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The Cold War Deluxe; 1950-1991

Well guys, I downloaded the game. Got everything set up like it should. Went to start the game and before it gets to 30%, I get an error message. And here is what it tells me.

Missing Entry in "Text"\Pedialcons.txt".Icon_BLDG_Theater

And sure enough, when you look. It is not there. So now what do I do? Hope you guys can help me out. I sure want to play the game.

Try to download it again. Sometimes it takes a couple of times. Sounds like the file you downloaded was partially corrupt.
El Justo: Is this stuff with the new techs going to be an updated version of TCW? I don't think I came in at the beginning of the discussion, I am a bit confused....:confused:

I've been mucking about with this scenario; played 3-4 times, never got too deep into it, it is a lot of fun. I have had one odd thing I noticed: I've gotten the Espionage tech with a few smaller countries, and was not immediately able to build the Espionage Agency Minor Wonder for some reason. After I reserached a couple more techs it usually shows up, but I have not paid enough attention to figure out what I was lacking. Is there some other requirement besides the tech you need to build it???

The small countries don't have a whole lot of build options, and a lot of techs are basically taking up space. Was this scenario primarily intended to be played as NATO or the Warsaw Pact?

Something that would be useful, if you could somehow find the time, would be to include how many bonus hp each unit gets, and whether they have blitz, etc.,in the Pedia entries. You also might want to warn people against looking up Rubber in the resources section; so many units require it that you get that pedia bug where you can't click the mouse anymore and have to restart to fix it.

Nice job with the units and such, though it beats me why NATO was so afraid of the Warsaw pact IRL, they seem pretty wimpy by comparison. Though I need to play a game as the Pact soon to confirm my observations.;) Very nice work! :goodjob:
hi Sasebo :)

yes, the info you see me posting is about a brand new scenario based off of this original TCW version. it's essentially limited to the 1950s and there'll be several additional layers added onto this model. i'm not sure if i'll release it within this thread or start another one. but that's not a big deal really - since i can post developmental stuff regarding this new one here...

i'll have to look and see exactly what the issue is w/ the Espionage thing. this'll be cured though in future versions.

this orginal version is probably tailored moreso to NATO and the WP although this'll change for the next version.

the CivP needs a great deal of work done to it, especially this new version. but to be frank, it's at the bottom of my priority list right now as it's a monster of a task. but you are 100% right in that the descriptions etc are indeed very helpful. in time, i'll see if there's anyone out there who would want to assist w/ building the new CivP file. as for the resource overflow thing - yes - it is a detriment. but i've always been able to 'X out of' the screen w/out a crash.

AI behavior is unpredicatable in a lot of cases but we'llpay closer attention to it during the testing for this new version. i'm looking at a late August/early Sept '07 start date for alpha/beta testing.
Hey boys, check out the Chinese planes I just uploaded...sorry no really modern ones.
Back with a vengeance, eh Wyrm? :goodjob:
nice Wyrm. i'll have to swap out the existing ones. thanks.

2 August update ~ TCW v2.0 The Fifties

i've been busy getting the last of the tech eras together. this is excrutiating work...building tech trees. so i'm glad it's over. nonetheless, i'm very, very pleased w/ how it all looks now that i finished off the last era.

here's a shot of the 1957-1960 era w/ arrows courtesy of BadKharma. note that there's an arrow missing from the Variable Incidence and Adv Axial Flow Turbojet Engines.

now that the techs are done, i've been adding in the wonders which will spawn the military units. this shouldn't take too long. but i am looking for new wonder splash files. so if you're interested in assisting, let me know :)

