That Hideous Strength

Veranese Empire heroes

Giv (Rank 2 Captain)
Giv is supposedly a distant cousin to the Emperor, though few look too closely at the family tree to find out where he fits, or why no one had heard of him until he was already famous. Giv rose rapidly through the ranks during the Empire’s numerous recent wars, starting as an unknown levied peasant, and now leading the charge as the Empire’s most distinguished Captain. The truest of patriots, Giv fights for nothing but the glory of the Empire (and a fat paycheck).

Bizhan (Rank 2 Sage)
Bizhan is supposedly a distant cousin to the Emperor, though few look too closely at the family tree to find out where he fits, or why no one had heard of him until he was already famous. Bizhan is technically the court’s highest scholar, though most see him as the Emperor’s pet wizard. Peasant folk attribute the rise of the Empire in no small part to Bizhan’s dark magics, rumours the court is careful to not contradict.
Trasque hero:

Levi Zohar (Rank 2 Sage)
Levi Zohar is the current Keeper of Secrets, the second-highest of the Sanhedrin, outranking the Navi, head of the Sanhedrin, in matters pertaining to preserving Trasquian secrets and maintaining the old oaths. At the age of forty he's the youngest to hold the position in nine generations. Not politically ambitious, Levi more or less fell into the role after his discovery of fourteen new combinations of the Fragments and managing to derive the existence of the Fallen from the movements of a flock of starlings. While his role on the Council is largely ceremonial, he is well respected by his fellow Elders and his word is given a great deal more weight than his youth would imply. His role in the internal politics of the Holy Kingdom of Trasque is functionally that of chief advisor to the king, aligning the Fragments, maintaining the various bindings in the Catacomb Libralus, and studying any new phenomena that arises in or near the Kingdom.
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Peren hero:

Alvinus (Rank 2 Captain)
A minor vassal from the Northern border of Peren, Alvinus grew up in a time of constant squabbling between many semi-independent vassals. Upon the ascension of Canodus III to the throne, Alvinus became energized by the young king’s ideal of a powerful rational monarch who could secure peace and prosperity for his subjects. He then stood by the king in the decade of dissent and conflict that followed Canodus III’s agressive reforms, eventually rising to the position of chief marshal. However, the forces of fate often play cruel tricks upon men, as Canodus III dies in thr prime of his life, killed by a grievously infected wound. Appointed regent by Canodus III while the old king was on his deathbed, Alvinus now finds now finds himself at the helm of the of the increasingly unsteady ship of the Perenese state as he attempts to secure the legacy of Canodus III, opposing the many nobles lead by the Queen Mother Tascilla who attempt to reassert their de facto independence.
I'm going to set a deadline for the first set of orders as Sunday, March 4th at 10pm EST
Gethian League Hero

Niccolò Cadamosto

Rank 2 Merchant
Niccolò Cadamosto is a Geth merchant and explorer. Born into significant influence, his father is Giovanni Cadamosto, an eighth rank initiate of the Order of the Maga. Wealth and influence brought education, protection, and opportunity and he led his first trading mission to the Fennian Empire at the age of fifteen. Since then he’s led several successful expeditions across the southern seas from Cadia to Tonn. He is a skilled diplomat and an accomplished linguist and owes much of his success to his ability to operate to across borders and culture. Today he commands the entire Cadamosto fleet as well as those of various allied families keen to invest in his mercantile instinct. Cadamosto’s success has brought him enemies as well. Many families see him as a competitor and are keen to witness the end of his travels
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From Omania
To Peren, Araminia, and Lundia

In a sign of goodwill and lasting friendship, we invite Acquilivian nobility to jostling tournament that will take place in Cenoben, summer palace of king Ariovistus III of Omania. Prince Gabrius himself with attend the tournament under the blue banner of a winged boar.

