State of the Empire


Turn 119:



switched Tuscan Talon to Collossus now

Unit Moves:

worker1 roads mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues mining BG NW of Darkside
worker9 continues roading GL W of Chambo
worker10 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker11 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker12 moves into Shqiperia
worker14 moves into Shqiperia
worker15 finished mining plains S of IG
worker18 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker19 finished clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker22 finished mining plains S of IG
worker23 continues mining GL W of Chambo
worker24 continues mining hill N of The Roost
worker25 roads GL 3 SW of BoP
worker26 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 finished mining plains S of IG
worker38 finished roading mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 continues roading hills SW of The Great Oak
worker46 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker47 continues mining hill SW of Great Oak
worker48 joins Shqiperia
worker49 mines mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 continues mining hills SW of Great Oak
worker53 continues clearing jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker54 continues roading hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker55 continues mining hill SW of Great Oak
worker56 continues roading hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker57 moves to hill near Calistoria
worker58 continues mining hill N of The Roost

Golden Talonfighter fortifies to heal
Flying Horseshoe I fortified at The Roost
TMS Eagleprise is fortified in IG
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle is fortified in Leone

Domestic Report:

24 towns
18% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
31% of world population (~131 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 31% with ~131 citizens)
32 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 218 gold and -29 gpt.
Research: researching Chemistry (Chemie) at 375 bpt (including 6 scientist(s)) due in 4 turn(s) (0 of 1500 beakers invested) (1500 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 80% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
1 horseman
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
0 medieval infantrie(s)



Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building The Great Library in Camelot

We are building Mausoleum of Mausolos in Beizjagd (to be completed in 3 turns)
We are building Collossus in Tuscan Talon (to be completed in 6 turns)

Due to complete on turn 120:

Marketplace in Aerie
Horseman in The Hatchery
Barracks in BoP
Harbor in Shqiperia

screenies of 119:


Turn 120:


Marketplace in Aerie (set to barracks)
Horseman in The Hatchery (set to horseman)
Barracks in BoP (set to horseman)
Harbor in Shqiperia (set to Dromon)

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues roading mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues mining BG NW of Darkside
worker9 finished roading GL W of Chambo
worker10 finished clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker11 finished clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker12 joins Shqiperia
worker14 joins Shqiperia
worker15 moves 3xS to jungle SE of Easy
worker18 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker19 finished roading GL 3 SW of BoP
worker22 moves 3xS to jungle SE of Easy
worker23 continues mining GL W of Chambo
worker24 continues mining hill N of The Roost
worker25 finished roading GL 3 SW of BoP
worker26 finished clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 moves 3xS to jungle SE of Easy
worker38 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 mines GL SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 finished roading hills SW of The Great Oak
worker46 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker47 finished mining hill SW of Great Oak
worker49 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 finished mining hills SW of Great Oak
worker53 continues clearing jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker54 finished roading hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker55 continues roading hill SW of Great Oak
worker56 finished roading hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker57 moves 3xS (N of Aerie)
worker58 continues mining hill N of The Roost

Golden Talonfighter flawlessly kills barb horseman
Flying Horseshoe I fortified at The Roost
TMS Eagleprise is fortified in IG
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle is fortified in Leone
Flying Horseshoe II moves towards Darkside

Domestic Report:

24 towns
18% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
31% of world population (~133 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 31% with ~133 citizens)
30 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 189 gold and -32 gpt.
Research: researching Chemistry (Chemie) at 382 bpt (including 6 scientist(s)) due in 3 turn(s) (375 of 1500 beakers invested) (1125 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 80% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
2 horsemen
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
0 medieval infantrie(s)



Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building The Great Library in Camelot

We are building Mausoleum of Mausolos in Beizjagd (to be completed in 2 turns)
We are building Collossus in Tuscan Talon (to be completed in 5 turns)

Due to complete on turn 121:

Horseman in Aquila
Library in Great Oak
Worker in Schloss Adler

screenies of 120:

no pics this update sorry (short in time)

Turn 121:


Horseman in Aquila (set to horseman)
Library in Great Oak (set to Aqueduct)
Worker in Schloss Adler (set to library)

I rush a settler in Chambo for 16 gold

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues roading mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues mining BG NW of Darkside
worker9 finished mining GL W of Chambo
worker10 continues mining BG SW of Eagle Eye
worker11 continues mining BG SW of Eagle Eye
worker15 clears jungle SE of Easy
worker18 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker19 mines GL E, NE of Schloss Adler
worker22 clears jungle SE of Easy
worker23 continues mining GL W of Chambo
worker24 mines GL E, NE of Schloss Adler
worker25 mines GL E, NE of Schloss Adler
worker26 continues mining BG SW of Eagle Eye
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 clears jungle SE of Easy
worker38 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 mines GL SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 mines GL NE of Great Oak
worker46 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker47 mines GL NE of Great Oak
worker49 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 mines GL NE of Great Oak
worker53 continues clearing jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker54 mines hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker55 finished roading hill SW of Great Oak
worker56 mines hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker57 mines pains W, NW of Aerie
worker58 finished mining hill N of The Roost
worker59 mines hill SE of Schloss Adler

