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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

Orders now, story later
Grow econ
expand east
Start work on The Library of the River (+4 education, +2 econ)
As an agreement was reached with a number of neighbors about Hatti's territorial claims, the latest ruler began work on a hefty project -- an advanced road from Hattusas to the coastal city of Tarsus. Rough terrain made travel between the two cities difficult at best and a road would greatly increase movement between the two cities.
- - - - -

To: The previously contacted Scythian Tribe
From: Hatti

Very good, then. We shall begin providing the essentials of a united nation to you immediately.

- - - - -

1) Expand according to the agreement with our neighbors using 40 men.

2) Increase education.

3) Begin providing aid [advanced weapons (no chariots), for example] to the contacted Scythian tribe.

4) Begin work on the Great Hattusas-Tarsus Road (+++economy) [1/?]

Increase Education
Move all but 25 troops south to the Minoan Front, fortify in the mountains (coax the Minoans to attack my fortifications, they are quite full of themselves)
Move 25 Troops to continue to have control in the North (stress that the Romans are not brutal)
Continue Wonder

The fields were dark with blood. The dieing sun threw rays of light, which merrily bounced off of the red menace. The Tsar’s boots, made of cowhide and feathers from a vulture, were now painted red. His bow, the only bloodless thing left, was strung over his shoulder giving him the look of an archer of Russia. Raising his head from its initial praying position, he observed the digging of twenty-five graves. The future occupants were covered in willow grass, a ritual so to keep evil spirits out.

After the prayer, the Tzar walked to his own tent. The day was old, and so the light was quickly loosing to the darkness. Dense shrubs and forestry on both sides surrounded the path he walked upon.

“Tsar! Wait for us!” his bodyguards yelled, but Ivan, full of remorse for the dead soldiers that he had helped bring upon, blocked out the frantic cries for him to wait. Just then a noise from one of the bushes on the side startled Ivan as he instinctively drew his bow and an arrow. Walking closer, aiming his bow as he did so, he noticed it was nothing but a jackrabbit. Letting out a sigh of relief, he decided he better wait. Turning around, he watched Nicolas and Alexander running up the path to catch up with him. He also witnessed the two arrows jut themselves into the backs of the two men, and he watched them drop to their knees and then fall face-forward into the dirt. By this time the darkness had one, and the light was all but gone.

Ivan searched desperately in the side bush for a target as he held the bow stretched out and ready to fire. There, a movement! He let loose two arrows in two seconds in the direction he saw something move, but was not for certain that he got the assassin. Figuring he was a clear shot for any archer from the woods, he put the bow upon his back and began to run down the path. This is when a man with a spear jumped onto the trail and attempted to stab the King. Ivan hit the spear away and tripped the man by dropping to his feet and swiping his leg to off balance the spearman’s leg. Back on his feet, Ivan again darted past the spearman, but he didn’t go far.

A sharp pain jutted from his back to his shoulder. Slowing to a walking speed, shocked and delirious, he reached back with his left arm and felt the long shaft of a marksmen’s arrow; and then he felt it down to his shoulder. His hand was dripping with blood. That same red menace that he had felt pity for was now on his back. Another sharp pain protruded from his back to his side now. He fell to his knees, and with a long sigh, closed his eyes forever.


Back in the Valley of Moscow and the Moscow River

The death of the Tsar was soon the latest news throughout the Kingdom of Russia. People begin to talk about the Tsar’s son, and if he would be ready to rule the Kingdom. Just turning nineteen a week before his cousin’s death, Leonov I ascended to the throne of Russia. In a speech upon the hill in Moscow, he spoke to the Russian public.

“A new age has befallen the Kingdom of Russia! I, as your Tsar, will lead you into this new age!” He proclaimed, raising his army with a closed fist. His deep voice projected throughout the whole valley that Moscow lie in. The crowd yelled Hail Russia.

“The age of Leonov will begin with the ending of the Baltic War. I myself will ride in the Russian Chariot, a sure way to route the poor farmers of the Baltic! I, your King, will see to it that Russia is not just a Kingdom, but an Empire! Roads will connect every city, trade routes will head to distant nations, and trade will flourish for the commoner! The Empire of Leonov’s Russia will include everyone!” And with that, the crowd made of mostly all peasants, raised their hands in closed fists and chanted Russia!

