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The Cold War Deluxe; 1950-1991

Yes, I believe they get TCG Yavuz as a slight anti-Black Sea Fleet counterbalance. How she would fare against the Novorossiysk and company in the early 1950s is a different matter.
7 new USAF fighters and 3 Iranian AF planes are up
...You boys seem to have kept very busy in my absence! I'm liking all this 2.0 talk, though I'm not sure how you could have found enough to improve on to warrant a 2.0.
thanks :) there's quite an overhaul in order :D

a shot of Wyrm's USAF B-58 Hustler on the 'huge' map

pictured are several of the new resources in v2.0 - i just finished adding these in :) a special thanks to Civinator for editing the resource pcx :goodjob:

southern England and Wales. the reddish buildings are actually resources (Industrialization)
11 August update cont'd

the final tally on the resources:

natural gas
tropical fruit
soviet union
N Korea
S Africa

all of the above are strategic
wild game

obviously, there are no luxury resources. at least for now...i want to test it w/out them and try to place a stronger emphasis on building +happiness imp's, heavier investments in happiness (science/happy slider), and MM'ing the city pop heads.

lastly, this last round of crashes (before the resource entries) was beyond exhausting...but i can be happy that i had some backup biq files that i went back to. if it weren't for them, well, i'd be one angry dude...

on deck:
reapplying all of the resources on the map. this sounds like a lot but it's not really so bad. i can cut it up by civ and gradually get through it. plus, i have older backup files that have all of the resources placed. i just need to snap screenies into MSPaint and then plug away...

finish adding in the rest of the flavor wonders. most are already in

after that, i need to add in the rest of the ground units. i'm a little more than half way through the UK ones (stats are all finished though for them). france is up after UK and then probably china.

assign techs in the editor (brutal task)

alpha testing

the CivP file will need filling in, too. so if anyone would like to volunteer, i'd be indebted :D
Hello El Justo I was wondering if your Cold War scenario is worth the time of the world. You surely make the right and never wrong. Do me a favor and see if you can make a Napoleonic scenario.:please:
Rest assured that it is worth the time of the world and then some, lad. The correct avenue for requests is additionally in a different place and in a far different manner.

The resources and the map are looking very good.
Hello El Justo I was wondering if your Cold War scenario is worth the time of the world. You surely make the right and never wrong. Do me a favor and see if you can make a Napoleonic scenario.:please:

Holy crap a scenario request. These things are hard. (Why I've never done one.)
Cubsfan I was talking to the maker of this scenario not you! Anyways El Justo why is the map all watercolorly???:crazyeye: And Why are there Scifi jets in the game?:dubious:
I think all people replying to your comment come from competent members of this forum who have accuired someknowledge about modding, modcreation process and about modders in general...
So there is no reason to start crying around cause EL Justo will answer your question if he has time and likes to...
BTW the watercolorterrain proved to look good ingame, also I can not see any SciFiJets on any picture... Chech wikipedia or google if you have never seen or herad of a B-58 Hustler if you are talking about thisone...

Bauxite ar strategic resource is perfect, cause I allways wondered what a raw material aluminium should be... On the other hand bauxite is quite common on earth and it's more a matter of cheap energy supply to be able to produce aluminium
That reply was quick!!! Where did you come from???:eek:
PS I was talking to El Justo!!!:mad: Why does he not listen to me???:cry:

he probaly hasn't been online yet.

Red Door is right :) i generally don't check my email on the weekends. but the guys answering stuff here are cool. i mean, they know what's what and can answer stuff in my absense. so don't sweat that ;)

the water color appearance is from the Terrain folder that is part of the scenario DL. this can be removed by simply deleting the Terrain folder in the TCW DL. one thing though - you may want to retain the terrain_buildings.pcx file that is inside of the Terrain folder b/c it has some customized gfx on it just for the scenario (mines, fortresses, barricades). it's not necessary though to keep this file but it's asthetically appropriate.

the B58 Hustler was a supersonic medium jet bomber used by the USAF starting in 1960 and on into the late 60s/early 70s.

as for your request - well, scenarios take a long time to construct (for me at least). so it'd be tough for me to take requests at this time :) sorry

yeah, the resources will play a larger role in the new version. this was certainly one of the things i wanted to improve b/c in the older versions, they aren't really too well coordinated. of course, this has been fixed :)

and i've also contained the beastly resource overflow bug :banana:
El Justo, sorry about my insanity I am just a crazy person.Mwahahaha!!!:mwaha: I thought that jet was a futuristic jet sorry.:(
And as for you Samez, Do not argue with me okay?:nono: Sorry Samez:( I am just a sadistic crazy teenager with no self control:woohoo: :aargh: :hammer: So Samez you are from Central Europe. I bet you are from Austria!!!:woohoo:
One more thing El Justo.:mischief: Do you know how to start your own ideas because I want some to make units from Nintendo characters. So do you good sir know how?:please:
PS nice banana logo:banana:
Civinator helped me after i peppered him w/ questions :)

what i did was i reduced the total amount of 'needed' resources (ie. not bonus ones) to 32 and alligned all of the them in the first thirty-two resource 'slots' in the editor. after that, i lined up the icons in the editor in accordance w/ the 'slot' they were set at in th editor.

for example, Iron Ore is in the first resource 'slot'. so i gave it the "0" (zero) icon from the resources.pcx sheet. Natural Gas is second and got the icon no. "1" in the editor. i repeated this all the way up to 31 (32 total).

i added several bonus resources in after the 32. and they MUST be after the first 32 which can not be a bonus resource.

of course, this meant cutting and pasting the resource pcx sheet so that the icon no's matched up properly (ie. the correct image for each resource).

now, this completely removed the mysterious and phantom resources which appeared in the city boxes of cities not connected to its capital (think colonies in TCW terms). so w/ trade disabled, one can imagine how important it is to nip this wretched bug in the bud :)

the only drawback to this is that i had to revamp the resource lineup (and make some 'cuts' to the final list). but this is no worries as i'm confident i can find workarounds in terms of the resources (country ones) i had to cut. this and i have to re-place all of the resources on the map. i know i could've used that fan-made utility that can 're-order' resources...but i went w/ the old fashioned route :D
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