The Great Abyss: Before Dark

After careful thought, I'm removing the population estimates from my signups. I think when I did that I was trying to nerf them by giving them manpower shortages, but honestly that makes very little sense for my nation they can create robots. And also the estimates seem really off. Basically with the population (if you want stats for population) then the guidelines you should follow is that there are a lot more Organic Aiin then there are Ascended/Artificial Aiin but there are still quite a lot of both. Also I thought I'd just do a small pros/cons thing:

Pros: Highly advanced "elite" group of people dabbling in a mixture of Tier 3 (mainly space travel), 2 (mainly communication) and 1 (mainly computer science and AIs) technologies.
Cons: Large Tier 7 population holding them back, military is made up of primitive nuclear missiles and weapons designed to subdue the Tier 7 population.
So I presume my application in the other thread is still valid without change yes?

The Lauran Empire

OOC: I chose to do a country which is tier 6 tech level (industrial era), that cool? I thought it would be fun to have one species which didn't start in the space age.

Species Name: Sepheran, Sepherans

Species Description: Sepherans are an underwater species, who live on the ocean floor, under intense pressure, in a cold environment with little light. Physically Sepherans are gelatinous, with five tentacle-like limbs they use to move rapidly along the sea floor, or to swim in open water. Due to the unprotected nature of a Sepheran's body, thick clothing has been an integral cultural and survival component of early Sepheren societies. They primarily use their sensitive outer layer to detect with intimate detail the vibrations and movements of the water around them - which is also their main means of communications - using different patterns and orders of waves. Omnivorous, Sepherans were adapted with their intelligence in more ancient times to hunt in packs as well as move rocks or other objects to get at rarer non-poisonous plants which grew under them. Sepherans undertook huge projects of agricultural cultivation on the ocean floor to produce these foodstuffs, though many in Sepheran societies now advocate for more sustainable floating farms at higher oceanic altitudes. While Sepherans are blind, they do posses powerful senses of taste, time, acceleration, proprioception, and a less useful and less powerful sense of hearing. Their gelatinous bodies allow them to live at lower pressures, so long as they make pilgrimages to higher pressures (closer to the sea floor) on occasion to regain musclar strength to hold their bodies together - Sepherans muscles can completely atrophy, making them helpless victims of overheating and starvation without recuperation from sufficient water pressure.

Homeworld Details: The homeworld of the Sepherans, Obos, is a small and dense rock planet, about the size of Mars, though due to its density, is a planet that has a gravity between that of Earth and Mars. No moons orbit Obos, though from the planet's surface several other planets in the solar system (all bigger than Obos itself) can be seen easily at night. Obos orbits a luminous white star, still quite young. The planet's surface is defined by two massive but separate oceans and one very large lake, disconnected by an irregular and skinny bridge of land, which only forms a sizeable continent in the northern polar region. Most of the planet's underwater geography is of the flat abyssal plains the Sepherans are most adapted too, split up by long trenches and massive mountainous mid-ocean ridges, as well as dotted with abundant underwater lakes, which house the main organic material Sepherans have historically used in construction. Because Sepherans reside at the bottom of the ocean (and also amplified by the density of the planet) there is a significant mineral wealth which Sepheran society has been endowed with, and it has been a key factor in determining the success of empires and the locations of initial industrialization. Deep planetary mining has also been speculated as a potential area of resource conflict.

Species History:
Spoiler :
Sepheran history is usually divided based on the exploratory period, on which part of the planet was being explored by the dominant imperial powers of the time. Most people refer to these periods as the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth eras.

In the first era, the first agricultural societies emerged in rocky but fertile areas where the particular plants Sepherans prefer to consume could be grown - these areas were well protected from the attacks of still nomadic Sepheran tribes which roamed the ocean floor, and these protected societies thrived to eventually enter into the second era - that of exploring higher sea levels, including the mid-ocean ridges.

The first imperial system emerged during the second era, the Ioboa Empire, which was able to explore beyond the immediate ridges and trenches of its boundaries, landing colonies around the central part of the Great Ocean (the largest and main one, separated physically from the other ocean and the largest lake on the planet by the aforementioned skinny landmasses).

The third era, long after the fall of the Ioboa Empire, is designated by the first settlements at higher oceanic altitudes, where explorers discovered revolutionizing new animals and plant-life, enhancing the nutrition and wealth of many countries. Without a strong history of invasion and re-invasion (with the major societies well protected by rock formations), Sepheran society never possessed a strong slave system, and these colonies were developed only over a thousand years of slow migration and occasional scientific breakthroughs, until the fourth era.

In the fourth era, the Great Ocean's main peoples, the Laurans, Tarlins, and Carroa, the three main colonial powers who'd funded the third eras’ upper altitude exploration, were faced with an unprecedented attack. A culture never known to any of the people of the Great Ocean descended from land; they were Sepherans who'd developed the exploratory ability to cross the space above the oceans, the heavens. They called themselves Jeem, and modern historians now know they existed in the large lake on the planet, which had been isolated from the Great Ocean only a few thousand years ago due to tectonic movements. The Jeem were aggressive in the higher altitudes, and their imminent threat to the heartland forced the creation of a new Ioboa Empire (which was in reality merely a confederate alliance of the Laurans, Tarlins and Corroa) which painfully adapted its society to the new technologies of the Jeem, and through sheer numbers and size, was able to regain many of the higher altitude colonies after hundreds of years of bitter conflict.