Prince Gabrius of the House of Ariovinnean (Captain Rank 2)
Prince Gabrius was born to high nobility, but his father, King Ariovistus III, was constantly away throughout his childhood, participating in pacification of Petrean lowlanders in the north. Left to be raised by his dissolute mother, Queen Elgebreta, Gabrius experienced neglect and shame early on in his childhood, despite being surrounded in luxury and reverence. He eventually found escape in hunting, and became quite good at that, but with time his hunts became more and more cruel, and his own actions increasingly reckless. His mother's infidelity to her husband was eventually discovered, upon which Elgebreta was stripped of all titles and exiled to "the court of the Fairy King," which in traditions of Omanian Acquilivian nobility meant being banished to a sacred grove, where she most likely eventually fell victim to local predators or elements. Gabrius took his mother's "departure" with disregard, but his own neglected emotional state was recognized by his royal father, who made sure to give him as much attention as he could spare in his position. Both Gabrius and his younger (and, some said, brighter) brother Talotius were given a mentor, an Astorian philosopher Darosiphen. The old man did bring Gabrius back into some semblance of emotional health with his strict stoic philosophy, but he failed to nurture a relationship with him as deep and meaningful as was his platonic friendship with young Talotius. Regardless, Gabrius in his late adolescence appears to have learned to hide his dark temper behind rituals of knightly chivalry, acceptable among the Acquilivians. He became quite known for his participation in duels of honor that he has so far managed to balance on the very edge between temerity and wickedness. On one occasion, his father was forced to send Prince Gabrius away from the palace after a particularly scandalous duel that almost left one of the prominent noble houses without an heir. In order not to make it look like an exile, Ariovistus III gave Gabrius a mission of cleansing the Radwr Hillocks of Petrean bandits - a task, at which Gabrius and his daredevil retinue excelled. Dark rumors followed the Somber Prince of Omania here as well, as some stories claim that he refused to accept surrender of some bands of rovers who were driven to banditry by a poor harvest that year, and instead chose to slaughter them to a man just to have a good fight. One way or another, Prince Gabrius doesn't seem to be bothered by his reputation, confident that his martial prowess and dark charisma will one day gain him obedience (if not love) of his subjects.
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Yedrea Hero

Lady Cary (Sage Rank 2)
Spoiler Lady Cary :


Not much is know about Lady Cary background as she was a adopted by one of the Yedrean shamans who died of natural old age as the Yedrea kingdom was forming. What little is known of her comes from rumors from the other shamans saying that she was born in the deeper parts of the northern woods. Some have even claimed that she isn't truly human due to unnatural vast knowledge of the creatures and plants that reside in the woods. There also been one very strange rumor that her knowledge comes from her "speaking" to the creatures of the woods but this rumor has always been mocked by the Nobility saying that shamans have been using to many shrooms for their rituals

Brun - Pt. 1

The ships came from the sea like foam upon the wave. Thirteen their number, each proudly bearing fearsome visage after visage. Dragon and Leviathan, Troll and Amaroc the Dread Wolf, grimacing their blood lust. Scarce had the sand settled ‘neath the bows of the ships that they came. Reavers and Raiders all, all wicing.

The last villages they had visited had been too strong for steel, so glibnes and wit had been barred, and a profit had been turned, but the men’s blood was hot, and it was high, and this village would pay in blood what the others had in gold.

The village had not yet woken, but already flames licked hungrily at the thatch of one of the hamlets. The first screams echoed, rising above the grunts and roars of the raiders, as women were pulled from the houses and men butchered in the streets.

Artos was the leader of the raiders, it was his promises of plunder and his golden armbands of friendship that bound twelve other captains to his word, to his will. He stood on the prow of his ship, hand resting gently on the carved raven head at it’s prow, it’s wicked beak and beady eyes gorging itself on the slaughter before it.

“You shall drink, oh thunderbird, a just reward for having led us to this plunder. Fat and weak they are, and you shall slake your thirst afore we sail again.” He whispered.

“My captain! My brother!” Hailed another man, looking up from the beach. “You led us here, and yet you stand aboard your ship as if to let all the plunder be taken by others. Some might call it cowardice!” A playful smile danced over his lips as he said these words.

Artos leapt down from the bow of the ship, his byrne jangling under the heavy furs as he landed heavily in the sand. He laughed, clasping arms with the other man.

“Bor, were you any other man, were you not born of the same womb, I would cut you down where you stand for that insult. Come, the temple will be where the true wealth is kept.”

“I have seen it. It is a stout keep of stone and carved wood. It will not be easy to break.”

Indeed, once they stood before the doors, the task of breaking them seemed impossible. Artos knocked on the heavy oak, mailed fist gently tapping a rhythm. Grinning widely, he stepped back, and spoke “If we cannot open it, then they will have to open for us.”

