The world of Lone Wolf: Magnamund.

I wasn't overly fond of them myself. :p
How about "Mercantilism" it's a good generic one or "Money Economy" or "Regulated Economy".

Originally posted by mrtn
Thanks, tjedge1. :) The map has been modified a bit , since I posted it, but I probably won't post an updated version until the mod is ready. I think that the mod can be made as a .bix (it is a bix now), but I will probably post a .biq too, I want to add a Locked Alliance between Durenor and Sommerlund, and maybe redo the map, with both jungles and marshes. Any scenario should probably be a biq, as I would want the Darklords to be at war with a locked alliance of Sommerlund, Durenor, Dessi and Lencia (probably). And some added goodies. ;)
Your welcome to help me with the mod, if you want. ;)

KingArthur, I'm not really fond of those "Network" names, they don't have enough of a "fantasy feel", if you see what I mean. They don't have to be about the coaches, a "generic economic" name should do.
I think I'll use "Nautical Engineering". :)
Originally posted by KingArthur
I wasn't overly fond of them myself. :p
How about "Mercantilism" it's a good generic one or "Money Economy" or "Regulated Economy".
Mercantilism it is. :D Actually it fits very good, as the tech enables Trade Embargos.
I'm wondering about Conscription and Mobilization. I think they should be in the mod, but I don't know which era. Conscription 3rd age and Mobilization 4th? Or both 3rd age? Or? :confused:
I'm busy smoothing out the Civilopedia, and have added most of the second era.
I started to think about the Giak Spearman and the Giak Swordsman, and thought that those names aren't very good, as the giaks aren't men.
So I thought I could rename them to the regimental names from the Magnamund Companion. That would give
Konkorim Giak = Archer
Lajakaan Giak = Swordsman and
Orgadak Taagim Giak = spearman.
Is this a good idea, or is it easier to stick with the old names?

The tech tree are almost completely decided, presently I have 72 techs, and I hope to get specialised tech icons for all of them.

Here is the Mathematics icon. ;)


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Good idea much better than having spearman. Alternatively, you could go with Speargiak etc but I think the regimental names add a bit more depth and flavour.

Like your mathematics icon being the random number chart, very cool! :cool:
I'm wondering if I should keep doing this in the bix format, or just import it to a biq as soon as I get Conquests?
C3C is not needed for the mod, but it add some cool things. E g I can have the Drakkarim as a civ, in a locked alliance with the Darklords, and I can have Sommerlund and Durenor in a locked alliance.
I am now adding units and buildings to the second era, and realising from time to time that I have to rework stuff. ;)

If I add the Drakkarim, who would be the leader, and which leader head should I use? I can't use Sauron for both. :confused:

I now have unique tech icons for all the techs. :D
Yes add the Drakkarim, there's a nice little spot for them in the left hand side of the map. Leaderhead - I'd just use Ghengis Khan or embryodead's 'Dolgan barbarian' leaderhead. As to the who the leader should be off the top of me head I can only think of Baron Shinzar but I can dig up a few more for you as well as city names when I get home.

Originally posted by mrtn
I'm wondering if I should keep doing this in the bix format, or just import it to a biq as soon as I get Conquests?
C3C is not needed for the mod, but it add some cool things. E g I can have the Drakkarim as a civ, in a locked alliance with the Darklords, and I can have Sommerlund and Durenor in a locked alliance.
I am now adding units and buildings to the second era, and realising from time to time that I have to rework stuff. ;)

If I add the Drakkarim, who would be the leader, and which leader head should I use? I can't use Sauron for both. :confused:

I now have unique tech icons for all the techs. :D
Originally posted by KingArthur
Yes add the Drakkarim, there's a nice little spot for them in the left hand side of the map. Leaderhead - I'd just use Ghengis Khan or embryodead's 'Dolgan barbarian' leaderhead. As to the who the leader should be off the top of me head I can only think of Baron Shinzar but I can dig up a few more for you as well as city names when I get home.

Oh almost forgot to answer the question. Yes I will buy Conquests - it's sitting in my shopping basket at Amazon and I just need to hit the button that says proceed to checkout :)
Some details for the Drakkar civilisation

Warlord Zegron

Great Leaders:
Baron Shinzar
Oknar Cakdar

City names: (* = capital)
Thanks! :D
My computer got a worm, so I haven't been here for a while. :(
Hm, if the Drakkarim start in Darke, I have to give the Darklords more resources, :hmm: as I counted on them expanding to the SW.
I just posted Landmark Terrain for Chasm (see sig for link), which I'll use for the Maakengorge and the Chasm of Gorgoron. I will also make landmark terrain for the Tarnalin, LMHills looking like the tunnel openings.
Oh, and btw, I have C3C. :D
Originally posted by mrtn
I just posted Landmark Terrain for Chasm (see sig for link), which I'll use for the Maakengorge and the Chasm of Gorgoron. I will also make landmark terrain for the Tarnalin, LMHills looking like the tunnel openings.
Oh, and btw, I have C3C. :D
Good work on the chasms - they're a must for Magnamund. I still haven't got Conquests yet - it's still to be dispatched from Amazon - I may just cancel the order and go buy it at the shops.
Support your local supplier, i e, buy it off Smelly Eddie down at the corner. ;)

I added the Drakkarim instead of the Koreans, this is important for that diplomacy.txt you promised me. ;)
Originally posted by mrtn
I added the Drakkarim instead of the Koreans, this is important for that diplomacy.txt you promised me. ;)
Ah, yes the diplomacy text, well err, I thought you would have forgotten I promised it ;) I'll make a start on it as soon as I get Conquests - you aren't doing a plain Civ/PTW version are you?
No, just C3C, it'd be too hard to make two versions, as C3C uninstall some parts of PTW.

I thought of having a special Drakkarim Slave Raider unit (maybe just call it Slaver?), with hidden nationality, that can enslave units. I don't have any gfx for it yet, though.
This is how the Hammerdal Mountains look in the game, with the Tarnalin LM Terrain. :D


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Originally posted by mrtn
I've lost almost all my work, so this is now even farther from being completed. :cry:
Oh no. I am truly sorry for you man. Wait a minute, I'm hurting too. I really wanted to see this one done. If there's anything I can do let me know. Have you lost all the artwork? - that I think would be the hardest to replace.
I think the artwork isn't really a problem, as I guess most is available here, the problem are usually THOUSANDS of civilopedia entries, not to mention civilopedia text...
Originally posted by mrtn
I've lost almost all my work, so this is now even farther from being completed. :cry:

:cry: A friend and I were hoping to play this one soon. That sucks man and now you have me paranoid. It's time for me to back up my hard drive.

30 gigs of various stuff is a lot of info. :crazyeye:
Oh, I feel so stupid now! :blush:
I upgraded to English Windows XP in the middle of the night, and I completely forgot that I had moved my mod to a safe place on the computer. :lol:

The mod is safe, and now I can continue with it, knowing I have your support. :)

Thanks for the kind thoughts, folks, and now I'm wearing my crash helmet, preparing to be ridiculed...:cool:
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