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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

-Er...no story this round-

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To: Scythian Tribes
From: Hatti

The Empire of the Hittites sends greetings from the far south. Our intentions are peaceful, and we can help one another through trade and alliances.

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1) Increase economy.

2) Expand southwest with 50 men, filling in what's left of the land between Hatti and Minoa, staying within the agreement [as usual].

3) Expand south from the western-most strip of land [north of Phoenicia] towards the Fertile Crescent with 120 men.
Um, Xen, that's a rather strange asumption as the Roman roads don't go all the way to Crete through the sea - well, as far I know. And I agree with Aaminion, so let's just leave them there.

And I second Xen's question about the update.
a rather shortened and sucky story since I dont have much time:

The tall, stout and bearded man remained bent over his desk, facing sheet after sheet of map, drawn upon very finely thinned animal hide with coal. The Russian Kingdom, his Kingdom, had grown far more under his rule then by any of his ancestors. His dark brown eyes studied the maps, and the known maps of the new Baltic state. Tugging nervously at his beard, he began to lick his lips – the sign of an Ivan who is thinking intensely. He nearly eight hundred men at his disposal, more then that of the Baltics, and he could raise anther three hundred should he decide on war.

The room he was in was dark stone, lit by the small candle on the stone table that served as the desk for the exalted ruler. The shadows danced in mystical rhythm as history was beginning to take shape. In a far corner, the battle suite of the King was awaiting. Walking vigilantly to it, Ivan XVII put the hard leather on, fastened it to his back plate, and picked up his bow. The Russians were going to war.


On top the snowy hill, Ivan and his cousin, Josef, stood overlooking the armed forces of Russia, the army that protected the powerful nation. In St. Petersburg, a small town named after the God who protects the King, Ivan began to speak. As he spoke, the quiet chattering amongst the different bands of bowmen and spearmen hushed immediately. The King had a way with speeches. Waving his hands in an almost frantic style, Ivan yelled at the top of his lungs for complete and utter destruction of the Baltic state, for the prosperity of the Russians, and the necessity for the expansion west into fertile lands. He explained the need for more farmland to support the families of Russia, the children, and the wives. He said that the noble cause would fall upon the men of Russia, and of those men only a select few have been gathered here today, the best of the best.

Ivan continued to fuel the nationalistic pride in the soldiers, and filled their heads with special purpose. Waving his hands in such a manner as to attract the gaze of even the least loyal soldier. He finished the speech with “Ðóññêèå èäóò â Âîéíó!”, or “The Russians go to War!” Naming the war “The First March of the Russians”, Ivan began to march south, to the borders of the Baltic state. The war has begun.

Increase army by 300
325 men will be led by the King to attack directly at the Baltic capital.
At the same time, just a bit south, Led by General Josef, another 325 men will attack and hope to isolate the capital area from the rest of the country.
Start new wonder: Ivan's Palace (+4 army)
Originally posted by das
Um, Xen, that's a rather strange asumption as the Roman roads don't go all the way to Crete through the sea - well, as far I know. And I agree with Aaminion, so let's just leave them there.

And I second Xen's question about the update.

"Minoa" refers to ALL Minoa holding, including those that juts happen ot be on the mainlnd, where a road could be built to
Update! Update! Update!
^ What he said.:D
Once again no story, but I'll have one next time, things are extremely busy...

Continue to expand into the peninsula
Move the Legions to the North of the peninsula, protect against raids and offer power to cheifs who wish to join the romans.
Increase Economy by a massive irrigation project throughout the nation
It should be “Ðóññêèå èäóò íà Âîéíó!”, Jason. “Ðóññêèå èäóò â Âîéíó!” means "Russians go into War!". And yeah, I second the update proposition again.
I third the update proposal!
yeah AA, I too would most enjoy an update :)
Update 8 - 2300 B.C.

The Iron-Age spreads throughout the world, as more and more smiths discover the secrets of the metal. Now, the world has as a whole officailly entered the age of iron, and it is considered the standard level of technology and not a sign of an advanced society.

