The Six-Months War; Take Two

To: His Holiness, Pope Pope Benedict XV, Holy See
From: President Teófilo Braga of Portugal
CC: Our Lady of Fatima

Seeing as we are a Catholic nation, we wish to better our relations with the Vatican, and Your Holiness. We request that you send a papal investigational probe into the divine occurences at our city of Fatima in 1917. Perhaps I could make a pligrimage to St. Peter's or Your Holiness could visit my faithful nation. God bless Portugal and God Bless his Church.
Teófilo Braga
President of Portugal
OOC: Where there's a Shrine, there are over-priced souveniers. :p
(P.S. Sorry if I have justed added another thing to calculate)
I have officially began to start typing the update. It seems to be a relatively small one.. the only thing keeping me from finishing it tonight is a big English paper that needs to be done. So, I'll be switching between the two.


OOC: I was reading up on Portuguese history, and at this point the government had strained relations with the church even though it was a mainly Catholic nation. I then read about the visions of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 (but they really didn't become public until a few years later) and thought it be used to smooth out relations or atleast start a dialogue (if it works or not I don't care, but I can tell the voters I tried).
Ah, gotcha.
To be honest, I haven't gotten too much work done on the update, with real life and all. But I'm going to get a lot of it done tonight.. it's shouldn't be too big of one. Also, I have recieved several conflicting orders.. so... I'm just going to cut the middleman. The players can work it out next turn. It's not my job to ensure everything is worked out amongst you.
LizardKing, i've been having some trouble trying to pm you and trying to post on the thread. I'm not exactly sure what happened but it's been like this for almost two turns -_-
The Portuguese-Italian Trade Pact of 1921
Portugal plegdes to supply Italy with low price oil (througth the national company PetroPort)
Italy plegdes to sell Portugal iron at a minimal price.
Both nations shall cap all tariffs at 3.5% by 1924, 2% by 1926
Teófilo Braga
President of Portugal

The Oil for Ports Deal of 1921
Italy gives Portugal exclusive drilling rights in its North African Territories for a period of 10 years,
Portugal shall allow all Italian Navy vessels to dock and refuel at its ports in Portuguese West Africa (Portuguese Guinea and Angola), Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique) and the Azores Islands for the next 10 years.

Teófilo Braga
President of Portugal
I'm interesting in taking Australia. I can't do an accent but I do call the bathroom the "loo". Does that count?
The Portuguese-Italian Trade Pact of 1921
Portugal plegdes to supply Italy with low price oil (througth the national company PetroPort)
Italy plegdes to sell Portugal iron at a minimal price.
Both nations shall cap all tariffs at 3.5% by 1924, 2% by 1926
Teófilo Braga
President of Portugal

Signed King Vittorio Emanuele IV, Prime Minister Giovanni Garibaldi.
I hate to be the one to ask, but could you give us an idea of when the update will be finished?
I hate to be the one to ask, but could you give us an idea of when the update will be finished?

OOC: Thank you for that, cuz I didn't want to do it

TO: Arabia, Brazil, Persia and the Ottoman Empire
From: Portugal

I would like to discuss a trade deal with your nation, as I think it could be quite profitable for both of us.
The Portuguese Nigeria Drilling Agreement
1. Great Britian shall lease a 25 mile by 25 mile square section of Nigeria for drilling by Portugal
2. Portugal shall remove all tariffs on goods from the British Empire
D. L. George, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
The PetroPort trade agreement of 1922

Persia shall give PetroPort (the Portuguese National oil company) a 5 years lease on it oil lands,
Portugal shall remove all tariffs on Persian goods and establish several refineries in Persia.
Portugal shall exclusively use Persian labor (at fair wages) for the construction of the wells and refineries and as low level workers, with a possibility of local management if deemed worthy.
Persia shall have first purchasing rights to the oil at below market value (as there is no transportation surcharge).
Persia will remove tariffs on Portuguese textiles, wine and diamonds and cap all other tariffs at 5%
PetroPort will pay Persia 5 EP for the use of its land
PetroPort will pay Persia a 7.5% Royalty on all Persian oil extracted

T. Braga
President of Portugal

Ahmad Shah Qajar
Shah of Persia

Operation Caged Lion
Djibouti, The French Empire, 1921
Following the continued slaughter of French citizens in the region that was French Somaliland, a French expeditionary force was sent to Abyssinia to end the civil war, and protect French citizens the region. The French Expeditionary Force (FEF) was aided by a Spanish force (SEF). The French navy blockaded the Abyssinian coast, and was aided by several smaller Spanish vessels. Taking Djibouti was the main goal of the incursion.