Golden Talonfighter kills barb horseman loosing 1 HP
Flying Horseshoe I fortified at The Roost
TMS Eagleprise is fortified in IG
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle is fortified in Leone
Flying Horseshoe II fortifies in Darkside
Flying Horseshoe III will set sail for barb island together with a settler from Chambo in 3 turns

Domestic Report:

24 towns
18% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
31% of world population (135 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 31% with ~135 citizens)
31 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 141 gold and -35 gpt.
Research: researching Chemistry (Chemie) at 388 bpt (including 6 scientist(s)) due in 2 turn(s) (757 of 1500 beakers invested) (743 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 80% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
3 horsemen
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
0 medieval infantrie(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Theology, Education, Gunpowder; they are up Chivalry (bur they owe it to us)
Knights: They are still in the AA
Anarchie: We are up Invention and Gunpowder


5/5 Golden Talonfighter vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 4/5 Golden Talonfighter

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building The Great Library in Camelot

We are building Mausoleum of Mausolos in Beizjagd (to be completed in 1 turn)
We are building Collossus in Tuscan Talon (to be completed in 4 turns)

Due to complete on turn 122:

Barracks in Aerie
Mausoleum of Mausolos in Beizjagd!!
Settler in Chambo
Harbor in Leone

screenies of 121:


Turn 122:


Barracks in Aerie (set to harbor)
Mausoleum of Mausolos in Beizjagd (set to university)
Settler in Chambo (set to settler)
Harbor in Leone (set to settler)

I short-rush a longbowman in BoP for 44 gold and switch back to marketplace to be completed in 3 turns.

I short-rush a courthouse in IG for 24 gold and switch back to aqueduct to be completed in 2 turns.

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues roading mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker6 finished mining BG NW of Darkside
worker9 finished roading GL W of Chambo
worker10 moves NW, W and continues mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker11 moves NW, W and continues mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker15 clears jungle SE of Easy
worker18 finished clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker19 finished mining GL E, NE of Schloss Adler
worker22 clears jungle SE of Easy
worker23 moves 3xN towards Aerie
worker24 finished mining GL E, NE of Schloss Adler
worker25 finished mining GL E, NE of Schloss Adler
worker26 finished mining BG SW of Eagle Eye
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 continues clearing jungle SE of Easy
worker38 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 mines hills NE of Schloss Adler
worker44 finished mining GL NE of Great Oak
worker46 mines GL E of Schloss Adler
worker47 finished mining GL NE of Great Oak
worker49 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 finished mining GL NE of Great Oak
worker53 mines GL E of Schloss Adler
worker54 continues mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker55 moves 3xS towards Aerie
worker56 continues mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker57 continues mining plains W, NW of Aerie
worker58 mines hills NE of Schloss Adler
worker59 continues mining hill SE of Schloss Adler

Golden Talonfighter fortified to heal
Flying Horseshoe I is fortified in The Roost
TMS Eagleprise is fortified in IG
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle is fortified in Leone
Flying Horseshoe II is fortified in Darkside
Flying Horseshoe III will set sail for barb island together with a settler from Chambo in 2 turns

Domestic Report:

24 towns
18% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
31% of world population (135 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 31% with ~135 citizens)
31 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 38 gold and +100 gpt.
Research: researching Chemistry (Chemie) at 355 bpt (including 7 scientist(s)) due in 1 turn(s) (1145 of 1500 beakers invested) (355 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 50% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
3 horsemen
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Theology, Education, Gunpowder; they are up Chivalry (but they owe it to us)
Knights: They are still in the AA
Anarchie: We are up Invention and Gunpowder



Wonder Update:

Brotherhood has completed The Great Library in Camelot

We have completed the Mausoleum of Mausolos in Beizjagd and triggered our GA
We are building Collossus in Tuscan Talon (to be completed in 2 turns)

Due to complete on turn 123:

Harbor in Aerie
Dromon in Shqiperia
Barracks in Eagle Eye
Library in Calistoria
Worker in Inferno

screenies of 122:


Turn 123:


Harbor in Aerie (set to Dromon)
Dromon in Shqiperia (set to university)
Barracks in Eagle Eye (set to Knight)
Library in Calistoria (set to harbor)
Worker in Inferno (set to worker)

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues roading mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker9 continues clearing jungle SE of Chambo
worker10 finished mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker11 finished mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker15 continues clearing jungle SE of Easy
worker18 roads GL E of Schloss Adler
worker19 mines GL SE, SE of Schloss Adler
worker22 clears jungle SE of Easy
worker23 moves 3xN towards Calistoria
worker24 mines GL SE, SE of Schloss Adler
worker25 mines GL SE, SE of Schloss Adler
worker26 moves to forrest NW of The Roost (to chop library)
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 continues clearing jungle SE of Easy
worker38 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 mines hills NE of Schloss Adler
worker44 moves to GL 2N of Ilium
worker46 continues mining GL E of Schloss Adler
worker47 moves to mountain N, NE of Ilium
worker49 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 moves 3xS towards Calistoria
worker53 continues mining GL E of Schloss Adler
worker54 finished mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker55 moves 3xS towards Aerie
worker56 finished mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker57 continues mining plains W, NW of Aerie
worker58 continues mining hills NE of Schloss Adler
worker59 moves to forrest NW of The Roost (to chop library)
worker60 moves to forrest NW of Hellgate (to chop harbor)

