplirigian outposts.

Players in the NES

King Alfred: fantasmo
Queen Jenna: conehead234 [surname removed but borne in mind]
Chancellor Lord Richard Cosgrave: Agent 89
Reserve Lord Algernon Corsenford: ZeletDude
Reserve Lord John Litheren-Williamson: Gelion

Clinody (Kleinody)
King Friedrich Ludwig Heinrich: Kentharu
Queen Matilda Heinrich: Anonymoose
Chancellor Martin Clemens von Vlinsic: LittleBoots
Reserve Count Alphonse von Schnitzlhindentanimulersberg: Badunoff [von Mulersberg for short]
Reserve Lord Franz Nikolaus von Eglenstadt: 1stcitizen [name of lordship added]

King Edmund: Masada
Queen Katherine: Owen Glyndwr [standardisation was deemed necessary]
Chancellor Lord Arnold Peter Bowman-Black: Cull
Reserve Lord James Fuller: merciary
Reserve Count Jaffre Maximilian III: skeptikalz!
Reserve Lord Thomas Robert-Giguere: thomas.berubeg
And I might as well reserve another one, not that there's anything to put here.
I'm in
subscribing to thread... this looks interesting and i want to follow it.

to be clear- i am lurking, not playing.
Subscribed. Dying to see it in action..
I am... thoroughly intrigued. I will play, if you will have me.
I have lots of people "interested" it seems; if any of you are interested in lurking rather than playing, please make this expicit as I need to be sure.

More reservations are still needed, because I need plenty of reserves. :)

Expressions of preference in terms of what role (king, queen, chancellor) you would rather have would be good too, if you have preferences here.
Owen's ma' Queeny babei.
Interested in being a Chancellor.
I'm interested, you can throw me where ever you want.
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