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Sullla's AI Survivor Season Seven - Playoff Game 1 Thread

Warmongers never win. He got lucky? Remove Hatty from game and then who would of won most games? English? Russians?
I've been having an urge to pick Monty all week.

All that food, all those hills, horses, iron, elephants, gold mines that AI never seem to work.

Then there is Egypt.
Tech leader with that gold mine, wonder curious, no war chariots, just plentiful copper.

If the featherhead could get lucky. :hmm:

His tile 1S1E of his capital bizarrely connects his two river in an internal trade network.

Long odds, but potentially the most fun.
So Monty will go war mode and then Hatty or Sury will be first target.

English with a wall of forest in first ring. Copper too. Would Churchy actually attack someone? Would it actually go well? No doubt there will be some wars here. Least a bit protected next to two peaceful AI. If he attacks Hammy bowmen will cause him pain.

Question of who will actually do something useful. Monty would be better with a delayed war. Sury has a lot of floodlands.

I wonder if JoaII could just grab land and win here? Middle of map is never a good thing. Least Monty can't be dogpiled at edge of map.

Maybe I should just wave the flag and play the odds to get coins. Hmmm.
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My thoughts on this game:

Monty finds himself religiously isolated because rammy drew a louis-like start from the opening round in his playoff game, even the same starting techs all things considering. No one can match rammy commerce from a land perspective and rammy will find a repeat performance with religions using obelisk priests to pump out an ultra early shrine and get everyone on his religious team like he did before. Rammy has a conquest option in monty and with everyone in the same religion and unable to wardec at pleased, monty is looking extremely shaky here. Rammy sweeps all the religions and runs the culture gambit, hammy slides in 2nd place as joao and sury fight a fruitless war based on border tension. Everyone watches helplessly as egyptian belly dancing becomes the global cultural phenomena, becoming audience members as their ai prevents them from interfering with the inevitable egyptian win.

Oddly enough, churchill is the wildcard here with the only source of bfc capital copper on the map. his starting position is absolutely atrocious and his workers going to be idling for some time i imagine, but that copper does mean we can get the copperdec before +1 relations kick in and throw a wrench in the supposed 4v2 pw situation this game is under.

Hammy's starting position is sneaky good. The capital land blows but triple seafood all but guarantees a fishing opener, letting hammy's people get out of the babylonian overgrowth and rely on the sea's bounty. Fishing opener is good because it guarantees hammy won't pull a freddy with decent commerce early game, but more importantly, keeps the babylonians completely out of the runnign for founding their own religion. Monty and rammeses are all but guaranteed to split religions and rammeses epic start means no one else even remotely has a chance to found thier own, ensuring everyone else follows Ramses shrine religion. Im also liking the surrounding land around hammy: there's an unearthed grassland gems that is very likely to be a juicy 2nd city spot and joao is likely to miss it as both his scouts have gone southeast and see the pigs tile (the ai puts a very high priority on food resources they can see). Hammy can very realistically claim the gems for his own and jumpstart his own commerce, and the ai wont dodge gold like they do gems since gems are food neutral. The other decent spot is up north near the wheat/fish spot, which is also great and lets hammy settle a few cities in churchills backlines.

Rammy and Hammy for the eponymous cradle of humanity tag team. Plus the names rhyme.

Rammy 1st
Hammy 2nd

T285 Culture

Monty FTD
5 Wars.
Joaii and Sury only 7 tiles apart and Sury can declare at pleased. That could create some tension with a creative civ? Assuming Aztecs don't declare on Sury first?

Monty will likely get horse and maybe iron. He does have gold to the east but I bet he settles on it. Will he tech AH? If he goes for a religion that could slow him down. 13 tiles from Sury. So maybe early dow less likely? He is protected at side of map.

Churchy mining/fishing. Good for nothing. Needs Agriculte/AH and BW. 11 tiles from Rammy. Prolly similar to hammy. Plenty of land to grab that looks average.
Sury does have land below to settle with copper down there. Plus iron somewhat near. Really pend where Monty decides to attack first. Would Monty dogpile a JoaII/Sury war?

Rammy is 10/10 for wonders. If no one attacks him culture very possible. I just don't see Monty not attacking him first or second. How quickly would Monty get iron?