With an agreement reached with the Sumerian kings, the Persians finally are able to establish firm colonies across the sea. The local populatinos of Arabs are merely tribal bedouins and offer little resistance. Back in Persia proper, a new wonder is started for some guy named Mausallos, while the city of Pasargadae is constructed to the Northwest of Persopolis. Expansion onf part of the Sumerians and Medea has established borders with Persia, while the rest of the world laughs at the incredibly small amount of troops Persia has sent to exapnd it's lands.

In China, the Chinese overspend on the army and their economy crashes. The people live in a state of poverty unheard of before and many contemplate leaving the army. They don't have the option though as the onslaught of enemy armies continues. Liaotung had stubbornly agreed to a cease fire, but Shu and Wu coninue to be a pain. Wu forces face a large battle with 50 Chinese men assigned as border guards, but despite heavy losses reign victorius. From there they march unopposed to the gates of Peking. The Shu front is slightly more fortunate for the Chinese, but not very as a stalemate is reached between the larger yet worse-trained Shu soldiers. The only real bright spot for the Chinese is final destruction of Wuwei which falls under the borders of the empire after Chinese forces march on the capital.

Casualties: 125 Chinese, 100 Wu, 100 Wuwei, 125 Shu

The Japanese leave the lands of the Choson with good relations with their new neighbors, and return to their homeland. In the capital of Tokyo, the Temple of Tokyo is completed, sending the Japanese civilization to unprecedented heights. The Japanese are the most educated people in the world, and literature and painting flourish in the royal court. Among the people, the technology of iron has helped make daily lives easier than ever before.

A new dynasty stars in Egypt as the country is rejuvinated. The economy is increased and the great farming projects on the Nile continue. Expeditions to the South have established a new city, while ones East have made contact with the Red Sea and established a port there. It's only a matter of time before contact is made with the Arabic states of Nabatea and Bakkah. The contact with the numerous foreign cultures, chielfy Minoans, has resulted in the Egyptians learning the secrets of the Iron age.

The Iron age also reaches the Assyrians and Phoenicians by way of the Hittites. The Assyrians are going through very good times. The ancient capital of Ashur is reconstructed, boosting Assyrian power across the board. The capital of Ashur becomes the most splendid city in the world after Knossos of Minoa. The most recent wave of expansions has made the Assyrians the de facto masters of the fertile crescent. A border with both the Phoenicians and Caspian sea has been established.

In Britian, the Britons sneak attack the barbarious picts to their North. Since the Picts are a very unorginized barbaric people the complicated strategies of the Britons are of great success, and much Pict territory is lost in the war. Recently, in a smal bit of land previously unoccupied by anyone, a people from an island to the west have crossed the sea and made their homes there. They call themselves the Scots.

In the lands of the Cross worshippers, the armies marched for days. Upon arriving at the chief village of the Gauls they fought a great battle which they won easily and occupied the city, and with it the entire area of old Gaul. The Crusaders of the Cross are probably the most powerful nation in Western Europa.

The Hittites continue to peacefully expand. The land agreement with the Minoans is finally fulfilled and formal borders are established. Borders are also established with the Phoenicians, Armenians, and new and mysterious Assyrians, an empire equal to their own. Meanwhile, merchant vessels constantly cross the Black Sea from the surrounding states. In response to this the Carpathians establish the small trade town of Trgogrod on their Southernmost lands.

The Russian army nearly doubles, as the Tzar stirs his populace to war. The worlds first known use of pre "nationalism" occurs here, as the Russians invade the tiny Russian-influenced state of Baltica. It's peaceful and predominantly fishing and agricultural people fall easily to the Russian army. The expedition of the Tzar himself has almost come to the gates of Talin, while that of Josef has all but cut off the Baltic capital from the rest of the country. The losses are light for now, but the true test comes in Talin itself. The heavily fortified city holds an orginized army that uses tactics, very different from the peasent mobs the Russians had encountered till now.

