stAmenNES4 - For God, Allah, and Glory

To: Empire of China
From: Kingdom of Siam

let us not beat around the bush, we are the dominant powers of Asia, We should band together and keep Asia for the Asians, would you agree to an Alliance or perhaps and NAP?
The Age of Siam in Indo-China Has Become

Siam, the great Elephant. It has lain dorment for far to long. It is time for us to Rise to glory. Emperor Be-hian Taol was crowned, he is the embodiment of Greatness. He will lead his people to their rightful place in Asia, equall to the Chinese Dragon. Our Warriors stand ready atop the walls of Bangkok.

In a show of his Grandeur, Emperor Taol had his men march in streaming lines through the capital. The awesome sight had the People of Siam cheering in jubilation. For they knew, they knew the destiny for which they were soon to receive and was theirs by right. This is our age, a bloody age. The Age of Siam

Knights Templar
Capital: Castle Pilgram
Ruler: Hughes de Paynens/ pawpaw
Government: Grand master led Council
Tech Level: Early Colonial Age
Army: 3000 Infantry 3000 Cavalry
Navy: 10 Ships
Economy: Good Enough ( +1 )
Education: Educated
Culture: Uberpatriotic
Confindence: Admiring
Nation Background:
Having been forced from Europe the Knights Templar, who had once crusaded across the holy lands ( although ITTL, much moreso in Iberia ) now seek to begin a new life in Macbrinea. Their wasrriors are dedicated, their people are loving of their king, and things look promising for the Knights of the holy order. Who knows? Prehaps a reconquest of Iberia isn't all as impossible as it seems....
Capital: Nanjing
Government: Monarchy
Tech Level: Early Colonial Age
Army: 15000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 30 Cannons
Navy: 50 Ships
Economy: Economic Powerhouse (+3)
Education: Academic
Culture: Uberpatriotic
Confidence: Admiring
Nation Background: Under the wise and divine tutelage of the Ming-dynasty sons of heaven, China has reached its zenith. The treasure fleet grows ever-larger, while the army is the most powerful in all of East Asia. Nations from across the world are paying tribute to the mighty emperor of China. Traders all the way from western Europe can be seen in Nanjing’s markets, and representatives from most every nation now kowtow before the emperor in the Forbidden City. But now the Son of Heaven seeks land in this new “Macbrinea”. Will China create a Pacific Empire? Or shall the concubines depose the emperor, just as they did in our world..?

I am here to confirm my reservation and anyone that argues will face the might of my Human Waves! *sees contempt* not again....

To Siam
From China

We will think about your offer...
To: King Frederick of the Kalmar Union
From: Empress Irene II of the Eastern Roman Empire

I thank you very much for your friendship, but we are not prepared to part with Novior Roma, our only foothold in Macbrinea, at this time.

OOC: Yes, I know, the Byzantines had abandoned Latin entirely by this time. However, I don't know how to say "Newer Rome" in Greek, so it's in Latin.
Cuivenen! Update! Don't do diplo!
Your southern neighbors would like you join your alliance.
Hughes De Payens, Grand Master of the Knights Templar paced the battlements of the great citidel overlooking the virgin lands and the great unknown. It was an untouched and rich land--native tribes battled and died just out of sight of this baston of the " civilized " world, fledgling european colonies held precariously to their footholds in the new world. Already scouts had gone forth to recon the opposite shore and claim it for the glory of the Order.

Great promise and riches were here for the order--riches to be tapped to rebuild the Order--riches to rewrite old wrongs. Great injustice had been done to them in the old world. Ancient enemies had forgotten the order--the Order had not forgotten them. It only waited and grew for the right time--for justice and glory!
Capital: Cuzco
Government: Chiefdom
Tech Level: Pre Colonial Age
Army: 1700 Infantry
Navy: 6 Ships
Economy: Good Enough (+1)
Education: Tolerable
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Loving
Nation Background: Although the Incan people do not have the same population problems as other Amerindian tribes, however they are lacking in any form of horse. (Llamas, anyone?) They have a slightly better educational system, considering they have writing. They will also have to come to grips with the Moche people to the north…

I be these guys.

To Moche
From Inca

Greetings brothers! We have no intrest in quarelling with you , would like to sign a NAP? Maybe an alliance?
From Moche
To Inca

We will agree to an NAP. An alliance would not be prudent at this time...
Is Cyprus mostly Muslim or mostly Christian?

