• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

StJNES4: The Normal Story NES

As Facism is loosing power, my fun in this NES is loosing to, therefor I will have to leave.
Wow that got deleted to from my diplomacy :??:
to China:
While we do not wish to join the League of Democratic Nations as we need to let the people vote about it we wish to sign the "Friendship pact" Among the USoA and the League.
Also we wish to ask China how much will it cost to free Sioux fully? With your democratic and free goverment we are sure you will find it very nice and good. If you wish we shall also help in creating a Democracy in Sioux if they become full land owners of all old Sioux lands. :) Happy to begin nice talking again with other countries :lol:
The Democratic Republic Of Denmark

The End Of The National Republic
Years of Fascist control of Denmark look set to end today with the first ever democratic elections set to take place in Denmark. The National Republic is no more and Denmark shall now become The Democratic Republic Of Denmark. Four major parties are running for election with the country being split into Constituencies with the winner of the election obviously being the party with the most votes from each constituency. Elections will now take place every five years to determine a new Chancellor.

First Democratic Elections In Denmark: Dec. 1854

Conservative Party: 56% of vote
Danish People's Party: 23% of vote
Worker's Union: 4% of vote
Catholic Democrats: 17% of vote

Brian Tofting New Chancellor!
Brian Tofting and the Conservative Party have won the first ever Danish Democratic Elections in fine style with 56% of a massive 8,000,000+ turnout voting for his party. The new Chancellor has already promised to enforce massive reforms in large areas of Denmark to help rebuild the country into a competitive and influential world power.

Military Conscription Ended
Mandatory military conscription has been scrapped. The army will now consist solely of vlounteers who will be required to give at least 10 year's service. The army will also be under the complete control of First Commander Fredrik Bolding. The navy will also be open to voluneteers only aswell. The Chancellor also announced plans to increase the airforce with new training and development facilities to allow for the Danish airforce to become one of the most efficient in the world.

European Union Proposed
The Danish Government is set to propose the creation of a European Union. A group of free nations trading equally and freely. The Union will be entirly economic with no military requirments.
Danish economists estimate that the EU could create upto 6,000,000 new jobs throughout Europe and give a massive boost to member's economies. The EU headquarters is set to be housed in Copenhagen and will be open as of October 1858.

To: Spain, Britain and Scandanavia
From: Denmark
Following the collapse of Fascist control in our countries I suggest it is time we disband the Fascist Alliance and let the old rivalries which threatened the world die.
Yours graciously,
Chancellor Brian Tofting

To: Britain, Spain, Scandanavia, Greece, Germany, Prussia, Apulia, Venice, Rome, France and Russia
From: Denmark
We want to invite you all to form the new European Union. A group of nations who will promise to pormote free-trade among each other. I hope this will alloow greater understanding between our nations and allow for our countries to grow in wealth.
Chancellor Brian Tofting

To: Germany and Greece
From: Denmark
Friends, I write to inform you that our new Government still recognises our long-standing treaties and we hope only to build on them.
Chancellor Brian Tofting

- Create European Union (Generates 3 Economy boosts for all member nations). Finish completition in 1858.
- Build airforce training facilities outside Aarhus and Copenhagen
- Create Institute Of Aero-Technology for the development of new aircraft designs (Increase Education)

OOC: Well I guess that's it. The death of the Fascist Alliance. I really would like to have avoided such mass revolutions but I guess it's kind of a chain reaction ;)
On another note. Anyone interested in the Football World Cup results and the fixtures for the qualifications for the next World Cup can check out the new thread I'm creating for the IFA, (International Football Association).

Thanks :goodjob:
From Prussia
To Denmark

As Prussia is becoming a Democracy, the nation of Prussia would like to make an exclusive alliance between us, the Trans-Baltic Defensive Alliance. It would be great for both nations, and the people will love it. What do you say?

The world was changing now. Many countries were becoming more and more democratic. Even in Germany, socialists and populists have gained much power. Bismarck saw Germany becoming a democratic nation as an enevitability.

The CEOs, the power behind the nation, saw diferently. They wanted to keep their power. The change won't be easy.

Over the next few months, political battles raged. The Senate was being torn apart. Populist leaders were giving fiery speeches about the plight of the common man. Socialists were trying to pass legislation that will turn Germany into a socialist state. These reforms, and the fact that Germany had fought for it's independence from socialism, landedd the socialists in deep trouble. The populists couldn't get anything passed because they were not united and had no leader. But Bismarck planned for that.