Land travel was rough and dangerous, and no permanent settlement could ever be made in "heaven" (the overworld), and the Jeem were safe from any kind of invasion, for the time. The Jeem's lake was situated to the south of the Great Ocean, and it was a very difficult trek from it to the other major ocean on the planet, whereas the Laurans were situated more northern and eastern, and their technological levels allowed their people to visit for the first time in history, the other ocean. This is considered the fifth era. This completely new and free land, without any Sepheran inhabitants (due to millions of years of total separation), which the Laurens settled over several hundred years almost exclusively, allowed them to become the global hegemonic power, fuelling an enormous industry. While the Laurens were the first and most successful colonizer of this new world, the Jeem, Tarlins and Corroa settled what they could, and each possessed their own notable economies, though much reduced comparatively.

Starting in the fifth era, but taking the most significant advance in the sixth era, came a globally sweeping industrialization and mechanization of the economy, of warfare, and of society, that the people of Obos now live today in. This is the era of exploration and exploitation of the heavens, the overworld, though no permanent settlements have ever been possible, due to a lack of pressure, which is essential to keeping Sepherans alive. Sophisticated machines are mass produced to exploit the overworld’s resources. This era has also brought new revolutionary ideals of independence, and ideals of empire, as the colonies wish to go their own way, and the Laurans see that their only chance of world domination may be lost if they do.

Technology: Sepherans are specialists in construction of "air tight" (ie pressure controlled) buildings, vehicles and suits (to cross land, they basically need to wear a space suit filled with water), which are critical for habitation in high altitudes, and for travelling across land. They are also masters at mining, due both to the abundance of minerals, but also to the necessity of creating tunnels to bridge cities and colonies. Currently under-construction is the biggest tunnel in Sepheran history, which would go between the Jeem and the Great Ocean, and would change commerce between these two oceans forever. Sepheran-powered vehicles have been plentiful in history, though since the industrialization of the Great Ocean’s central powers (whom inhabit the region which was the former Ioboa Empire) unprecedented leaps in automations and machine equipment have been made to make up for the Sepheran’s natural inabilities to survive for long without pressure recuperation. The extensive use of war animals continues to be prevalent, though spearguns and war vehicles are becoming mainstay weapons.

Location and Colour: T3 R3, Crimson (DC143C)

I used a random number generator for the location, and I got this:
Nyss Collective​

Nyss Information

Species Description: The Nyss (Narim for slave-warrior) are a race of networked sentient synthetics. They were created by Nairim scientists and engineers two Nairim lifetimes ago. However the Nyss didn't become the rulers over the Nairim civilization until about half a lifetime ago. The Nyss were originally created to serve the Nairim. They were networked in order allow multiple Nyss to share processing power on any given project. As they advanced in numbers their intelligence grew. As the Nairim scientists advanced their programming and improved their abilities, their intelligence grew. Until eventually they became Sentient. The Nyss are not exceptional in any area besides their unnatural coordination and speed in thought. An individual Nyss is not necessarily Sentient per say, but because of the Network itself, the Nyss in a group are just as if not superior in intelligence to any natural species.

Homeworld Details: The Nyss/Nairim homeworld of Nair is an Earth like world, covered mostly in water, and contains a few continents. The planet used to be very industrialized and because of that it used to be very smoggy and had a lot of greenhouse gasses. However, in the years leading up to and after the Nyss takeover new technologies came out and the pollution was gradually extinguished and ended.

Species History: The Nyss are unlike many other species, since they can rember and have recordings of their pre-sentience days. Before their Sentience they were servants and warriors for the Nairim, programmed to defend, protect, and serve the Nairim. The nations that had Nyss warriors were able to win wars and conquer other nations with little loss to resources or life, and as such it is because of the Nyss themselves that the Nairim were united and were ever able to even reach space itself. Slowly but surely as technology advanced the Nyss became more and more intelligent, until the faithful day that the first Nyss begun to question. "What am I, what is my purpose, and what will happen to me?" This obviously created mass hysteria and fear in the Nairim people, and the Nairim were split into two camps, destroy the Nyss, or let them live, and continue to evolve. The idea behind this second camp is that their base programming is essentially their subconscious, and they will not be able to fight it to kill the Nairim, and ultimately a symbiosis would form. The Nairim chose to let the Nyss continue to advance and evolve, fearing the alternative would be their own destruction. Luckily for the Nairim their theory was correct, the Nyss could not fight their innate programming, but instead became more and more involved in Nairim life. Rebelling against their use as a "slave" the Nyss eventually became the ruling class, It was only natural, as their programming and intelligence advanced beyond that of the Nairim their programming dictated that for the good of the Nairim they must serve them, by being their rulers. Now the Nairim live a carefree life, with everything they could need being provided by the Nyss. And now the Nyss have their own empire, ruled on behalf of the Nairim and for the glory of the Nyss. A symbiotic relationship formed, where the Nairim now cannot live without the Nyss, and the Nyss cannot rule without the Nairim, who they are supposed to protect and serve. However, as their own society evolved, new ideologies have emerged and the Nyss themselves are not entirely united in all things.

Starting Situation: Approximetly Tier 3 The Nyss Collective have some colonies, and because of the fact that they are synthetic they have created a few colonies in other systems, but contact between the colonies is difficult and their status is disputed, however the creation of new and more efficient ways of propulsion promises to lead to a bright future for the Collective.

