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The Lost Fleet: Game Thread

Captain Wode sat in his chair, rubbing his temples.

"Commander, replay the message for me."

The message appeared on the screen, Captain Sanchez's head obnoxiously warped by the malfunctioning display screen.

"..are requested to board the Temeraire immediately for counsel concerning our situation.."

"Commander Skon, there isn't any way you could take my place, is there?"

He said, half-joking.

"Captain, it is not my place, though I would willingly go in your place. Nor is it your place to sit such a counsel meeting out; without the Federation or any friendly planets, the entire crew looks to you for example. The entire Fleet looks upon every Captain, every Commander, every ranking officer."

Ahh, ever the killer of moods, Commander Skon..

".. back in Federation space with our families, instead of dying out here slowly.."

"That's enough. End transmission. Lt Cdr Geresh, would you accompany me to the other ship? I don't trust the transporters this soon after whatever accident we have had, and will take the shuttle craft."

The tall Cardassian stood from his post at the security console.

"Of course, Captain."

Most people new to meeting Lieutenant Commander Kelon Geresh distrusted him, as not many Cardassians joined on the Federation side of the conflict.

Commander Skon took his place at the security console. With Ensign Bride in the sick bay, and Lt Cdr Geresh and the Captain gone, it was a far quieter bridge. Just the way she preferred.
We set course awyaaa from the fleet, since I distrust Commodore Sanchez
Private Communique between Captain Wode and Captain Kira

I'm sure Thomas Sanchez is very capable of leading us; he was trusted enough by Starfleet Command, your (still existing) superiors to be the Captain of a Galaxy class Starship, and the Commodore of the lost fleet.

That is not to say we will follow any martial law he declares, should the worst happen.
USS Constitution's Bridge Personell manifest

Captain: Willis Scott Wode (Human)

First Officer: Commander Skon (Vulcan)

Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Commander Anarra Kesha (Bajoran)

Chief of Security: Lieutenant Commander Kelon Geresh (Cardassian)

Chief Engineer: Lieutenant Daniel Ekkerman (Human)

Chief Helmsman: Ensign Erras P'tell (Andorian)

Chief Communications Officer: Ensign Harold Bride (Human)
To: The Civilian Fleet, Starfleet Vessels.
From: Commodore Thomas Sanchez of the USS Temeraire

As I have just met with the Starfleet Captains, I Encourage you to organize a Meeting to establish a proper Civilian Government. A purely Military based government, even one with the best of intentions, is one which, be definition, curtails some of the basic rights of life, as it was not chosen by the people. As such, I ask that you Devise and Elect a Proper Government with which we can work to ensure the future of mankind.
Addressing the Captains on the Temeraire

When it was his turn at the great long table in the debriefing room on the USS Temeraire,

"Hello. My name is Captain Willis Scott Wode of the Federation starship Constitution, Nova class Cruiser, NCC19928, but you can call me Wode."

Scattered chuckles.

"Status: Full weapons systems, such as they are, are operational. The emergency medical hologram has failed to activate, but I have my chief Engineer on that. Minor internal damage throughout the ship, but the hull is fully intact.

"My first request to my fellow Captains, is that a Betazoid counseler be transfered to my ship. There are so many already diagnosed cases of survivor's guilt amongst my crew, that I am afraid we might not be able to function at peak efficiency. Not to mention the emotional trauma my crew is going through.

"My second request is counsel. I have two Romulan Ambassadors, G'tok and Giellum, who demand to be admitted to this meeting. Should I have them transferred to civilian fleet, or can we find a few minor posts for them? We are still part of the Federation, and must treat our guests as such.


thomas said:
with which I We can work

There. Trust issues fixed.
Transmission from Captain Emmanuel Lombard of the USS Bellerophon
to Commodore Thomas Sanchez

The USS Bellerophon is ready to serve in whatever capacity is required.
OOC: Will post once I get home. What's all this trouble with chains of command? Starfleet has never been an anarchy? If you want a different commodore propose something!
OOC: Will post once I get home. What's all this trouble with chains of command? Starfleet has never been an anarchy? If you want a different commodore propose something!

OOC : nooo, Im not playin anymore, I dont enjoy it playing:mad:
wanna reasons??
quitted, not going to click into anytime more
OOC: Only reason I used I, there, was because the message was addressed to Everyone else. :p

Semi-sarcastic fix there. :p


Constitution Action:

Major: Make a major route around the Civilian fleet. Any hostiles will have to get through our little Cruiser before they touch the big undefended tugs.

Minors: more for story than in-game effect?: Attempt to set up a hydroponics bay in one of our Cargo holds, recently emptied of supplies at Nevelar VII. Send out continuous radio broadcasts to the Civilian fleets requesting info regarding on-board refugees. Families of Constitution crew that happened to be at the cities evacuated.
On the Leonidas

Captain M'Yao scrolled through the numbers on his PADD.

"T'Vara, I am glad I didn't volunteer for Sanchez's job. Sounds like a good way to get a nervous breakdown."

"Somebody had to do it sir, and Commodore Sanchez has an impeccable service record."

"I'm just glad I wasn't volunteered for this duty. We're safe for now, but farther from anything we or anybody else in the Federation for that matter has been. Even Voyager wasn't this lost. It's a logistical nightmare; we've got over forty thousand civilians on eight ships, and nowhere friendly to land them. Where the hell is Selmar? We've got to get to that meeting!"

"Here he comes, sir; we should be ready to leave in about five minutes."

