The Vanir Confederation- A Federal Monarchy

The Spirit Visitor

As CivGeneral returns from Larnce. He returns to his Vanir Military Advisor office.

Line Captan Hoek: Good to see you again Grand Admiral CivGeneral, how was your trip to Larnce?

Grand Admiral CivGeneral: No to good Captan Hoek, It apperes that they only want people who are of Lancre origan to be a Military Advisor.

Line Captian Hoek: Sorry to hear that, but there is always the possition of "Vanir Ambassidor to Lancre" open. Ill see Grandmaster to see if that is possible.

Grand Admiral CivGeneral: I just hope that Grandmaster would let me be Military Advisor and Vanir Ambassidor to Lancre

Line Catian Hoek: I hope so too, Grand Admiral.

Line Captian Hoek left CivGeneral's office, Grand Admiral CivGeneral got up from his chair and walked to the bookshelf. CivGeneral felt a cold brease comming from the direction of his desk. CivGeneral turns around and noticed that the windows are closed

Grand Admiral CivGeneral: Hmm, I remembered closing the windows. But where is that cold brease comming from?.

CivGeneral returns to his desk and beguins drawing plans of a new Warship for use aganst the Babalonians, then he noticed something glowing in the other room. CivGeneral walks to the room where the glow is at

Grand Admiral CivGeneral: Hello, anyone there?

CivGeneral walks into the room, and then the glow dissapeares and he feels the cold brease again. CivGeneral then walks back to his desk. CivGeneral beguins to hear a spirit's cry

The Goast:(In a faint goastly voice) CivGeneral!

CivGeneral looks up and noticed the Goast of Shaitan. CivGeneral looked in a shocked look as the Goast of Shai floats down to the floor

The Goast of Shai: I thought you would be happy to recive the inheritance of the land in the provance of MAG

Grand Admiral CivGeneral: I an happy with the inheritance of the lands of MAG

The Goast of Shai: Then why do you want to join Lanrce?

Grand Admiral CivGeneral: I thought it was alright to be part of two houses.

The Goast of Shai floats to CivGeneral, the spirit stops at the front of his desk

The Goast of Shai: Padma was a special case. He was the living bridge between the lands of Vanir and Lancre when they were both in their heavy expansion phase. (That's where his title "Knight of the Bridge" came from.)
Both Vanir and Lancre knighted him to very visibly show that they were "good neighbors" and wouldn't be going at each other. Sort of like a living treaty.
Padma is now a Prince but is still regarded as a Knight of Vanir to show the ongoing friendship and support between the two great northern houses.

Grand Admiral CivGeneral: I see, I can take it that it is not possible for me to be the "Knight of the Bridge", But I am interested in staying as a Military Advisor for Vanir and becoming the Vanir Ambassidor to Larnce

The Goast of Shai: I am happy you have decided to be loyal to Vanir, The ambassidor job would have to require aproval of both the House of Vanir and Larnce

The Goast of Shai disapeares, Meanwhile two Petty Officers came in

Petty Officer #1: Is everything alright Grand Admrial

Gradn Admiral CivGeneral: Yes, just a little encounter with Shai's goast

Grand Admiral CivGeneral leaves his office in seach of Grandmaster but he runs into Rudy

Rudy: Hi, Grand Admiral CivGeneral. I have herd that Grandmaster has an imprtant mission for you, since you are the Military Advisor for Vanir. Come ill show you to Grandmaster's room.

CivGeneral Follows Rudy to Grandmaster's room
*Grandmaster is in his chambers, pondering his options regarding Snow and the Americans.*

GM (to himself): Perhaps, if we were to recall Snow to the Marillion for a meeting of the military staff, and when he arrives have him executed.... or better yet, have him shot by an assassin. I could even work it like those Roman expatriots in America, have an assassin kill Snow and then have one of my loyal soldiers kill the assassin.... No, I must'nt think this way. I'm starting to sound like that mad Count of Stal in Russia who cleansed his army of every officer he thought was disloyal to him, acting strictly off paranoia. I am not paranoid. I will not have a man who has not yet committed treason executed.... but what then shall I do?

*Suddenly, a knocking is heard on the door.*

GM: Who is it?

Rudy: It's me, Rudy. I've brought the Military Advisor with me.

GM: Send him in.