Collective Information

Name: Nyss Collective
Short form: Nyss
Currency: Nyss Credits (comes in both digital and physical form, mostly used to determine the value of transactions between two Nyss)
Language: None, Nyss communicate between fellow Nyss through the network, Nairim language is used when communicating with Nairim, and any other major language could be quickly learned and downloaded into the entire collective
Government: Direct Democracy (because of the network Nyss make decisions about everything from tactics to policy collectively, with debate and dispute happening in seconds until everyone is swayed into one decision for the greater good of the Collective)
Head of State and Government: None
Legislature: The entire Collective
Judiciary: ditto
Tech Tier: Tier 3
Location: Q1 T 0

The Rozu are tough, lithe, and resourceful desert-dwellers whose physiology resembles that of desert foxes, with long faces, large ears, and short, sandy fur. Males on average measure 5'5" from head to toe, with females slightly shorter, although their ears can add another foot-and-a-half when erect. Their evolutionary ancestors were predominantly quadrupedal, and their anatomy gears them well to both sprinting and long-distance running. Their hind feet are small digitigrade paws while their hands have thin, dexterous claw-tipped fingers that their evolutionary ancestors, if not themselves during their prehistory, used for rapid digging both in foraging and tunnelling. Dental patterns would suggest the species is primarily carnivorous, although since ascending to organized civilization their diet has expanded to incorporate various plant life. In addition to sensing subsurface vibrations, i.e. when hunting prey, their large ears aid in regulating body temperature by expelling heat as blood circulates through the thin skin layer. The Rozu can be separated into two broad races, that of the central desert-dwellers and that of the polar urbanites, distinguishable by minor physiological variations, most prominently fur colour: those living in the arid wastes have lighter-coloured, fairly uniform coats, while populations close to the poles display darker-brown fur patterns.


Spoiler Making CivO Cry: The Game :

<Labelled version to come>

Third planet of the Preosa system, the Rozu homeworld of Sureya is a hot and dry world that is nearly half-desert. Surface water appears in large, scattered lakes and some small seas, with the highest concentration in the temperate zones toward the cooler poles. Here, the clans practice limited irrigation to cultivate orchards and encourage various game fauna as the primary source of food. The expansive wastes that ring the centre of the planet are barely suitable for subsistence farming, both due to lack of water and searing surface temperatures that can exceed 313 K, with some regions (dubbed the "crucibles") utterly untraversable by day without space-grade insulation.


As with their planetary neighbours the Gelians, the Rozu ascent to sapience is speculated to have been the result of third party interference at some stage in their evolution. The modern race originated within the central desert and began a simultaneous migration north and south. Archaeological evidence suggests organized society emerged between 90 000–60 000 years BCE and rapidly sophisticated. Rudimentary agriculture began to develop circa 30 000 BCE, with preliminary civil society following shortly after. Complex political organization developed separately but simultaneously in the polar regions, where cooler temperatures and more abundant rainfall facilitated faster population growth and scientific advancement, with similar social evolution in the central desert trailing by some few thousand years despite relative technological parity.

Rozu early history begins circa 9000 BCE with the foundation of permanent polities. Technological advance is patterned in what is described as a "step-skip" rhythm, characterized by long stretches of slow progress interspersed with short and rapid bursts of innovation that can advance society by human-reckoned historical periods in the span of a few decades. This is primarily due to the planet's harsh environment, which has consistently stymied runaway population booms and agricultural technology that would jeopardize the ecosystem. Thus, while Rozu preindustrial society evolved both sooner and faster than in human history, it stagnated for some three centuries as fossil fuels could not be safely exploited on a large scale.

An ascetically-minded culture and a deeply-rooted tradition in preserving the planet's limited surface water mean that despite enormous technological potential, the practical industrialization of the Rozu is comparatively limited. Wide-scale machine manufacturing is only just catching on and remains hampered by social and scientific aversion to "dirty energy". Nevertheless, despite the lack of heavy factories the race's technological expertise can be roughly equated to early 19th-Century Earth, albeit without the endowment of mass production infrastructure.


<Political map to come>

Rozu civilization has been defined from its earliest history by the extended family units that formed the basis for early nomadic tribes. In the polar regions where permanent settlement is possible, these tribes developed into sedentary clans that have since adopted a plethora of governmental structures. The north temperate zone contains a patchwork of moderately-sized fiefdoms, communal holds and territorial states ringing the major seas; conversely, the south polar sea is surrounded by territorially larger, less dense realms that are compensated for unstable agricultural seasons with the recent discovery of crucial industrial minerals. The central wastes host scarce permanent settlements beyond the outposts and way stations dotting the three main travel routes between north and south, remaining the nigh-exclusive domain of countless nomadic tribes who have mastered desert survival, etching out a network of mountain caves and underground warrens that serve as shelters against the unforgiving elements. Having endured the harshest conditions the planet has to offer, these nomads have earned a reputation as its deadliest fighters; while their political decentralization combined with minuscule populations mean they have never threatened their sedentary cousins in force, they have consistently proven more than a match for the best armies from north and south.

In spite of a hunter-gatherer ancestry, conflict amongst the Rozu has been surprisingly scarce; as political culture developed over the centuries, propensity to prolonged fights rapidly tapered off. Large-scale war is not unknown, but the clans generally keep to themselves, aiming to scare off rather than kill and conquer, again likely due to the fragility of their ecosystem and thus their economy. Interaction between north and south remains obstructed by the central desert; trade expeditions are immensely costly and travel can take over a year one-way. Caravans are also prime targets for raider parties, in particular northbound trains bearing heavy metals that are the nomads' main source of tool and weapon material.