No idea who to go for. Will think a bit more. Ahmmy too on coast but he would need some luck albeit nice land in places near him./
I've been having an urge to pick Monty all week.

All that food, all those hills, horses, iron, elephants, gold mines that AI never seem to work.

Then there is Egypt.
Tech leader with that gold mine, wonder curious, no war chariots, just plentiful copper.

If the featherhead could get lucky. :hmm:

His tile 1S1E of his capital bizarrely connects his two river in an internal trade network.

Long odds, but potentially the most fun.
In my testing Monty was pretty hopeless the majority of the time. He just never builds up a big enough stack before his first DOW and throws away so many units inefficiently. Often his first war just ends up peacing out, maybe getting one city if he is lucky. He starts plotting on someone else almost instantly when a war ends so never has a chance to recover his economy. Eventually he falls behind in tech and often gets dogpiled because everyone hates him which is usually the end of him.

His only victories were:

1. A game where he declared super early against an AI who lacked metal and eliminated them quickly before snowballing to a quick domination victory.

2. A very balanced game where most of the AIs had similar amounts of territory and the warring factions were equally matched with a very slow tech pace. He had very good land to keep up in tech, built up a reasonable stack and just about managed to win a 2v1 war with the help of another AI and then was just about able to eke out a small edge to help him creep to a very late domination victory.

Chances of him getting lucky two games in a row? It is possible and would be amusing but I do think that he is one of the weakest AIs in the game.
Do you literally copy and paste segments of the WorldBuilder file to make symmetrical maps or is that metaphorical?
Yes I open world builder files with a map maker app for civ 4 which enables me copy paste desired rectangulars around.

Anyway, about the ai alternatives of game seven where hatshepsut dominates, does anyone know how to see end game replay (hall of fame) during debug ai autoplay?
I know ctrl+Z let us see everything, but the game does not stop when someone wins and goes forever so, I was wondering short cut to see end game replay during that game.aiplay command.
I want to back Sury since I think he has great land and in a vacuum is the best AI leader in the field, but I can't bring myself to back anyone who starts next to Monty - too likely to get dragged down in endless early war with 10000 units throwing themselves at your walls. Even when you do eventually conquer monty his land/cities are underdeveloped and you're too far behind. Of course Monty is more likely to go for Ramesses early but likely with Montezuma isn't so likely. So I'm going to go with Joao for first since he has good land for pumping out settlers and neighbors who will be weak and slow to expand. Could legit see him getting 10+ cities peacefully.

1st: Joao
2nd: Sury
FtD: Monty (this is a complete toss up imo, could easily be Ram or even Hammy)
Spaceship, Turn 335, 15 Wars
The way I see it, an AI's performance in a given game depends on 3 factors:
  1. ...
  2. The starting position. Sullla puts a lot of emphasis on whether the initial available ressources match that civ's starting techs or not. And that sure has its importance. A few startling fast eliminations have drawn the community's attention to the metal situation: a civ whose only metal ressource is a 2nd or 3rd ring Iron, while its neighbour has BFC Copper, is indeed in grave danger. But the more I play those games, the more it seems the most common overriding factors there are : the quantity of available land, and the neighbouring starting positions. In a nutshell, a leader who can peacefully expand to 10 cities, while bordering a boxed-in civ... will tend to do well.
  3. The AI parameters. That's what sets the different AIs apart and what we'd like to actually measure.

Interesting observation. These are essentially the deciding factor in MP FFA games too. The availability of quality land, a weak neighbour (boxed in, hurt by 3rd party, low skill), and "HI parameters" (mostly player skill). A weak neighbour in particular is a gift one should cherish and which correlates strongly with winning FFA games.
IMO this game is totally wide open. First, no real dominant leader on the map. The map is fairly wide open, so I think all civs will get a decent amount of expansion here. Only box-in potential may be Hammy, but I think he will be fine

4 no plotters and 2 plotters. The 2 plotters are kinda on the same side of the map. Monty has some potential here again due to not having early metals, i.e., he can turtle and expand. The way I see this playing out is Monty and Rambo will butt heads and butt heads often. Rambo has an awesome start with no strat concerns. I tend to consider him the favorite, but I see those two canceling each other out with constant pyrrhic wars. If Monty does somehow get the advantage then he could steamroll with Ramster's land, but I see him holding his own.