*In walk CivGeneral and Rudy. Rudy bows politely and then leaves the two commanders to their business.*

GM: Welcome, CivGeneral. I have called you here to discuss with you the possibility that one of our cavalry regiments has gone AWOL and is plotting to aid the Americans in their invasion of the North.

CG: Troubling indeed, sire. What would you have me do?

GM: Nothing as of yet. But should we find out that the unit has definitely changed loyalties, than the concept will be to destroy them. It is like we both learned back at Officer's Basic. Cut off the head, and the body will follow. If we need to move against these soldiers, then the plan will be to call their leader, Snow, back to the Marillion and have him killed covertly. We will, at the same time, move our knights into position to engage the commanderless cavalry. They are a subpar group without Snow's leadership. They will fall easilly, should we be forced to attack.

CG: And how do I fit into this, m'lord?

GM: I need you to write up a tentative plan of action, based on what I just outlined. Also, I need you to find the best marksman in our army. He must be accurate, skilled with a rifle and pistol, and loyal. When you find him, send me his name and unit. He will have a part to play in this, should we find ourselves confronted by a renegade officer.

CG: I will set to it immediately, sir. I think I know the right man. But may I ask what role he will play? It may effect my decision.

GM: If you must know, then I will tell you. An assassin will be hired to kill this commander, and your soldier will then in turn kill the assassin. As such, this man must also have no problem with what is in effect cold-blooded murder.

CG: That does make things more difficult. I'll see what I can do.
*Another horseman arrives from Naerva. The news he brings is not good. American knights and cavalry have cut off the city and have attacked the refugees that are desperately trying to escape to the south. Of 5 messengers, this was the only rider to escape their net. There will be no more information from the area. The Naerva militia is fortifying the town but the American troopers are now estimated at almost 3000 men. They couldn't hope to fend off a determined assault and by this time the battle was most likely already lost. The invading force could be at Valhalla in just a few hours.

Grandmaster and CivGeneral have deployed their forces north of Valhalla and the men were working feverishly at entrenching. The evacuation of Valhalla and Marillion had gone very poorly. Most of the proud Vanirians refused to leave, instead they were doing anything they could to help the defending army. Hundreds of boys and old men stood behind the regular forces, armed with anything that could be used as a weapon. Grandmaster saw picks and shovels and any manner of farm implements. He saw one boy, 12 if he was a day, holding a broom.

Grandmaster: CivGeneral, see that this boy is given a sword. Such bravery must be rewarded.

CivGeneral: M'lord, the armories are depleted. We have none to give him.

*Grandmaster unbuckled his knife belt and motioned the boy over. Kneeling down to the boy's height he handed the belt to him.*

Grandmaster: Take this, lad. It is but a knife but the blade is true. It should serve you better than a broom in any case.

Boy: Thank you, your grace! Thank you! I shall return it to you after we have vanquished the American dogs.

*The scene was interrupted by loud shouts of his name. Grandmaster stood up while CivGeneral looked for the source of the cry. He saw a very excited Rudy rushing about and calling madly for the Prince.*

CivGeneral: (shouting) Rudy! Castellan! Over here! The Prince is here!

*Rudy ran over. Grandmaster had never seen the normally imperturbable castellan so flustered and excited. He arrived gasping for air and talking so fast that Grandmaster almost couldn't understand him.*

Rudy: The Americans have broken! Vanirian cavalry hit their lines before they could approach Naerva. They are routed! The messenger was from the militia and didn't know who they were or where they came from. It must be Snow, though. He's the only one with enough strength to do it.

The American force was broken and a scant regiment was left with Naerva but the main force of cavalry has vacated to the north. Snow must mean to attack Denver itself!

CivGeneral: Your Snow may be a fine tactician but he's no strategist. Those dogs will regroup, given time. Still, they are demoralized. We could concievably force march to Naerva in time to bolster the defenses before they recover. M'lord?

Grandmaster: Yes, that many men will take some time to regroup into any sort of effective force. Even if we don't make it in time, we should arrive before Naerva falls. After the scare Snow gave them we can likely rout them even with our numbers.

CivGeneral, give the orders. Prepare for fast march. No packs. Weapons, ammunition and water only. Load whatever ammo and trail rations that will fit into the fastest coaches and wains you can find.

What's our best time to Naerva?

CivGeneral: 3 hours, give or take.