Artos reached a gloved fist into one of the ornate pouches on his belt, from which he drew a globe, all of gold and red glass. Raising it to his lips, he spoke words of power, songs of the sidhe and the fae, unbinding some of the shackles that the Angaguk had woven over the Jotun within. As he sang, the globe shone with, and an acrid smoke billowed from the red glass. This was the most dangerous part, if he faltered here, the beast within would be free of it’s decades long imprisonment, and it would be hungry. Though it was but a Spark, the weakest of the Jotun kindreds, it would still easily best two warriors unskilled in the arts of the wise if given the chance.

Artos reached the last lilting syllable of the songs, and the glow faded, even as the smoke redoubled. Reaching back, he threw the globe through the high slit windows of the temple. Within minutes, a dark smoke billowed from the high windows, and the door cracked open. A fat man in dark blue robes lined in gold stumbled out, coughing. Bor’s sword cut through his throat, staining the cloth with blood.

Artos pulled open the door, whistling a sharp four note refrain. The smoke churned, an angry maelstrom, before he whistled again. Instantly, it withdrew back into the sphere, which flared with a ghostly image of flame, before turning dull.

Bor laughed, a full throated laugh. “The number of times that toy has done well by us.”

Artos grinned again, pocketing the sphere. “Look around, there fat on that priest, you know he was hiding the good stuff away.”

“Stay away! Keep back!” The voice was high pitched, young, tremulous, and defiant, though neither Artos nor Bor could understand the tongue. Standing guard in a doorway stood a young boy, seven of age at most, short sword in hand. He was shaking, but the sword remained steady.

Bor laughed. “Guarding the holy treasures, are you boy? Step aside, there’s no shame in bowing to those stronger than you.” He raised on hand, and stepped towards the boy.

Quick as a flash, the sword struck, and Bor cursed.

“Bastard cut me!” With a growl, he cuffed the boy across the face, knocking him senseless. He clutched his right hand, which was now short the top knuckle of the pinky.

Artos laughed, and picked up the stray piece of the digit, tossing it back to Bor, and knelt next to the boy. “I like him. He’s strong, brave.”

Bor growled “Well, he’ll die like the rest of his kin, no matter how brave or strong he is.”

“No.” Artos stood. “I will take him. He will be raised in my household alongside my sons, to be their boon companion. His name will be Brun, and he will be the most true of my huscarls.”

Brun - Rank 2 Sage

Brun is a blind older man, hunched and bowed, though the stories say that in his youth he was a brave warrior and leader of men. In his hubris, it is said, he challenged the gods themselves, and they struck him and his house down, robbing them of their lives and he of his sight. He dedicated himself to them in penance, and has sacrificed much more than just his vision for the sake of wisdom. He is now one of the foremost Angaguk, and when he speaks, his words are listened to.
Cool perspective Thomas- well written!
Merlin (Rank 2 Sage):
An oddity among oddities, an enigma wrapped in mystery told through a riddle, Merlin confounds all of his political opponents at court.
He first appeared several years ago and saved the king's life when he was ill. The king invited him to his court as a gesture of friendship, and in that time Merlin has grown to be one of the king's most influential advisors, despite holding no official position. One of his biggest contributions to Araminia is carving out a place for magic in Araminian philosophy through the Internal-External theory. The basic idea of the theory is that people understand themselves in relation to the external. "King" only holds meaning because there are "nobles" and "subjects". Men cannot truly improve themselves if they only look inward, and that learning magic can help humans understand themselves. This idea has been pushed through various dinner party debates with leading intellectuals and through lectures that he has given in the university he's opened for any and all willing to attend. He's managed to recently push this traction into the possibility of using magic in combat through physical self strengthening - in essence not depending on magic for damage but rather keeping it in a support role for the prowess of the warrior. However, this dream has not been realized yet except in some trial tournament cases.
However, while his philosophy maybe his biggest contribution to Araminia doesn't mean he hasn't flexed his political clout in other ways, the most notable being using his connections to the king and officials in the ministry of foreign affairs to go around the wishes of the foreign minister and oust diplomats he consider too aggressive.
Othala the Blessed (Rank 2 Sage)

There are many tales told of how Othala the Blessed got such an esteemed position as court Angaguk at such a young age. Some say she’s the bastard daughter of High Chief Magnus and achieved her position through good old fashioned nepotism. Others claim that she’s a fraud, put forth by the increasing marginalized, at least in Tonn, Angaguk to bring the Ringan nobility back to the ways of their forefathers. There are even rumors, particularly among the peasantry, that she’s secretly an elf in disguise although opinion is divided on whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Othala merely professes to be a seer of minor talent at reading the warnings of the spirits in the natural world. She looks at the patterns of entrails, the flights of birds and the paths of comets and then gives advice and warnings. Not all of her predictions have come true and it is possible much, if not all of successes come from more earthly sources, as she has studied both under the Angaguk and under scholars from Araminia. Whatever the extent or origins of her predictions are, High Chief Magnus seems well and truly convinced that her power is real.
I'm super happy that we got a story!

