It wouldn't be anything close to that. 2.5 million is essentially the entire auto-industry in this country from manufacturers, parts suppliers, mechanics, and dealers. It was inplausible unresponsible rhetoric that was used to justify strong arming lenders and allowing the government to take over Chrysler and GM. It would have probably been more like 100,000...if that. And those jobs would have gone into other self-sustaining auto companies like Ford, who, I don't know if you've noticed, has gobbled up massive chunks of market share since the recession began.
Forgive me if I don't give one iota of respect to your "probable" estimate, especially considering the lower estimates of various experts was around 500,000.
Lenders were not "strong-armed." They would have received much less from a liquidation, which is why the worked so hard with the government to work out a deal.