What type of government is it?

I think it should be either Monarchy, either Knightly Order (Ecclesiastical, ala Pope?) Whichever you like.

Didn't I mention that Cyprus is really called the Knights Hospitallers? So its a Christian Religious Feudalism, or some such. The same should go for the Knights Templar.

ho is the ruling class, Muslims or Christians? What religion does the government adhere to?

Christian, Christian.

Another note: Incans don't have writing. They have some funny system to replace it. The Moche were more advanced then the Incans on one hand, but their empire was by then in decay.

Oh, and about Kalmar Union - they're doing well, apart from that horde of rebellious Swedes waiting for it to slip. ;) Okay, so the Swedes aren't as numerous nor rebellious as you might have thought, but still they don't like their government.

I confirm "Lord Novgorod the Great".
From: Novgorod
To: Kalmar Union

Latines, explain to us how we might benefit from this.
To Il-Khanate
From Vijaynagra Empire

We wish to buy all land east of the Indus River what is your price.
Holy Roman Empire
Capital: Rome
Ruler: Emperor Albrecht II von Habsburg
Government: Monarchy
Tech Level: Early Colonial Age
Army: 18000 Infantry, 6300 Cavalry, 14 Cannons
Navy: 30 Ships
Economy: Rich (+2)
Education: Well-Educated
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Loving
Nation Background: The Holy Roman Empire deserves to be proud. They deposed that corrupt Papacy and established a true Papacy, one which ensures the glory of Rome! Although you are one of the most powerful nations of Europe, in conquering all the land that you did, you have stepped on a lot of toes. Tread carefully, lest the nations of Europe bum-rush you…


It was a cool, crisp morning in Rome. Morning dew still clung to the lawns of the royal gardens throughout the city, and the sun softly warmed the mild air. A crowd of onlookers mulled about outside St. Peter's, waiting to get a view of the morning's proceedings. The coronation of an Emperor was, for most, a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and not to be missed.

Inside the basilica, preparations were being finalized for the coronation of Albrecht von Habsburg. It was to be a great affair, attended by nobles from around the Empire, and by much of the Church hierarchy. Servants and clerics rushed about, finalizing everything, and at ten o'clock the ceremony began.

Seated throughout the cathedral were the elite of the Empire: noblemen and women, clerics, and military officers. At the front of the basilica stood the altar. Candles burned throughout the building, as the choir sang.

Through a door in the front of the cathedral emerged the Pope, the True Pope, the Holy Pontiff of Rome. He bore in each hand a crown of gold. He stepped forward to the altar, and, placing down the crowns upon the altar, began the invocation and blessing of the ceremony.

The blessing complete, Albrecht entered through a door in the rear of the cathedral. The assembled crowd turned to watch as the young prince walked solmenly down the aisle towards the altar. Upon reaching the daise, Albrecht knelt and received blessing and communion. He then rose, and exchanged the ceremonial vows of state with the Pope. This exchange completed, Albrecht again knelt, and the Pontiff lifted from the altar the first crown.

"Here I hold the crown of my fathers, the Iron Crown of Italy, ensign of the King of Italy and King of the Romans. Wear it well, Albrecht von Habsburg, and do your forbears honor." The Pope placed the Iron Crown upon Albrecht's bowed head, coronating the newest King of Italy and of the Romans.

"Here I do hold the crown of your fathers, the Carolingian Crown of the Holy Roman Empire, ensign of the Holy Roman Emperor and of the King of the Germans. Wear it well, Albrecht von Habsburg, and do your forbears honor." The Pontiff placed the Carolingian Crown upon the King's head, coronating him as Holy Roman Emperor.

The Pope twice again blessed Albrecht and his Empire, and, baying him stand, presented to the assembled multitude Albrecht II, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Italy and of the Romans and of the Germans. Amongst the crowd, Albrecht's family wept. The House of Habsburg had reclaimed the Imperial title. The Empire was again ruled by Germans. Albrecht, a man of great strength, great intellect, and great integrity, would lead the Empire to a new and glorious future.

The Pope and Albrecht each took two steps back before turning away from each other and walking out the doors through which they had entered. The choir began another song as the ruling elite of the Holy Roman Empire filed out of the basilica. Outside, the people of the city assembled in the waiting crowd strained to catch sight of their new Emperor and King as he exited the basilica, escorted by an impressive personal bodyguard.

