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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

To: Egypt
From: Minoa

Minoa, land f the sea people greets its new founf company in Egypt, land of the people of the great river

as we are sure you are aware, Minoa has formed a small colony about 2 to 4 days travel away from your borders, Minoa means no agressivenes in this move, only to ensure that its merhcants have an optimal location to port, and to safe huard against the barbarian Libyan tribes, who even though so sparse, have been plaugin merchant docking along the fertile coat of Libya

thus, to ensure that there are no conflicts betwwen our two great peoples, in a similer manner to what Minoa has been able to do with the people of the Mountains, the Hittites in strikieng a deal, Mino proposes this border treaty- we have only marked what we consider settalable lands, and the remainder of the white represent the sparse Libyan tribes in the endless desert... (though who knows when they may gather together to form a nation), and so if Egypt wants them, it mak have them, all Minoa is interested in africa are a few more colonial sites on the coast to provide more good harbors, at least that is what the explorers suggest t do, as it seems there may be a new sea powerthat is going to compete with Minoa in the settleing of the good port sites...

here is the map, dose egytp wish to seal this pact?
Continue wonder
Increase economy by integrating the taken land.
Continue to expand like last orders, heading north and south
to Babylon
We will agree if you won't pass the river yourself...

Grow economy
Start wonder (if I can) "Great economy" +4 economies 0\6
Expand in all directions again.
@AA- later i will send you an altered version of the current map with all ht elittle dotted expansion agrements markes on it exactly how they appear on the large maps- I will send it to you later :)
Trade rules updated, check out the "Updates, Notifications, and Rule Changes" section of the front page.

Brick by brick, column by column, the great capital of Ashur was being rebuilt anew. And once it is rebuilt, Shamshiadad dreamed, his capital will be there, and not in the far-away Nineveh. The most wise wisemen, who were called the architects, and huge amounts of labourerers and slaves worked day and night, each in his own way, on building this city, which was rightfully to be the greatest city of the world and the model for all the other cities to follow.

Though it was not built yet, and Shamshiadad had to return from heavens to the cruel ground, fertile and rich as it was. The Babylonians had a greater army, though they squandered their resources to build it. Shamshiadad wanted to avoid that, but he knew he had to equip and train more warriors. So he decided to go for the golden middle...


- Grow army.
- Expand with 100 men in the northern part of the fertile crescent, with 50 men to the north from Nineveh, with 50 men to the east from Nineveh.
- Continue wonder (2/6)


From: Assyria
To: Lagash

Greetings, great king Ur-Neptal, who shall unite the Sumerians! I greet you as an equal, and hope that the gods look kindly on your undertakings! I have, in the past, contacted the other kings of Sumeria, but they did not reply. You seem to be a wiser monarch. You see how Babylon is building huge armies, and you also see how it depleted it's resources and it's farmlands are now useless for a hundred years. Certainly they will try to climb out of this predicament, but not by waiting. They will attack us all, and try to seize our farms as well. They have larger army. But if we sign a military alliance against them, they will not win - our armies taken together are greater. Do you agree?
To: Hatti

As our closest neighbor, and oldest contact of the civlized nation in the world, Minoa would enjoy to further tie our nations relations together in bonds of friendship by opening up a trade rout with your nation


while Minoa will nothave the monentary power to do so soon, we wish it known, that as the second of our nations contacts, Minoa wishes to pre-agree to a trade rout with you nation
From: Minoa

actually, Minoa wishes to possibly postpone the trade routh between us in a similer amnner as that with egypt the reason being, that with so many nation starting to hve sea borders, it would be a wise investment to go ahead, and stregthen out navy while we have a good strong economy to do it
Mursilis VI looked upon the newly captured lands. Bodies of the dead -- both Hittite and barbarian. The barbarians had a name, but he didn't care to repeat it. They were all barbarians to him, and needed to either be integrated or exterminated. He turned to his advisor, said "Expand the army. We need as much manpower as we can to take care of these infidels."

"I understand, My Lord, but is that wise?" queried the advisor. Mursilis VI raised an eyebrow and nodded for his trusted advisor to continue. "Sir, our economy isn't very stable, and we might not be able to sustain another direct assault against them."