While on the Temeraire:

"My fellow captains, after organizing the fleet that we have, we must investigate these unknown signals. Who knows what kind of advanced civilizations dwell in this galaxy? If they are wrecks, at least we can gather supplies and intelligence. We must answer these questions quickly. Secondly, we must, at the minimum, have a plan for replenishing our supply of perishables. I am planning to assist the expedition to investigate these signals, depending upon whom Commodore Sanchez decides to assign to such duties. I would even be willing to go on a short-range exploratory patrol, to see what kind of systems we have around here."
To: The other Captains

These unknown signals may be a threat. Should we send a large portion of the fleet, and risk losing much of our current defensive force, but potentially ensuring the safety of all of our ships, or only send a lone scout, with up to date first contact protocols? Our primary duty, lades and Gentlemen, is to ensure the safety of the civilians in our care.
As I see it, we can send either Captain Finnegan in his scout vessel, which is a dedicated scout ship, or we can send Captain M'yao on Her Galaxy Class. Both cases have disadvantages, But I am reluctant to send more than one ship, as it could leave our civilians too defenseless. However, if the vote is to the opposite, then I am more than willing to change my mind.

Another order of business: Thoughts on replicating weaponry to install on our civilian vessels?
what happened to the evacuees I was carrying? distributed to the civilian fleet?


Pretty sure we can post.

The evacuees were pwned by a grue. :p


I know we want to keep it IC, but could you post the player's name next to each ship?
A great way to fix this would be for people to put the name of their ship at the top of their posts...

Spoiler Application I was told to drag over :
Ship: USS Prometheus (NCC-79565) ((I still think HMS sounds much better in front of everything. ))
Class: Intrepid Class, Cruiser
Captain: Steven Cryka (Human)
Crew Count and Composition: 150 (85 Humans, 15 Vulcans, 10 Tellarites, 15 Rigellians, 5 Bajorans, 5 Cardassians, 5 Klingons, 10 mixed.)
Important officers of the USS Prometheus

Commanding Officer: Steven Cryka (Human)

First Officer: Commander Emily Nelson (Human)

Second Officer: Lieutenant-Commander Shonok (Vulcan)

Tactical Officer: Lieutenant-Commander Aoc'Khad (Klingon)

Security Officer: Lieutenant Tarnek (Vulcan)

Chief Engineer: Commander Morrison (Klingon/Human)

Chief Medical Officer: Doctor (Hologram -> Look up Voyager for reference)

Science Officer: Commander Korintor H'qar (Andorian)

Navigation Officer: Lieutenant-Commander Jordan Harris (Human)
You have been added.

Commander Nelson was the first to wake up. "Captain! Captain Cryka!" She shouted in the eerie silence. "Wake up! We actually aren't Borg! We are alive!"

"uhhh wha wha wha happenned?" asked Steven Cryka as he wiped his hands over his face. "Wait, there was a blinding flash of light when we dropped out of warp. The doctor... tell him to be ready to receive injured."
"Okay." Commander Nelson contacted the doctor who had been turned on before the flash. "Doctor, prepare to... " "About time! I'm an emergency hologram! Not something for you to leave turned on for hours! Who knows what might happen?..." He continued on yammering for about a minute. "Now, are you done?" "Umm... yes. So you were saying?" "Okay, doctor. There was a blinding flash of light that knocked eveyone unconscious. Further systems could be damaged and people could be injured."
"What happened? I saw a flash of light and then suddenly none of you respond! I've been sitting here for hours!"
"We only know this, we somehow escaped the borg."
"Well, that's charming news for all of you." stated the doctor. "I'll be ready when the patients begin coming in."

After that, Lieutenant-Commander Harris woke up. "What happened?" he asked as he reached for his face and felt everywhere. A look of relief dawned over his face as he noticed he wasn't of the borg. "How?" He checked the navigation computer which was surprisingly not damaged and he became dismayed. "I know why we escaped the borg."
"How did we escape them? We could use this in the future." stated Steven Cryka. "I know not how captain, I just know why we escaped them. We are no longer in the Milky Way, never mind the Alpha Quadrant. The sensors are also picking up several signals. Most are federation ships, but there are unidentified ones as well." replied Harris.
"What is the status of our systems?"
"They are not anymore damaged than since we dropped out of warp. From what I see, the transport didn't do any more damage. The shields are still at 50% and the weapons at 75% with the warp drive nearly cooked but it didn't do any damage."
"We will check out the unidentified ships then. Open a channel to the federation ships first, and then after that, we will start towards the unidentified ones while opening a channel."


Begins to sweep the area of wrecked and unidentified ships for survivors or perhaps another fleet from a different quadrant or galaxy.

Action Result: USS Prometheus

You get readings of possible supplies on board the wrecks. You also get faint life signs on one of the ships.

Semi-sarcastic fix there. :p


Constitution Action:

Major: Make a major route around the Civilian fleet. Any hostiles will have to get through our little Cruiser before they touch the big undefended tugs.

Minors: more for story than in-game effect?: Attempt to set up a hydroponics bay in one of our Cargo holds, recently emptied of supplies at Nevelar VII. Send out continuous radio broadcasts to the Civilian fleets requesting info regarding on-board refugees. Families of Constitution crew that happened to be at the cities evacuated.

Action Result: USS Constitution

Nothing major happens on your patrol circut.

The Hydroponics bay sadly fails. It seems the officer you set to the task did not know that certain chemicals were harmful to plants. Better luck next time. :(

The Civilian Fleet reports that it does not have any sort of passenger manifest.


Civilian Fleet to Federation Vessels

To any and all Federation ships, do you know where we are? What is going on? Where are the Borg? Earth? Help us!


USS Oceania to All Federation Vessels

This is Commander Huan Jeryib. Captain Neris has died of a massive heart attack, so I am taking command of the ship. (Its an NPC)
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