Naval guns from French ships blasted the city, while Spanish Zeppelins took off from Spanish destroyers to bomb the city from the skies. The Abyssinians, helpless against the air and sea attacks, retreated to the countryside, while French rebel groups secured the docking areas of the city, to allow for the debarkation of several thousand French soldiers. The surrounding area quickly fell to the French forces. Much of the infrastructure originally built by the French (airfields, ports, railroads) were still intact, and quickly utilized by the French forces. A couple dozen Bordeaux 19' Fighters were sent to the region, to help push the French advance.

The few remaining Abyssinian units, not completely torn apart by the civil war, didn't have much hope against the French forces. Many of the Abyssinian units were relying on shields and spears, with even fewer groups of men armed with British riflers, from their take over of the Sudan. Most of the Abysinian regulars had little training, and simply surrendered to the French, in the face of Franco-Spanish air dominance. A short seige of Addis Ababa was broken when Spanish zeppelin's supported by French Bordeaux 19' fighters bombed the city, destroying most of it.

The French forces were incredibly ruthless in their take over of Abyssinia. Any native found with a weapon was killed. Any native that took up arms against the French military was murdered, as was his family. Many Abyssinians just gave up all hope, in the face of French brutality, allowing for the French advance to reach the White Nile by July, at which point they began sweeping down south.

Spain meanwhile, began its own excursions into the southern region of Abyssinia, where a bulk of the Abyssinian nationalists took root. The nationalists were in much better fighting condition then the remnants of the Abyssinian Imperial Military, and as such, held onto territory with more vigor then their imperial counterparts, exacting several thousand casaulties on the Spanish. But, as French forces moved down the White Nile, and began to hook around Southern Abyssinia, it became obvious that all hope was lost for the African nation.

Generalissimo Estuardo, and Emperor Napoleon jointly declared the action in Abyssinia over on November 4th.

(-4 French Divisions, -5 Spanish Divisions, -Abyssinia)

Population Boom in Sierra Leone
Freetown, The Spanish Empire, 1921

As encouraged by the Spanish government, a max exodus of Spaniards continued, as thousands began to pour into the newly aquired Spanish colony this year. In fact, the colonial officials were wildly unprepared by such large numbers of Spaniards, that entire shanty villages had to be constructed, almost instantly. The mass population growth led to many new citizens somehow finding their way into Liberia, angering many Liberians, since the trials that took place last year. Many of the Spanish citizens in the nation are being discriminated against, but in some cases, it's the Spanish citizens that were causing the trouble.

Egyptian Freedom!
Cairo, Egypt, 1921

After decades of being ruled by other empires, Egypt has finally been granted its freedom, after a series of political discussions, between Germany, and Italy. The German Empire, had been building a massive railway, spanning throughout Germany's new African Empire, and across Italy's North African Empire. The railway, slated to cross through Italian held Egypt, continuesly hit road bumps during its construction, the most prominent of which, was attacks on the railroad, by Egyptian nationalists. Several dozen German railway workers will killed in the attacks, angering the German's, who petitioned that the Italian government place soldiers in the region.

Though the Italian government promised they would help defend the railway, no soldiers were sent to guard the German workers, and the attacks once again repeated themselves, temporarily shutting down that portion of the railroad. Kaiser Wilhelm, who finally seemed to of had enough, sent Italy a list of requests, of which detailed the protection of the German railway, and the independence of Egypt.

After some initial refusel, and an international argument taking head, Germany tweaked some conditions, and Italy finally accepted. Egypt was granted independence on January 2nd, 1921. The government was quick to establish friendlier relations with the German Empire, and soon thereafter the Italian Empire.

The German Windhoeck-Berlin railway finally made it to Constantinople this year, and a bit into Ottoman Europe.

The Russian Civil War
Moscow, Soviet Russia, 1921

This year, in Russia, the Bolshevik party finally seems to of come out on not, with intervention from the Great Powers finally ending. The “Condor Legion”, as it was called, began leaving Russia in the midst of the winter, and finally, completely exited the region by March. The Soviet forces managed a counter attack in early spring, but by that point, only a few Italian divisions remained, who bore the bulk of the fighting.