TMS Eagleprise moves into Shqiperia to unload horseman and waits there for a turn
Golden Talonfighter fortifies to wait for knight
Flying Horseshoe I is fortified in The Roost
TMS Eagle Breath moves to create a ship chain
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves to create a ship chain
Flying Horseshoe II is fortified in Darkside
Flying Horseshoe III moves to Aquila to get upgraded to knight

Domestic Report:

25 towns
19% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
32% of world population (145 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 31% with ~140 citizens)
32 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 80 gold and +8 gpt.
Research: researching Metallurgy (Metallverarbeitung) at 553 bpt (including 8 scientist(s)) due in 4 turn(s) (0 of 1600 beakers invested) (1600 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 80% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
2 horsemen
1 knight(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Theology, Education, Gunpowder and Chemistry
Knights: We are up Gunpowder and Chemistry
Anarchie: We are up Invention, Gunpowder and Chemistry



Wonder Update:

We are building Collossus in Tuscan Talon (to be completed in 1 turns)

Due to complete on turn 124:

Dromon in Aerie
Collossus in Tuscan Talon
Worker in Hotel California
Aqueduct in IG

screenies of 123:


ARRRGGGG!!! :wallbash: I lost the whole log due to the site doing strage things when I wanted to preview the log. :mad: [pissed] :aargh:

I try to do my best to recap it, but I can't remember the worker moves.

Turn 124:


Dromon in Aerie (set to knight)
Collossus in Tuscan Talon (set to knight)
Worker in Hotel California (set to worker)
Aqueduct in IG (set to harbor)

Sold granary in The Village, but kept courthouse as it gains us a shield for the harbor.

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues roading mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker9 continues clearing jungle SE of Chambo
worker10 finished mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker11 finished mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker15 continues clearing jungle SE of Easy
worker18 roads GL E of Schloss Adler
worker19 mines GL SE, SE of Schloss Adler
worker22 clears jungle SE of Easy
worker23 moves 3xN towards Calistoria
worker24 mines GL SE, SE of Schloss Adler
worker25 mines GL SE, SE of Schloss Adler
worker26 moves to forrest NW of The Roost (to chop library)
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 continues clearing jungle SE of Easy
worker38 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 mines hills NE of Schloss Adler
worker44 moves to GL 2N of Ilium
worker46 continues mining GL E of Schloss Adler
worker47 moves to mountain N, NE of Ilium
worker49 continues mining mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 moves 3xS towards Calistoria
worker53 continues mining GL E of Schloss Adler
worker54 finished mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker55 moves 3xS towards Aerie
worker56 finished mining hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker57 continues mining plains W, NW of Aerie
worker58 continues mining hills NE of Schloss Adler
worker59 moves to forrest NW of The Roost (to chop library)
worker60 moves to forrest NW of Hellgate (to chop harbor)

TMS Eagleprise moves into Shqiperia to unload horseman and waits there for a turn
Golden Talonfighter fortifies to wait for knight
Flying Horseshoe I is fortified in The Roost
TMS Eagle Breath moves to create a ship chain
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves to create a ship chain
Flying Horseshoe II is fortified in Darkside
Flying Horseshoe III moves to Aquila to get upgraded to knight

Domestic Report:

25 towns
19% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
38% of world population (146 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 36% with ~138 citizens)
30 workers (three workers joined cities)
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 53 gold and +8 gpt.
Research: researching Metallurgy (Metallverarbeitung) at 568 bpt (including 9 scientist(s)) due in 3 turn(s) (553 of 1600 beakers invested) (1047 more required)

Running 10% luxuries and 80% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak


1 sword(s)
2 horsemen
1 knight(s)
3 warrior(s) (disbanded a warrior in Darkside to get a library next turn)
4 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Theology, Education, Gunpowder and Chemistry
Knights: We are up Gunpowder and Chemistry


Golden Talonfigter kill a horseman without losing HPs

As we now can see the IBT, I saw that GT killed 4 attacking horsemen (which came from nowhere) before he got killed by the 5th. :(

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 125:

market in BoP
library in Darkside
worker in Hell's Angels

screenies of 124:


Turn 125:


Marketplace in Birds of Prey
Library in Darkside
Worker in Hells’ Angels

Unit Moves:

Worker57 NW and mines
Worker55 NW and mines
Worker23 W and mines
Worker 19 SW
Worker24 NW-W-S
Worker25 NE-NE
Worker53 E
Worker46 E
Worker54 mines
Worker56 mines
Worker61 roads
Worker from Hell’s Angels W

Settler E.

