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StNNES III: Ruins of Empires

someone seems to be a UU copy cat :p

or I'm a UU trend setter :p
OCC: No Xen :p Das's UU actually existed, under another name I believe. In the middle ages the Nobles of Russia were heavily armored bowmen and swordsmen, called Boyars (I think)
A)he only made the UU after my Contarius was introduced

B) The Contarius did infact exist, as a type of heavy cavalry under the Roman empire; howeve,r i sped up its evolution from the simpel contarius into a more classic description of easilyl one of the best cavalry troops the world has seen; the Byzantine cataphract
OCC: Calavery are a very good force to have as a UU so it understable to have one as the UU (Look at my UU), and I'm saying that Das's UU existed, and were called Boyars.
A)I never said they didnt exist; but if you want to ge tpicky, they didnt exist until at least post 10th century RUssia, and were restricted to the aristocracy

B)You still insinuated my UU did not exist, which it plainlly did; it was even a center peice reprecussion fo the Augustian Military reforms, which made a firm Roman cavalry arm of good quality trainign and equipment

C)still dosent stop the fac tthat he came up with saud UU afte rmy UU, and has almost the exact same qualities of my own UU

so stop picking an argument, and let the topic rest
OCC: Calm down Sparky!

A) You insinuatied it

B) My No was a response to him being a UU copycat, which he isn't.

C) Does your UU have Bows, and do they use swords? The fact of the matter is, most heavy calvery forces are going to be heavily armored anyway, and those similarites are bound to come up, and does not make him a UU copycat.

EDIT: Just cause I noticed, when I said that Das's UU unit existed, I was only talking about Das's, and in no way shape or form saying the your didn't, cause I know my Byzaninytium history as well as the next person.

Those are my last words on the matter.
Contempt said:
OCC: Calm down Sparky!
you obviouslly havent been lurking around the forums for a long time, or at least havent been privy to any previous arguments by me ;)

A) You insinuatied it
hardley; i made a simple little comemnt that meant to be little jab in the side to Das; not start a :I'm right your wrong" argument; which YOU are the one who started, puttin gyour nose where it didnt belong in the firs tplace

B) My No was a response to him being a UU copycat, which he isn't.
then its a dman buig coincidence the similarities in ours UUs then, isnt it? all said, his UU could have been :a heavy cavalry archer", and left as simple as that; though in any case, it dosent matter.

C) Does your UU have Bows, and do they use swords?

yes, it dose, infact, they use maces, axes, and the kontos long cavalry spear as well

The fact of the matter is, most heavy calvery forces are going to be heavily armored anyway, and those similarites are bound to come up, and does not make him a UU copycat.

aperrentlly, someone cant detect the humour of my comment, as has to make a big deal out of it

EDIT: Just cause I noticed, when I said that Das's UU unit existed, I was only talking about Das's, and in no way shape or form saying the your didn't, cause I know my Byzaninytium history as well as the next person.

Those are my last words on the matter.

yes, wonderful except this is taken from the pages of roman history, and flavoured with a Byzantine military spice.
Please stop cluttering my thread with useless argument. Contempt has a point, but Xen was making the comment for humor value only, as far as I can see. So if you really want to continue with this really completely pointless argument (which won't go anywhere), take it to Private Messages. Or invade each other. Don't care either way. :p
That being said, I will try to make update as early as possible to make up for the long wait for the last one, so please try and get your orders in by at the very latest the weekend.
OCC: Ah...that was a good useless debate while it lasted. Haven't had one of those in a good while. Wasn't it Sparky ;)

The Great Khan looked over his men, his warriors, his glory. Under the guiding hand of the Sun the entire hand would crumble under the hooves of the Golden Horde. The glorious horse men of the Mogol empire were the fastest in the world, and would soon overrun anywhere that they wanted. Men, women, children, it did not matter. All would be destroyed and brought into the fold. Already the Mongols were showing the Barbarians who was strongest, who was best. Tommorrow, the Mongols would ride.


*p.16 now
To: Shang
From: Qin

We need not help from the likes of you.

To: Golden Horde
Most Turkic tribes


To: Egypt
From: Athens

Very well. We are sorry to hear that you have inadequate advisors but applaud you for your decision on beheading.

To: Picts
From: Irenii

Heck no, Lusitania will come any day now! You should withdraw and pay reparations!

To: Kush
From: Aryans

Certainly, go ahead.

To: Khazaria
From: Athens

Sure, that sounds reasonable. However, if we could get one economy and 300 mercenary nomads, we would be much more pleased.
OCC: What about the other tribes?

To Most Turkic Tribes
From the Golden Horde

Then you will die like those before you. Unless you would like to rethink your journey to the After-life?
To: Mongols
From: Most Turkish Tribes

First catch the bear before you skin it.

OOC: The rest are too disorganized to answer.
To the Turkish Tribes
From the Golden Horde

HAHAHAHAHA! We have not had that much resistance in a long time! We will drink your blood from your skulls as an honor to your resistance. Watch out little bear, the Horde is coming for you.
To:Berber tribes
From: Collective states in the Union of Sea peoples

We want peace; war is good for neither side, and indeed, the war itself is rather pointless...

We, of the Union of sea peoples wish to offer help in establishing for yourselves a true nation, in return for peace, and an allaince for protection with eahcothers nations, thereby securing the peace; indeed, one of the naitons in the Union could surelly open up trade with your nation, aloowing for co-prosperity of our lands....

... and if it mi;litary glory you want, thier is also a great conflict in the north, where your troops could gain honour, and bounty from joining up on the side of the sea peoples
OOC: I did a lot of research into it. Baghator is a Khazar word, and I've got an idea for this unit to be my UU when Iron Age comes as soon as I saw that picture (thus I came up with it LONG BEFORE YOU DID - I think). So, you're the UU copycat (AND, you're a telepath :lol: ). And I'm not 100% sure it really existed.

Contempt, Boyars were simply nobles (appeared in, I think, 9th Century Russia - up yours, Xen! ;) ), albeit they are pretty similar to my UU. In Medieval Russia, the local equivalent of West Europe's knights (of the Round Table in a folklore sense) was a bogatyr, a word the Russians took from the Khazars.


From: Khazaria
To: Athens

Unfortunately, those nomads have sworn to protect their homeland... So let's just agree to the two economies.
OOC: So can I try train African BIG Elephants even thought in reality they were never trained? I don't think anyone tried to train them...
Also can I train the other 2 king of elephants? (I got lands in India... and you said I got some of the extinced type of elephant carthage used... that was the smallest)

Also... If I now change my UU, will all 700 camels be gone?!
erez87 said:
OOC: So can I try train African BIG Elephants even thought in reality they were never trained? I don't think anyone tried to train them...
Also can I train the other 2 king of elephants? (I got lands in India... and you said I got some of the extinced type of elephant carthage used... that was the smallest)

Also... If I now change my UU, will all 700 camels be gone?!

OOC: I don't think you could, they were too agressive. The ones really used by Kush, Egypt, and Carthage, the North African Bush Elephants, you can train. You don't have big enough ships to transport the Indians back, so the North Africans would be your best bet. Changing your uniqe unit would likely make me add a unit type for people around North Africa and Arabia, camel riders, so no, you would not lose them. You'll see how changing it affects it next update. :)
OCC: When is the update, by the way?
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