"I understand that. I also understand that we could use a special tactic my father developed."

"The one the general called 'insane'?" asked Mursilis's advisor. He nodded.

"Yes. I believe it was called a feint attack. We make a half-hearted assault, retreat, then when they don't anticipate it, we hit them again hard with fresh troops."

His advisor nodded. How anyone saw such a devious tactic as insane was beyond him.

"Very good, My Lord...I find it a most brilliant plan. Just as brilliant as your father."

A smile crossed the King of Hatti's face -- the expansion of the mighty empire would go well without the interference of the barbarians.

- - - - -

To: Minoa
From: Hatti

Certainly, the Hittite Empire understands. To start a trade route whilst having no way to defend it would be a folly. Thieves -- pirates, I believe you call them when they sail -- are just as dangerous at sea as they are on land.

- - - - -

1) Increase army.

2) Expand southwest with 35 men.

3) Send 110 men to finish off the barbarians.

4) Continue Wonder.
Emperor Han Fei Tzu III looked over the city of Peking, he's power was growing. The only thing that challenged him was those lowly barbarians beyond his nation's border. How dare they try to fight the Chinese Army, y didn't they just surrender? What were they protecting aside from their lands? It won't matter, soon they'll just be another citizen of my New Chinese Empire.

Chinese Orders *secret*

-send 50 soldiers in every directions(north, west, south, east) and attack the tribesmen if they meet any, if not, just settle the land.
-leave 50 men for defense of nation
-improve economy
-continue wonder
Calicut was prospering, and the most glorious nation anywhere, apparently. This was not enough
for the kings, though. This latest king, Virjay IX, was furious. “What do you mean, wait a while?
I need those elephants!” Kings of Calicut, obviously, were not apt to be nice when receiving bad
news. After he steamed a bit, he decided that he might take their advice. He ordered his men to
be quick about expanding the economy and taming the elephants. Kings of Calicut weren’t ones
for patience, either.

He also decided though he would have liked to use his armies to force the tribes into his land,
they wouldn’t like it very much. Perhaps diplomacy might work?

Never to mind that. The Temple to Vishnu was going well, and was almost complete. Yes,
Calicut was becoming an empire all right. The greatest empire in the world, if he could help it.


Expand as shown by attached map (the red arrows show expansion direction, orange boundaries
show boundaries aimed for, but not necessarily what we will achieve...)

Expand economy (due to expansion).

Try to tame some elephants.

Continue wonder.


To the minor tribes around us:

Will you join our nation, and join the glorious empire that is the largest around? Or will you fade
into the dust of time? Will you join our nation?

By the stamp and the seal of Virjay IX, King of Calicut.
Japanese Orders

-increase army
-continue wonder
-expand in all directions
-send navy to explore area around us

A)Increse economy

B)spend 2 econs on more ships

C)continue wonder

D)continue research

E)expand territory around both colonies- if only one area can be expanded, fullfill Troys northern bondary with what will be Hittite territory

F)FOund colony of Enkomi on Cyprus

G)charge any power that wants to gain access to minoan controlled waters 1 economy for trade travel, and two economies if they wish to colonize

H)my ships should be better then average due to all the pirate quashing activities- i meant to write a story, and will soon about it, hopefully before the update
Attack Gual tribes that seem to be fighting with other tribes or are falling apart.
expand south towards the sea.
increase economy
Update 4 - 2700 B.C.

In Russia, the goverment springs back to life. With the recent territorial acquisitions, Russia's economy wakes up as well. The most recent expeditions North and South have once again made Russia larger than it's neighbor of Novgorod.

A glorious project is started in Imperium to increase the nation's economy. This wonder is set to be completed in six hundred years, so in the meanwhile the Imperians continue to expand in all directions as they can. The recently formed nations around them slow progress somewhat.

In Assyria, dozens of more men put on helmets and take up spears to increase the lands of their king. Assyria becomes on of the largest nations in the world as it's armies march through the mountainous terrain North and East of Nineveh. Rumors of a great lake to the East are abundant. Meanwhile, back in the palace of Nineveh, emissaries from Lagash have arrived. King Ur-Neptal had just recently succeeded in uniting the Sumerian city states and wished to discuss Assyria's ancient proposition.