Several weeks before the elections, Bismarck gathered the leaders of the populists. The parties included the Unionists, who wanted unity with Prussia; the Expansionists, who wanted Germany to expand into neighboring nations and overseas; the Trust-Busters, who wanted the downfall of the tyrranical corporations in charge in Germany; and the Technology party, which wanted Germany's spending to go mostly to research. Bismarck had called them together to form a new party, the Conservative Reformists.

After the elections the CR had enough seats to break the power of the Corporates. With only mild force they took apart the big corporations and sold them to other Germans. This way there would still be competitive business, but without as much power. Soon afterwards they wrote a new constitution. It turned The Corporate Republic of Germany into the Federal Republic of the German People.

To World
From Germany

We would like to form a World Court. This institution will bring criminals that have attacked multiple countries to justice in a court formed by the nations of the world.

To Denmark
From Germany

We would graciously accept your offer to join the EU.

From Germany

We thank you for your aid in the investigation of the attacks. I am sure we will quickly discover the identities of the culprits and bring them to justice in the World Court.
To: Prussia
From: Denmark
We would be pleased to sign a DPP with your nation i.e. the Trans-Baltic Defensive Alliance.
Chancellor Brian Tofting
Continue research on atomic theory(t6) OCC: This is what I meant.
Stop research on Jet Propulsion, however keep the research papers just incase we want to research it again in the future.
Continue funding of the Antarctic base, bring in more scientists to study the Earth's evolution.
Increase army
Increase navy
Increase airforce.
Research a new plane design, Mecca 2, incorporate the designs of the Sinhalan design and the Spanish design, with the Mecca 1.
Research the Aircraft carrier, get some of the most talented designers of the world to help us.
Continue our immigration tactics to keep immigration flowing.
Begin research on a new tank design, make it somewhat amphibious. Design name Hijra tank.

To Sinhala
From Arabia:
We will sell the island chains for 1 economy level each.

To Spain
From Arabia:
We accept your offer to pay 1 economy for a resupply base on the Faulkland Islands. We Thank you.

To the League of Democratic Nations
From Arabia:
We would like to join this establishment.
The Madagascar Charter

- newly approoved flag of newly created Democratic Republic of Madagascar -


  • madagascarnew.gif
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Vietnam to USoA: We are glad our deal is going through nicely and await the 2 economy levels. We will also be on of the first to recognize the new Sioux as a country.


increase economy by building better ports to help increase import and export, and put taxes on both
start researching new type of tank named the "Saigon Class-AA" tank with very strong armor and firepower but slow moving (t1)
continue wonder "Hanoi Military Acedemy" +2army, +1economy, +1education (turn 2/?)
T Germany
From Morroco
Bravo, good idea i think this will be great seeing all the reforms might bring terrorists to the world. We will support this.
From: Sinhalese Commonwealths of Apulia and Rome
To: Republic of Denmark

We would love to gain increased relations with the rest of Europe, we accept your offer to join the new European Union.

Prime Minister Robert Guiscard of Apulia
Prime Minister Andrea del Verrocchio of Rome
From Madagascar
To World

We would like to announce that our goverment is to change from Socialist Republic to pure democracy by next year. A constituion will be drafted, and new symbols and statistics analyzed, to fully fit into the new league of Democratic Nations and the principles of freedom with which Madagascar was founded. The first goverment will last until 1860 and is that of David Mareni, current prime minister and head of the Madagascar Socialist Party.
SAF to the World:
We congratulate all of the newly democratic governments, and we welcome them all into our family.
In addition we must notice that since the Cold War is now over, perhaps it is time to attempt to create another internation organisation, such as the failed UN? There will no longer be an automatic veto from the alliance opposed to it.
Before such an organisation is created we would like to see the world oppinion on it.
If that organisation was made, I would like to see the five top powers in the world having the full power to veto, permanently. Why? It is simply because these powers are the ones that can back their words up with weapons
Mumbai Sentinel
Est'd. 1764

Fringe Party Membership: Falling
Schism within the Fascist Party impending.

WITH the democratization of much of Europe and Africa, so called 'fringe' parties see their support and membership plummeting. It is thought that the Fascist Party may break up in to three or more parts, strengthening the Republican Party more than ever.

Copyright MDCCCLIII - Sinhalese Broadcasting Corporation
To League of Democratic Nations:
We would also like to join your League. If there are any requirements that we haven't made, please state them so we can make necessary adjustments.
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