Grandmaster: Take. I want us there in 2.

*CivGeneral leaves immediately and begins giving orders for the forced march. Rudy turns to give whatever assistance he can but is stopped by Grandmaster.*

Grandmaster: A minute please, Rudy. Why would he leave such a force at his rear? Snow may not be a grand strategist but nobody is that foolish.

Rudy: I don't know but I can conjecture. He has headed to Denver itself. There's no way he can hold Denver or even any territory thereabouts when the American troopers return. He must have a specific objective and there is only one that I can think of.

Grandmaster: Rory.

Rudy: Yes, Rory. I believe he is going after your nephew. For good or for ill I do not know. He could be trying to eliminate a threat to Vanir...

Grandmaster: (interrupting)...or he could be trying to take an asset that will give him the backing he needs to challenge me. With Rory as a hostage he will control the House of Denver. He could force Rory to abdicate his claim in his own favor and then use the American forces in addition to his own.

Damn! I wish I knew this man's mind! He is either a bloody noble hero or my worst enemy and I do not know which!

*Grandmaster reached into his scrip and pulled out the scrap of parchment that CivGeneral had given him earlier. He reread the name and unit written there, gave a great sigh and began walking towards one of the quickly mobilizing units.*

Grandmaster: (to himself) Either way, I'll be prepared.
*Two hours later, after much preparation and much marching, the Vanirian troops arrived at Naerva. There they found a city heavilly entrenched, vacant but for the soldiers who defended it. Much of the town had been leveled by enemy artillery, but still the troops stood strong. The disorganized American forces were outside the city, regrouping to prepare for another assault. They were stationed at the base of a hill that overlooked Naerva and the surrounding area. The Vanirian army, made up mostly of foot soldiers but of knights and cavalry as well, crested the hill. They looked down upon a broken Denverite force, slowly and clumsilly forming up and reloading for another attack. The Americans were caught completely unprepared.*

Grandmaster: Commander, prepare the troops to charge. We will come down the mountain and hit them before they know what's going on.

Commander: Aye, sir. I'll give the order.

Grandmaster: Oh, and one more thing. No prisoners are to be taken. Kill every man. If a Denverite surrenders, he is to be shot where he stands. If we run out of ammunition, then they are to bayonetted our hanged from the nearest tree. If they are routed, then secure the city and send out light infantry teams to hunt them down. I want no son of Denver to survive the day.

Commander: But sire, that is an obvious attrocity! The Code of Chivalry will not allow it!

Grandmaster: Chivalry is dead. Soldiery is the way of the future. And no soldier disobeys his Prince's orders. Now tell the men to charge, and give my orders to the sergeants. No Denverite is to live past the end of the battle.

Commander: Yes, sir.

*The commander rides off down the line to give the charge order and inform the various sergeants of how the battle is to commence. Then, with a bloodcurdling cry of "Freedom for Vanir!" the lines of cavalry, then knights, then gunmen, then swordsmen charged down the hill and into the shocked mass of American troops. The first wave of rifle fire from the cavalry devastated the Denverite troopers, cutting them down in droves. An American general, one of two in charge of the siege, was struck down and died instantly. As the cavlry reloaded, the other forces charged ahead, cutting into the crowd of enemies with swords, spears, lances, and other weapons. The Vanirian musketmen took to their knees and aimed for the best targets they could find, successfully killing sergeants, lieutenants, messengers carrying requests for reinforcements, and even the other general in charge. Now without leadership, even the armed and organized American columns collapsed into chaos. The fighting was now hand-to-hand, with infantry fighting infantry and horsemen fighting horsemen. When the Vanirian cav had reloaded, they fired another volley into the crowd. Again an entire layer of Americans collapsed. When it seemed the Americans had been softened enough for a rout, the cavalry drew sabres and charged into the throng of people. Lifting their weapons high, they brought them down on the helpless footsoldiers and drove them into the backs of mounted soldiers entangled in combat with other troops. The entire American force gave way and began an unorganized and chaotic retreat. The mounted Vanirians and the swiftest runners of the Vanirian infantry took after the routed Americans. They chased down many of the American footsoldiers who were injured or burdened by heavy packs. These men they attacked and killed with extreme prejudice. The cavalry and knights then hurried forward after the rest of the American force. Shooting as they went, the cavalry knocked down row after row of fleeing enemies. Finally, all that was left of the American force was its mounted component. When became obvious that the Vanirians could not catch the Americans, they shot out the horse fro underneath them. Those who did not break their necks in the fall to the ground were quickly overtaken by the army of Vanir and either shot or stabbed depending on who got there first. When all was said and done, there was only one American survivor of the battle. He was laying badly injured under a pile of bodies at the base of the hill where the battle had begun. When the Vanirian troops regrouped to relieve the city and continue to their next destination, he was never found. Trapped there, he bled to death two days later. Meanwhile, the forces of Vanir returned to the battleground victorious. They dismounted and entered the city of Naerva.*

