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Templates for Modding

A very small stuff but can be useful. This is the directory of most of the files that need changing in the scenario. Some aren't even needed (for most scenarios) but better to have them. Just keep it called scenario and make copies you can rename (usually along your scenario name).
Place in Conquests/Scenarios


Static leaderheads work just fine. Mods supplied on the CD have good examples. The grueling part is the Art\Advisors\--_all.pcx file, where the circular images are stored. Bogus having to draw each and every one pixel by pixel. A template would be very convenient.
Ok, I did the PCX with the Circles for Leader Heads (LH_All.pcx)
its in the first post
I looked at a static LH and its still a flc, which I cant make...the LH_ANG.pcx are just a size, no template as such...If you want a blank LH_Large, and LH_small I'll make em...
You raise a question that I wanted to rant about in its own thread. Or perhaps my shot at a tutorial. It isn't discussed, far as I can tell. But for some dam reason the invisible color in the advisors\--_all.pcx files is BLACK. Index 255. So if the palette you use is the one for (frinstunce) units, your leaders will show up with a big square instead of a circle.

Set 0 0 0 black in slot 255.
Hmmm...well I just made the borders the purple they were, and the circles Magic Pink...I assume you draw "over" the pink so it shouldnt matter...

[edit] I redid the circles in black just in case
and when you make it a LH you will have to make 255 black, the pallet only has 2 colors on this one...and Im not adding 250 colors...
Thanks, Spacer! I haven't completely conquered the Kingdom Of Palettes, but I can manage well enough for my tastes. The template can work easily enough; it makes pasting custom images into the circles much easier.

How'd you do it so fast? Some kind of wizard are you? :cool:
Why wasn't this made four years ago....
added it to the first post Weasel...thanx

Goldflash said:
Why wasn't this made four years ago....

I wasnt here...and even if I was I didnt know squat about modding...except I did replace all the missing DyP icons(from the disk, CivIII Complete)...maybe if I had READ the posts instead of vulturing and looting...<ssigh> woe for lost time...
Thanks for the link Wease! I love you!
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