So place ASAP each mandatory district (GP in a city with enough chops for later, Campus and Theater in every city) and don't finish them except for the first of each?
Expand as much as possible and overflow military units to achieve the mandatory wonders (Pyramids, Coliseum?, Oracle?) 10 cities is a good number by turn 100 or so? Is worth choping settlers with policy and Magnus with second promotion?
If I'm correct after enough expansion is time to finish every Theater Square and upgrade it for the GW slots or is better to just go the CV route and finish Theaters ASAP with Apadama, Oracle and Pingala to pump up the culture per turn and sell any excess GW for tons of cash rushing to Globalization and Satellites protecting every science/culture CS near you in the process?
PS: Doing this I managed to win SV in 257 turns, still slow did many errors, was with China, no desert tile for Pyramid and very slow start 9 cities at T120 with low culture/science per turn even with my lucky T7 relic at T100 was 12 spt and 18 cpt, Oracle in capital, forgot Coliseum, did at T180, and my Oracle was to slow forgot to use builder charges on it, only one CS near, atleast science.