Knight Flying Horseshoe III NE-NE

Domestic Report:

25 towns
19% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
38% of world population (149 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 36% with 142 citizens)
31 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 29 gold and +221 gpt.
Research: researching Metallurgy (Metallverarbeitung) at 291 bpt (including 6 scientist(s)) due in 3 turn(s) (1121 of 1600 beakers invested) (479 more required)

Running 10% luxuries and 40% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is weak
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak


2 horsemen
1 knight(s)
3 warrior(s) (disbanded a warrior in Darkside to get a library next turn)
4 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Theology, Education, and Chemistry (they now have Gunpowder)
Knights: We are up Gunpowder and Chemistry



Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 126:

Knight in Aerie
Barracks in Tuscan Talon
University in Beizjagd.
Barracks in Shqiperia
Harbor in Calistoria
Harbor in Hellgate

Turn 126:


Knight in Aerie
Barracks in Tuscan Talon
University in Beizjagd.
Barracks in Shqiperia
Harbor in Calistoria
Harbor in Hellgate

Spend 40 gold rushing a settler in Birds of Prey then change back to knight.
Spend 120 gold rushing a knight in Eagle Eye then change back to marketplace.

Unit Moves:

Worker24 chops forest
Worker19 chops forest
Worker26 irrigates
Worker59 irrigates
Worker25 clears jungle
Worker53 clears jungle
Worker46 clears jungle
Worker by Hellgate irrigates
Worker18 E

Settler NE

New knight in Aerie goes to Eagle Eye
Knight Flying Horseshoe III N-E

Domestic Report:

25 towns
19% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
39% of world population (151 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 37% with 143 citizens)
31 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 105 gold and +276 gpt.
Research: researching Metallurgy (Metallverarbeitung) at 216 bpt (including 0 scientist(s)) due in 1 turn(s) (1413 of 1600 beakers invested) (187 more required)

Running 10% luxuries and 30% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is weak
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak


2 horsemen
1 knight(s)
3 warrior(s)
4 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Theology, Education, and Chemistry
Knights: We are up Gunpowder and Chemistry



Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 127:

Marketplace in The Hatchery
Knight in Aquila
Worker (slave) in The Village
Harbor in Ignis Graecus
Worker in Hellgate


Turn 127:

We discover Metallurgy and start Military Tradition.


Marketplace in The Hatchery
Knight in Aquila
Worker (slave) in The Village
Harbor in Ignis Graecus
Worker in Hellgate

Unit Moves:

Worker 58 roads
Worker54 roads
Worker56 roads
Worker39 roads
Worker from HellGate to cow

Settler NE

TMS Eagle Fire W-W-W-SW

Domestic Report:

25 towns
19% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
38% of world population (149 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 37% with citizens)
33 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 381 gold and +8 gpt.
Research: researching Military Tradition at 583 bpt (including 5 scientist(s)) due in 4 turn(s) (0 of beakers invested) (more required)

Running 10% luxuries and 80% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is weak
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak


2 horsemen
3 knight(s)
3 warrior(s)
4 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Theology, Education, Chemistry, and Metallurgy
Knights: We are up Chemistry and Metallurgy (they now have Gunpowder)


Knight Flying Horseshoe III kills barbarian horse but drops to 1/4.

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 128:

Knight in Aerie
Worker in Hotel California
Barracks in Beizjagd
Knight in Birds of Prey
Marketplace in Eagle Eye
Worker in Winged Spear

Turn 128:


Knight in Aerie
Worker in Hotel California
Barracks in Beizjagd
Knight in Birds of Prey
Marketplace in Eagle Eye
Worker in Winged Spear

Disease strikes Easy

Spend 52 gold rushing settler in The Hatchery then change back to knight
Spend 192 rushing musket in Aquila then change back to knight
Spend 36 rushing worker in The Village and sell courthouse for 20 gold

Unit Moves:

Worker1 mines
Worker56 E-SE
Worker39 E-SE
Worker57 E-E-NE
Worker55 E-E-NE
Worker49 SW-W-W
Worker44 S-S-SW
Worker in Winged Spear S-SW
Worker60 irrigates
Worker irrigates cow by Hellgate
Worker from H.C. E
Worker26 roads
Worker59 roads

Settler N

Knight Flying Horseshoe III SW

TMS Eagle Fire S-S and picks up a worker

Disband a warrior in Schloss Adler

Domestic Report:

25 towns
20% of world area (Knights have 18%)
37% of world population (147 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 37% with 147 citizens)
35 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 129 gold and +2 gpt.
Research: researching Military Tradition at 587 bpt (including 5 scientist(s)) due in 4 turn(s) (583 of 1600 beakers invested) (1017 more required)

Running 10% luxuries and 80% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak


2 horsemen
5 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
4 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Education, Chemistry, and Metallurgy (they now have Theology)
Knights: We are up Chemistry and Metallurgy



Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 129:

Knight in Aquila
Worker in The Village
Barracks in Calistoria
Library in The Roost
Worker in Hotel California


Turn 129:


Worker in Hotel California
Knight in Aquila
Worker in The Village
Barracks in Calistoria
Library in The Roost

Disease strikes Easy

Unit Moves:

Worker from The Village hops aboard a dromon which heads homeward with 2 workers.
Worker E of HC roads
Worker59 E-NE and mines
Worker56 clears jungle
Worker39 clears jungle
Worker58 and 54 E-SE
Worker6 S-S-SE
Worker33 NW and clears jungle
Worker15, 22 and 34 road
Workers 57 and 55 mine
Worker49 NW and mines
Worker44 S-S-S
Worker near Ilium roads
Worker38 S-S-S

City of Altin Tepe founded.