Casualties: 25 Russians, 75 Balts

The new century begins well enough for the Romans. A new irrigation project brings much wealth to the Latin countryside, while some Celtic tribes in the North agree to join the imperium. It is in the expansions to the South that things go horribly wrong. The 75 men sent to that front excpect to see the usual small villages, but instead come face to face with an enormous army of some 400 troops, all equipped with iron age technology. The result is a complete slaughter of the Romans as the Minoan army marches Northward toward Rome itself. The Etruscans they meet on their way are of little help. By now the Etruscans have been Romanized and view the Minoans as nothing but invaders.

Casualties: 15 Minioans, 75 Romans

Back in the rest of Minoa it's business as usual. The Dacian and Thracian allies have finally won their respective tribal wars and look forward to Minoan assistance in establishing kingdoms. In Knossos, quinquiremes are developed and some prototypes are developed. The Minioan navy, if they wish, can now add them to their arsenal. The only downspot is the refusal of the Western barbarian tribes to diplomacy with Minoa. Minoa is not a very well known name in these lands and the Numidians and Iberians want nothing to do with it. The Celts however find themselves fighting the same war as the men from distant Crete. Surprisingly, no official expansions were launched, but the king has no control over colonists from Crete, who continue to expand Minoan territories in Cyrennica and Grecia, albeit without any army to back up their claims. Some of these colonists end up establishing the colony of Athens in Southern Greece. IT quickly becomes one of the largest cities under the Minoan crown.

In India, several new states discover the secret of iron working and grow to iron age. Absent from dedicated leadership the empire of Calicut doesn't even expand this turn, while it's surrounding states grow more and more powerful.

In the lands of Imperium, the conflict between the two religions reaches a boiling point. The land of Imperium is split between Imperia in the South, home to the religion of Heemism, and Judea in the North, home of Judaism. Judea revolves around the city of Haifa, where the Jews have begun construction of a great temple. Both have reached iron age.


From peaceful Gauls
To Crusaders of the Cross

We'll only accept unision if you prove yourself the most powerful empire in the area. Defeat our cousins, the Celts to the South.

From Scythian Tribes
To Hatti

We feel much the same way.

From Kievan Rus
To Russia

We wonder, if you are so hasty to invade the Balts what you will do with us who are just as close to you.

From Imperia, Judea, Phoenicia, Armenia, Sumer, and Medea
To Assyria

We would just like to remind you that you have contact with all of us.


Minoa: to Hatti [2/3]

OOC: What happened to Northking? Can anybody remind him that he's still in this NES :confused:. And Das, I place Ashur where it was historically but if you want that changed just say so. And Alex994, yes China is npc.
The World - 2300 B.C.


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OCC: I'll still do orders for this turn, then i'm NPC until the 18th.
To Shuu
From Peking China

This is our peace offer:

1. The white striped lands are to be returned to Beijing, but the black striped lands are to be given to you.
2. All people will be treated the same, no matter what city they came from.
3. We will sign a NAP for 500 years.
OCC: This will be the last order i post until i come back from vacation.

Chinese Story

The king of Peking looked at the Gods in the temple. Why must everything go bad during his reign?! "The armies of Wu are at the gates of my palace, what have I done wrong for u to make me lose the Mandate Of Heaven? The people are living in proverty and i am not so well of anymore, what can i do!? O Great God of Heaven, is there a way for you to help me?!"

" Fear not Emperor of Peking, one day, your ancestors will rule an empire greater then the 5 cities combined. This is the time of your trial. You must pass, to enter the Gates Of Heaven. but despair not, u may be losing a war, but your people are build a culture so rich and intelligent, that u will rise from the shadows and defeat ur enemies!" Boomed a voice from above.

The King gasped, " Never in all the history of Man Kind has a Great God talked to Mortals, I am blessed by the Gods! Messenger! Come here, tell everyone that the Gods have saved Peking, we shall rise again! Long Live the Dragon Emperor!"

Chinese Orders
- Send 100(150 men if Shu agrees to peace treaty) to force the Wu army from Chinese grounds
- Keep 50 more men as defense of The Dragon Emperor in Peking
- Finish Wonder (Chinese Culture)
- Increase Economy
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