after the wonders are put in, i have to finish adding the last of the ground units for the remaining civs. after that, it's assigning all of the techs for the units (buildings, for the most part, are all assigned). once that's finished, it's onto alpha testing! :applause:
Hey boys, check out the Chinese planes I just uploaded...sorry no really modern ones.
Thats ok the height of the Cold War is before the ultra modern stuff anyway. I'm still waiting to see the rest of the US post WWII aircraft. With your improved animations and unit sizes they should be great.
El Justo said:
i am looking for new wonder splash files. so if you're interested in assisting, let me know
Well as time permits I'll keep making images. I am just glad I dont have to add all the wonderfull new units myself, other than for my own scenario's.
I have a question on game operations. The two US battleships, Iowa and Wisconson. That are on the Eastern Seaboard at the start of the game. Are not able to leave harbor. They will pop up for movement. But will not move out of the harbor. Other ships will move in and out of the harbor, but they will not. I thought at first, that the US would have to be at war for them to be released. But that has not happen. I currently have taken Cuba and am at war with the other Communist block nations. Is there a certian requirement that needs to be met? Or do I have a glitch of some sort? It is August of 1955 by the way.

This game rocks as well! :goodjob:

Well they are mothballed, ie. out of service,(immobile)
You should be able to upgrade them in the late end game to fully usable battleships.
Yes, as pointed out, those two ships are Mothballed Iowa Class Battleships in that version of the game, and only gain mobility when the requisite 80s era tech allows their conversion to Modernised Iowa Class Battleships.
In the version currently under construction, things are a bit different...
Well to quote the Church Lady: "Ain't that special". I kinda figured that. But if you want to be accurate in your history. They were mothballed in 2-58 (Iowa) and 3-58 (Wisconsin). So I have been cheated out of my naval power! :lol: Also there were three Midway Class carriers in service. Up into the 70's and 90's. Coral Sea being the last and served as the training carrier until 2000. I am a big naval miniature gamer. So if you would like to stop by some time. We can play Jutland or something. ;)

In the version currently under construction, things are a bit different...
More battleships..? Access to all grey ladies in the reserve? (South Dakotas, North Carolinas, Alaskas, Colorados, Tennessees, KGVs)
I alway mod TCW to give the ArgiParaBoliChileans Almirante Latorre; she was in excellent shape after her refit 1948-49.
The previous version limited the Iowas to the NJ and Missouri; all four are active/available in the prospective update.
The Midway CVBs are also in full appropriate numbers.

Wolfhart: None of the US ships are currently postulated for inclusion; there were USN plans to upgrade/convert the NCs and SDs in the early 50s, but they came to nothing. KGVs are a bit of a nebulous area.
This is not to say that there will not be a modified version at some later stage in the next decade; for V2, though, it is fairly clear cut.
South American ships are in, IIRC.
7 new USAF fighters up.
Will there be new wonders (except the fleetproducing) in the next version? I had an idea about a "uranium mine" small wonder after seeing a film about the DDR/Soviet company SDAG Wismut which made the DDR the world third largest uranium producer after USA and Canada.
Perhaps the Uranium Mine small wonder could boost production at the cost of high polution...
Also an advanced "conquering space" wonderline would be quite cool, cause it was an important part of the cold war.
I thought about "space programm", "man in space", the allready existing "lunar landing", a "solarsystem exploration" and a late game "space station(skylab/saljut)" wonder.) They could all havedifferent bonis like +happiness in all cities, +:science: , + :commerce: and so on....
yes Samez, there will be several new wonders in this updated version.

uranium mines are in also but are regular city imp's (uranium resource is placed in only a handful of locations).

there are some space related wonders, too, like the "Space Program" sw. in addition, there'll be some end-game wonders like the "Van Allen Radiation Belt", "Lunar Impact" (space probes) and "Solar Wind" discovery-type wonders.

"Mainframe Computer Plant" is a holdover wonder from versions past.

on top of that, there'll be some medicine wonders, too. "Polio Vaccine" is one and "Battlefield Medicine" (sw) another.

each era will have a "World Speed Record" wonder, too. this is in connection w/ air speed records and will grant some air unit bonuses.

a 3rd era tech (Organized Sports) unlocks a bunch of unique wonders such as "Olympic Natl Team", "Olympic Host" (w), "World Cup Natl Team"(sw), "World Cup Host"(w), and "Professional Sports Leagues" (sw).

there may be some other ones i forgetting...
I want to know if the Turks will still get the Battlecruiser Yavuz in version 2.0?
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