Still more nations develop in the Middle East. The Medians establish their state east of Babylon and Assyra centered around the city of Edbatana. Farther South, the tribe of Perses establish the state of Persia around the city of Persopolis.

In Anatolia, the Hittites finally finish off the barbarians of Trebizond. After early difficulties, terrain became far more favorable and the barbarians were defeated with minnimal casualties. Some land was also gained in the Southwest, while contact was established with the Phoenicians and Armenia.

Casualties: 100 barbarian, 25 Hittite

Celbrations are numerous in Peking as the Chinese finally succeed in annexing all of the surround tribes. Casualties were high as an inadequate amount of troops was forced to fight in the West, but the problem was overcome eventually with reinforcements from the North and South. Still, if China is to grow larger, then more careful strategy will have to be employed in the future. Their tactics have their benefits though, as China reaches the sea for the first time in it's history. All around china, barbarian tribes begin to imitate the city centered lifestyle of the Chinese and establish little mimick states around them. These are all weak right now, but as they become more civilized due to Chinese influence, they grow strong.

In India, the men of Calicut continue expansion through the jungles. The Southern barbarian tribe agreed to it's kings proposal of unification, but the stronger Northern barbarians refused and proceeded to eat their messangers. Nobody is sure how word got back though... Either way, the elephant seems untameable and unbenknownst to most Calicutians, many other barbarian tribes emerge throughout the subcontinent.

The Japanese navy explores the area around them a bit and reports that the Japanese are located on an island chain. They found no traces of culture equal to the Japanese, but rather strong barbarian tribes ruling the other islands. On their own, the Japanese continue using their army to expand.

The Minoans continue managing their colonial empire and even set up a new colony; Enkomi on Cyprus. The island is so small that the whole of it is Minoan within several decades. Meanwhile, the navy is tripled while territory is greatly expanded throughout Minoan holdings. Research is finally completed on the use of horses in the battlefield. The art is called chariotry and is immediatly incorporated into the Minoan army. Back in Knossos, the people see another use for it. A track is built and dozens come to see chariot races every month after the bull ceremonies. Back in Egypt, the Libyans are finally encountered.

In Europe, the Crusaders of the Cross attempt to attack the Gaulic tribes where they're weak. At first the Gauls are very surprised and the Crusaders get deep into Gaulic territory, but soon the Gauls get organized and counterattack. They are still barbaric and have little organization, but they are fiercly determined. Back in the capital, many are critical of the recent focus on the economy instead of the military.


From Lagash
To Assyria

Now that I have reunited my country, I would agree to a war against the Babylonians. We would split the land such that I got the jewel of their empire though...

From Phoenicia
To Minoa

Come now... one economy level for passage through Minoan waters? You cover a large area of the sea. Let us be a bit more reasonable here.


none yet...

OOC: Northking, what part of Michigan are you from? Just wondering.
The World - 2700 B.C.


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Chinese Orders

-increase economy
-continue wonder
-expand in all directions with 50 men each
-leave 50 for defense
To: Phoencia

the nation of Minoa is willing to barter on the issue-


A)Free TRADE passage in Minoan waters
B)reduction of the passage fee for colonizing ships from 2 economies ot 1 econ per colony, and per improvement of colony to city
C)a mutual prtection treaty

Minoa woul like
A)Phonecian recognition of Minoan land claim in anatolia, and the ceesitation of expansion into those lands, as well as the territoral claims by the hittites laid out in our antions treaty over those lands
B)agree that no phoenician colony will be established in mainland europe,malta,sicilly, corisca, sardinai, or the baleric islands, and that Minoa has a territroal claim on the Pillers of Herakles
C)mutual protection pact
D)agreement that if Minoa cannot tolerate a colonial vessel/convoy over its water that Minoa can halt the convoy- meanong that Minoa must also grant permission to a convoy, after collectiong its economy, and finding out the ship/convoys destination
To: The Northern Barbarians
From: Calicut (by way of a pigeon trained to home in on their encampments, sorry you don't get a good meal this time... :D )

You are the most disgusting peoples we have come into contact with. You must know, and everyone else must know, that executing an envoy from Calucut means death. Goodbye, then, for your countries will soon cease to exist.
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