In the South, the joint Spanish-French Foreign Legion, withdrew, much in the same manner, giving large chunks of land, off the Sea of Azov to Crimea, and a bit to Persia, who also began its withdraw from Caucasia, and Central Asia. The Bolshevik forces in the region, taking advantage of the withdrawel, almost completely eradicated Monarchist forces in the region.

In fact, the scene repeated itself over and over, across Eurasia. As the troops from the European and Asian powers retreated, the Bolsheviks found themselves overwhelmingly supported by the people of the occupied lands. The Monarchist threat to Russia, now, Soviet Russia is all but done. Without mass support, or even a military to prop it up, only small hold outs remain throughout Russia.

Lenin has already begun the process of rebuilding, aided in part by the Socialist Crimean government to the south, with what sparse money it could manage to send. The Monarchist holdouts are expected to fold within the next year, with increased pressure on the enclaves becoming the priority of the Red Army. Meanwhile, smaller groups of Bolshevik-inspired communist groups, began appearing across Persia, the Ukraine, and even in parts of the Ottoman Empire.

(-20 Monarchist Divisions, -23 Soviet Divisions, -1 Italian Division)

The Austrian Empire In Shambles
Vienna, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1921

The Austro-Hungarian Empire seems to of reached its breaking point, as it's citizens finally began revolting en masse. The Empire recently conquored the Ukraine, and Serbia, during the Great War, only to have both regions rebel almost instantly on the teetering empire. Serbia, though annexed, still maintained large portions of its military, that instantly took up arms against the hated Austrians, in the previous years. The Ukrainians too filed suit, using left over weapons used by the Imperial Russian army during the Great War, to tie up the Austrian military. The Austrian military, in an attempt to fight two very well armed insurrections began resulting to brutality, and Germanization, to regain control of the regions.

For the past two years, it has not gone well for either side, as Austrian brutalities grew more brutal, and the rebel groups began gaining more support. This year, a raid by the Ukrainians on a German weapons depot on the Russian border supplied the Ukrainian rebels with mass amounts of weapons, and modern ones at that. The Serbians meanwhile, began receiving supplies, clenching onto the Macedonian region, as Austrian offensives began to make headway into the area.

But, more rebellions began throughout the empire. The Croats, refusing to comply with Austria's Germanization program began rising up, against the Austrians, encouraging similar revolts by Slavs, Poles, Romanians and Czechs across the Empire. The Austrian military began losing numbers, as small rebellions began appearing everywhere, remenscent of what had happened in Russia. The rebels were supplied, in part by outside (and thus far, unknown) sources, and in part, by raids on Austrian military depots. Weapons used by the rebels, ranged from state-of-the-art German guns, to old Italian and Romanian rifles decades old.

What is becoming abundantly clear is that the Empire is indeed fracturing- even the Hungarians seem to be willing to go their own way, as the Austrian aristocracy is more interested in turning the other cheek, and allowing the military to handle the problem.

(-33 Austrian Divisions)

The Growing Automobile Industry
London, The United Kingdom, 1921

For the last several years, since the end of the Great War, the peoples of Europe have been shifting their focus to a newer technology, that has begun to finally catch on- Automobiles. Automobiles, have long served a military purpose, but the citizens of many European nations are finally seeing the use in such objects.

The Swiss, have, for long been the only nation actively encouraging the trade, sale, and production of automobiles, initiated with the Swiss Highway, that was built throughout the Great War, as other nations were busy killing themselves on the battlefields of Europe. But now that the bloodshed is over, many nations seem intent on following in Switzerland's footsteps. Britain seemed to of taken the second step, after Switzerland, by starting government run automobile factories, across the isle. In fact, Lloyd George's government has started an annual car show in London, to show off Britain's newest cars, and best drivers.

Germany too quickly followed, this year, spending massive amounts of money in the growing industry. The Kaiser has begun sending money to small car companies, to jump start the production of their cars, so that before long, the cars would become cheap, and easy to make. In order to keep up with the growing automobile industry, the German government also began hiring large amounts of construction companies to build newly paved roads, stretching across the nation.
War In Hispanoila
Port-au-Prince, The Dominican Republic, 1921

After the assassination attempt on Dominican president, Francisco Carvajal made by apparent Haitian nationalists, last year, the Dominican Republic invaded its neighbor to the east, in late summer. By the start of this year, the Haitian government, managed to pull together some support, and counter-attack the Dominicans, at various points across the border. The Dominicans themselves were wildly outnumbered in most cases, as Haitian troops just seemed to pour onto the battlefields.

