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The Alternative Members Photos Thread 2

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Aha! The Crimson Baron himself....:king:
One good turn desrves another...!

Dude, here is someone I think of when I see your posts...
A general who was ruthless in war, but respected by his foes.

The one and only Patton.

nonconformist said:
That house is quite literally down the road from mine!
Headington in Oxford :eek:

Is Jawz II still stuck in the roof?


What the heck happened in that photo?
Urederra said:

That image rules!

I recall a mod of the old era of CFC once called me the Red Skull too...!


Those were the glory days...!

Anyhoo, a happy return!

ironduck said:
Is the shark still poking through? :lol:
Of course.
It's been there several years.
It's an artist's home, and they decided to put a huge piece of "art" on thier roof, which is one of Oxford's famous landmarks.
Of course, their neighbours weren't too happy, and have lobbied to have it removed, but to no avail:D
nonconformist said:
Of course.
It's been there several years.
It's an artist's home, and they decided to put a huge piece of "art" on thier roof, which is one of Oxford's famous landmarks.
Of course, their neighbours weren't too happy, and have lobbied to have it removed, but to no avail:D

Good on them!

Visual insanity is the best option!

nonconformist said:
Of course.
It's been there several years.
It's an artist's home, and they decided to put a huge piece of "art" on thier roof, which is one of Oxford's famous landmarks.
Of course, their neighbours weren't too happy, and have lobbied to have it removed, but to no avail:D

Pretty damn cool, especially because those houses look a bit dull.. nothing like a 5 metre shark through the roof to liven things up a bit ;)
Jawz II said:

it was between



Ewww... I hate shrimp more than anything in the whole world! :vomit:
nonconformist said:

You are close to the truth...I am indeed an Alien engaged in war games! :D

I have waited a long time for this, nonconformist!

Here is the heroic NonCon in full emo-weeping mode!

@ Curt, have you seen the one i gave you? Admittedly this thread moves so fast ATM you probably missed it.
The Last Conformist said:
Clearly, my portrayal of noncon is the only true one. :p

I noticed that someone portrayed you exactly the same way (only with penguins) ;)
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