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TheLopez's Mod Component Library Thread and more

sir Lopez..
which one is most compatible and tested for MP??
i always play civ in MP..
Huh... dunno, I thought it was already there in BtS. What aspect of it do you want converted?

The mod says it's for Warlords. The main thing that would be the source code, XML/python aren't too big a deal usually.

Also, I can't even open the archive with either WnRar or 7Zip, it says the archive is damaged Great_General_Amped_v0.9
The mod says it's for Warlords. The main thing that would be the source code, XML/python aren't too big a deal usually.

Also, I can't even open the archive with either WnRar or 7Zip, it says the archive is damaged Great_General_Amped_v0.9
I'm trying to find out what features of the great general amped mod you want ported to BtS.
Ah got it, not interested so much in the settling cities bit as this:


- Great generals now inspire troops, they will get Morale I when a Great
General is two spaces away, Morale II when a Great General is one space
away and Morale III to units in the same plot as the Great General.
Ah got it, not interested so much in the settling cities bit as this:


Ah, ok... I'll see what I can do. No promises though since I have a lot on my plate right now... its funny to see the feature that you ask for got put into Civ5 :D
Ah, ok... I'll see what I can do. No promises though since I have a lot on my plate right now... its funny to see the feature that you ask for got put into Civ5 :D

It's in Civ 5 really? That is strange, I did not know that on a concious level at least! Maybe I saw it somewhere in the corner or my eye or something some place talking about the game.
It's in Civ 5 really? That is strange, I did not know that on a concious level at least! Maybe I saw it somewhere in the corner or my eye or something some place talking about the game.

Look at the help information for great people:
"The Great General provides a 25% combat bonus to all friendly units within 2 tiles."
Would it be a lot of trouble to re-upload the NoName Great Person Re-namer Mod?
It would be much appreciated.

I tried merging the SDK for "Building Civic Prereqs" into Grand Inquisitions 255A, but it failed to work. However, merging this mod works OK into stock BTS. Could you possibly try merging the source files for "Building Civic Prereqs" into Grand Inquisitions and find out what it would take to make the mod work? I really need this mod to start my goal of eliminating some python callbacks.
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