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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

Amenhotep7 said:

mygmhyjk, couldn't you wait one moment instead of leaving your ugly post in the middle of my nice map and update :cry:

From Aryan Tribes
To Persia

Very well, understood. We mean you no harm... but then we don't want much to do with you either.
Sorry, aaminion.:sad: :(

To Assyria
From Persia

We have just learned that the Aryans mean us no harm! We are free to help you more in the Bedouin campaign!
To: The Aryans
From: Calicut
You are right, the time has come to end this senseless bloodshed.

What we propose is for you to withdraw as shown on the map below;that is, from all Calicut lands, from Delhi, and from the mouth of the Indus River Valley. You may keep the rest.

Thus, we all get what we want. Calicut gets India as a free nation again, you get the fertile valleys of the Indus River, lands much richer than your homelands near Bactria, I hear, and the reason you came to India in the first place.

Lastly, our last term is not one that hurts you in any way, shape or form. We wish free passage through your lands, so we gain access to this land "Persia" we have heard of.

Is this acceptable, or are we going to continue this bloodshed further?

To: All Indian Nations who participated in the battles.
From: Calicut

We shall compensate each of you for your aid to Calicut in her greatest time of need. Suparaka (OOC: I think that's the northernmost one, right?) will be granted land from the former Delhi to protect and be entrusted with, and the others will be given one economy each by Calicut in our thanks. So, is the map below acceptable to you? For the sake of Peace in Our Time?
To Xiong-Nu and tartars
From China
Wat about that we withdraw from Tartar lands and give u 1 economy for peace?
To Hokkaido
From Japan
No, we'll get ur home isle, and ur northern islands as well! Or we could continue this war....
Rika_Heyli said:
To Hokkaido
From Japan
No, we'll get ur home isle, and ur northern islands as well! Or we could continue this war....

That's what we mean, you get all except the Choson peninsula.

alex994 said:
To Xiong-Nu and tartars
From China
Wat about that we withdraw from Tartar lands and give u 1 economy for peace?

That is acceptable to us.
North King said:
To: The Aryans
From: Calicut
You are right, the time has come to end this senseless bloodshed.

What we propose is for you to withdraw as shown on the map below;that is, from all Calicut lands, from Delhi, and from the mouth of the Indus River Valley. You may keep the rest.

Thus, we all get what we want. Calicut gets India as a free nation again, you get the fertile valleys of the Indus River, lands much richer than your homelands near Bactria, I hear, and the reason you came to India in the first place.

Lastly, our last term is not one that hurts you in any way, shape or form. We wish free passage through your lands, so we gain access to this land "Persia" we have heard of.

Is this acceptable, or are we going to continue this bloodshed further?

From Aryans
To Calicut

Your people are lowly but they are determined and fierce warriors. The Aryans will agree to your proposal.

North King said:
To: All Indian Nations who participated in the battles.
From: Calicut

We shall compensate each of you for your aid to Calicut in her greatest time of need. Suparaka (OOC: I think that's the northernmost one, right?) will be granted land from the former Delhi to protect and be entrusted with, and the others will be given one economy each by Calicut in our thanks. So, is the map below acceptable to you? For the sake of Peace in Our Time?

From Suparaka
To Calicut

The map is fully acceptable to us, we thank you. We'd also like to build a wall on the border with the Aryans, or nearby... just in case.

From Hoysalas
To Calicut

It is our pleasure to aid you, and we're greatful you have brought an end to this terrible conflict.

From Sinhala
To Calicut

No problem, and thank you for the economy... although we think we could have gone farther.
Peace In Our Time!

The city of Calicut held its breath. Nations had stood in the balance, and India had been violated. What would the news bring. In through the western gate the despot’s procession went. Through this, and into the Inner City, past the merchant’s houses. Past those of the aristocrats. Into the Inner Square, overlooked by the grand marble palace of the despot himself. Virjay emerged from the carriage. He did not look his best (which was understandable. The carriage ride had turned his stomach and he did not like the smell of the ceremonial elephants), but managed a grin, anyway.

He unrolled a paper scroll, waved it in the air, and began to speak. Began to speak in the deep, resonating voice that was typical of the Virjay dynasty.

“People of Calicut! These sheafs of paper in my hand have written on them words and a map... That will ensure Peace In India!

“The Aryans have agreed to withdraw from India! They have agreed to peace, over war! They have even agreed our emissaries free passage to the far off land of Persia! Calicut stands astrride India, and it shall never fall!”