Spend 40 gold rushing settler in Birds of Prey then change back to knight.

Domestic Report:

26 towns
20% of world area (Knights have 18%)
36% of world population (146 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 36% with about 146 citizens)
37 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 91 gold and +272 gpt.
Research: researching Military Tradition at 242 bpt (including 7 scientist(s)) due in 4 turn(s) (1170 of 1600 beakers invested) (430 more required)

Running 10% luxuries and 30% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak


2 horsemen
6 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
4 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Education and Metallurgy (they now have Chemistry)
Knights: We are up Chemistry and Metallurgy



Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 130:

Knight in Aerie
Knight in Tuscan Talon
Knight in The Hatchery
Dromon in Ignis Gracius
Settler in Chambo
Settler in Easy

Turn 130:


Knight in Aerie
Knight in Tuscan Talon
Knight in The Hatchery
Dromon in Ignis Gracius
Settler in Chambo
Settler in Easy

Spend 44 gold rushing musket in Shqperia and change back to knight.
Spend 144 gold rushing musket in Calistoria and change back to knight.

Unit Moves:

Two workers transported to Hotel California NE-E and mine
Worker24 roads
Worker19 roads
Worker26 W
Worker58 clears jungle
Worker54 mines
Worker6 SE
Worker15, 22 and 34 irrigate
Worker38 S-S-S
Worker44 SE-SE and mines

Settler to Easy
Other settler takes the maximum legal ship chain toward Hell Island

Domestic Report:

26 towns
20% of world area (Knights have 18%)
36% of world population (Kuche has 37%)
37 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 135 gold and +277 gpt.
Research: researching Military Tradition at 217 bpt (including 0 scientist(s)) due in 1 turn(s)

Running 10% luxuries and 30% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak


2 horsemen
9 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
5 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Education and Metallurgy
Knights: We are up Chemistry and Metallurgy



Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 131:

Cavalry in Beizjagd

Turn 131:


Complete Military Tradition, start Astronomy

Cavalry in Beizjagd

Science to 0%, luxuries to 20%

Unit Moves:

Eagle Fire S-S-E-E
Fiery Sea Eagle E-E-E-N

Worker38 S-E
Worker33 SW
Worker29 S
Worker22 SW
Worker34 W-S-SE
Worker6 roads
Worker26 roads
Worker24 irrigates
Worker irrigates
Worker61 mines
Worker58 roads
Worker18 roads
Worker56 roads
Worker25 E and mines
Worker53 E and mines
Worker46 E and mines
Worker39 mines
Worker57 SE and mines
Worker49 SE and mines
Worker55 SE and mines
Worker23 S-S-S
Worker47 SW-S-SW
Worker SW-S-SW

Settler takes a partial ship chain to Hell

Flying Horseshoe III E

Spend 144 gold rushing musket in Aquila then back to cavalry
Domestic Report:

26 towns
20% of world area (Knights have 19%)
36% of world population (Kuche has 37%)
37 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 268 gold and +388 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy at 9 bpt (including 3 scientist(s)) due in 50 turn(s)

Running 20% luxuries and 0% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak


2 horsemen
9 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
5 dromon(s)
1 cavalry

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Education and Metallurgy
Knights: We are up Chemistry and Metallurgy



Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 132:

Cavalry in Birds of Prey
Cavalry in Shqiperis
Aqueduct in The Great Oak
Cavalry in Calistoria


Turn 132:


Cavalry in Birds of Prey
Cavalry in Shqiperis
Aqueduct in The Great Oak
Cavalry in Calistoria

Unit Moves:

Worker mines
Worker18 S-SE and mines
Worker56 S-SE and mines
Worker29 clears jungle
Worker9 S
Worker33 clears jungle
Worker34 S-S-S
Worker38 roads
Worker15 N-NE and mines
Worker22 clears jungle
Worker49 S-S-S
Worker55 S-S-S
Worker44 S-S-S
Worker47 S-S-S
Worker S-S-S
Worker23 S-S-S
Worker60 roads
Worker roads

Flying Horseshoe III kills a barb warrior and goes to ¾.

Domestic Report:

26 towns
21% of world area (Knights have 20%)
36% of world population (Kuche has 37%)
37 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 657 gold and +380 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy at 12 bpt (including 3 scientist(s)) due in 49 turn(s) (9 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 0% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak


2 horsemen
9 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
5 dromon(s)
4 cavalry

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Education and Metallurgy
Knights: We are up Chemistry and Metallurgy



Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 133:

Cavalry in Aerie
Cavalry in Aquila
Settler in Ilium
Dromon in Ignis Graecus
Cavalry in Eagle Eye
Worker in Inferno

Turn 133:


Cavalry in Aerie
Cavalry in Aquila
Settler in Ilium
Dromon in Ignis Graecus
Cavalry in Eagle Eye
Worker in Inferno

Spend 180 gold rushing musket in Shqiperia then change back to cavalry.
Spend 96 gold rushing longbow in Calistoria then change back to cavalry.