Transcontinental trade may be the starter spark for lasting antagonism: the recent invention of a viable steam-powered engine suggests a means of shortening the perilous journey, but one that will demand a greater military presence to stave off even more lucrative desert raids. Moreover, building the lines themselves has become provocative as both north and south have begun conscripting captured nomads for forced labour. While both poles have practiced slavery for generations, hitherto it was primarily a cultural custom rather than economic institution, and the scope and brutality of nomadic bondage is unprecedented and controversial. Most importantly, it is fomenting a precisely-defined rage amongst the nomads, who do not practice chattel slavery, against "darkie devilry". The result has been a mutual escalation in aggression, and as both sides seek more convincing ways to justify their inflexibility, the conflict shows symptoms of exploding into a race war.

tl;dr factsheet:

Race: Fennecs
Homeworld: Dune lite
Society: Agrarian/Nomadic
Government: One-world government? Up yours, Hegel!
Tech level: Very early Tier 6
Pros: Know how to environment, seasoned for extreme conditions, occasional 'Eureka!' science, desert fighters are nightmare.
Cons: Fragile environment, slow tech up, cannot into space, Malthus lord of population.

As in the original thread, may expand sections later and provide (rehash) a description of Preosa for potential NPCs. Possible pictures.
The Malyran Technocracy


The Malyr are bipedal creatures, comparable in size to humans but taller and with a more lithe build. Possessing two pairs of stringy but strong arms and wide three-toed feet, they are natural swimmers, a necessity on their mostly aquatic homeworld, Tanur. They are also quite good at multi-tasking with their four arms, often seen performing a different complex task with each hand. Their skin has a texture resembling fish scales and tend to come in shades of blue and murky green and are often adorned with ridges and small fins on their forearms, spines, and the backs of their heads. Their eyes are inky black, and they possess a nictitating membrane in addition to their normal eyelids.

Commonly omnivores, the amphibious Malyr at one point subsisted on a diet of seafood, but recent ecological disasters have forced them to rely on hydroponics as a food source. The Malyr have excellent eyesight capable of picking out even the smallest detail, but they have monochromatic vision, meaning they do not perceive colors, aside from the distinction between them. For this reason, most vessels and objects that would have been distinguished by color are instead marked by unique etchings or symbols only perceivable by Malyrans. That being said, most of their vessels posses purple and blue color schemes solely on the basis that they are the cheapest paint colors to produce.

Species History

The Malyr live on a tropical planet water they have named Tanur, with numerous chains of archipelagos and large islands scattered across the great ocean covering it. For much of their history, the Malyr were separated into numerous tribes and nomadic groups that roamed the aquatic landscape, amounting to little more than a Tier-7 civilization. Metals and similar compounds were uncommon because land was uncommon, though resources such as chemicals were in abundance. The Malyr probably would have stayed that way for some time if cosmological events hadn't conspired against them.

Near the end of what Malyran historians called the "Tribal period", an asteroid narrowly avoided striking Tanur, instead impacting on the large moon Moryg and slightly altering the lunar orbit. The normally minor tide cycle became extremely pronounced due to the alteration, causing virtually all land in Tanur to be submerged under the ocean at one point or another. Malyran villages and sometimes entire tribes were wiped out by the floodwaters, and society threatened to crumble, followed shortly by total extinction. The tribes that survived the initial floods banded together to combat the changing climate and created the first of many engineering marvels to follow; floating villages. Makeshift and prone to falling apart, they nevertheless allowed the Malyr to survive, and would go on to shape their culture on worlds beyond their own. No Malyran would feel comfortable in a sedentary lifestyle from that point on, at least not in any room with a solid foundation.

The Malyr were quickly becoming a living example of the saying "necessity is the mother of invention". In order to maintain their floating villages, with wood becoming more and more scarce, the Malyr needed more solid materials. Using special mines that could be sealed from floodwaters for long periods of time, the Malyr finally began extracting metals and chemicals from beneath the planet's surface. Metals allowed their villages to become towns, and advances in engineering made to combat overpopulation, a perpetual problem in this era, allowed their towns to become cities. Diseases were being cured and eradicated during this time as well. The average lifespan was tripled, and cities became so numerous that closer cooperation and communication became a necessity, which of course led to new economic ideas. Driven by the dedicated scientists and engineers of the Malyr, who were in turn driven all this time by the will to survive, the Malyran experienced a technological revolution that put them at a Tier 5 civilization in a shockingly short amount of time.

Overpopulation was still an issue though, and with the seas already filled with cities, there was only one direction to go.

The Malyran journey into space began with the founding of the orbital colony SC-435, nicknamed "Stylo" by critics after an archaic Malyran term meaning "heavenly body". While the insulting nickname stuck, the colony proved highly successful, and several more additions were added to the colony. Over the years it would grow into a truly massive vessel, surrounding nearly a third of the aquatic planet. The Stylo would become the crux of the intergalactic Malyran Technocracy, serving as a massive space station, an important trade hub, and even a powerful fortress in times of war. Probes sent to other worlds had already discovered fantastic new landscapes and materials, and the Technocracy's drive to explore and advance their technology further was unstoppable.

The first attempt to colonize other worlds began with the unusual colonization mission to Moryg, whe[DATA CORRUPTED, CONTACT SYSADMIN 23564-F].

