The prefix for cooperative games

Which prefix would you prefer for interactive story threads like realpolitik?

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Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
ATTENTION: Public multiple choice poll.
Please vote for every prefix you support in some way. If the winner is not clear, we'll make another poll with the top 2.


Many people here expressed in this thread a need for another prefix, additionally to LP, VidLP and Story, to mark the threads which are about cooperative games, like the realpolitik threads.
Now you have the choice, we poll it out.
Every suggested prefix (besides the very long ones) is an option.
So please vote. The poll is open for 10 days.

Poll comming in some seconds.
Edit: Done.
My Votes.
RP and RPG- Honestly, I chose these two because a newcomer to CFC would be more likely to recognize these prefixes immediately from pre-CFC knowledge, than they would a WebGame or iGame, or most of the others.
IAAR- Well, it's the traditional, generic name for interactive games here on CFC, so I like it too, just a little less than the RP and RPG ideas.

Why not the others?
WebGame- To a person without experience on CFC, this could be confused with multiplayer games. I also don't like its length, as I prefer shorter (5 characters or less) prefixes.
ForumLP- It just seems a bit overkill on the LP part of the prefix. LPs, VidLPs, now ForumLPs. :rolleyes:
ComGame- I don't like its length and I don't like the full name of it. I've never seen the term "Community Game" be used here before to describe a Realpolitik, Anarchy Game, or whatever.
Politik and Diplo- Honestly, both of these terms would seem too specific in what would fit under their (for lack of a better word) definition. New ideas that are unlike Diplomacy Games or Realpolitiks wouldn't make sense under the strict restriction of these prefixes (like my old Anarchy Game, and its similar followers).
iGame- I just don't like this one, period. I saw it and immediately thought "are you serious?"
Co-op- It reminds me more of succession games than of Realpolitiks.

If you don't want to read that whole post...
Basically, I voted for the ones I did because they would be more recognizable than the others.

Don't feel as though you have to defend the ones that I didn't like. I am not going to argue about it, so there's no point in responding directly to me.
I'm going to be honest, as far as I'm concerned none of these are entirely satisfactory to me but I don't believe anything satisfactory is possible in seven characters or less.

As such I voted for RP, RPG and IAAR, although unlike Sparthage I would put IAAR as my preferred choice. RP and RPG both come with definitions that don't apply to all game types, anarchy for example is an interactive game but not an RPG by my definition.
I voted for iGame because it just made me laugh. I would have voted IAAR too if I had seen that it was multiple choice before voting :sad:
I voted for RP and Co-op cuz i thought "RP Co-op" makes the most sense. too bad it wasnt a choice. stuff like 'real politik' should just be left up to the OP.
IARR for the win. It's what people have been calling them in Civ4 S&T for ages, and the most popular ones (RPs and DIs) have been started there.
IAAR makes the most sense to me. It's interactive, and it's an AAR.
RP for roleplay only applies to things like realpolitiks and feuds, RP (realpolitik) and Politik only apply to realpolitik itself.

iGame seems completely wrong, IMO, for what it is, although why that is escapes me. Not all games that the title is to encompass are diplomatic, thus ruling out Diplo - while ForumLP is completely off. A Let's play and an AAR are two different things, and IMO the majority of these games fall under the latter heading.

ComGame/WebGame is a bit too broad and is a new name (at least to myself), while, as Ninja points out, IAAR isn't.
As filli_noctus pointed out, not all interactive games (anarchy, for example) are RPGs.

And, of course, as anyone who's played in a realpolitik knows, it's in no way cooperative. :p
Okay, poll is now over.
IAAR has the most votes, with 23 or 60.5%, followed by RP with 16 or 42%.
Considering that IAAR has 50% more votes than RP, I'm not inclined to make a poll between those two, unless someone disagrees and wants to see a final voting (I'll also take that via PM, if someone doesn't want to request it in public).
Will wait 48 hours. If then nobody requests another poll, we'll take IAAR.
Yes! :w00t:
I assume that if none of the existing acronyms fit, it won't be a big deal not to post a prefix at all, correct?
I assume that if none of the existing acronyms fit, it won't be a big deal not to post a prefix at all, correct?

There are already some threads without prefixes around, so no, not really a problem. But it would really be nice if we could fit most into a category.
I'm trying something new (still in development, I'm actually waiting for some mods to be finished to run it), so it doesn't fit well into anything that's been used already.
I'm trying something new (still in development, I'm actually waiting for some mods to be finished to run it), so it doesn't fit well into anything that's been used already.

Most things can be fit under IARR, Story or Let's Play. I can't think of anything that can't.
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