Both armies were using antiquated weaponry, much of it from the late 1890's, with no air, or naval support. The war seemed to be at a standstill until the United States of America declared full support of the Dominican war effort, bombarding the Haitian coast, and interior with it's new LB-3 bombers, and several naval craft, including America's first use of the New Jersey-Class Dreadnought. With the added American support, the Dominicans managed to push through the Haitian lines, and after a long naval bombardment by American ships, the Dominicans managed to capture the Haitian capital at Port-au-Prince. Haitian president Jean Vilbrun Guillaume Sam was not found, and is believed to be on the run from the Dominican army.

As the rest of Haiti slowly began being occupied, various resistance groups, and revel groups appeared, wreaking havoc behind Dominican lines.

(-2 Haitian Divisions, -1 Dominican Division)

Civil Disorder In The South
New Orleans, The Confederate States of America (Under Occupation By The United States Navy), 1921

The United State's Military moved into the “Deep South” this year, to act against the Cottonmouth Terrorist group, active in several Confederate States. Starting with the chaos the Cottonmouth's caused last year, several dozen more violent attacks occurred throughout the Confederacy. It all came to a head when three United States sailors were killed in an explosion in Savannah Georgia. The United States government claimed it had no choice, but to act, and began sending massive numbers of troops into the regions.

New Orleans continued it's occupation on United States forces, “for their own safety” while Savannah, and several other towns on the George coast were occupied by the United States Army, and Navy. After Savannah was taken over, the armies pushed in land, across Georgia, into Alabama, “cleansing” the region's of the Cottonmouth menace. The Cottonmouths, however, began putting up a fight against the United State's regulars, leading to the mass destruction of Atlanta, Georgia, and Montgomery, Alabama.

Happenings Elsewhere


The Swedish and Portuguese intelligence agencys have been hard at work attempting to find out what foreign power had been supplying the Lisbon commune. As more and more effort was put in, several loose ends were found, leading to several Swedish agents being sent to Angola to find several probable traders. Yet, when they got there, the traders they were tipped off on, had not supplied the commune this turn. Though, through extensive detective work, they did manage to get the name of the initial supplier- Klaus Scharoun.

Meanwhile, other events were shaking the stability of Portugal. A bomb set off in the middle of Lisbon, killed 18 people, and destroyed several houses. The origin of the bomb is unknown, as is its point. Though, the Portuguese Secret Police have been combing through the city for culprits, especially in search of foriegners, from 3 or so countries on Portugal's “hot-list.”

The Lisbon Commune also seemed to of seen it's last few days, as a massive military crackdown, and lack of funding destroyed the organization, with several high ranking members killed for treason.

The United States of America

The Omaha Project is done.

A new president, Alexander Palmer, the “fightin' Quaker” was elected, in a suprise twist, over opponent Robert Folley.


Yet another president is put into power, the 3rd in 5 years. The new Swiss president Max Frisch was elected. Frisch's promises of ignoring Europes problems, and focusing on the Swiss people has given him a lot of support, especially in Switzerland's lower classes.


Italian leader, Victor Emmanuel IV marries Princes Malfada, and revokes his original Emergency Powers, he gained with the threat of an Italo-German War, in the year previous, much to the appreciation of his people.

Meanwhile, a Grand Italian fleet was sent around the world, on a tour of goodwill, or so Emmanuel said.


As the Persian army pulls out of Russia, the Persian people are happy to see there sons come home. At the same time, a Socialist Persian part began to make itself known in Tehran.

The Ottoman Empire

The Sultan went on a Hajj to Mecca, using the newly created Constantinople-Mecca highway, gaining the support from many local Muslims.


Vast oil reserves are found in the Western Provinces, boosting the economy greatly.

Vast oil reserves are found throughout the Arabian coast, and deeper into Arabia, with Spanish companies being given exclusive rights to the region.

Spoiler :

NPC Diplomacy

From: Haiti
To: The United States
CC: The World

Why have you done this? We had nothing to do with the attempted assassination!
Good update except the Map spoiler is just parts of the update.. ;)

To: World
From: Italy
CC: Goodwill Visits

With the Sailing of the Regia Marina around the world we would like to stop is Ports of nations for a good will visit we would like to which nations would like to be scheduled for the stop, While the King will not be on board, a few high ranking dignitaries and admirals will be.
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