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StNNES III: Ruins of Empires

@North King

please answer my diplo then; its unfoirtunate, but I really am a diplo based player
The Golden Horde were a group of savage monsters, always looking to pillage and kill. The Golden Horde always looked for liesures and luxuries to aliveite the constant fighting in the Steepes. They sent out countless expediations to find places that hold these goods and luxuries. None returned, until now.

Biling was a young man of twenty when he was chosen to preform a service to the Khan. He remembered his internal struggles as he walked quietly to the Great Khans palace. He remembered walking toward the great stone building wedge into the mountian with stunned awe, the great palace a testement to the Khans power. As he neared the entrance he noticed the hidden archers draw their bow strings as any good Mongol should have. The leather clad warriors gaurding the entrance barred their spears as he aproched.

"Halt! None may pass without the proper authority." Biling shakily held out the horsetail to the gaurd, the symbol of the Khan, and was addmited reluctently. Biling walked silently across the hallowed halls, his steps echoing erily in his silence. All he could hear were the soft footfalls. Plop. Plop. Plop. Plop. It felt as if eternity had passed before he reached the Khans chamber. Biling was not even acknowledged by the doormen as they let him through, not a nod, not even a look. Biling entered the dark chamber seeing only the shadow of the Khan on his throne in the fire light.

"You called me Great One?" Biling said with his head bowed. The Great Khan was silent for a long time, neither speaking or moving from his position. Biling was getting tired of holding his position when finnally the Khan spoke.

"Rise and face me Child." the Khan's voice was worn out, and weak. 'Is this the powerful Khan for whom I fight' thought Biling. Regardless Biling rose from his bow and approched the Great Khan, and saw an old man on the Throne. The great Khan whom painting depictated as a young man full of Vigor was old, and wasting away. "Child, what do you see?" Biling looked closely at the Old Khan, seeing his wrinkles and sagging flesh.

"I see a man who has lived too long, and seen to much." said Biling. The old Khan seemed to smile, and then chuckle. The Khan looked down upon Biling, striaght into his eyes. The eyes of the Khan were ones that had seen the ravages of War.

"Wise are you Child. You are correct. I am an old man ready to die. Ready to see an end to life and take my place among the Stars beside the First. I am tired of the fighting, and the constant war. I see our People fighting for ever agaisnt the might of the steppes. Many years ago I asked for tribute from the surrounding tribes and decided to make war on them. We prepared, and we skirmished, and it was for Glory. Times have changed, and I have seen the plans of mine crumble into dust, into the blood of war. You are of a different sort, and diplomatic sort. You, will be my heir. You will be a better ruler than I." Biling was speechless, and was silent. The fire crackled well into the moon light without interuption from the two silent rulers, one of War, one of Peace.

Three Years Later

The Great Khan of the Golden Horde is dead. Long live the Khan! Khan Batu finnally died in a duel to the death with his heir, Biling, as is Mongol custom. The new Khan has already gathered together the tribe leaders to see if something can be done to stop warring.

Sumit of Tribes

The various chiefdoms and Khanates of the steppes stood around a great camp fire, each with body guards to protect agiasnt rival attacks. Already a fight had broken out, and the summit was decending into a brawl. A Golden Horde archer fired an arrow striaght up, and it drew the crowds attention. The arrow fell into the fire in the middle, and liquid on it enflamed the fire up into the night sky.

"Chiefs, and Khans of the steppes. Welcome to this summit of peace. Many years ago the Golden Horde demanded tribute of you," at the metioning of the demands many chiefs began to murmur and mutter angirly, "and I tell you that is not the reason I have called you here. Today my scouts have brought back a wonderful tale of the lands to the south, were water and food flows like milk from a mother!"

At the images some cheifs began to get glassy eyed, imagining such treasures and such amounts of food. "My scout also brought back this!" Biling took something out from behind his back, and Mongol warriors handed out small samples of the substance. The chiefs felt this material, and were amazed at its softness, and how nice it felt. "My scouts told me that this material is called 'silk', and that the Southern people have this in great supply. To have such materials is wonderous, and to be able to have them all the time must be even better! The Golden Horde has plans to conquer these peoples, but do not have the manpower, nor the strength. However, together we can overrun these people and take their lands for our own, what say you! The Golden Horde asks for you to join us in conquering thier lands for our selves!"


To All Surrounding Tribes
From the Golden Horde

"Chiefs, and Khans of the steppes. Welcome to this summit of peace. Many years ago the Golden Horde demanded tribute of you," at the metioning of the demands many chiefs began to murmur and mutter angirly, "and I tell you that is not the reason I have called you here. Today my scouts have brought back a wonderful tale of the lands to the south, were water and food flows like milk from a mother!"

At the images some cheifs began to get glassy eyed, imagining such treasures and such amounts of food. "My scout also brought back this!" Biling took something out from behind his back, and Mongol warriors handed out small samples of the substance. The chiefs felt this material, and were amazed at its softness, and how nice it felt. "My scouts told me that this material is called 'silk', and that the Southern people have this in great supply. To have such materials is wonderous, and to be able to have them all the time must be even better! The Golden Horde has plans to conquer these peoples, but do not have the manpower, nor the strength. However, together we can overrun these people and take their lands for our own, what say you! The Golden Horde asks for you to join us in conquering thier lands for our selves!"