GM: Men, today we showed the Deverites that they cannot threaten Great Vanir! Thet thought they ould break our spirit by besieging Naerva, but instead we broke their back! The army we just destroyed was the backbone of their invasion force. Our brothers now march on Denver, and the Americans shall never again spill Vanirian blood on Vanirian soil! Hazaa!

*The exhausted but thrilled soldiers cheer loudly, celebrating one of the greatest military victories in Vanir's history.*
The Victory

As the battle draws to a close, Grand Admiral CvGeneral orders the Vanir Solders and Sailors to close into Denver. A fearce battle rored on as Warships Bombarded Denver

On the Frigate Grandmaster...

Line Captian Hoek: Mand the Guns! Fire at Denver's ports!

Senior Chief Petty Officer Otto: Captian, The Ports of Denver is hard to destroy, Grand Admiral CivGeneral is waiting for the defenses to be knocked out. I suggest that we have an amphibious landing

LC Hoek: SCPO Otto, We dont even know about this "Amphibious Landing" and we cannot create this thing called the "Marines".

SCPO Otto: It is possible sir. Just let me round up some expert sailors, some Rifles, and a row boat and we are set

LC Hoek: *Sigh* ok, you may go ahead with this "Amphibious Landing"

Line Captian Hoek thinks that SCPO Otto is crayzy to take on a mission that has not been even discovered. On the deck only a handfull off sailors and one brave officer standed up before the Line Captian his name, Lt Commander Gunning

LT. Com Gunning I will lead the beachhead invasion.

SCPO Otto looks at gunning with a smile

SCPO Otto: Glad to have an officer who is willing to take charge of the invasion

Gunning and Otto climbs down to the rowboats along with the handfull of sailors

Meanwhile... In the battle Field
Grand Admiral CivGeneral is figting in a stalemate, Denvers defenses were overwhelming, then he noticed a couple of row boats rowing to the Bay of Denver

GA CivGeneral: Whats this? Row boats comming out of the two Small Frigates?

CivGeneral noticed that the Row boats has taken up a beachhead inside of Denver, He also noticed that the bombardment has stoped and then the battle stoped as the Mayor of Denver surrenderd to CivGeneral

Mayor of Denver: We surrender, we are extreamly sorry.

Lt. Commander Gunning walks to CivGeneral

Lt Commander Gunning: Grand Admiral CivGeneral, I am pleased to make an adnouncement that our "Amphibious Landing" is a sucsess. I predict if we research the right training, that this will be the wave of the future

Grandmaster rides up to CivGeneral and his army

Grandmater: Men, today we showed the Deverites that they cannot threaten Great Vanir! Thet thought they could break our spirit by besieging Naerva, but instead we broke their back! The army we just destroyed was the backbone of their invasion force. Our brothers now march on Denver, and the Americans shall never again spill Vanirian blood on Vanirian soil! Hazaa!
Donovan Zoi sat down to go through the piles of documents that had accumulated in the land office over the past few weeks. The sudden departure of his predecessor was the reason for the disarray. Prince Shaitan had always kept his office quite tidy and Donovan knew it would be quite some time before it would look that way again.

Oh, well, may as well dive right in...., Donovan thought and that's exactly what he did.

Hmmmmm........Padma's been pretty busy lately. Looks like he and I will be sharing quite a fenceline soon.

BCLG, why didn't you come talk to me?