-Invent (?) chariots, but do not build them yet.
-Loot the villages of Baltica surrounding the capital, but just those villages.
-Josef’s army should continue to the Baltic Sea with 500 men, and hold the line.
-Five hundred other men, the army of the Tsar, will surround the capital and not allow any food or water in, or anybody in. The first siege will begin.
-Research into siege weapons (crude catapults). In the meantime, begin to cut trees and prepare the ramming logs.
-Begin to build roads from St. Petersburg to the villages of Baltica.
-Construct markets throughout Russia (increase economy).
From: Minoa

while its a bit late this turn, Minoa wishes to know if, at some point in the future, you would liek to co-complete a wonder, that wonder being a large, well built,and thourghlly grand road way from one of your cies to Troy

that said, hopefully the mix up regarding who gets what in the territory agreement will be fixed this turn as well, as you have a strip of Minoan claimed land under your dominion, though better you then say Phoencia, Minoa still would like a solid land border with phoenicia for....trade... ;)

*secret: to Hatti*

Minoa wishes to know if, at some poitn in the fuitute you would be interested in attacking Phoecia, perfectlly alrighty if you arnt, and in any case Mino felt you should be made awar of possible Minoan intentions in the area

To: Egypt
From: Minoa

Minoa wishes to know if, at some point in the future, when Minoa finds itself in a better economic climate, if mighty Egypt would enjoy official tradeing with Minoa, to further establish diplomatic relations between our nations, and increse the prosperity of both
OOC- @ AA- I noticed that at one point you updated the map on the front page as well- I really like this idea, it makes eveyhting very quick and easy when trying to find out, in a pinch, what is goin on- I hope you continue it
update?, please?
To: Minoa
From: Hatti

That is an interesting proposal, and one that we would wholeheartedly participate in. As for the border dispute, it was likely a mistake -- we turn over the coastal land that borders Phoenicia.

We had no recent intentions to, though the city of Antioch is quite appealing to us. We would have no qualms with an attack on them, however, so long as Antioch became a Hittite city after the fighting was complete...

But you're not likely to attack them immediately, are you? Inform us when you are, so we may prepare our heavy chariots for battle...
The update is slightly postponed due to various chores but it will come tonight, 100% certainty.

Oh, and the Phoenician capital is actually Antioch in this NES. They migrated North due to pressure from Imperium.

Anyways, I'll let you guys clear up your diplomacy before I do the update.

To: Hatti
From: Minoa

well, Minoa origional wants were basically to have a rough norther border from the coast continuing to the city, and on to the Euphrates river, so as to give Minoa access to by water to the land of mesopotamia

Minoa still wants the city very badlly- and is willign to make it worth Hatti's wile(sp?) to grant Minoa that wish- two things, first off, Minoa pledges its aide to the Hittites, that Minao will aide it, if hatti requests it- to this end, if it is cities that you want, then perhaps you shoudl look to setablish a firmer hand in the north, in Areminia, where two cites in a weak kingdom lie in wait...

furthermore, Minao will sned fine archititects to help you nation establish a new foritified citadel in you empire, as is the custom when maeing Minoan settlements, to base the settlement around a Palace, or a easilly foritifed Citadel- in all cases, Minoa has mangaed both, to make a stunning visage of a palace and citadel- a new base for the Hittites would be sure to awe the locals in the ares in which it would be built, and surelly increse your culture

Minoa propses the folloing, with the two white spots its own suggestion for what would be the best spot for a new settlement

@AA- dont worry about the diplo between me and hatti- nothing is goign to happen this turn
To: Minoa
From: Hatti

Your offer is reasonable and more than makes up for the lack of Antioch within our empire. This a very reasonable plan, and your insight into good city locations is to be commended. We look forward to working with you when the time comes.
/secret To The mighty Celts
From Crusaders
The remainder of the less fierce Gauls are plotting against you through me. Join out Empire and together we will reign supreme
human-slaughter, my NES is up. :) (You signed up for it as Byzantines;))
Ok, well I have just to do.

- Russia
- Hatti
- Rome
- npc expansion

And i'm done. So probably tomorrow morning.
Update 9 - 2200 B.C.

In the lands of the far east, China is rejuvinated. The terrible depression it had entered is countered with the completion of a recent wonder and peace treaty with the Shu. Outside Peking, a large battle occurs. The superiorly trained Chinese fend off the Wu in a large battle and force them to retreat to their homelands after heavy casualties. Peking's streets are full of celebrating people.

In Japan, a great military academy is started in Tokyo. Thousands of peasents carry building materials from the outlying villages with hopes that one day their children's children's children may attend it, as the officials promised. Otherwise, it's a century of exploration for the Japanese. Japanese ships leave Nippon proper and complete their longest journey yet... to an island far to the South of even Honshu. Immediatly, a colony is established there, althoguh the local peoples are giving Japan some trouble. Elsewhere, exploration of the area around Choson has resulted in the discovery of the Wu, who send a message to the emperor soon enough. Apparently they are at war with an empire that is roguhly Japan's equal.

Casualties: 50 Chinese, 100 Wu

In Persia good news are abundant. The great Masoleum of Mausalos grows closer to completion, iron age is achieved, and expansion makes a great comeback after the laughable attempt of the previous century. For the first time ever, the Persian colonies across the gulf are connected to one another. This collective area of the Persian empire comes to be called Dubai.