*Grow Economy by sending tax collectors through the land
*Accept any tribes that wish to join the Golden Horde
*Try to get to the next age
North King said:
Xen, I did. Unless you have something new... Maybe you should resend it.
I didint cosider it "a state-secret priorty", so I poste dit in the thread; its on the previous page, and its addresed to the berber tribes 9not to say the message isnt important; it rather is, considering th enice little pile of **** you have dumped on me in the form of the allemagne hordes:p

I;m not even the Roman state, and you see fit to plague with those damned germanians

heads up

a full THREE more hurricanes ar eon the horizon for my state, and so, needless to say, i could be out for a significant period of time
OOC: Oh, THAT diplo. Right. Ahem. Sorry to hear about the hurricanes, but you know Xen, I'm really just dumping a mix of the good and the bad on you. ;)

The response of most of the Berber cheiftains is derisive, but having gotten wht they wanted from the raids, most are at least somewhat content and are moving back south. Some are continuing their raids, but none are taking up your offer of civilization or mercenary-ship. Yet.
I may add a story tomorrow, we'll see.


Orders *Secret* (Due to the large number of invasions I'm performing this turn...)

Spend two economies on building new Galleys and one economy on improving Education.
Invade Babylon using 900 War Chariots. Avoid Assyrian armies if possible, but, if not, engage in battle with the Assyrians as well. The goal is to secure all of Babylon as quickly as possible, especially the capital and unfinished Hanging Gardens (DO NOT destroy the Gardens if the city is taken; instead, work is to continue if Babylon is captured.)
Send all the rest of our War Chariots into former Libya to claim the Libyan coastline. Attack Berber settlements and forces only if absolutely necessary.
Have all of our Galleys carry a force of 150 Spearmen and 100 Archers to Malta to annex the island from Carthage.
Begin an new Wonder, the Imperial Road System, which will construct a road between every existing Egyptian city at the time of its completion as well as a road to Petra.
Establish the city of Paphos on the island of Cyprus.


To: Berber Chieftains
From: Egypt

We mean you no harm in our annexation of former Libya. Rather, we would like for Libya to become a civilized nation again, and we would like for the Berbers to be a part. Will you join the Egyptian nation in rebuilding Libya?
To: Egypt
From: Some of the Cheiftains who actually replied

This is an interesting proposition, we would have to wait and see what kind of nation it becomes.

To: Egypt
From: The rest of the cheiftains who bothered to reply

And hinder our main source of income? We aren't stupid.
OCC: I feel loved. No, really. (Unless I got the same reponse as last time I tried diplomacy?)
Arabian Orders:

- Continue project

- Have 300 Spearmen and 50 Archers expand territory (shown on map)

- Increase Archers

- Begin building ships with iron


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Contempt said:
OCC: I feel loved. No, really. (Unless I got the same reponse as last time I tried diplomacy?)

The response from disunited tribes is just that--disunited. Some will join, some will not, wait for the next update and see. I actually almost overlooked your diplo because I was reading the story.
OCC: Yes, my time well spent on the story!
I would have done it, but since one of my primary players (read: Xen) has not sent in orders yet, I will do it later tonight. This is essentially telling Xen (and alex994) to get their orders in!
oops sorry for not sending orders...
If you wait until my orders (tommorow after school for me) than you will also get a story!

If not
than grow economy.
Build embasy in Aryaland.
start my trade with colonies now that arabs lift the blockade.
Shang Orders
-Increase economy by attempting to sell mulberry leaves as a perfume to the rich
-Build a wall all along my border with the former Qin Lands, and have 1/4th of my army defend it
-Finish Wonder
Thanks for the orders.

Erez. I had hoped to do the update tonight, becuase I'm afriad I'd never actually get the motivation tomorrow, so I'm updating tonight.

Beginning Update. For all of you who have not sent in orders, I will make sure something decent happens to your nation in your absence, worry not. :)

Urgh, I hate this double-post-merge thing. For once I might ask someone to post between the map and the update. :crazyeye:
Stupid, stupid me! :mad: :mad: :mad: :aargh: :wallbash: :wallbash:

Xen, I'm extremely sorry, I deleted your orders! :cry: And I had the bloody update almost done! Please, please resend them for my foolishnes! :sad:

The rest of you can check the stats and see how your nation improved, keep in mind that I have not factored in any casualties or anything else, and most of it will not make any sense until the update is posted... Also a good time for Insane Panda and conehead to send orders... :mischief:
Sorry about that, heres my orders:

- New UU: Arabian Dhow
Small, sturdy ships with triangular sails, faster than the usual galleys and a lot sturdier too.
- Spend two economies on the Dhow
- Send a few scouts to see what happened to our nieghbors in India.
- Try to find other nieghbors to trade with, especially after our loss of trade in India.
well, damned lucky i decided to check back in oen last tiem tonight to see if the updat ewad one or not :p Orders sent.
Thank you. I think I was clearing out a whole pile of old PMs and that must have gone with them. Oh well, resuming. :)
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