And... Because I need four posts in a row. I just thought of a
way better idea than my going through thousands of lines of code and adding in stuff. I'd propose a pretty simple solution to all of this that I think will give you a good option
@Prof. Garfield without needing to completely change things like letting you reinforce anything and everything but also make you quite dangerous
where you should be (the boonies).
Instead of changing the game completely let's just do this (assuming
@techumseh and
@civ2units agree).
If a Pro-Eastern unit activates on jungle, mountain, hill, or swamp terrain (the boonies), they get an attack bonus. I was thinking something in the order of +5. This would hopefully make it more likely that a concerted Pro-Eastern revolution would be able to take cities but wouldn't completely change everyone's strategy partway through our game. It would make places where the Pro-Eastern guerrillas
should be problematic (like jungles of Southeast Asia, South & Central America, and parts of Africa) much more difficult for the west to hold, but at the same time, of course, since there is no
defense bonus, if the Western Powers really were having none of it they'd have a chance too.
Personally, I think this is a simple, quick and accurate solution that should alleviate your frustration
@Prof. Garfield while also hopefully not starting WW3 in the next 4 turns!
What are everyone's thoughts? I agree with
@Prof. Garfield that this is a little unfair as naval power is quite strong and currently the game revolves entirely around the coastline.