The Province of Kashmir - Term 4

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Dec 18, 2001
This is the new thread for the province of Kashmir.

Build queues for Kashmir:

Heliopolis: [C] Airport (8), Research Lab, Colleseum, Courthouse
Delphi: [C] Hospital (4), University (3), Bank (5), Cathedral (5), Police Station (5), Collosseum (4), Courthouse (3), Wealth
Alexandria: [C] Airport (2), Research Lab, Colleseum, Courthouse
Oka: [C] University (14), Keep current queue
Herakleia: [C] Harbor (6), Hospital, Barracks, Offshore Platform, Airport, Police Station, Cathedral, University, Colleseum
Cyrus: [C] Bank (5), Factory, Research Lab, Hospital, Airport
CSIM: [C] Marketplace (2), Courthouse, Cathedral
Thessaloncia: [C] Library (6), Marketplace, Colleseum
Ephesus: [C] Worker (5), Worker, Worker
Chondote: [C] Hospital (20), Cathedral
Sunshine Beach: [C] Library (8), Temple
St. Regis: [C] Temple (1), Courthouse, Factory, Airport, University
Gandasetaigon: [C] Library (1), Temple, Marketplace
Hieraonpolis: [C] University (11), Marketplace

[C] = Current

-Move the 2 food tiles in CSIM (dyes and SW of dyes) to the other grassland tile 2 spaces to the NW, and then reoptamize Oka. (CT will know what to do)

-Connect Railroad between Delphi and Heliopolis

-Connect Railroad Between Sunshine Beach and Heliopolis

-In Herakleia change on citizen to an entertainer for a WLTKD

-In Thesseloncia put an entertainer to work

Also Bold production is changed from before. also if these queues aren't set in the cities they must be changed.

Thanks to chiefpaco and Chieftess for helping me with this queue.
hello governor,
im proud to announce the census-office and the phoenatican geographical society moved to the cultural center of kashmir, DELPHI.

i would also like to propose for your rename-rights in the first week as governor to rename delphi to "dunmanifestin", cause then we will be able to found a new church there, too.

I brought some maps with me:
Geographical province-Map:

Png-version (684kb):
Original PSP5-Version (zipped, 1,53MB)

03.07.2002 EDIT:
geographical map
* added occupied areas to (marked blue)
* added unerlying rectangle to the names for readability
* added (c) notice and name on top left corner
Yes. Im a wanderer. Since the maps of ameri are complete, i shall go to other lands to cartograph.
This is a reminder to all cabinet members and governors to post their build queues and turn chat instructions for tonights turn chat, if they haven't done so already.
dear governor,

we must urgently search for a way to get back our occupied lands from the iroquois and babylonians. it is an untolerable situation that those lands have been taken away from our citizens.
Delphi would like to point you to the following points of interest:
* military support for scaring the greek soldiers away still lurking in our neighborhood is needed
* change of build queue to temple and rush to get rid of the entertainer in our city and gain culture. then start building with all citizens a aqueduct.
As the changes were not implemented in the last chat, i URGE you to make one of the proposed changes to citizen moods and the other changes i provided in the delphi-thread!
Civ, here's the province map you requested.


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to our governor / interim governor:
i request rushing of cathedral after the library is finished (next turn) in delphi as soon as possible (as budget allows) for a CAP-attack on the babylonians.

rushing the cathedral will also bring all of our citizens back to full production and will easily trigger a WLTKD

i also request the governor pays attention to the citizen moods during the chat and especially after the rushing. we now have 1 entertainer requested to trigger WLTKD, which can possibly be brought back to production then.
Mayor Dis, after the Library in Delphi is completed, I have scheduled a Marketplace to be built there. The influx of Luxuries will bring the mood of the people up to a level almost equal to that of a Cathedral. With all of the of benefits of the existing culture improvements, a cathedral will not be a pressing point in this matter. A Cathedral is queued up after the Marketplace.
at the moment, we have to have an entertainer there to main our nice fireworks. if we can put up the luxury rate to bring this unproductive person to work without making him unhappy, then this will be ok.
i would like to propose the following for delphi:
change production to: courthouse-rush
then to barracs-rush
then give city production to military until war is over
mayor of delphi
i would like to change my proposal after a review:
1) rush factory (700+ gold)
2) barracs (will be finished in about 2)
so after 3 turns, we will be a high productive city for military units. the build queue should then be given over to the military department for controll
Civ, here's Alexandria.


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