Unit Moves:

Worker19 mines.
Worker24 E and mines.
Worker E and mines.
Worker S.
Worker61 S.
Worker SE and mines.
Worker58 S-SE and mines.
Worker54 S-SE and mines.
Worker39 S-SE and mines.
Worker25, 46, and 53 join Eagle Eye.
Worker9 clears jungle.
Worker49, 55, and 44 S-S-SE.
Worker23 S-S-S.
Worker57, 47, and 1 other join Calistoria.
Worker N.
Worker N.
Worker34 S.

Settler SW-S-S.
Settler N.

TMS Fiery Sea Eagle heads around the north end of hell to check for barbs.
Another settler gets chained over to hell.
Other dromons head south to prepare to bomb Kuche’s coast.

Knights all move toward locations with barracks in the south.

Domestic Report:

26 towns
21% of world area (Knights have 20%)
36% of world population (Kuche has 37%)
32 workers
3 settler(s)

Treasury: 761 gold and +397 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy at 9 bpt (including 3 scientist(s)) due in 49 turn(s) (21 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 0% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is average


2 horsemen
9 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
6 dromon(s)
7 cavalry

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Military Tradition (they now have Education and Metallurgy)
Knights: We are up Metallurgy (they now have Chemistry)



Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 134:

Cavalry in Tuscan Talon
Cavalry in The Hatchery
Cavalry in Beizjagd
Worker in The Roost
Library in Schloss Adler

Turn 134:


Cavalry in Tuscan Talon (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in The Hatchery (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in Beizjagd (set to cavalry)
Worker in The Roost (set to worker)
Library in Schloss Adler (set to marketplace)

unit upgrades:

4 knights in Eagle Eye for 120 gold
1 horseman in Eagle Eye for 150 gold
1 horseman in Aquila for 150 gold
4 knights in Aquila for 120 gold

So we invested a total of 540 gold in upgrades.

Rush a granary in BoP for 56 gold and switch back to cavalry

Unit Moves:

worker1 mines GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues roading hill S, SE of Darkside
worker9 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker15 continues mining GL N Easy
worker18 mines GL W of Eagle Eye
worker19 finished mining GL S, SE of Schloss Adler
worker22 continues clearing jungle 2xSW of Easy
worker23 moves to hill W, NW of The Roost
worker24 finished mining GL S, SE of Schloss Adler
worker26 roads hill W, NW of The Roost
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle S of Chambo
worker34 roads desert near Darkside (towards Kueche)
worker38 continues roading gold hill S, SE of Easy
worker39 mines GL W of Eagle Eye
worker44 moves to GL SE of Chambo
worker49 moves to GL SE of Chambo
worker54 moves towards Chambo
worker55 moves to GL SE of Chambo
worker56 moves towards Chambo
worker58 moves towards Chambo
worker59 moves towards Chambo
worker60 finished irrigating GL NW of Hellgate
worker61 roads hill W, NW of The Roost
worker62 moves to hill W, NW of The Roost
worker63 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker64 roads N, NE of Hell's Gate
worker65 roads N of Inferno
worker66 moves to hill W, NW of The Roost
worker67 finished irrigating cow SE of Hell's Gate

2 workers joined Schloss Adler

Domestic Report:

26 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 20%)
37% of world population (157 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 38% with ~161 citizens)
31 workers
3 settler(s)

Treasury: 562 gold and +407 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy (Astronomie) at 9 bpt (including 3 scientist(s)) due in 47 turn(s) (30 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 0% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong :woohoo:
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is strong :woohoo:


20 cavalries
1 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
6 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Military Tradition
Knights: We are up Metallurgy and Military Tradition


4/4 Flying Horseshoe III vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 3/4 Flying Horseshoe III

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 135:

Musketman in Aerie
Cavalry in BoP
Cavalry in Shqiperia

screenies of 134:


Turn 135:


Musket in Aerie (set to musket)
Cavalry in BoP (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in Shqiperia (set to cavalry)
Worker in Hell's Angels (set to worker)

Eagle Eye and Darkside are rioting. Me idiot :wallbash: I am sorry :blush:

EDIT: Just recognized that it was not my fault. Kueche has stopped the fur delivery.