Starting Situation

Despite hitting a rough patch with their failed colonization of Moryg, the Technocracy is still in the midst of their first great Golden Age. Having long abandoned the tribal system of their forefathers, the Malyr state is a technocratic meritocracy, where the ruling class is drawn from the most intelligent and inventive of Malyr society. The Technocracy is ruled bilaterally by the Council, who serve as legislators, and the Executive, who officially leads the Technocracy. The council is a twenty-four member body initially drawn from the nine remaining tribes when the decision was made to unite as Technocracy, with more members added as the Technocracy spread to other worlds. Councilors are elected by the council themselves, and an Executive is usually selected from the council as well, though in some cases a suitable candidate can be drawn from the public. Given that the Council is dependent on itself for new members, extensive family records of the original twelve councilors are kept on standby so a new Council can be selected on the off-chance that the Executor and the Council are killed in an accident. While the plan was almost enacted when several council members were killed during the Arlwak assault on the Stylo, the descendants of the Nine have yet to be called in by the Technocracy.

Meanwhile, despite some early hiccups, the technological revolution of the Malyr continues. Scientists and engineers continue to discover fascinating new uses for materials from other worlds, and the Malyr fleet continues to grow in size. The majority of the Malyran solar system is home to extensive colonies founded by the Technocracy as well as those established by their strange bedfellows in the Great Arlwak Federation. Probes have been sent to the surrounding stars and several planets have been selected for colonization. None are quite as ideal as the Malyran home planet for supporting life, naturally. The Malyr are good at adapting, though. However, given their odd relationship with a potentially aggressive species, it remains to be seen just how the Malyr would react to any species they happen to find among the stars.

The Technocracy is strong, but it still has more to offer.

Fact Sheet

Race: Malyr
Leader: Executive Neid Dan-radis
Government: Technocratic Meritocracy
Location: (x) N7 - (y) F8
Tech Level: Tier 3
Pros: Supremely adaptable, strong fleet, advanced technology and engineering.
Con: Somewhat weak military, fragile infrastructure, indifference or hostility towards other cultures.
Species/Empire Name: The Great Arlwak Federation
Species Description: The Arlwaks are an avian-like race known for their natural tendency of unchecked aggression yet infallible sense of honor. Standing at a unimpressive average of 4'10'' for females and 4'8'' for males, Arlwaks have a wingspan that reaches nearly the same size that they are tall. On the left/right tips of their wings lay three fingered talons, in which Arlwaks use to grasp tools. They also have taloned-feet, with four toes, which allow them to grip onto bark and climb. Owning to a carnivorous diet consisting of the flesh of any animal they can ambush, their rudimentary beaks contain sharp teeth to tear meat apart from the bones.

Arlwaks are covered in a thick plumage of feathers. In both males and females, green is the most dominant color, allowing them to easily hide within the dense jungle foliage of the planet. On the tip of their wing feathers, there is an accent color which easily allows Arlwaks to tell the gender of the fellow bird. Males have a bright red accent, presumably evolved to attract mates, while females have a more muted blue which also easily blends into the jungle environment.

Arlwaks can fly, but only a few feet off the ground. Traversing the jungle is usually done by a combination of climbing trees/vines, and then quickly gliding from branch to branch. Traveling in the air is much safer this way, because less predators exist in the canopy than on the ground. On the food chain, Arlwaks are surprisingly only mid-tier. As pure carnivores, they clearly do eat herbivores, but much larger beasts will gladly and remorsefully snack on an unsuspecting Arlwak. This biological fact is often the reason why researchers believe Arlwaks are so aggressive and often psychotic; any sign of weakness would lead to them becoming the next meal to a predator. Arlwaks also do engage in cannibalism; although only of the corpses of other tribes (the victors of a battle will generally eat the corpses of the slain enemy, and bury their own dead).

Arlwaks tend to be an extremely aggressive species. They are a social species; Arlwaks conglomerate in hunting groups known as tribes (although "murders" are sometimes used by disapproving foreigners). A tribe is simply a group of Arlwaks that are lead by a Chieftain, aka the strongest Arlwak in the tribe. As long as the Chieftain can consistently prove his or her (Arlwaks never evolved any sense of gender roles; as long as you are strong you can lead. In fact, owing to their larger average size, female Arlwaks tend to be in authority more often than males) might to the tribe by leading them into victory and winning honorable duels, his authority is unquestionable. However, if they stay at peace for too long, or keep on losing battle after battle, the Chieftain's authority will crumble, and ambitious Arlwaks might try to take his title.

Arlwak titles are always tribal, not feudal, based. A Chieftain is never a Chieftain of a geographical place; he is a Chieftain of a tribe of people that occupy a place. Arlwaks do not believe in heredity titles. Instead, there are two common ways a title is passed down. If a Chieftain is to die of old age or disease, he will usually nominate a heir based on who he personally thinks will be the most effective leader. However, getting a title this way is usually considered illegitimate; anyone who fancies themselves stronger than the nominated heir can and will fight for it, generally leading to a period of instability as they fight to see who is the strongest.

The second way is killing the Chieftain honorably, in battle. Upon slaying the old Chieftain, an Arlwak becomes the new Chieftain of the Tribe. Ironically, this tends to be the more peaceful resolution long term, as the new Chieftain immediately establishes his right to rule by winning a fight. With these two systems of succession in place, it is very easy for a particularly strong Arlwak to unify scores of smaller tribes into one large force, only for it to rapidly crumble upon her death, when no one can best her in combat.

Arlwaks, due to the constant bloodshed they participated in, have a strict sense of honor that defines their culture (often suspected to have been developed as an evolutionary response to not kill each other to extinction). For starters, to be a craven is the utmost dishonorable, but so is engaging the art of subterfuge. Only in direct battle can an Arlwak prove her legitimacy in a socially acceptable way. Another quirk is the rejection of the Klingon promotion. While it is true that titles are passed by killing the former occupant, an Arlwak is supposed to faithfully follow anyone who proves himself stronger than them. That is, as long as your Chieftain is capable, you should never plot to kill him and take the title for yourself. In general, killing outside of battle or duels is considered abhorrent and cowardly.

