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The Cold War Deluxe; 1950-1991

Hi...love the scenario...but I have a problem : here's the rundown:

Playing as Yugoslavia, and I took myself out of NATO, so I can freely conquer parts of Europe, etc ;). It's January, 1959 (or the turn was to be Jan 59), and it always crashes after I get a 'Central Africa declared war on the Yanks' message. Any help?
Got a screenie.
Yes, I just took this one, this is right after I clicked End Turn:

That's right....I'm a big boy, I play on Monarch :lol: . I stood up to NATO :eek:

Thats impressive I played on regent, and got those results. But i downgraded the alliances to
West germany
Warsaw Pact
nice work there Prometheus1992 :thumbsup:

today i have a little present for cold war naval enthusiasts :) 2 weeks ago, i took a vacation day from work and set out to go on board the USS New Jersey which is an Iowa class battleship that has been converted into a musem ship in Camden, New Jersey which is about an hour from where i live and only 15 minutes from where i grew up :D anyhow - here are some of the B&W photos i took when i was on board...

a full shot - i'm very happy w/ the way this one turned out b/c i was using one of those crappy disposables and couldn't get the entire ship to appear w/in the scope of the lens...this one may appear on the wall of my basement some day!

now that's alot 'a guns!

a view from the bridge looking north towards the Ben Franklin Bridge.

the 5" secondary guns on the port side. if you look close enough, specifically, at the other side of the Delaware River, you'll see the USS Olympia over there on the Philly side of the river.

a view on the main deck near the stern looking south.

a Seasprite helo on display near the bow of the ship; ie. near the helo pad which is now converted into a dining area (!) the NJ is not only a preserved ship but a floating banquet hall, too! no kidding!

a view from the starboard side looking north.
Very nice pics, El Justo ;)

I fixed the bug, I just went back two turns on Autosave and played from there.
Very nice pics el J.
When I went to Philadelphia/Camden a couple of years ago, me and my cousins spent an hour trying to get onto the USS New Jersey, where in the World did you find the entrance?
The Philly side offers a nice combo package that allows you to see the Olympia, the sub next to it and also provides a ferry ticket (round trip) to the Jersey side with a short walk to the New Jersey.

I think the Philly side is:

The Independence Seaport Museum
211 S Columbus Blvd & Walnut St.
The Philly side offers a nice combo package that allows you to see the Olympia, the sub next to it and also provides a ferry ticket (round trip) to the Jersey side with a short walk to the New Jersey.

I think the Philly side is:

The Independence Seaport Museum
211 S Columbus Blvd & Walnut St.

I saw the Olympia and the sub, and we headed to the Jersey side via Walt Whitman Bridge (IIRC) and looked for it over there. Well, I'll try and catch it next time I'm up there.
it's a little tricky getting down to the camden waterfront if you've never gone down there before (flak jacket optional - camden is a scuzzhole). you just need to follow the signs down towards the "waterfront" where the aquarium and concert venue are.

the Olympia is under refurbishment actually. i think they're reworking the deck of the ship and this portion is closed off until sept or oct of this year iirc. and yes, that info Kly posted is right; columbus blvd aka delaware ave (they renamed the street about 10 years ago).
TCW v2.0 Fifties update ~ 13 July

taking a slight break from the mundane task of entering in all of these damn units, i've begun drafting the tech tree for this new version :)

it's looking like there'll be two (2) eras in total; one for '50-'55 & another for '56-'60. now, i had wanted to avoid getting bogged down w/ drafting multiple eras but i'm left w/ no real option b/c of the amount of stuff that needs to be 'unlocked'. no biggie i reckon :) as i've become rather adept at drafting these things. accordingly, i present the preliminary tree for the 1st era, done in my own hand :cool:

Wow what a nice and neat drawing.
17 July update

it was decided that we needed to 'diversify' the tech tree some more (as per the drawing). so i spent a few days formatting it all into a much neater and less restrictive package :)

now, due to the extra step(s) i had to take here (ie. a few more total techs than before), the eras have expanded from two to three.

below is the first era, 1950-1953

the complete list of techs for '50-'53:
Post War Military Doctrine
Airborne Warfare
H-E-A-T Weapons
Axial Flow Turbojet Engines
Improved Airframes
Ballistic Missiles
Jet Aged Carriers
Naval Aviation I
Adv. Diesel-Electric Engines
Radar Bomb Sighting
Nuclear Fusion
Thermonuclear Bomb
Pump Jet
Adv Amphibious Warfare
Post War Ind.
Special Forces
Adv Field Arty
Adv AAA Guns
Mobile Artillery Tactics
Counter-Battery Radar
Air-to-Air Missiles
Beam-Riding Missile Guidance

a special thanks to Ares, Blue Monkey, and Lizardmenrule for their tech icon contributions :D
I like the techtree, esp the new icons... just somehow does not seem to fit in, it's the mobile artillery. BTW is it top-down or left ot right techtree?
You should probaly add some more non war techs.
27 July update

after a short hiatus, i've resumed work on the tech tree.

