@techumseh and
@civ2units - regarding reactions... I will try and put together a user-friendly table for you as fast as I can, however if you open up the simpleReactions.lua file in a text editor (notepad would work for this though notepad ++ is preferable) here is how you read the gobblygook in the meanwhile:
--Look for stuff that looks like the below.
reactInfo[object.uMiG15.id] = {reactionsPerTurn = 1,
--reactionInfo[object.uMiG15] is the unit that will have the reaction i.e. the defender. reactionsPerTurn is how many times that unit will react per turn (so the MiG-15 will react once).
{triggerUnitTypes = {object.uStrategicBomber,object.uTu95,object.uVulcan,object.uB52Stratofortress}, forbiddenUnitTypesOnTileReactionUnit = carrierList,
--Trigger unit types are the units the MiG will react TO. The carrier list stuff means it won't react to units that are on a carrier.
reactionRange = 2, hitChance = 1, damageSchedule = damageType.EarlyJetFightervsBomberAttack,
--Reaction range is how many tiles away the MiG will react. Hit chance being 1 means it will definitely hit. damageSchedule is math but basically early stuff won't do as much damage as later stuff.
destroyMunitionsWithKill = true,
--destroyMunitionsWithKill means that if the MiG shoots down the bomber via a reaction, it also destroys the munition. Hence, defend your cities with fighters to protect them.
},-- close reactionDetail 1
damageType.LateJetFightervsBomberAttack = gen.makeThresholdTable({[0]=7,[.25]=8,[.5]=9,[.75]=10}) -- Late Jets
damageType.MidJetFightervsBomberAttack = gen.makeThresholdTable({[0]=6,[.25]=7,[.5]=8,[.75]=9}) -- Mid Jets
damageType.EarlyJetFightervsBomberAttack = gen.makeThresholdTable({[0]=2,[.25]=4,[.5]=6,[.75]=8}) -- Early Jets (
damageType.PropFightervsBomberAttack = gen.makeThresholdTable({[0]=3,[.25]=4,[.5]=5,[.75]=6}) -- Prop fighters
Just so you're aware, ALL fighters have a hit chance of 1 (meaning 100% chance to hit). However, the earlier the fighter, the less damage it does. As you can see from below, even if you don't understand exactly what the numbers are, they get smaller the older the aircraft is. The number after the "=" is how many hitpoints are done in damage depending on a dice roll. I kept things very simple with this damage roll. Basically there is a 25% chance that any of these numbers could be the damage. (so a 25% chance of a late jet inflicting 7 hit points in damage, and a 25% chance of it inflicting 8 hit points in damage, and a 25% chance of it inflicting 9 hitpoints in damage, and a 25% chance of it inflicting 10 hitpoints in damage.
Thus, 3x late jet fighters in any city is a guaranteed kill against a 20 hitpoint bomber (because at the least, you'll get 21 hit points in damage), if that makes sense. The enemy would need to bring enough bombers to "absorb" the reactions of these three fighters (in this case with late jets, 4 reactions). Thus, in the late game, a city that was defended by 3 late jet fighters could definitely fend off 4 strategic bombers (they'd all be destroyed) but
might not fend off the 5th. I say "might" because if those jet fighters had "good" roles (and did 10 hp damage), they aren't all going to react. Only the first two fighters would (because once the unit is destroyed, the other fighters stop reacting, so you might be able to stretch it to more bombers destroyed than 4). At least that is MY understanding of it, and if I'm wrong, please correct me
@Prof. Garfield.
The ATTACK submarines will react against the SSBN submarines. They have a slight hit chance, that really depends on the sub v. sub matchup. For example, an SSK (the first sub) will have a 50% chance of hitting the Early SSBN (first missile sub) but only a 30% chance of hitting the Late SSBN (the later missile sub). The SSN advance (last attack sub) has an 80% and 60% chance of hitting the Early SSBN and late SSBN respectively. Attack subs can also react to attack subs when they're launching cruise missiles but they have even worse odds.
The damage schedule (how much damage these reactions do) for subs is a guaranteed 20 hitpoints (unit death) IF they hit. This is because a sub that is torpedoed is done for. So, there's a good chance the torp misses, but if it hits, it's an automatic kill.
I hope this helps you plot your strategy. I'll try and get a table added to the readme shortly. Let me know what questions you have. Thanks!