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Team Babe Embassy

Most of the towns were razed by BABE themselves.
I've got no idea how the battles went. Maybe you are right and SABER did not suffer more ww than level 1. :dunno:

Not sure if we'll find out (unless we evaluate the battle logs)...
But the settler might be a nice life insurance. But we should not rely on it ;)
well - if Saber is getting War Happiness or only a tiny amount of War Weariness - then they have little-to-no reason to care if BABE lives on to fight another day. :)
:hmm: No matter what the level of War Weariness Saber is enduring, it is still good for us if Whomp gets peace with them.

Babe has the save now...
I still think SABER should actively express their interest in peace.
We should offer to negotiate...

The longer SABER suffers from war weariness the better for us... :evil:
News from BABE:

Free sent us a city so we now have one on old Gong too. They think Saber's going for domination so you may want to have connect with them. We'll likely lose our remaining units this turn after they delivered 26 arty to our stack. It's still pretty hard to hit them on mountains. :D
:wow: This is fantastic news.
And makes our last reply to Saber even better! :thumbsup: when Saber sees that BABE has a city in FREE land... they'll probably assume that FREE is harboring the BABE settler also.
We could be completely off the hook! :dance:

EDIT: Someone on FREE must have also said something to Whomp about their fears regarding Saber. Our messages warning them to be afraid of Saber must be sinking in.

Things seem to be going our way, Gentlemen :D
BABE troops are doing what the spartans did, buying everyone time! Kudos on Whomp!

SABER as 2 armies, so they can now make their own armies in the War Academy since they had 1 victor, one more army and they can get Pentagon giving them 4 unit armies...

Can armies be airlifted? :rolleyes:

64 Modern Armor/4 = 16 Modern Armor Armies :D
From BABE:

Hello Council,
So how do you plan to win this if you don't mind me asking? I won't say anything just like I wouldn't tell you what Free's plan is. No worries if you're uncomfortable saying...
I don't mind telling him the truth. Though no exact turns estimates and unvailing of our current tech situation.

I think he is wondering how long he is gonna have to continue playing the save, so I think it's okay :)
Fine for me. No need to hide what's written on the wall in big letters... :)
Tell him nothing.
I don't expect a backstabbing, but after the initial mudslinging between team BABE and us, I see no reason to take a chance.
Even if it appears clear what we are doing....like they say in chess, don't expect the enemy to see everything.
I appreciate what tomasjj is saying - but Whomp seems to have moved on from the initial hard feelings.
I agree he's most likely just wondering how long he has left to play in this game.

Let's not forget - we still need Whomp's goodwill! We can't get out of mobilization without him being willing to go to peace with us. Ticking him off could be a total disaster for us. :ack:

Here's my proposed response:
Dear Whomp,

Yeah - we're happy to keep you in the loop. We trust your discretion on the subject.
And afterall, you're doing us some major favors in this game! Again, thank you. :thanx:

Our plan remains to attempt the space-race win. We've always known this would be tough - but let's face it - we're in a difficult position. We're actually feeling more optimistic about our chances now that the military powers (FREE and Saber) seem roughly evenly matched. Neither one can destroy us without risking being destroyed by the other one. :thumbsup:

We'll certainly see!
Hope you enjoy the ride in the meantime. We appreciate you sticking it out for the BABEs.

General_W, speaking with the voice of The Council

That's probably a little more than I'm comfortable sharing, but if the consensus is with sending it, then I'll go along.

Agreed. IF we are going to tell something, tell him about going for space.
I see no reason what so ever to go into details on how likely we view this and how.
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