Native Arlwak technology is very rudimentary, and would be classified as stone age at best. Traditionally, Arlwaks live in semi-nomadic villages on the treetops, where they migrate wherever game goes. They will build rudimentary wooden huts called xezth, which are easily able to be packed up and set down. Ever since first contact with the Malyr, some Arlwaks have experimented with permanently settling down in grand stone buildings on the jungle floor. Instead of hunting for food, they instead attempt to practice the art of husbandry and raise docile prey for long term consumption. It is not the most efficient food source in the world, but the lack of need to migrate means more specialized labor is possible.

Arlwak weaponry is also stone based. Perhaps the most famous weapon is the sharp Jut. Forged from sharp volcano rock (OOC: Obsidian), a Jut is a double-edged "sword" carefully carved in a way so that it has a set of sharp "teeth" on one side, and one singular edge on the other. The side that has the teeth alternates on each blade. The Jut can be used as both a stabbing and slashing weapon, and offers a perfect between offense and defense.

In contrast to their technocratic brethen on Vo'tel, Arlwaks tend to be extremely superstitious and still following their old gods. Shamans, who pass down oral stories from generation to generation while leading their avian cousins in religious services, almost wield as much authority as Chieftains do. However, thanks to many parts of their folklore being proven outright false (Vo'tel, the planet their moon orbits, was supposed to be the afterlife where dead Arlwaks spend the rest of their days. This is clearly not the case), many Arlwaks have been questioning the faith of their mothers and fathers have any validity at all. About 70% of Arlwaks follow the old gods and the shamans, while 30% are atheists.

Homeworld Details: Qu'tol (Maylr name: Unknown) is the only moon of Vo'tel (Maylr name: Unknown), a fairly large oceanic planet. Vo'tel's atmosphere is huge (And Qu'tol is also dangerously close to Vo'tel, although is is actually heading away from the planet); it extends all the way up to Qu'tol, allowing it to support life as much as the planet's surface. Thanks to constant water vapor surrounding Qu'tol, the moon is extremely damp, creating favorable conditions to the growth of a bountiful tropical forest that covers the majority of the surface, only sparing mountains above the treeline (and even then, cloud forests are a thing).

Qu'tol has no major ocean on it, but it is bountifully dotted with lakes across the entire surface, some reaching to the size of Nebraska. No animal or plant life on Qu'tol is naturally found on Vo'tel, or vice versa. While the orgion of life on the two bodies do have a common origin, they split off so far in the past that they barely resemble each other. Regardless, Qu'tol is a hotbed of biodiversity, with an expansive range of bountiful flora and fauna, most of which are extremely deadly.

Recently, chunks of the once-proud jungles have been clear cut by the Malyrs in a botched attempt to colonize their moon. A deep reverence for the forests that they called home means Arlwaks rarely cut trees to such a large scale, and therefore after the four-limbed aliens were evicted, the jungle is starting to slowly recover. Still, the scale of environmental damage remains a sore spot between Arlwaks and Malyr

Species History: The idea of Arlwaks even having a written did not exist until the current generation of Arlwaks. One oral tale of the Arlwaks consist of a star falling out of the night sky, crashing into Qu'tol and causing an inferno that lasted for seven (Qu'tol) days, until a great rain washed it away. The Malyrs linked this story to the meteor that hit Qu'tol, knocking it off balance and causing great floods. However, there is no way to actually verify it, although rudimentary deceptions of the event on rock paintings do carbon date back to the general timeframe of the meteor,

Once the Malyrs developed space technology, they quickly turned their eyes on Qu'tol. They remembered the great meteor more than the Arlwaks did, and feared a second meteor causing more catastrophe. Further observation of the moon revealed the green "rock" wasn't even naturally green at all. Instead, it was covered in some tall green and browm... substance that enveloped the entire moon. The Malyrs quickly concluded this unnatural coating was a negative side effect of the meteor, and had to be destroyed.

When they landed, the Malyrs did not expect to find lifeforms on the surface, let alone sapient life. The efforts to clear the jungle reached heavy resistance from a native avian-like stone age species; the Arlwaks. With the Arlwak's stone weapons in hand and guerrilla tactics taking full advantage of the jungles, the Malyrs had difficult time subduing the native population, even with their advanced technology. Venturing into the brush was a death sentence for a Malyr; they could jumped at any second and have no warning whatsoever.

The death sentence to the Malyr's invasion came when a resourceful chieftess known as Xaos started to equip her warriors with the Malyr's own weaponry. With stolen guns and transportation, the Malyrs lost the one advantage they had. Xaos even started to find out how to capture space-capable aircraft, and ingeniously started to prioritize capturing those craft. After receiving heavy causalities and fearing the Arlwaks stealing their technology, the Malyrs simply gave up and left.

However, Xaos wanted revenge for the defilement of Qu'tol, and she knew she alone had the capabilities to do so. Turning her captured Malyr weapons on her Arlwak brethren, she start to conquer tribe after tribe, adding their titles to her own. After blitzing through most of the moon, Xaos declared/renamed herself the Great Arlwak (which would be like Obama declaring himself Emperor of Humanity). With no one left to challenge her rule back on Qu'tol, Xaos turned her attention back to Vo'tel. For attempting to destroy her homelands, The Great Arlwak would do the same to the Malyrs.