The crowed gave a great roaring cheer. Later it was said that even the elephants raised their trunks into the air, blasting great trumpets in joy.

“We have liberated Delhi! Even the mouth of the Indus River! And we shall build a wall, a Great Wall, to ensure India’s peace and security for generations to come!”

The crowd dutifully Cheered again, roaring its approval.

“India is secure! Peace is secure! I proclaim Peace In Our Time!”

The crowd went wild.


The day after, Virjay began to send out messages. One to the general on the former Aryan front. One to the general in Burma. And three jingling processions. Two, bearing chests of gold for the nations that had aided Calicut.

One, bearing the banner of peace, a green flag, with a dozen highly decorated war elephants, tusks sheathed in bronze and huge, castle like compartments on top, with a few soldiers to guard it, making sure it was not attacked. They were bound for Persia.

An improbable representation of the Calicut War Elephant.


Send an economy’s worth in gold to the nations that helped (besides Suparaka, obviously, since they are receiving land). (OOC: I think it was two, but if not, then keep the gold that we have no one to give to. :p )

Send emissaries to Persia through Aryan land as treaty allows. Give them a small escort of 25 men, but make sure they realize that it is merely defensive in nature.

Give the land to Suparaka as shown in the map in my post above.

Reoccupy the land that the Aryans are retreating from with 500 men.
Guard the Burmese frontier with 200.
Keep the other 200 in reserve.

Refound city of Delhi, have scholars see if any of the great documents of their culture can be recovered. If so, bring them back to Calicut.

Found the city of Karachi on the mouth of the Indus.

Begin constructing fortifications on the Aryan frontier... Make sure they know it is defensive in nature.

Increase economy (due to the reunification of Northern India)


To: Aryans
A large procession is to head through your territory. By the provisions of our treaty, you are not to attack it.

To: The Barbarians on our Eastern Border
From: Calicut

We invite any of your tribes to join our great and expansive nation. If not that, then we ask for a Non Aggression Pact and the right to pass through your territory on trading missions.

To: Persia (If our Emissaries make it)
From: Calicut

We would like to initiate trade with you as soon as we have the money. We offer fine Indian Spices like Nutmeg, Cloves, and especially Pepper for your glassware and craftsmanship.
Long Live China! It was in these days, that the ancient Emperors had seen their wrong, the Tartar lands had nothing of value, or so the Emperor claimed that was the reason to abandon the lands...

Others, powerful lords and citizens believed it was because of the powerful Xiong-Nu, with over 2000 men in their army, truely unrivable, the Shang to the south had developed the chariot, and there was no equilvalent in the Chinese military to rival it. So, a HUGE army would be sent to gain the horses of these, "Tocharians" or watever they're called to gain those horses.

The Grand Treasury was 2/3 finished, soon, great wealth would pour in to China's coffers! By order of the Dragon Emperor, silk will begin in production in modest, and kept in absolute secrecy on penalty of death!

The affairs of the East, the war between Hokkaido and Japan, had lasted less then 100 years with Japanese victory. While the peace terms were still being written out, the embassy in Japan and Hokkaido had informed the Emperor that Japan would gain Hokkaido's northern islands, and Hokkaido would be left with the Choson lands.

China will soon have peace on all frontiers, and joy would return seeing their loved ones return. To those who lost loved ones, the state will try to ease the suffering by reompensating those individuals.

Chinese Orders *secret*
-increase economy
-send 1 economy to Xiong-hu
-spend 1 economy to recompensate the ppl that lost loved ones in the war
-send 300 men to get the horses from the Tocharians, have them offer economies, but if refused, attack
-Guard the silk formula and silk worms
-encourage scholars and scientists to find out more of the Earth, Heaven, and Seas.
To Calicut
From Persia

Who the bloody hell are you? *advisors whisper into my ear* Ohhh. The faraway lands to the east, eh? Cool! The Almighty Kingdom of Persia will set up a trade route as soon as we have the money as well!

