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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

OOC: Novgorod is northwest from Moscow, or so I understand.


Shamshiadad looked at the huge and great river. All those he saw before were dwarfed by it, not that he saw many rivers in his life. Beyond it was the ancient capital, Ashur. Now in ruins, but later to be rebuilt.

There were shallows, where warriors could pass safely. But what awaits them in Mesopotamia? Word came of Sumerians and of Babylonians... Yes, the descendants of the arrogant fools who dared challenge the gods. Babylonians said they wanted a "boundry", whatever that was. Perhaps. But later Babylonians would want to conquer Ashur. A decision was made.


From: Assyria
To: Babylon

Northwestern part of Mesopotamia with the city of Ashur is what we claim. Is that acceptable?

From: Assyria
To: Sumerians

We greet you! How fare your cities? I hope that we shall all remain at peace for long times.


Babylonians are a certain threat for us all. They have much more then all the land they need, but they are greedy for even more. How about a military alliance against them?


- Expand with all forces into NW Mesopotamia.
- Grow economy
- Start wonder - Ancient Capital of Ashur (++army, ++economy, +education) (1/??)
@ AA- clear out your Pm box, the map is done
To Ainu
From Japan

We will gladly pay 1 economy if u join us.

Japan Orders

-build navy
-continue wonder
-expand in all directions with army after Ainu joins us
To: Hatti (The Hittites)
From: Minoa

the people of sea greet you, the mountain people called the Hatti, we come in peace and ferindship, and wish to engage in diplomatic talks, so that our nation may be peaceful, and be properous along side one another

to this end, the Great King Minos, King of the sea, suggests that out nation agree to this pact, to limit eachother expansion, and to avoid conflict with one another over the land that is so plentiful

as you can see, it is quite fair, with both nations getting the territory immdiately surropunding thie capital cities, both ahveing access to land and sae, and the respective trad, ebut it being obvious that while Minoa is the dominant sea trader, and se apower, that the Hittites are the domiant land trader, and tland powe rint he region under this arrangment

what dose the land of the Hittites, the mountain people, say to the Minoans, the Sea people
@ AA- new map is PMEd
The House that Minos built

"Its a fine day ot be alive", thought the great King Minos as he surveyed the sight before him.

It was sunny,few clouds wer ein the sky, a cool breeze filled the air, the birds were out, and the waves lapped agaisnt the coast in the gentle manner to befitting of the Med. Sea- and to crown it, before him his grand palace was being construceted- it was to be a mighty edifice, 140,000 square feet large, and 5 stories high, it was to be the largest building anywhere, a palace befite of the man who was master of the people who had mastered the sea...

but more impressive yet, were the strong youths who had gathered before Minos, to be the pride of all Minoa- the Sea Guard-, 200 hundred strong, and trained in both the schools of fighting on land, and sea, as even though Minoa had the only known fleet of the civilized peoples, cunnign pirates had already lerned how to make crude ships, to attemtp to prey on the great supply ships, bringin colonists, and goods -including the horse, a curious animal indeed- ot and from the colopny of Troy, a cit built on stout hills, and ready to be fortifed... but that is beside the point- the soldires were to be the pride of the world, a mighty corps of men trained to figh toff th eneimies of Mino on land and sea, and to turn the tide of any battle, like how Minoas ships plied the wavesin search of new lands, and new peoples...


A)Grow Troy from colony into city

B)increse economy

C)continu wonder

D)establish colony of Kyrenica (Cyrene in modern talk)

E)expand terratory around Troy according to the map of the tentative Minoan-Hittite border treaty

F)continue research
The land of Hatti had grown. With a strong army for protection, fertile lands for food, and mountains which provided defensible positions, it was a land with great potential. Enormous potential There were some barbarians to the north which needed dealing with, and King Mursilis III was already sending half his army to conquer them. In the meantime, he sent a smaller party to add lands to the south into the empire.

Contact with another empire, called Minoa, had brought forth a great decision -- future expansion limits. Whilst Mursilis III had doubted that it was even possible to control empires of the size mentioned, he accepted the deal. Why war with someone for something that his ancestors would deal with? This limited Minoa and kept it from becoming a dominant land power, and perhaps they would become valuable allies in the future?

At any rate, Mursilis now saw a reason to start up the project he had been putting off -- the Great Mural of Hattusas. This Mural would be built from the finest stone and fitted inside the most secure of buildings. It would detail the feats of Mursilis I and his uniting of the Hittite tribes, his founding of the City of Hattusas, and many other things that had gotten..."tossed in" there as the years passed, like his slaying of the Giant Lizard Beast of Tyrana.

- - - - -

To: Minoa
From: Hatti

That appears to be a good and fair deal. Our interest is mostly in the land, anyway. We of Hatti truly hope that Minoa shall become a good neighbor and friend...

- - - - -

1) Send 100 men to deal with the barbarians to the north. Any who surrender or aid Hatti will be admitted in as citizens.

2) 25 men are to be sent to expand to the west.