On the Indian subcontinent, the Calicut empire springs back to life. Palaces are started including the most splendid one in history in the capital itself, and cities are constructed throughout the empire. Education is improved once again, and on top of all this territorial gains are made. However, the iron age technoloy that was once unique to Calicut has spread to every single civilization on the subcontinent. Also, the Indus Valley, also known as the Harappans, has become much more involved in area politics.

The Harappans (Indus Valley) gave expanded to the east and grown their economy via irrigation projects along the Indus river. Far more impressive is the beginning of work on a grand and beutiful library by the Indus that even in it's uncompleted stage is the jewel of the empire.

Important to note is that this is the time of the first mention of the Bactrians. Some of the early scholars of the Harappan's river library wrote down the tales of travelers from the North, and these explained the presence of a small city state not too far from Harappa's northern borders. It's people were nomads, but are now united under a poewrful new king...

In Assyria, education is improved and mesopotamian expansion is completed. Far more importantly however, King Naplash has managed to convince nobles all over Northern Sumeria to swear allegiance to him. A large part of Sumeria is up in arms against King Ur-Naptal X, however the latter has sent his armies to exterminate the weakly prepared uprising.

In Egypt, the completed wonder gives a great boost to the nation's power. Meanwhile, expansion to the South has established contact with the Nubans, while Minoan land concessions in the West have brought the nation of Libya to the pharaoh's attention.

In Hatti, two important things happen. First of all, Hatti expands into it's predetermined borders, even establishing a city in Mesopotamia, called Bithlis. Farther North, a willing Scythian tribe sets out to conquer all of it's brothers with Hittite help. The process is relatively fast due to the Scythians nomadic nature, albeit this may bring into question how much control any future king of Scythia will have over his subjects.

In Italia, war rages on. In the North, Rome stations 25 troops against the more determined than usual Celtic tribes. A small celtic raid managed to take the lives of 10 of these legionares, but Rome gained a small amount of territory in return. Farther South, disaster strikes however. A mere 75 Roman men armed with bronze age weaponry fortify against the oncoming Minoan army. The fact that they've fortified in the mountains helps against Minoan horsemen and chariots, but this still doesn't change the fact that Minoa's army is superior. Even so, the Romans fight heroically, taking more Romans than they should have before they themselves are slaughtered. With the victory and their swift steeds, the Romans march Northward. They take the flat terrain of the countryside, slowed down only by an occasional group of highway bandits. Within a week the entire army has arrived at the gates of Rome. The Minoan generals at first planned to put siege to the great city, but it soon becomes clear that the Romans didn't put any soldiers to guard it at all. The Minoan army enters and quickly sacks what little military structures remained even partially manned in the city. The rest of it is left intact, except it now flies the Minoan banner.

There are a few good news for the Romans however. The plebs around Rome are revolting, and there are starting to be riots in Rome against the Hellenic captors. More importantly, Ceaser Espacis and his closest advisors have escaped North into the countryside. There they have established a tiny fortress called Ravenna. Most importantly, is the fact that through recent increases in education Rome has finally achieved iron age.

Casualties: 85 Romans, 50 Minoans

In the rest of Minoa, expansion continues. The Dacians and Thracians have finally become kingdoms comparable to Minoa herself, and further colonies are established.

Russia's war with the state of Baltica approaches closure. The Southern part of the country is nearlly all occupied by Joesf, while the areas surrounding the capital of Talin are looted by the Tzar's larger force. As the besieged city's populace starves, Baltica appears close to death. Back in Muscovy and Novgorod, smiths in the quest for siege weapons have learned of the iron technology, greatly enhancing Russia's already large military.

However not everything in Russia is nice and happy. To the North a new development has occured. A very large group of people, of a greater number than the Russians themselves, has appeared at Russia's doorsteps. They are the only people besides themselves the Russians have ever seen to commonly have blonde hair and blue eyes. Since their talk is incomprehensible, the Russians call them Niemcy, while the Niemcy referr to themelves as the Volk.


From Wu
To Japan

Greetings most noble Japan, Wu asks for your assistance in our bloody war against the expansionist Chinese. We would award you with much territory.

From Korea
To China

Greetings to the great empire across the sea.

From Sumerian Rebels
To Assyria

O.k., well we've declared our lands in rebellion, but that's not enough. Send your troops in to claim us as your nobles before Ur-Naptal crushes us.

From Sumer
To Assyria

This was most uncalled for after all the help we have given you in the past. Time to take Babylon like we originally should have.


Minoa: to Hattia [3/3]

OOC: Jason, if you didn't understand the historical reference, you've just met the world's first Germans.
The World - 2200 B.C.


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-send 40 men eastward to found a new city
-Improve economy
-Continue Wonder
-Continue researching ways of farming in Dubai to turn these "settlements" into cities.

To Sumer
From Persia

The Economic Point shall be one turn too late, I am sorry to say. I hope this is fine? We send you a rare Asian Tiger as a gift for our inability to pay at this turn.
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