The questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XII

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In addition to weight loss, you'll also have the pleasant side effect of esophageal loss.
I have a huge Adam's apple, as it is. Losing weight will just make me look even worse :D
I have a huge Adam's apple, as it is. Losing weight will just make me look even worse :D

I find the waist to height ratio is a better gauge than neck size... Belly rolls are good to measure pudge-factor too.

I've heard that the rule of thumb is your waist should be 1/2 of your height... true?
If that's so, I should have a 35" inch waist, as I'm approximately 5'10" tall. I have a 30" waist (and a 31" inside leg) and I'm noticeably skinny. You may well be right :)
Hmmm... maybe it's just my own anecdotal rule of thumb. I looked emaciated at 33", but look ok at 36" (I'm 6'1'')
There's also a nuanced difference between "what you want" and "all you want" :)
How does somebody "sound like a mafioso" while attempting a New York accent? It was in one of my articles. I looked up that word and I know what it is but how do you sound like one.
There was a House episode that ended with the patient being bulimic via ipecac, and the ipecac had trashed her liver. So beware... oooo..

Also, real men don't use ipecac, they use index+middle.
Lots of fiber?
No, real men use a kitchen knife to slash their stomach and retrieve the contents. Then they use a wire to sew it back up.
I´m about 170cm (with very long legs), I weigh 59kg and the width of my waist is from my head to just above my heart. Also, I´m shaped like an hourglass. How thin am I?
What is the principle of net neutrality and why is it good for consumers? Why is it a big deal that Verizon and Google are merging and what will it mean for me?
To be fair, I was seven when I first saw a calculator.
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