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Team Babe Embassy

Whomp keeps asking about what to do with his settler.
We'd better give him an answer.

What do we think? What's the long-term plan for him?

The only thing I have to contribute is the obvious... try to keep him away from where he might be spotted by someone spying out one of our towns.
Tell him to get in a boat and...

:lol: Very funny HB... but probably not a good idea if we want Whomp's help in getting out of Mobilization. ;)

We got a new note in with the save:
They'll take my last city this turn and all of my units are in the mountains now.

I still think we need to get Whomp a note before the next save telling him where we'd like the settler.

East of the Silo sounds as good as anything else... any other opinions?
Letter from Whomp in with the save:
Is my settler impacting tiles? Let me know if there's somewhere to go. 39 units left but they got another MGL. Let me know if I should disband at this point.
So that answers AutoTeller's question in the Saber Embassy thread.

What do we think?
Fight on? Disband?
Well, first we need to make sure he doesn't disband the settler! :eek: Second, if he can do some damage to SABER then perhaps he should fight on, though I don't like the idea of generating MGLs for SABER. Should we just tell him to use his own judgement and feel free to disband all but the settler if he's had enough? :dunno:
I think we leave it up to him. We might want to tell him we expect SABER to ask for peace sometime soon and tell him that it's his decision, but we would not be averse to it happening.

Wonder if we can figure out a way to get his units over here to defend our lands?
He should sue for peace - then we're free to ferry his units to our shores... can he gift us the units without having a city of his own?

It's very important that he agree to peace with saber at this point.
he can't give us units. And we can't carry his units on our ships and I doubt he has any transports.

probably no way to get his units here - it would be amusing, though.
It's very important that he agree to peace with saber at this point.
We should let him fight and stay at war until SABER approached us to negotiate peace. :coffee:
I'm not sure about that.

If Babe offers peace, then Saber has to make a choice about whether or not to remain at war -- and sustain the war weariness. When the choice is Saber's to make, it reduces our profile a touch. Not a lot, clearly.

But right now I can easily see Saber using our harboring of the Babe settler as a reason to declare war on us. We aren't ready for that. If Babe offers peace, it might just buy us a few turns before the inevitable.

What do we gain by Babe not offering peace?
Not much. Whomps' continued resistance has given SABER a second army. Perhaps we should tell Whomp that SABER is miffed about their hiding settler and have massed ships near our shores. Maybe if we hinted that SABER was about to invade us he'd offer SABER peace. Peter makes sense - having BABE offer peace to SABER diffuses the situation nicely.
Every MGL after the first is - just another MGL. No big deal imo, just 200 shields spared for them. :coffee:
Of course it's also nice to rush a small wonder... :mischief:

The value of that war for us depends on SABER's war weariness.

I'm sure they won't attack us just because we host the settler. At least they'd first try to evade the ww by diplomacy and if we cooperate, there's no need to attack us. If they attack us, the ww won't end so soon and more would be inflicted. I don't like this either - but SABER won't like it even more. FREE would like that.

We could point out the reason why we host this settler - just to make sure it's not to annoy SABER (just in case they think that).
I'm sure they won't attack us just because we host the settler.

I follow your reasoning, but I don't agree with the certainty expressed here, nor the conclusion. All they have to do is see where the settler is, eliminate him (lethal bombing, right?) and the only WW they have is from declaring on us.

Which is greater: The WW from declaring on us, or the continued WW from Babe? I'm guessing the WW from Babe. In fact, they could easily use our Doomsday Device against us. Sail a bunch of transports under cover of destroyers into the no-sail zone, forcing us to declare war. Then they get to hunt the settler on their terms, whether or not they mount a full scale invasion.

The only way to prevent that is if Babe offers them peace.

Maybe this explains the explorers?... sending explorers to all the islands and continents to flush out the straggling settler(s)? :dunno:

EDIT: I agree it may be wise to explain to saber why we considered hosting a settler in the first place.
Peter makes a good point.
If Saber is mad enough at us to go to war - they don't have to declare - just sail a stack of transports into range.

However - if they take this approach - they'll be giving us first shot at them with our whole navy :thumbsup: ... so it could be a costly trade-off for them.

I doubt the BABE settler alone will be enough reason for Saber to go to war with us. But, of course, it's possible they've been planning to attack us after they finished off BABE for the past 20+ turns anyway - and now we've just made them feel better about turning on their old friends :lol:

I still think it might be a good idea to encourage Whomp to make peace with Saber... if our goal is to lessen the emotional pull towards war with us.

On the other hand... we really need to do SOMETHING to try to put the breaks on Saber's rapid military build-up... and keeping them stuck with War Weariness is a good way to do that.

Is it worth trading away that War Weariness to get some possible goodwill that may-or-may not influence Saber's military planning?
I have a question: If BABE and SABER make peace, and then SABER attacks us anyway, would a new declaration of war by BABE against SABER bring back any of the war weariness to SABER or just give them war happiness?
However - if they take this approach - they'll be giving us first shot at them with our whole navy ... so it could be a costly trade-off for them.

They won't be that stupid. No, they will set sail with a few [sacrificial] transports covered by [sacrificial] destroyers or cruisers, setting off our trip-wire; this will happen in a place other than where the main attack will arrive. Or at least, that's my best guess.

I really think we should consider holding the save until after we talk with Babe.
They won't be able to kill the settler easily. Lethal bombardment does not work with settlers iirc + their bombers won't reach the center of our continent unless they take half our land. That won't happen within five or even ten turns. :shifty:

WW would add up for them because a landing on our land would be expensive for them - even if they finally succeed. It would make a war against us much more expensive. ;)

Yes, donsig, war weariness (if not depleted) is reinstalled if the war starts again.
Not sure if war happiness would be subtracted but I'd suspect that.
Even if BABE signed peace we'd have a nice tool to impose that WW again on SABER if they should attack us (and our ally) at least for some turns. :evil:
Depending on their WW they currently have and shrinking with time. Too bad BABE did not track that like GONG did... :(
Would it be worth the effort to ask for all battle logs and keep track of the war weariness BABE inflicted to SABER? :crazyeye: :hammer2:

Imagine FREE's need if we hosted a GONG settler now... :gripe:
SABER must getting War Hapiness, not so much WW since they captured so many BABE cities in so few turns...but then again i could be wrong?
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