The new Emperor was crowned. Long live the Emperor.

From: Kalmar Union
To: Novgorod

Simple. We can assist you militarily wherever you need it *ahem, unifying Russia?* and will not interfere at all with it. Occupying scandinavia for you wouldnt seem to do much good, but for us its a matter of uniting the peoples of the peninsula under one banner.
Slav'sa, o Vol'naya Rus', na veki vekov!
- The Principal Chronicle of Novgorod the Great. 1400 BN [1].
("Glory to you, o Free Rus, for all ages!")

Excerpts from:
Istoria Rusi v Novoye Vrema, by Akademic Aleksander Adamow of the Dalneslavskaya Academia.
("History of Rus in the New Times, by Academician Alexander Adamov of the Dalneslav Academy")

Prologue: End of the Middle Ages.

The Rus was built in the end of the Dark Ages, it consolidated in the Early Middle Ages... and then was thrust into darkness by the horrors of the Tataro-Mongolic invasions. It was cut off from Greece and from Europe, its monasteries were burned. But the Rusite culture survived, and evolved, under the isolation enforced by the Tataric Igo[2], into something completely different. If not for that, it would probably have been similar to, say, Serbia in its independant days, or to Poland but without the Catholicism - which in that country was rarely well-enforced, despite the aristocracy's best efforts. But in the Middle Ages, Rus evolved and was no longer similar to Europe. In Rus, the cultural features of the Great Steppe, of Scandinavia and of the Byzantine Greece met with the independant Slavic culture, the defining feature of it being the irrational love for the Motherland, despite all of "her" cruelty and misdoings in those dark Medieval days.


The Middle Ages were a tale of the Rus struggling against the Steppe. Having endured the Kipchaks, the Rusites nevertheless fell to the Mongols. But not completely, and not just because the Mongols simply set up vassal rulers rather then destroy the Rusite principalities altogether. No. While Vladimir, Moskva, Ryazan and Kiev were being burned by the Tataro-Mongolic conquerors, Novgorod was left intact. With great leaders such as the Knyazes Alexander Nevskiy and Igor Velikiy, Voevods Yaroslav Dvinsky and Mikhail Drevnev and Patriarchs Ivan Smirenniy and Oleg Mudriy, Novgorod soon became not only the Rusite window to Europe, but also the envy of the Rus.

It was from there that Rus was to be built anew.

Chapter One: At the onset of the New Times

When did the "New Times" begin? That is not clear. The "Arabic School" says that it was in 1333, (or, rather, 733 by the Islamic Calendar) when the first transAtlantic expeditions departed the Almohad Andalusia. Others - the European School - say the date to be 1380, when Macbrien opened his continent to the European colonization. For Rus, the date is probably 1376, when the Novgorodian forces dealt the final blow to the Golden Horde. It was then that Rus was freed. It was then that a new era would begin for it.

A Novgorodian era.


Novgorod, as is important to note, had an interesting system of government. The nominal head of state was the Velikiy Knyaz (Grand Prince), but the real power was in the hands of the merchants, the landowners and the nobles - the Tri Soslovya (Three Social Groups?) that formed the Duma. In theory, the Knyaz was in charge - but in reality, when he tried anything that was against the Duma's interests, he was warned not to do it - or simply overthrown.

The religious life in Novgorod was largely based along the Patriarch of Novgorod, but there, too, the limited "demosocratization" occured, in the form of the Synod - a council of the Metropolites and Arkhiepiskops, headed by the Patriarch himself, which voted and debated on religious and moral affairs in Rus. It is interesting to note that during this period, rather then secularize, the Novgorodian Duma was MERGING the state and the faith.


As of 1400 C.E., the Novgordian Rus was "ruled" by Velikiy Knyaz Mikhail III. The Patriarch was Filaret Pravedniy. The Voevod was, ofcourse, Oleg Drevlov Moguchiy.


[1] - BN is Boga Nashego, or Anno Domini, or of Our Lord.
[2] - Igo means, in Russian, "Yoke".
From: Lord Novgorod the Great
To: The Kalmar Union

Maybe... but we happen to believe that control over the Kola Peninsula will be quite beneficial for us. Other then that, Scandinavia is yours.
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