Yes, Donovan talked his way through his task as if each piece of paper would respond back in kind. But soon his hands fell upon a large envelope from the Fanatikan government that left him without words. The envelope was labeled simply UP FOR AUCTION and was thicker than the usual envelopes of this nature. Upon opening the package, Donovan stared at it in disbelief for a long time. In the most matter-of-fact language possible, this is what the cover letter said:

Enclosed are coordinates for land available for auction near the following cities. These lands were taken back from India by the Fanatikan Army:


Donovan couldn't believe what was being implied here, especially since the late Prince Shaitan had left the lands of Androbius and Gunningheim to the new Prince of Vanir in his will. Donovan also knew that this meant that gunning1 would lose the city of Gunningheim and gonzo_for_civ would lose his interests in and around Huntington. Luckily, Riga had been up for availability when the Indian treachery began so at least there would no cries of foul play in that city.

But then Donovan remembered.......Shaitan was killed on the same day as the Indian attack, and therefore would not have had an opportunity to change the will. Also, with full control of the land office since its inception, the departed prince was the only one familiar with the rules. This is why even Rudy did not raise an eyebrow during the reading; those two cities had been out of Vanir's hands for only a short while. It was therefore assumed by all that those lands would automatically return to Vanir.

Yet there sat the envelope that dared to say otherwise. Donovan thought of throwing it away but knew that there would be follow up from the capital if auction of these properties did not take place. He then came to the conclusion that this must be the cause of all the unrest in that region and that the newcomer Snow may have ulterior motives for fighting so valiantly for the people of those cities. Perhaps Snow had known all along that he could take advantage of these land auctions to legally acquire a piece of his father's former lands; he just needed to make it look good for his future citizens. But who in the upper reaches of Fanatika could have tipped him off?

Donovan Zoi's mind raced through the possibilities with no conclusions.....

How am I going to relay this to Prince Grandmaster??, thought Donovan. He has had the resolve of a king during this time of uncertainty, but I fear the worst by showing him these papers. It is one thing to guard your land, but quite another to learn that your rivals may have a right to be there after all.

That said, Donovan left the land office, papers in hand, and lept onto his horse, Intrepid. He had not been to the Marillion for quite some time and hoped that after his unexpected visit, he would still be welcome there in the future. And the two headed north.......
<OOC> Ouch! That's right! The land rules explicitely say:
Any tile that is within an enemy’s borders when a turn chat is complete will revert to no ownership. The current owner (if any) loses all claim to that tile.
So that means those lands are now open for anyone to take at the next Availability!
Luckily Donovan had to go back to fetch a bottle of water for the ride. As he was leaving again, he saw an unopened envelope on the office table. He opened it and read the note:

Oh, you guys have your own armies and fight amongst yourselves in addition to our enemies, thereby superceding government orders in regards to land? My bad. Have fun!



Sorry for the scare, GM and everybody!
A quadruple post!!!!!!

I've never seen one of those!!!!

It's gotta be a first!!!!!
Wow....those all went through?? Uh, my bad.

I had to make it perfectly clear that my previous post was not valid, I guess. Or was it the server?

*Grandmaster surveyed the battlefield. The Americans were destroyed and Naerva was saved but there was still something very wrong. He turned to his aide-de-camp.*

Grandmaster: There aren't enough bodies. How many escaped?

Aide: Almost none, m'lord. And what few did escape are being hunted down by cavalry parties as you ordered.

Grandmaster: I want a priliminary bodycount immediately. And get me a status on CivGeneral.

*His aide strode off to complete his duties as Grandmaster contemplated the battlefield again. Reports estimated the American troop strength at 3000. There couldn't possibly be more than 1500 lying on the field. He waited impatiently for his aide and his scouts to report back. Within ten minutes his aide returned.*

Aide: My Prince, the field commanders estimate around 1400 American dead, 200 Vanirians. We don't know how many of the Americans are from us and how many from Captain Snow's original rout. Lord CivGeneral is recovering well. The cirugeon said the bullet just glanced off of his head and will cause no permanent damage. It was so bloody simply because head wounds bleed like that. He is sleeping now but aparently having some frightful dreams. He keeps mumbling about mariners and cannons and rowboats.

*Having given his report, the aide-de-camp returned to his duties.

These were the numbers that Grandmaster had both feared and expected. Half of the invading force was returning to Denver where they would likely entrap Snow's Brigade. The Americans would be disjointed and demoralized. On the other hand, his own men had force marched for two solid hours and then joined pitched battle. They were close to exhaustion. They could still outpace the American forces and could concievably catch them before Denver.