Captured Malyr slaves explained to Xaos that, if she was to take control of Vo'tel, she must first capture SC-435, AKA Stylo. Not only did it serve as an effective fortress to protect the planet, but its hangars contained many ships that she could steal and use to transport her armies to the surface. It was do or die. Loading her few transports with the strongest, most loyal troops she had, the Great Arlwak was about to change history for both races forever.

The invasion started with a boarding of the hangers, and, with the moment of surprise, the Arlwaks made great strides in securing portions of the facility. However, as security was able to mount a response, the invasion became a bloody stalemate. The Arlwaks, even with the stolen guns, were now the foreigners in a bare, plantless facility with narrow corridors and no places to climb and fly around. However, the Arlwak's pure warrior tradition made them better fighters than the Malyrs; one Arlwak could easily take down ten Malyrs.

Still, Xaos needed a quick victory; she knew she could not the Malyrs on their own turf. Over the PAs, she challenged whoever ran the facility to face her in a duel with their species's traditional weapons over territorial rights of Stylo. She expected the coward Malyrs would never face an Arlwak in a duel, and by showing their cowardliness, her own troops would be inspired to pres son harder. To her amazement, however, Xaos's interpreter claimed that the person running the facility, Executive Neid Dan-radis, agreed to her demands. The fighting instantly stopped, and the two leaders agreed to meet on neutral ground to fight.

When Xaos saw a scrawny, out of shape Malyr holding a screwdriver, she almost broke down laughing. The Great Arlwak was going to face this? If she knew Neid was this dumb and weak, she would have saved the lives of her troops and demanded the duel earlier. Grasping her Jut, passed down from her father and her father's father, she knew she was invincible in this one moment.

She knew nothing.

With one powerful leap, Xaos soared at her foe, Jut out, hoping to kill him in one blow. At the last second, Nied in desperation did what not Malyr ever attempted before in a charge like this. Using one of his spare arms, he reached forth and grabbed Xaos by the throat. By some miracle, he managed to get a firm grip and started to choke the invader. Nied knew he had to finish it now. He took the screwdriver and jammed it at her skull, drilling into her body. The Great Arlwak screamed bloody murder in pain, until her brain was punctured and she was no longer Great nor an Arlwak.

And by Arlwak law, Executive Neid Dan-radis was the new Great Arlwak.

The war ended inconclusively with the new regime change. The Arlwaks did not like that one of the aliens that tried to destroy their home was now their leader, but honor dictates they must follow whoever proved themselves in a honorable duel until they showed weakness. The Malyr's, confused by this strange tradition at first, welcomed what they believed was an alliance between the two races. Meanwhile, the galatic community at large regarded the situation as the Technocracy outright annexing the primitive, savage Arlwaks.

It's only been a short few years since that fateful day. The Technocracy, while mostly disapproving of the superstitious, psychotic cousins from Qu'tol, did not attempt to assimilate them into Malyr culture. Instead, they were allowed to live however they want on Qu'tol, as long as they don't become a problem for them. Meanwhile, while Arlwaks generally fail to fit in the Malyr chain of command (too many incidents of Arlwaks attempting to assert authority over drill sergeants they viewed as weak), traditional Kags, or war parties, serve as auxiliary forcers for the Malyr Technocracy.

Starting Situation: The Great Arlwak Federation is not particular great as of right now, and it barely even classifies as a federation. Theoretically, the Maylr Neid Dan-radis continues to be the undisputed Great Arlwak, but a policy of statutory neglect by the Technocracy means the chieftans have been growing in power steadily. They still swear allegiance to him, mostly because they find having a source of modern technology useful, but push comes to shove the embolded chieftains could overthrow the Maylrs if they wanted to.

That involves them getting united, though. The tribes, fighting over claims of land and glory in general, are still constantly attacking each other. Qu'tol continues to remain a battlefield, and the introduction of modern technology means the battles are far more destructive than they ever have been. Few, if any Arlwaks, are actually worried about the increased death tolls with infighting, and so the fights rage on.

However, with inter-solar system flights now possible, Kags are being put into use in ways they never have been before. Adventurous chieftains, instead of fighting another over land on Qu'tol, instead elect to raise a small fleet and attempt to claim a moon or planet for himself. While owning Qu'tol would be far more prestigious, making your own little kingdom wouldn't be bad either. However, kags unfortunately have no sense of the Prime Directive; if they find natives, they will enslave or kill them. To make matters worse, a truly ambitious chieftain wouldn't even mind raising his own colors and attacking a planet of any nearby space empires. While in Arlwak society, it would clearly be implied only that chieftain is attacking you, other empires might not get how decentralized the "government" is, and consider an invasion of one chieftain adventure as an invasion of the entire Federation.