Reminder that the Deadline is in less than an hour. However, because of an early morning meeting at work I won't be able to actually check until noon and will consider anything in before then to be on time.
From Omania
On behalf of Araminia and Peren
To the world

The three mortal realms that have inherited the legacy of Brennus the Great declare that they form the Concord of Acquilivian Vast, uniting three branches of the glorious Brennean dynasty: the Ariovennean (Omania), Velannean(Araminia), and Canodean (Peren) bloodlines. Sharing same blood, the monarchs of all the three realms declare mutual peace and defensive alliance, and promise to look into trade cooperation in the future if trust between the realms continues to grow.
From Omania
On behalf of Araminia and Peren
To the world

The three mortal realms that have inherited the legacy of Brennus the Great declare that they form the Concord of Acquilivian Vast, uniting three branches of the glorious Brennean dynasty: the Ariovennean (Omania), Velannean(Araminia), and Canodean (Peren) bloodlines. Sharing same blood, the monarchs of all the three realms declare mutual peace and defensive alliance, and promise to look into trade cooperation in the future if trust between the realms continues to grow.

Signed Sylvanus D'Este, the foreign minister of Araminia, and His Majesty King Velanius III

From Omania
To Peren, Araminia, and Lundia

In a sign of goodwill and lasting friendship, we invite Acquilivian nobility to jostling tournament that will take place in Cenoben, summer palace of king Ariovistus III of Omania. Prince Gabrius himself with attend the tournament under the blue banner of a winged boar.

In a gesture of good faith, the king will be attending under his House's traditional banner, and invites his retainers to do the same
From Omania
On behalf of Araminia and Peren
To the world

The three mortal realms that have inherited the legacy of Brennus the Great declare that they form the Concord of Acquilivian Vast, uniting three branches of the glorious Brennean dynasty: the Ariovennean (Omania), Velannean(Araminia), and Canodean (Peren) bloodlines. Sharing same blood, the monarchs of all the three realms declare mutual peace and defensive alliance, and promise to look into trade cooperation in the future if trust between the realms continues to grow.
Signed by Alvinus, through regental authority on behalf of King Canodus IV

From Omania
To Peren, Araminia, and Lundia

In a sign of goodwill and lasting friendship, we invite Acquilivian nobility to jostling tournament that will take place in Cenoben, summer palace of king Ariovistus III of Omania. Prince Gabrius himself with attend the tournament under the blue banner of a winged boar.
While Alvinus’s days of competing in tournaments are long past, we shall send a contingent to attend, and the nobles of the realm are higly encouraged to attend as well.
Tynde Hero:

Captain : Aaron Kindel

A famous warrior and sailor of Tynde, Aaron has lead countless parties against raiders and pirate, both on land and sea. A well respected military man he came from a simple background and has become the nations greatest hero.
The Mountain
Attributed to Keeper of Secrets Levi Zohar

Spoiler The Mountain :
The madmen rise
Faith and fear
Moon and fire
The mountain endured

The world burns
Gods and men
Doom and despair
The mountain endured

The night begins
Beasts and darkness
Pain and death
The mountain endured

The storm rages
Wind and rain
wrack and ruin
The mountain endured

The dragons came
Blade and bow
Blood and bone
The mountain endured

The freehold stands
Strength and stone
Will and wisdom
and the mountain endures
In a gesture of good faith, the king will be attending under his House's traditional banner, and invites his retainers to do the same

As an ever loyal vassal of His Majesty King Velanius III, long may he reign, High Chief Magnus, Lord of the Lower Minte must regretfully decline the invitation to personally attend. Not at all because he doesn't know how to Joust but just because there are... ummm... Pirates! Yeah, there are Pirates on the coast that definitely need to be dealt with. Can't have those pirates looting and pillaging unchecked. A few of the less crucial (cough cough Acquilivian cough) nobles serving under him shall attend as a delegation, but he can't make it. Such a shame that those Pirates are so great a threat. Hopefully he'll be able to make the next one and show everyone what a great Jouster he is. Yeah... Too Bad....
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