What then? What could 400 exhausted Vanirians do against 1500 exhausted and demoralized Americans? Quite a bit, he realized with a smile, but not enough. They couldn't hope to break so many in the condition they would be in. Very well, there would be no pursuit to Denver. If Snow was loyal and fighting for Vanir he would die. If he was a traitor and seized Denver's head then he would remain in control of a sizeable force. It was in the hands of the Spirits now.

Just as he had made his peace with his decision, he heard shouts and cheering from the direction of his southern lines. He heard shouts of "Lancre" and "Klein Vanir" from excited voices. His aide-de-camp came running up to report.

Aide: My Prince! Reinforcements are arriving! Cavalry from Klein Vanir and Lancre! Hundreds of fresh men and horse. Ammunition trains from Valhalla have also been sighted a short ways off.

Now Grandmaster's recent decision was erased. He was fairly sure he could convince his allies to pursue the invaders back to Denver. If he didn't, there would be a strong aggressive force on his north border, either controlled by Denver or Snow. If he did, he could be facing either demoralized Americans between the two cavalry forces or combined American and traitorous Vanirian cav. It all hinged on Snow.

He had already confirmed that the "special" trooper CivGeneral had found was assigned to his direct command. Would he be needed? The allied cavalry would be here shortly. He knew he had to make his decision on pursuing the Americans before they arrived.
Prince Grandmaster prepares for his next encounter with the enemy, when he spies a pelican approaching...

Grandmaster: A pelican? Word from my Brother and Sister Spiritualists no doubt.

The pelican lands and sure enough, there is a message for the Prince. He begins to read...

"My dear friend and brother in the Spirits, Grandmaster. We have arrived back at the Marillion to the most disturbing news. We discovered that fair Vanir wars with the Americans of Denver. And further to this, you lead the armies of Vanir to repel the invaders.
What is disturbing to us is that we have heard rumours that you have ordered your troops to give the enemy no quarter. Further to this, you have ordered that any surrendering soldier is to be killed.
My friend, if this is indeed so, then we fear for your immortal soul. Such is not the way of the Spirits. Pyra himself said that to fight is one thing but to fight without honour is the way of the Demons.
Please Brother, tell us truthfully if you gave such an order. If it is so, we will work hard to help you, for the mistake is as much ours as it is yours. We have failed you brother, and we will take our share of the blame for this sin.

We await your reply.

Brother Adam, Sister Eve and Brother Joseph
The Letter

In CivGeneral's office after the Spiritualist has feasted and rested, Grandmaster walks in to CivGeneral's office

Grandmaster: Grand Admiral CivGeneral, you will never guess what I have recived

CivGeneral: What is it Grandmaster?

GM: A letter from my Brother and Sister Spiritualists.

CG: Ahh, I beleve I have met them two before, handed me a very important book that would help me see the Light

GM: So are you in Gradn Admiral CivGeneral?

CG: You bet, Im in

Grandmaster and CivGeneral left the CinC office in preperation for there next plans
After days of resting, Octavian finally felt well enough to walk around the palace. It had been so long since he had been here...

It was an odd greeting in the Great Hall of the Marillion. There were the Spiritualists, whom he had last seen too long ago. As he slowly caught up with their activities, Rudy ran up to Octavian, looking relieved to find him.

The next few minutes were despressing compared to his joyful reunion. As he found out the activites of the past few days, he cursed the attack on his ship, for his papers and legal work had been lost.

"Though Doughnutia likes to remain apart from the conflicts of the other houses of Fanatika," Octavian began, "Small garrions are kept around our lands for defense and keeping domestic peace. I will draw up as I can and send them to Bavaria in the event Vanir should need more assitance. Vanir will never fall!"
*Grandmaster writes a quick reply letter to the Spiritualists, as he is busy preparing to send his troops to Denver.*

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I indeed gave this order. But it was justified. It was brought to my attention that during the siege of Naerva American artillery fired on helpless and unarmed civilians. Likewise, they had attacked without any provocation. Because of these attrocities I had every right to demand that they pay dearly. I now intend to march my men to Denver and show the Americans the error of their ways. I only hope that you can forgive me for taking the action I must to defend my lands and my citizens. If not, then I will see my half-brother Rory in the PLace of Lamentation, where I will continue the fight against Denver on my own until the demons themselves pry me away from the traitor. Good day to you.


*GM now prepares his troops for the long march to Denver.*
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