i revised the 1st era a little b/c i had forgot to include a few into the lineup. i'm also lucky to have had BadKharma draft the arrows for me :)

complete list w/ notes:
Airborne Warfare - allows for AB units
Int'l Organizations - allows UN Membership sw + the UNESCO gw
MBTs - 1st tank tech
Espionage - espionage I, allows spy missions
Mechanized Agriculture - allows for irrigation worker job
Anti-Submarine Warfare - 1st DD tech
Axial Flow Jet Engines - qualifier for 1st fighter tech
Improved Airframes - 1st fighter tech
Civil Engineering - allows for construction of workers or sw that spawns them
SRBMs - allows 1st gen missiles
Jet-Age Aircraft Carriers - naval aviation I
Structural Engineering - allows for Civil Eng's w/in city pop heads
Advanced Diesel-Electric Engines - SSs I
Mechanized Mining - allows for workers to build mines
Radar Bombsighting - med bombers I
Uranium Enrichment - unlocks uranium resource, allows for its city imp (mine)
Thermonuclear Bombs - 2nd gen nuke
Digital Computers - allows for construction of Mainframe Computer Plant
Advanced Amphibious Warfare - allows for generic Marine units, amph tanks
Post-War Industrialization - unlocks Heavy Industrial Complex city imp
Special Forces - allows for SF wonders/spawning
Advanced Field Arty - 2nd gen arty pieces (medium)
Advanced AAA Guns - 2nd gen AAA units
Mobile Artillery - allows for sw that spawns the self-propelled arty
Telecommunications - allows for Telephone Co. city imp
Air-to-Air Missiles - fighters II
Synthetic Antibiotics - healing in enemy territory, Polio Vaccination wonder

and the 2nd era w/ corrections noted for reversal of the arrows :)

complete roster of 2nd era techs:
Swept Wing Naval Aviation: CV II
Adv Agricultural Processing: unlocks agro-resources (cotton, rubber, lumber) & imp's
Adv ASW Mortars: dd's II and fg I
Adv Espionage: allows for Spy units via sw
Industrial Metals: unlocks all of the applicable resources & their respective imp's
Mass Media: allows for a variety of cultural related imp's
All-Weather Jet Fighters: fighters III
Transportation Engineering: doubles worker rate
Supersonic Flight: fighters IV
Nuclear Reactors: allows nuke plants & USS Nautilus
Medium Range Ballistic Missile: srbm II
Consumer Goods: unlocks consumable goods resources & their respective imp's
Turbo-Charged Diesel Engines: tanks III
Adv Heavy Jet Bombers: B52 & Tu95
Adv Radar Bomb-Sighting: med bombers II
IRBMs: nuke II
Armored Personel Carriers: apc's I
SPAAG: lone spaag tech
Fast Attack Subs: ss's III
Infared Homing Missiles: fighters V
ASW Rockets: fram II/dd's III
Super Carriers: cv III
Night Vision: spa/assault gun II
PW Military Doctrine: swapped from era1, allows Mil Academy-build army units
Imp'd Gun Stablization: tanks IV
Long-Range Avionics: fighters VI
El Justo: Is this stuff with the new techs going to be an updated version of TCW? I don't think I came in at the beginning of the discussion, I am a bit confused....:confused:

I've been mucking about with this scenario; played 3-4 times, never got too deep into it, it is a lot of fun. I have had one odd thing I noticed: I've gotten the Espionage tech with a few smaller countries, and was not immediately able to build the Espionage Agency Minor Wonder for some reason. After I reserached a couple more techs it usually shows up, but I have not paid enough attention to figure out what I was lacking. Is there some other requirement besides the tech you need to build it???

The small countries don't have a whole lot of build options, and a lot of techs are basically taking up space. Was this scenario primarily intended to be played as NATO or the Warsaw Pact?

Something that would be useful, if you could somehow find the time, would be to include how many bonus hp each unit gets, and whether they have blitz, etc.,in the Pedia entries. You also might want to warn people against looking up Rubber in the resources section; so many units require it that you get that pedia bug where you can't click the mouse anymore and have to restart to fix it.

Nice job with the units and such, though it beats me why NATO was so afraid of the Warsaw pact IRL, they seem pretty wimpy by comparison. Though I need to play a game as the Pact soon to confirm my observations.;) Very nice work! :goodjob:
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