Retired Captain
History of Nessos (originaly written by Erez)
The Foundation of Nessos
The foundation of Nessos in Latia is a great mystery and myth. The myth tells of a young men who came to live at this high hill. One day a Oracle told him his first son will kill him and take over the small farm and create the most magnifisant city the world have ever saw. The Farmer, called Dasius, was afraid and when his wife gave life to his first son, Galeion, he took the son and left him in the great northern forests for the Arkadians to kill or the animals to eat. The baby somhow survived for 2 days alone when a Farmer from the city of Pila came to the area for hunting. He saved the baby from wolves that wanted to kill him. That farmer is known as Arezius.
Galeion grew up to be a strong young man, a wariar, and when he was 16 his father told him his past. Galeion begun searching for his lost home and when he found the high hill a magnifisant villa stood on it with many farms and animals around. Just North to the villa a whole village was alive. Galeion went to the villa to meet with the people who lived there. When his mother saw him, and saw how much he looked like Dasius she took him and talled him his past. Angered at his father he broke into the house and slaughtered his own father with his hands. Amazingly the Oracle was just 2 days befor and said the son is still alive and warned Dasius but Dasius didn't listened and Galeion fulfilled the Oracle words.
Galeion moved into his father house as his mother allowed him. His father in Pila died a year later and his step brothers refused to acknowledge him as the biggest brother and he got nothing. So with his mother death he took over Nessos villa and decleared to the small village he will help push away the Arkadians and build a real city to challange even the Great Harbor city of Pila! Since then the war against the Arkadians begun, and until today 194 years later the war still rage.
Nessos expansion, A great city is built
In 112 AB (After Birth-of Galeion) thousands of new people came to live in Nessos under Galeion grand grand son Satilin. They escaped Pila that was raded by new barbarians who came from the sea called 'Mugdul'. Those barbarians came, as it seemed, only to plunder and destory. Satilin took the oppertunity and waged war against Pila as well. He conquered much of the 'Fo' river lands Pila controlled but than he met with a Mugdul army. He was defeated and Pila and Nessos had to sign an alliance to defeat the Mugdul. In the North the Arkadians did not wasted time and attacked Nessos as well stopping only at it's walls. After 10 years of small skirmishes the united Pila and Nessos armies defeated the Mugduls and pushed them away from their lands. Than the united army attacked the Arkadians conquering many lands to the north. Than the war ended when the Mugduls decleared they will not raid anymore and Pila left the war. Nessos and the Arkadians will continue to fight forever.
The end of the Monarchy, Beginning of the Republic
In 187 AB the last king of Galeion dynesty ruled. When he died he had no sons or doughters. And so the city people decided none of them could take the place of a king from the house of Galeion and so they copied the idea from Pila and installed a republic. The senate ruled supreme and the great families of Nessos begun to grow further and gain power... Now Nessos stands in it's final test. Will it continue to prossper under this Republic, and will the great families of Nessos fight each other or work toghter for the best of Nessos? Only time will tell.
The Foundation of Nessos
The foundation of Nessos in Latia is a great mystery and myth. The myth tells of a young men who came to live at this high hill. One day a Oracle told him his first son will kill him and take over the small farm and create the most magnifisant city the world have ever saw. The Farmer, called Dasius, was afraid and when his wife gave life to his first son, Galeion, he took the son and left him in the great northern forests for the Arkadians to kill or the animals to eat. The baby somhow survived for 2 days alone when a Farmer from the city of Pila came to the area for hunting. He saved the baby from wolves that wanted to kill him. That farmer is known as Arezius.
Galeion grew up to be a strong young man, a wariar, and when he was 16 his father told him his past. Galeion begun searching for his lost home and when he found the high hill a magnifisant villa stood on it with many farms and animals around. Just North to the villa a whole village was alive. Galeion went to the villa to meet with the people who lived there. When his mother saw him, and saw how much he looked like Dasius she took him and talled him his past. Angered at his father he broke into the house and slaughtered his own father with his hands. Amazingly the Oracle was just 2 days befor and said the son is still alive and warned Dasius but Dasius didn't listened and Galeion fulfilled the Oracle words.
Galeion moved into his father house as his mother allowed him. His father in Pila died a year later and his step brothers refused to acknowledge him as the biggest brother and he got nothing. So with his mother death he took over Nessos villa and decleared to the small village he will help push away the Arkadians and build a real city to challange even the Great Harbor city of Pila! Since then the war against the Arkadians begun, and until today 194 years later the war still rage.
Nessos expansion, A great city is built
In 112 AB (After Birth-of Galeion) thousands of new people came to live in Nessos under Galeion grand grand son Satilin. They escaped Pila that was raded by new barbarians who came from the sea called 'Mugdul'. Those barbarians came, as it seemed, only to plunder and destory. Satilin took the oppertunity and waged war against Pila as well. He conquered much of the 'Fo' river lands Pila controlled but than he met with a Mugdul army. He was defeated and Pila and Nessos had to sign an alliance to defeat the Mugdul. In the North the Arkadians did not wasted time and attacked Nessos as well stopping only at it's walls. After 10 years of small skirmishes the united Pila and Nessos armies defeated the Mugduls and pushed them away from their lands. Than the united army attacked the Arkadians conquering many lands to the north. Than the war ended when the Mugduls decleared they will not raid anymore and Pila left the war. Nessos and the Arkadians will continue to fight forever.
The end of the Monarchy, Beginning of the Republic
In 187 AB the last king of Galeion dynesty ruled. When he died he had no sons or doughters. And so the city people decided none of them could take the place of a king from the house of Galeion and so they copied the idea from Pila and installed a republic. The senate ruled supreme and the great families of Nessos begun to grow further and gain power... Now Nessos stands in it's final test. Will it continue to prossper under this Republic, and will the great families of Nessos fight each other or work toghter for the best of Nessos? Only time will tell.