Founded Belial's Pit on Hell island (set to worker)

rush a granary in TT for 172 gold and switch back to cavalry
rush a granary in The Hatchery for 156 gold and switch back to cavalry
rush a granary in Beizjagd for 124 gold and switch back to cavalry

Unit Moves:

worker1 finished mining GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues roading hill S, SE of Darkside
worker9 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker15 continues mining GL N Easy
worker18 finished mining GL W of Eagle Eye
worker19 moves to The Roost (maybe to road towards Kueche if necessary)
worker22 continues clearing jungle 2xSW of Easy
worker23 moves to The Roost (maybe to road towards Kueche if necessary)
worker24 moves to The Roost (maybe to road towards Kueche if necessary)
worker26 finished roading hill W, NW of The Roost
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle S of Chambo
worker34 continues roading desert near Darkside (towards Kueche)
worker38 continues roading gold hill S, SE of Easy
worker39 finished mining GL W of Eagle Eye
worker44 irrigates GL SE of Chambo
worker49 irrigates GL SE of Chambo
worker54 irrigates GL SE Chambo
worker55 moves to Gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker56 irrigates GL SE Chambo
worker58 moves to Gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker59 moves to Gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker60 moves to forrestt N of Hellgate
worker61 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker62 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker63 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker64 continues roading N, NE of Hell's Gate
worker65 continues roading N of Inferno
worker66 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker67 moves to forrestt N of Hellgate
worker68 moves to forrest NE of Hell's Angels

Domestic Report:

27 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 21%)
36% of world population (162 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 37% with ~166 citizens)
32 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 517 gold and +409 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy (Astronomie) at 15 bpt (including 5 scientist(s)) due in 46 turn(s) (39 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 0% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is strong


22 cavalries
1 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
6 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Military Tradition
Knights: We are up Metallurgy and Military Tradition



Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 136:

Cavalry in Tuscan Talon
Dromon in Ignis Greacus
Cavalry in Calistoria
Cavalry in Beizjagd
Cavalry in the Hatchery
Settler in Leone

screenies of 135:


Turn 136:


Cavalry in Tuscan Talon (set to cavalry)
Dromon in Ignis Greacus (set to Dromon)
Cavalry in Calistoria (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in Beizjagd (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in the Hatchery (set to cavalry)
Settler in Leone (set to settler)

Established an embassy in Essen for 59 gold

Investigated Wuestenbrand for 82 gold
Investigated Bad Suelze for 96 gold
Investigated Cochem for 46 gold

And it's empty: (And close to completing a Musketeer)

OK, we start the war:

I officially declare war!

A cavalry from The Roost moves towards Dornstetten and destroys it (size 1 and no culture), as it is undefended:

A cavalry from Darkside moves towards Apfelstadt and spots a couple of Knight's knights on a mountain (4 units to be precise).

Anyway, we capture Apfelstadt:

Acavalry moves towards Bohnenland and attacks:

4/4 cavalry vs. 3/3 warrior --> 3/4 cavalry (Bohnenstadt captured)

Another cavalry moves towards Cochem and captured the undefended town:

A cavalry moves towards Pfifferlingen and destroys it:

The two Dromons from the eastern side use Darkside as a passage to get to the west and support that single Dromon over there.

I rush a granary in Aquila for 76 gold and switch back to cav (to be completed in 2 turns)
I rush a granary in BoP for 140 gold and switch back to cav
I rush a granary in Eagle Eye for 80 gold and switch back to cav

I sell the courthouse in Bohnenland for 20 gold.

The TMS Eagle Fire (western Dromon) picks up a cav and sails south, but on the way, it attempts at bombing Kartoffelruhe:

Dromon bombs Kartoffelruhe: missed

Oberkochen is empty, too.

I abandon Bohnenland

Unit Moves:

worker1 joins Schloss Adler
worker6 finished roading hill S, SE of Darkside
worker9 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker15 continues mining GL N Easy
worker18 moves towards Chambo
worker19 moves to desert tile E, SE of The Roost
worker22 continues clearing jungle 2xSW of Easy
worker23 moves to desert tile E, SE of The Roost
worker24 moves to desert tile E, SE of The Roost
worker26 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle S of Chambo
worker34 finished roading desert near Darkside (towards Kueche)
worker38 continues roading gold hill S, SE of Easy
worker39 moves towards Chambo
worker44 mines GL N, NW of Darkside
worker49 mines GL N, NW of Darkside
worker54 mines GL N, NW of Darkside
worker55 mines gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker56 moves to iron hill N of Darkside
worker58 mines gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker59 mines gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker60 chops forrest N of Hellgate
worker61 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker62 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker63 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker64 finished roading N, NE of Hell's Gate
worker65 finished roading N of Inferno
worker66 mines hill W, NW of The Roost
worker67 chops forrest N of Hellgate
worker68 moves to forrest NE of Hell's Angels

settler from Leone jumps onboard a passing Dromon heading towards our main land

Domestic Report:

29 towns
22% of world area (Brotherhood has 21%)
38% of world population (170 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 34% with ~152 citizens)
31 workers
3 settler(s)

Treasury: 367 gold and +399 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy (Astronomie) at 30 bpt (including 10 scientist(s)) due in 45 turn(s) (54 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 0% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is strong


26 cavalries
1 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
7 dromon(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Military Tradition
Knights: We are up Military Tradition (they now have Metallurgy)


Hell island:

Dromon bombs a barb horseman for 1 point of damage
5/5 knight vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 5/5 knight


4/4 cavalry vs. 3/3 warrior --> 3/4 cavalry

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 137:

