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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

From Shu
To China

We would agree to the proposal with some slight modifications. We would like Wuwei city, and in return we wouldn't need the land across the river.
Aaminion, i'll be leaving tonight so make Japan a NPC until I get back okay?(on the 19th if u don't no)

Japanese Orders

-Start new wonder, Tokyo Military Academy(+300 men, +10 galleys)
- Settle southren island(okinwa?) with 10 galleys and 100 men
- Increase economy
- Continue exploration in Yellow Sea
To Shu
From Peking

So u would just like the city and nothing else?
Didn't know what military I sent was somewhat insufficient.:(

-Expand Military(Hope its possible)
-Continue Masoleum of Mausalos
-Irrigate around Persepolis and Arabian cities to expand population and thus borders
-Try experimenting with Iron to see if I can get into Iron Age (Is this possible in the game? Don't see anything in the rules against it.)
-Increase Economy
To Shu
From Peking

If the lighter pink land is the land we get, and the other terms of the peace treaty, then we agree to Peace.
King Virjay had been sick. Very Sick. He had almost died. And now he was back. And ready to rule the world. Or maybe just India. And to set out to do that...

He ordered his men to expand the borders. Maybe they could make up for lost time. And to offer alliances to anyone they had contact with. His nation was the most powerful on the subcontinent, perhaps in the world.

To make his authority clearer, he was determined to build a palace, a monument to the dynasty that would rule this country and so much more...

Calicut would rule!


Expand in all directions.

Found three cities: one in the south, one in the west, and one in the north, on the Ganges River, or as close to it as possible.

Increase Education.

Begin Wonder: The palace of Virjay (+2 economy, +2 army). 0/5?
OOC- lol, I forgot to include expansion of territory in my orders, very soon soldires of the crown will eb coming to back up the citizens who took it upon them selves to further the glory of minoa
@ AA

thatr strip of coast line on the Med is Minoa's as per the land agreemtn with hatti
diplo for now before I forget, story tonight:

To Kievan Rus
From Russia

The Baltics began hostilities first by attacking peaceful settlements near our God-city, St. Petersburg. If they are so hasty in attacking settlers, then they are too much of a threat to have theirself a nation. To show the peace between our nations, we offer a NAP for 5 turns, where on the fifth we will reasses a new one.
@ Jason- what the hell is a god city (pun intended ;), booing and groaning allowed, but dammit no hissing or throwing stuff!)
OOC: It's just right. And thanks for telling me the contacts.


"Any news?" - asked Naplash, sitting in his throne, in the empty throne room, defended from any incursions by the deaf guards outside.

"Yes, my lord" - said the man in black robes. There was something diabolic in his eyes.

"What is it?"

"Sumerians are getting weaker and weaker. They have only one hundred troops left, and these are demoralized. They cannot raise any more forces. Should we attack?"

"Not yet, Tigur. Our forces must finish expanding in the Fertile Crescent. Soon, we will be ready, though. Try to spread disorder in Sumeria, it should not be hard. By the time we are ready, Sumeria would be even weaker, and further more with your help."

"Fine. My people are always ready."


- Grow education.
- Try to incite rebellions in Sumeria. Inform Sumerian nobles and other influential people that their king has failed, and suggest that they overthrow him and join into Assyria, keeping their rank and freedom, as well as receiving economic aid as a part of the empire.
- Start a new wonder - Tigur's Army (++army, reliable spy system in neighbour countries, -revolt risk) (1/?) (will be addresed in the next story, hopefully)
- Expand into remaining unclaimed Mesopatamia with 100 men. The rest are to prepare for a possible invasion of Sumeria


From: Assyria
To: Sumeria (the king)

Your country is in recession and in ruins. Join our kingdom peacefully, please - it would not be too hard for us to conquer you anyway.

From: Assyria
To: Sumerian nobles and people

Your king has failed you. Your country is sinking into poverty, and your king is powerless to stop it. I asked him to surrender his rule and his country to me, Naplash of Assyria, so I may save you all. If he agrees, you all will keep your rights and freedom, and will prosper as does Assyria. If he does not agree, you should rebel agaisnt him, and still keep your rights, land and freedom and prosper. We will come to help you. But if one of you dares resist us, his fate will be similar to the fate of Ur-Neptal - a century in our dungeous. Will you help us?

From: Assyria
To: Phoenicia

Greetings, oh people to the west from Ashur, our ancient capital. I hope that our peoples will be blessed with a millenium of prosperity. I suggest, however, that you do not expand into the Fertile Crescent.

From: Assyria
To: Armenia, Medes and Hatti

We greet you! It is no coincedence that great rulers and peoples meet. I hope that we will live in prosperity. We would need to negotiate the borders between our peoples, for they live very closely to each other.
To: Rome
From: Minoa

well, since the Etruscans are so Romanized that they arnt fighting for thier own freedom as Minoa origionally set out to do, we propose peace, for the price of Two Roman economies, and that the solid border of Rome in the south of Italy become the seperation point between Roman lands, and Minoan lands in Italy, in return, Minoa will help Rome expand into contetenal europe, and bestow upon it the technology of chariotry, or iron working, if we can agree on further limits of expansion in the meditteranean together
To: Armenia, Medes, and Assyria
From: Hatti

The land which is discolored and circled is all the land Hatti requests of its neighbors. We already control a large enough empire, and seek only this small area of fertile land to help feed our people.

To: The most powerful Scythian tribe
From: Hatti

We of Hatti note that the Scythians are not united under a single powerful government. You are the most capable of all the tribes, and could easily control the region if you had the chance. We can help you do that. All we ask in return is, after you have united, that you allow us to send colonists and defensive troops through your land to settle on the river in the north. It will be a post no larger, and perhaps smaller, than the one we currently hold on the coast, and should prove no problem to you. In fact, we shall provide a small drawing to show just where we want the trading colony and how large it shall be. Just say the word, and you will be controlling a strong, united Scythia.

From: Assyria
To: Hatti

I acknowledge your claim.
From Armenia and Medes
To Hatti

We agree to your claims.

From Scythian tribe
To Hatti

We would agree to such a deal...
-grow economy
-send 100 men west to expand into the Libyan desert just to establish a peacful frontier
-work on wonder
-sign agreement with Minoa
-send 125 men south along the nile, making a city at the furthest point i reach.
I will take Indus Valley. Story and Orders later
Nation: Indus Valley
Ruler: King Rajj
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 4
Army: 175 men
Navy: none
Religion: Hinduism
Education: Barbaric

1)increse economy

2)help estbalish firmlly Thrace and Dacia as client-kingdoms of Minoa

3) continue expansion into Roman territory, make good use of the fact that Minoans have not simply chariots, but horse riders

4) create a new colony, that of Sherden on sardinia

5) expand territory around carthage,in Sicilly, south Italy and and in Hellas

6)continue wonder

7)have the people of far eastern Cyrenica evacuate back to Cyrene, the reason fo r this is because they crossed over the bondary of minoas official expasion boundy with Egypt

8)continue reserch on latest topic
oh, and make sure that the Romans dont get thier get thire grubby hands on any Minoan iron technology
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