3) Increase Economy

4) Begin the Great Mural of Hattusas (+1 education, +1 economy, +100 men in army) [1/?]
OOC- when will trade become availible for us to deal with? there already a few people i would liek to engage in trade with
Originally posted by Xen
OOC- when will trade become availible for us to deal with? there already a few people i would liek to engage in trade with

Right about... now. Pay 3 economy levels to start it, gives you an eco every 4 turns. Maximum of 4. Front page will be updated after this turn on all the details.
To: Tribes of Gual
From; crusaders of the Cross

We are a peace loving nation who are devoute to our gods join our nation and gain knoledge and power.
Originally posted by aaminion00

Right about... now. Pay 3 economy levels to start it, gives you an eco every 4 turns. Maximum of 4. Front page will be updated after this turn on all the details.
seems a bit... ugghhh... why the decision to make a trade rout cost so much, and only give trad eonce every 4 turns?
Expand in all directions
increase economy

The land of Calicut was growing rapidly. They had already expanded considerably, and were apt to do more so. The kings ruled with an iron hand, making the land seem brutal to some. But it got the jobe done. There was no second opinions, but no rivalries either. The King had power absolute.

How would the people stand such a thing? Easily. If they spoke out, they would offend the gods and be put to death (though the latter was not official). Calicut would grow, Regardless of the consequences.

And, of course, they would try to expand their arsenal of weaponry... Elephants might make good weapons....


Expand again, in all directions.

Increase Army.

Continue Wonder.

OOC: aaminion00-- can I tame some war elephants?
Roman Orders:

Increase military with 2 economy
Train spearmen in phalanx tactics with bowmen behind them to provide support.
You long time posters remember how I'm in crew? In remember how it sucked during fall season with NESes and what not? Yeah, it's spring season. But I'm skipping practice tomorrow so maybe...
Update 3 - 2800 B.C.

Using efficient forms of expansion, the Chinese continue to advance against the other tribes in the area. In the West, a few large battles occur, mostly around key farm fields. Losses are heavy for the time, but the Chinese are victorious. Elsewhere, small expansion is also made.

Casualties: 75 tribesmen, 50 Chinese

Much diplomacy occurs in the land of the two rivers. The Babylonians whose economy is still in the pits agree to tolerate Assyrian expansion to the North, but warn against approaching Babylonian territory. The Assyrians take advantage of this opportunity and agree, but behind their backs they try to strike a deal with the Sumerian city states to attack the Babylonians.Since the Sumerian city states were too divided and fighting amongst themselves, nothing came of this, but now a King named Ur-Naptal has achieved partial hegemony from his capital in Lagash.

The Imperians continue to expand in the land that they own, towards the cultures of Egypt and Babylon. The latter has sent a few emissaries to Imperium's capital city of Jerusalem. Meanwhile, contact with Egypt is established.

Many new nations come to be in the Middle East. The abundance of rich civilization results in may nomadic peoples picking up the basics. South of Imperium the Arabs, a Semitic people, finally come together to form cities. The first Arabic civilization is that of the Nabateans, focused around the city of Petra, not far from Jerusalem. The Phoenicians, a people who were forced to migrate Northward due to pressure from the Imperians, have established their own nation around the city state of Antioch. Farther North of Assyria, the Armenians establish city states carved out of the Eurasian rocks.

In Japan, the troublesome Ainu are appeased with one economy level worth of bribes. With this they join the Japanese nation, who now faces no immediate enemies on the horizon. Great expansions are mounted while one of the oldest navies in the world is constructed.

The Minoans continue their business of establishing colonies and such. Cyrennica is the next one. Here they build a colonial outpost as well. In the meanwhile, the old town of Troy grows into a city as hundreds flock to the rich soils of Anatolia. Back in Knossos, scientists struggle to come up with a war machine involving horses due to the incredibly low level of education. Meanwhile, contact is made with the Egyptians, who rumors say are a warlike people who have recently crushed a rebellious province not far from Cyrene.

The stories were indeed true. After a brief struggle with the city's mudbrick walls, the Egyptians succeeded in annexing the Northeastern rebellious nome. It is incorporated into the empire, and as a result of it's insolance, a higher than usual number of workers is sent to work on the irrigation project on the nile river near Cairo. Meanwhile, rumors say that a foreign people were seen landing Northeast of the empire.

Casualties: 80 Nomian Spearmen, 25 Egyptians

In the lands of Hatti a grand campaign is launched against the pesky state of Trebizond to the North. Unfortunatly, the land is full of marshes or very rock, and even the Hittites have a hard time getting to the border. They are met by a well trained army, and althoguh they win the initial battles, they suffer great losses. Expansion West is far easier as minor barbarian tribes are easily taken care of.

Casualties: 75 Trebizondians, 75 Hittites

In Europe, the Crusaders of the Cross attempt to get the Gauls to join their nation, but this doesn't work too well. The Gauls just laugh and continue roaming around the countryside. One hundred years after the proposed annexation, the Gauls are split into various bickering tribes, but together cover a land greater than that of the Crusaders.

In the lands of Calicut, more expansions are moutned as Calicut becomes one of the largest countries in the world. It's wise men attempted to domesticate the great elephants beasts roaming their lands, but were unsuccesful. They explain to the ruler that if he would improve Calicut's economy and waited for some time there's no reason they couldn't succeed though. A number of small tribes gather around Calicut.

The Romans increase their armies greatly, and manage to push the Etruscans away for the time being. A series of expansions also manages to reach the other side of the Italian peninsula. Many cheer for the time being, but the overspending has sent Rome into a depression, which it will have to get out of before the Etruscans regroup.


From Babylon
To Imperium

Greetings. Let us agree that you will not cross the great river so that it may be a boundary between our people.




A lot of states were added to the Middle East, but it's not over with yet, more will come. Thing is that a bunch of npcs will come, and i'll tend to focus on one area at a time. New rules of trade will be posted tomorrow so wait up before sending any such orders.
The World - 2800 B.C.


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