I do hope we may sign an MPP though. With the Aryans done in India, I'm not sure how long it will be before their eyes turn westward. If we sign an MPP with you, you can be certain to have a western trading partner for centuries to come.:)
Amen, I don't believe we have contact. Note that the diplo is if my emissaries are successful, that is, the jingling procession trying to make its way through the Aryan Lands. Though the senitment is appreciated.
@AA- wonderful story, if a bit heavy on the casulties- also, why do I only have one econ left? all did in temrs od spending was start trade with the Alemanni, which only costs two econ other then thatm abd that fact the dacians are still no longe rin existience (time to update your trade-relation template) and everyhting is pretty cool- although i'm now hitting myself for getting to order the wonder in Minoa-Kush further
also, this is my last week here- can you get in at least one more update?, and spare me the **** (;)) so i can put in good lasting orders?
I was somewhat saddened that none commented on this..I consider it one of my better pieces of writing in the NES forums :(

aaminion00 said:

General Maximus Castratus, 1128 - 1073 b.c.

In Minoa, the fight against the barbarian incursion continues. General Maximus Castratus is given command of some 300 men by the emperor to put an end to the matter. Against him is the wild throng of Helvetii, some 500 strong and led by the vicious Peni Spermix who has rammed into Minoan lands through a narrow passage in the bushy forests of the Alps. Castratus' first attack comes from the West, as Minoan legions slice the Helvetian Intrusion through the center, seperating the tip from the reinforcements. With the alpine passage sealed, Spermix is stuck inside Minoan lands with no way to get out. He tries one last lunge at the jackpot that is Rome. However, here he encounters the largest contignent of Minoan troops yet. Led by Castratus, the Trojan legion meets Spermix head on. Spermix's forces are enveloped by the more orginized Minoans and bounce back. The battle that ensues is relatively short, but certainly has no lack of blood as Spermix is killed. His forces split off and flee in whichever which direction they can before being swept up by mounted Minoan agents. With the actual front taken care of, nothing is left for Castratus to do but stomp out the Helvetian spheres of influence farther North. All is good in the Minoan kingdom once again... although celtic raids have taken away some of the progress made by the recent campaigns against the Gauls, and traveling from one side of the empire to the other over land is unheard of.

Casualties: 500 Helvetians, 150 Minoans
HELLO- look two posts above yours (well one ost technically I suppose) my first words were about your stroy :p
aaminion00 said:
I was somewhat saddened that none commented on this..I consider it one of my better pieces of writing in the NES forums :(

I never pay attention to the events in Minoa very carefully. Now, if you wrote it about the Aryan war... ;)

Edit: That said, this is my favorite NES so far by far...
OOC: I already mentioned that the religion was very widespread and popular, so I kinda doubt many people will be concerned about our enforcing.

Just noticed that Nabatea's economy is at "one". Shouldn't that mean that they are in depression, like I was once?


Assyrians once fought Babylonians. Babylonians were prepared, and had a large army. But they failed. Assyrians once fought Sumerians, who did not even put up a fight, and thus were doomed. Assyrians then fought the Medes, and they too fell. But none had ever put up resistance as fierce as that in the Arabian Desert.

Ekkran lay dead, and so did four hundred and twenty-five thousand (OOC: 425 men doesn't sound as impressive) warriors. Dead in Arabian sands. Nabateans, their allies, and the Bedouins, were on the march to Mesopatamia itself. They thought that a defeat would cripple the Assyrians, that they would surrender. No. It was an insult on Assyrian honor. Assyria WILL FIGHT!

Sharkhon knew that troops were somehow taken aback. But it would not last. Assyrian troops had superior training, superior weaponry, and they were devoted to their cause and religion. And as said Naradak, with these, and with superior planning, any army could defeat it's lesser brethren, no matter how many. Sharkhon mounted his white horse, and rode to rally Assyrian warriors.


From: Assyria
To: Persia

Excellent! Can you attack the flank of their offensive with all your forces at the night, and give us a signal with the signal fires, so we will attack them with our own forces from another direction? They are numerous, but they do not know about the arts of organized warfare.

Orders (to be changed, probably):
- Start sending missionaries to Persia, to convert local population. Do not do it violently.
- Give Persians the signal fire technology.
- Grow army once.
- Work on improving training.
- Tell our warriors that they are the chosen of Naradak, and must fight like tigers as not to disappoint him. That we must defeat the heathens threatening Assyria itself.
- All of our army (500 men) is to mount the fastest mares in Assyria. Sharkhon will lead them. We shall prepare for the night battle, not too far away from the enemy camp, but not close enough for them to see us. According to the plans, Persians are supposed to attack the enemy from a flank at night and to give us a signal. Once we see it, all of our men will ride to join the Persian attack by attacking the Arabs from another direction. Try to mask our numbers. Have no mercy on the enemy.
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