The DYOS Consul (DYOS XI: 2009-2013)

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If I remember correctly (and I can't check, cause DYOS 6 is missing), Kwai was originally introduced by Thorvald (he did that in DYOS 9 too), then came to be one of your characters somehow.
If I remember correctly (and I can't check, cause DYOS 6 is missing), Kwai was originally introduced by Thorvald (he did that in DYOS 9 too), then came to be one of your characters somehow.
I recall Thorvald having Kwai first, but then Stylesrj kidnapped him and gave him a lobotomy.
Something like that.


Although, there was a dumpfile from Oct or Nov 2006 IIRC, that should probably have DYOS 1-6. As to 7-9, well, they sucked. ;)
Change the settings for Photobucket. There's two of them- File size and image size. Change it to 1MB for file size (if you have Pro (which I don't) then set it to 2MB)
I think I'll be more active in this DYOS. You should expect some comics either tonight or tomorrow, depending on whether I'll come home from my friend or not. :)
I think I'll be more active in this DYOS. You should expect some comics either tonight or tomorrow, depending on whether I'll come home from my friend or not. :)

Hopefully in both comic segments :). Still trying to figure out what to do in DYOS XI.
Very much both. :) In DYOS XI, I'll probably focus on further describing the rain world. Canon, connection with other plotlines? Booh all that. Right now I only woant to play with that drawing style.
I'd like to keep things less complicated than having myself and Samus be at two place at once. Even if the DYOS XI has a different story line.

Anyway, after getting the inspiration from Thorvald, here is my character line up with the characters that I have used in previous DYOS (to the best of my memory).

Spoiler Large Image Ahead :


The Major is suppose to be the Tertiary Character, but forgot to add it in :cringe:.

I'll get my comic for the DYOS X part II up and running later today after I return from work.
Following your leads, here's a character list. Since I only have about 10 (and most are dead), I'm not going to bother spoilering it.


DYOS X Part II Comic to be created later.
Hi guys, just checking up on you all. Looks like the threads are off to a good start (i.e. you haven't lynched anybody yet). I see I've created something of a monster with cast lists. :mischief:

Quick questions to anybody in the know: CG, where did you get those models for the British soldiers from way back when?
Also, for some weird reason emitters don't emit anything in Gmod. They did before, and the effects still show up from SWEPs, but now they are non-functional. Anybody know a solution?

Oh, and if anyone in the audience speaks Arabic, gimmie a shout.
Quick questions to anybody in the know: CG, where did you get those models for the British soldiers from way back when?
Also, for some weird reason emitters don't emit anything in Gmod. They did before, and the effects still show up from SWEPs, but now they are non-functional. Anybody know a solution?

For the British/World War I soldiers, they came from a huge Day of Defeat Hex pack here (just follow the instructions provided by the uploader that was quoted in the post)

As for the emitters, the only solution would be is to reapply the emitter. That happened to me before when I had a working emitter and after some unknown reason (spawning more emitters or objects) it stops working.

Also stay tune to the council threed for the presentation of my new weapon that I found in my trek in the garry's mod forums :).
lord_joakim said:
I have a strange feelnig you asked us about this before...
That I did, but the invitation is open to anyone who follows this thread. I need am looking for someone who can translate the lyrics of some Khaled songs.
After browsing around the Garry's Mod forums, I found The Boys Anti-Tank Rifle to use for my character :D.

Spoiler Pic inside of what the model looks like :

In the Plans within Plans storyline, I plan to run across this rifle and pick it up.
Can I have a picture of Dr. Hax on a single color background?
I think it needs at least laser sight and a scope. And a bottom-mounted grenade launcher. And a shotgun attached to the side, with a flamethrower on the other. And a rocket launcher on top. And it should be dual-wieldable :)

Then I'd be mildly impressed :p
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