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The Cold War Deluxe; 1950-1991

no the Download window.
Uhh about the tcw 50's... will there be an advanced soviet artillery unit line? I just remember ther being some "soft" arty and the katyusha and in the end the scud upgrade..
TCW v2.0 "The Fifties" update ~ 5 July

yeah Samez, there will be a pretty good overhaul to the artillery lines (all or most of the civs at least). the most significant changes/additions will be to the SP line (see below).

thank the Good Lord :) i'm done w/ the sea units :D all stats, text entries, and files are into the folders. hopefully, i'll post some info in that later (screenies and stats).

now that the sea units are done, i moved onto the ground units. this means all units that are ground-based. so i'm churning through foot units, mech units, arty pieces, missiles, nukes, and anti-air weapons.

here's a preliminary list of the US ground based units:

and the obligatory screenie :D US armor in the midwest

tanks, foot units, apc's, and towed arty remain the same from previous versions. the self-propelled arty though is getting a boost as is the self-propelled anti-air guns. the biggest enhancements so far are the nukes. now, of course, there's no way to differentiate the strength of a nuke in civ3 terms. so it'll be based primarily on range. however, it's my opinion that it'd be pretty bad to leave out the nuclear/fission developments of the era. so that's why there's a few different types. also, nukes will be buildable in this version. they'll be cheap, too, in terms of price. there's the short range ballistic missiles, too which will not have the nuke tag but will possess some gaudy no's. the goal for them is to simulate a tactical nuclear strike (as opposed to a strategical one). lastly, the AA guns got a boost, too.

this unit outline will likely be used for most of the top end civs. by that i mean that the soviets will get a line of ground units which sort of mirrors the US one (in terms of the actual no. of units).
Thats quit a list for only one civ.
Wow that list really impresses me.. so many units I want to see! Will Honest John and all the wonderfull missiles be loaded/with starting platform or rocket only?
while the list does indeed look like alot, it really isn't. i mean, there'll essentially be one unit build from all of the different classes at a time. so it's not like the build que will be overflowing w/ unneeded units. each class of units will have its own role. plus, lots of them will be autopro'd.

anyhow - wrt the question at hand :) i don't know Samez. the SRBMs will be flagged as 'cruise missiles' in the editor. as for gfx for them...i don't know yet as i haven't begun to enter them into the files. but i'll look around for ones that fit and if i don't find any, i'll use the default cruise missile gfx from civ3. did that answer your question?
Its also good to see some draftable unit that can actually fight. Im also curious about where the overseas unit will be built.
Alright but what resource does it require?
I would say none and it can upgrade to normal units if you have the homeland resource.
Otherway you will have to have colonial resource for every foreign city...
the overseas variant will not require a resource thus allowing for it to be built anywhere on the map. however, it'll cost more than the regular infantry and it'll require maintenance whereas the regular ones won't. it may also have some HP maluses (ie it could represent a brigade rather than a division) but we haven't gotten there yet. now, if these overseas units have similar stats as the regular ones but cost more, the AI will definitely go for the 'best buy' at home but will have an A/D type unit to build abroad (for a price though).

maintenance costs for the units is one aspect that is receiving an overhaul. by this i mean that we're looking for ways to 'suck up' the large reserves of gold that accumulate during the course of the scenario. maintenance will be for all mech units, sea units, and air units. of course, we're going to have to fiddle w/ it and test it real good to ensure proper economics. but on paper, it seems like it'll all work as planned - that is, to make it expensive to field a mechanized army. so, those oversea infantry units will be part of that equation (ie/ the costliness of running a big military).
That sounds interesting. So will the U.S infantry require a resource called U.S.
Since the British, French, And Americans all get Battleships I think that the Soviets should get some to. Here are two battleships that the Soviet Navy had in the Fifties.
Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya: Lanched on 7th October 1911. Scrapped 1959. Originaly named Gangut , it was renamed Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya on 27th May 1925.
Novorossiisk: Lanched on 15th October 1911. Originaly an Italian ship called Giulio Cesare. Delivered to Russia in 1948 and renamed Novorossiisk, may either have been sunk or laid up in 1955.

PS. Will Turkey still get the Battle Cruiser Jawuz Sultan Selim?
yes, cubsfan, that's exactly how it'll be set up.

the Novorossiisk is in there but not the Gangut class one. russian built ships from that era were - how do you say - pretty lousy. however, the Novorossiisk is in to give Ivan some teeth in the Black Sea.

also - regarding the soviet navy - we're going to try an experiment w/ these units by flagging the first generation and pre-placed sea units as 'sinks in ocean' in an attempt to simulate the coastal defense strategies that were employed at this time. i mean, in reality, the soviets did not have much of a 'blue water' navy in 1950. so the ships that will operate out of the baltic and black seas will be restricted some. their subs, however, will have full range as will some of the mid to late era soviet ships. there'll also be an emphasis placed on autoproduced soviet subs. i'll try and post some more info on the sea units over the weekend since they're all finished and the stats are plugged in.
maintenance costs for the units is one aspect that is receiving an overhaul. by this i mean that we're looking for ways to 'suck up' the large reserves of gold that accumulate during the course of the scenario. maintenance will be for all mech units, sea units, and air units. of course, we're going to have to fiddle w/ it and test it real good to ensure proper economics. but on paper, it seems like it'll all work as planned - that is, to make it expensive to field a mechanized army. so, those oversea infantry units will be part of that equation (ie/ the costliness of running a big military).

This concept is being tested in the new TCW PBEM game starting soon. I have tweaked the MP biq for this, and am testing.
a shot of the USN and her cast of toys...i have, however, swapped out the corny default civ3 DD gfx shown at the top there for the Forrest Sherman class DDs. whoever designed the sea units for civ3 clearly did not use a scale for anything :rolleyes:

Originally posted by me at my 'Workshop' site:
Gearing FRAM I
Forrest Sherman
Sumner FRAM II


Oregon City
Des Moines


Essex refit


i might've missed one or two or even mixed up the FRAMs. note that i had to fudge the FRAM II a little...

the way i envision it is that all DDs will be buildable everywhere on the map for the US while the subs will only be able to be built in the US. now, i know i mentioned earlier that the subs will be spawned but i want to try first to have them built and see how the AI responds. i mean, i got the AI to build all types of ships in AoI and i see no reason why it can't translate over into TCW, especially if there's only 2 buildable sea unit types.

all of the CAs will be preplaced along w/ a host of the CVs. the Refits and Forrestals - autopro'd. same for the CLGs.

this setup, although not really historically accurate in terms of shipyards, should produce a good deal of sea units assuming we make the price tags attractive enough...

and here's a pic of the US foot units. the three infantry type west of Philly are the US Infantry (regular, overseas, and reserves), the little guy inside of Philly is an airborne trooper, and the dude hanging on the tile near the coast (the approximate location of El Justo's home :)) is the USMC unit. the unit north of norfolk is the US Ranger SF dude and the guy in the hat east of DC is the new gfx for the CIA Operative :)

more later...
Wow that's one hell of a navy.
It is probably the second biggest in terms of variety of units, or narrowly the biggest; still a mighty collection.

The Soviets only get one preplaced battleship...for now.
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