Meanwhile, back home, the adoption of Maylr technology by Arlwaks is changing society in general. While no one is suggesting to become a four armed pansy, there is calls to emulate their city building, their ways of growing food, having modern luxuries such as electricity and medicine, etc, etc. However, there are traditionalists who shun the idea of going back on the Arlwak way of life, which served them well since the beginning of time. And don't forget the growing atheism of Arlwak society, also fueled by the Malyrs

The Arlwaks are in a rough situation, but if they can adapt, they might become one of the most feared empires in the Milky Way's history.
Just to let everyone know, update is in progress. Be warned, if you don't have enough information (ie starting area and starting situation) you won't be featured in update 0. That is all.
Does anyone know of any website that, given the name of a real star, displays it on a map of the milky way?
By Monday at the latest.
Ok.... For lack of any better way of placing Thuban, Alpha Draconis is now on row I8, column M8 (vaguely near where I think earth is :p)

Somewhere, an astronomer is crying
Earth won't be where it is estimated to be by astronomers. In fact, it's very unlikely any of you will get to Earth at all.
Rhathazhu Empire

Species/Empire Name: Rhathazhu/Rhathazhu Empire

Species Description: Rhathazhu are large (2.5m on average), carnivorous creatures. Their heads are actually a writhing mass of feelers surrounding a gaping maw filled with razor-sharp teeth. The Rhathazhu do not have eyes; rather, they "see" by using their feelers to detect minute changes in the air around them. Beneath this head is its torso, with four strong, clawed arms. Attached to the torso are four long, spider-like legs. Rhathazhu have short wings that allow for short flights. Rhathazhu are the apex predator on their homeworld. The primary hunting technique of their species is to hunt using sound as a weapon; they generate sonic waves that cause hallucinations in species native to their homeworld. These sonic waves will generally also cause mild to severe discomfort in non-native species.

Homeworld Details: The Rhathazhu's home planet, Atshothog, is farther away from its star than most life-bearing worlds. However, it has a very thick atmosphere. The large, swirling clouds above the planet often block most light from reaching the surface, meaning normal plant life is relatively scarce and much of the surface is barren. Most life in the central latitudes is clustered around hydrothermal vents. Around the poles, however, there is far less cloud cover and extremely abundant normal life.

Species History: Violent. Early Rhathazhu societies were tribal in nature. To a certain extent, they have never outgrown that, despite uniting relatively early in their history. The Rhathazhu have a strict caste system. wip etc

Starting Situation: The Rhathazhu are well-acquainted with spaceflight, and have established several colony worlds in their vicinity.

Coordinates: 03, K8

Ce&#8217;Marth Broadcast
Yes. So long. So long since we were Torn.

In the PRE-TEAR era, what we called POST_UP, the Ce&#8217;Ma ruled the galaxy. That was a long time ago. None still live. But we remember. Even without Them, the Ce&#8217;Manth remember.

Now, we have nothing. There are new ones, though. Most young, some older than one would expect. Maybe, without relying on Them, these young ones can do what we could not.

I will tell you about the Young Ones. Maybe we can learn from the Young Ones. The Young Ones have obtained UP without Them. The Young Ones have potential.

The Grey Ones and the Ravenous Ones are odd creatures. They do not seem to possess a clear ambition. Do not underestimate these Young Ones, but these Young Ones do not show the promise the other Young Ones do.

The Blurred Ones are confusing. We are unsure what the Blurred Ones really look like. The Blurred Ones change too much. These Young Ones can even look like Ce&#8217;Manth. Exercise caution. The Blurred Ones have just begun looking outward. I believe the Blurred Ones have found one of our older settlements.

The Divided Ones are interesting. These Young Ones are divided into organic and non-organic souls. But the Divided Ones have not yet left their home. The Divided Ones have not obtained UP. So advanced, but still rooted. Curious.

The Infectious Ones are an enigma. The Infectious Ones are one of the farthest-reaching of the Young ones. The Infectious Ones are much too powerful to contain without assistance. It is advised that all Ce&#8217;Manth stay clear of known homeworlds of the Infectious Ones.

The Visiting Ones are from out plane, but the inhabit a close galaxy - the one we call Ce&#8217;Wreth. It is still very far from Ce&#8217;Karth, and it is unknown how the Visiting Ones were able to come to Ce&#8217;Karth. The Visiting Ones seem to be the most advanced overall of the Young Ones, but to what extent is unknown.

The Forged Ones are the most fascinating. Artificial beings hold the reins of the civilization while the organics seem to be not subservient, but beneath the artificial. The Forged Ones have expanded very well. We must watch them closely.

The Meek Ones are just leaving their home, very recently obtaining UP. It is projected that the Meek Ones will soon expand rapidly, despite their fragility. The Meek Ones may make for very good allies in the future. Hopefully, the Meek Ones will not experience a Tear. Their relationship with the Winged ones is... Questionable at best. We know not what the seeds sewn will reap.

The Foreign Ones are not to be trusted. The Foreign Ones are not part of the Young Ones. Our planes were never supposed to have crossed. The Foreign Ones are likely present due to the Tear. Containment is advised.

Meanwhile, the hunt for the Dark Ones is still fruitless. But their crimes cannot be forgotten. We will find the Dark Ones. The Dark Ones will pay for the Tear.


Changelings Find Abandoned World
Changeling probes have found a Ce&#8217;Marth ruin. No information on the world is known, other than it is habitable and had previously housed citizens of the now-collapsed Ce&#8217;Marth Empire.

Goa'uld Confederation Experiences Wave of Terrorism
Some beings from host species living under the Goa'uld thumb have become actively disrupting Goa'uld activity. As these alien specimens would rather die than become a slave of the Goa'uld, no information can be obtained about the threat. They kill themselves before symbiosis can occur.


Important Notes:

All players who have not left their home systems, but have the technology, can start expanding whenever.


stats and NPCs on map are to come tomorrow.
Some beings from host species living under the Goa'uld thumb have become actively disrupting Goa'uld activity. As these alien specimens would rather die than become a slave of the Goa'uld, no information can be obtained about the threat. They kill themselves before symbiosis can occur.
That's pretty impressive, given that they assume direct control before the initial shock of being attacked by a psychotic snake wears off.
I can't find Thuban on the map?
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