Two leaders stand out here in what I could see as more of a peaceful game otherwise. Joao and Churchy - yeah Churchy. Joao will likely be contending with his more aggressive neighbor Sury, but Joao will also hold his own. I could really see Joao winning a game like this one, but I'm going with Church here with a back-door Space victory. Nothing particularly special about Churchy, ofc, nor his land, but I think he will benefit from basically being buffered from most of the combat.

Hammy will be a victim of religion, losing out one way or another early on.

Hail Britannia!

1st: Church
2nd: Joao
FTD: Hamster
Victory: Space
Turns: 315
Wars: 8

(I see potential Diplo victory here too)
Playoff Game 1 picks:

Spoiler Playoff Game 1 picks :

Heh, I just can't get a good read on this game. :cringe:

4 civs that won't plot at Pleased and all have the same peace weight except for Hammurabi.
What a nice group hug!

Then we have mad dog Monty and Sury the snake on the left side of the map.
Will they attack Ramesses and Joao? Sure!
Will they attack each other? Ya, they are border tension freaks.
Even if all the cards line up with shared religion and Pleased relations, one has to attack the other eventually right?

If Sury settles near that plains cow due south about 4 tiles, he unlocks a potential Copper rush with his +2:culture: per turn trait.
Joao has Iron in his capital which should show up around turn 70 or turn 80, so probably still ok.

Ramesses won't have war chariots, but that gold will make sure he does Mining sooner rather than later, and he has a ton of hills for production.
I imagine a spirited defense Axeman against Monty unless he is stuck building a bunch of wonders.

Hammy probably starts with Fishing and Joao with Agriculture with all that seafood and corn, so the early religions are probably Monty and Ramesses.
That is terrible for Monty because a river connects Ramesses/Suryavarman/Churchill/Joao.
Ramesses and Egypt is great for the early shrine with Obelisk to spread the religion twice as fast.
Need a 3rd or 4th religion to pop up with Joao or Hammy to make the game interesting.
Or Egypt to get the 3rd religion fast and have it spread too.

I'll bet on a warmonger miracle! :please:
Against all the odds! 🙏

Hoping for bad guy success and good guys not helping each other and going for a relations-killing backstab somehow involving Hammurabi with the wrong religion.
His Bowman should blunt any sword/axe early adventures, especially from Churchill.

1st: Montezuma
2nd: Churchill
1st to die: Ramesses
7 Wars 9 Wars if my good guy backstabs work
Turn 340
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Jeez, over half picked Suryavarman, the only good leader in playoffs game 1 :lol:

Churchill barely leads the 2nd place picks, but it is what he does best usually.

Ramesses first to die, even with wheat and gold copper? heh

30% picked domination, a bit surprising on a map with so many peaceful leaders.

Monty is amazingly people's 3rd choice to win.
Let's go crazy featherheads, wave those banners!
Difficult call between Ramram & Church for me..
They both share a good amount of land, Ram has that great start (with fitting techs) & 2 copper close he should easily get one of them.
And let's not forget the mighty plains-cow in his 3rd ring :)

Church has good land east (but Hammu might go for some of that), river potential SW and should be safe from early aggression.
I just don't like his tech situation..fishing does nothing & no unforested hills to at least mine something.

Think i take Ramram winner - culture - Joao 2nd (they will have to defeat Sury and Joao looks positioned for most of his land) - Sury FTD (contest trolling pick ;))
I find myself in the company of ManiaMuse and Slashn with these picks:

Ramesses 1st
Hammurabi 2nd
Montezuma FTD
Cultural, T280, 9 wars

Egypt appears to be the favorite, with only Hammurabi and Suryavarman showing potential to take first instead. Once you add Joao, these four leaders consistently place over the other two. Montezuma was eliminated in every test except once when saved by an early Egyptian victory. The south is fairly unstable, with Suryavarman, Joao, and Hammurabi rolling over one another in dogpiles to take second or threaten first. Joao gets the worst of it, whereas Hammurabi has a highly defensible corner and the best odds of survival.

I see this as a sequel to Game 8, where Cultural is ticking down very fast with a minority of games going the way of Domination. A good number of results came in under 260 turns, with several of those under 250 :eek: While there is definitely the potential for peace weight elimination, we could be in for some fairly dramatic finishes as Ramesses navigates his way to victory.
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