Cavalry in Eagle Eye
Cavalry in Birds of Prey
Musket in Aerie

screenies of 136:


Turn 137:


Cavalry in Eagle Eye
Cavalry in Birds of Prey
Musket in Aerie

Rush a granary in TT for 172 gold and switch back to cavalry
Rush a granary in Calistoria for 164 gold and switch back to cavalry
Rush a granary in Beizjagd for 136 gold and switch back to cavalry
Rush a coastal fortress in IG for 48 gold and switch back to Dromon
Rush a granary in The Hatchery for 156 gold and switch back to cavalry

Sell a courthouse in Butjadingen for 20 gold and abandon the town
Abandon Jever (hate that beer anyway)
Abandon Apfelstadt
Abandon Cochem
Sell courthouse in Hitzacker for 20 gold

founded Duriel's Shell on Hell Island

Unit Moves:

worker6 moves 2xN to jungle NE of Darkside
worker9 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker15 finished mining GL N Easy
worker18 moves to jungle S of Chambo
worker19 roads desert tile E, SE of The Roost
worker22 continues clearing jungle 2xSW of Easy
worker23 roads desert tile E, SE of The Roost
worker24 roads desert tile E, SE of The Roost
worker26 finished mining hill W, NW of The Roost
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle S of Chambo
worker34 moves 3xN near Darkside
worker38 continues roading gold hill S, SE of Easy
worker39 moves to jungle S of Chambo
worker44 finished mining GL N, NW of Darkside
worker49 finished mining GL N, NW of Darkside
worker54 finished mining GL N, NW of Darkside
worker55 mines gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker56 roads iron hill N of Darkside
worker58 mines gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker59 mines gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker60 finished chopping forrest N of Hellgate
worker61 moves towards Eagle Eye
worker62 moves towards Eagle Eye
worker63 moves towards Eagle Eye
worker64 moves N near Belial's Pit
worker65 irrigates N of Inferno
worker66 finished mining hill W, NW of The Roost
worker67 finished chopping forrest N of Hellgate
worker68 chops forrest NE of Hell's Angels

Domestic Report:

28 towns
22% of world area (Brotherhood has 23%)
40% of world population (?? citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ~?? citizens)
31 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 137 gold and +410 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy (Astronomie) at 24 bpt (including 8 scientist(s)) due in 44 turn(s) (84 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 0% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is strong


24 cavalries
1 knight(s)
2 warrior(s)
7 dromon(s)
2 mesket(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Military Tradition
Knights: We are up Military Tradition (they now have Metallurgy)


Hell island:

4/4 knight vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 4/4 knight

Others see in war council!!

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 138:

Dromon in IG
Cavalry in Tuscan Talon
Cavalry in Calistoria
Cavalry in The Hatchery
Cavalry in Aquila
Cavalry in Beizjagd
Worker in Hotel California

screenies of 137:


Turn 138:


Dromon in IG (set to Dromon)
Cavalry in Tuscan Talon (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in Calistoria (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in The Hatchery (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in Aquila (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in Beizjagd (set to cavalry)
Worker in Hotel California (set to settler)

Rush a granary in BoP for 140 gold and switch back to cavalry
Rush a granary in Shqiperia for 60 gold and switch back to cavalry

Unit Moves:

worker6 clears jungle NE of Darkside
worker9 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker15 moves to jungle E of Chambo
worker18 clears jungle S of Chambo
worker19 moves to mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker22 continues clearing jungle 2xSW of Easy
worker23 moves to mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker24 moves to mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker26 moves to mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker28 continues clearing banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 continues clearing jungle S, SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle S of Chambo
worker34 moves E to jungle NE of Darkside
worker38 mines gold hill S, SE of Easy
worker39 clears jungle S of Chambo
worker44 moves E to jungle NE of Darkside
worker49 moves E to jungle NE of Darkside
worker54 moves E to jungle NE of Darkside
worker55 mines gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker56 roads iron hill N of Darkside
worker58 mines gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker59 mines gold hill SE, E of Chambo
worker60 roads GL N of Hellgate
worker61 moves towards Chambo
worker62 moves towards Chambo
worker63 moves towards Chambo
worker64 roads BG E of Belial's Pit
worker65 irrigates N of Inferno
worker66 moves towards Eagle Eye
worker67 irrigates GL N of Hellgate
worker68 chops forrest NE of Hell's Angels
worker69 moves towards Eagle Eye

Domestic Report:

27 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 23%)
41% of world population (?? citizen(s)) (Knights have 30% with ~?? citizens)
32 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 418 gold and +25 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy (Astronomie) at 438 bpt (including 11 scientist(s)) due in 3 turn(s) (108 beakers invested)

Running 30% luxuries and 50% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is strong


24 cavalries
1 knight(s)
1 warrior
8 dromon(s)
2 musket(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up nothing (think they have Astronomy)
Knights: We are up nothing (think they have Astronomy)


Hell island:

4/4 knight vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 4/4 knight (destroyed camp and got 25 gold)

Others see in war council!!

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 139:

Musket in Aerie
Cavalry in BoP
Cavalry in Shqiperia

screenies of 138:

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