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TheLopez's Mod Component Library Thread and more

i understand too, but you are not always atwar and when in war only 2-3 cities are envolved. The question is, is the addicional playability/strategy deserve the effort???
The Lopez,

I have found myself frustrated that cities will whine and whine about bieng "too crowded," and yet the people can only riot about it. So here's my idea:

Migration Mod
-a popup that lets you decide to move population from a city that is starving or rioting primarily because "its just too crowded" to a growing city
-Units that can move population from one city to another (cost pop to build, can 'join city')
-migration options, seprate form civics
  • Normalicy: no automated migration
  • Ruralization: migration tending toward centers with higher growth and cities with graneries
  • Industrialization: Migration tending toward centers with higher production, cities with forges, factories experience increaced migration. Trend of migration from centers with high growth to replenish workforce in higherproducion cities with shorter life expectancies (greater unhealthyness)
  • Diplomatic immagration emmigration options. The ability to trade for foriegn population units and trade off units of population you can't support. For example, if you have starvation in a city you have recently captured, you can trade the forien people who aren't rioting to either an ally of the cpuntries people as refugees, or an enemy of the countries people as prisoners, or even to the enemy itself as hostages.
This allows for options beyond starvation of the masses to make you people content again, which confuses me anyway, shouldn't there be unhappiness caused by starvation?

Thanks for your time,
The Great Apple said:
A bit like this?

You know, I thought his request sounded familiar...
hehe, just kidding about the name, but I would like to see features like the above mentioned added to immagration mod.
Ploeperpengel said:
Hell, is there anything at all you didn't do already?:eek:

Only the thinks I haven't released yet :D
Another idea for a component:

Enlarging Improvments:
District: Towns near a big city (15-20) can become even larger when worked alot (would fit city radius 3 mod extra nicely).
Big farms: Farms becomming larger when worked alot (and have at least 2 farms near).
Bigger workshop, and other bigger resource improvements.
Higways: better roads.
Tracks: walking alot on a tile will create a track that is almost as good as a road (even animals can do this).
Dynamic Goody Huts:
*Different types of tribal villages (sizes, small/big/animal den)
*Chance to pupup/grow/become city
*Chance to spawn defender/attacker
*New types of events when examine (like from other mods, partional tech gain, extra energy for one turn, teaching a promotion, getting better units)
*Dynamic events by time (so you wont get warrior/scout after a long time).
*Optional examine time
*Optional respawn village time (village not removed but out of goody stuff)
*Amount of respawns.
*And so on...
Zuul said:
Dynamic Goody Huts:
*Different types of tribal villages (sizes, small/big/animal den)
*Chance to pupup/grow/become city
*Chance to spawn defender/attacker
*New types of events when examine (like from other mods, partional tech gain, extra energy for one turn, teaching a promotion, getting better units)
*Dynamic events by time (so you wont get warrior/scout after a long time).
*Optional examine time
*Optional respawn village time (village not removed but out of goody stuff)
*Amount of respawns.
*And so on...

Thank you Zuul, these are all wonderful ideas!!!
I got many more ideas. Thanks for liking them :).

A minor idea is like the withdraw attribute, but this attribute state when it's attacked the unit have a chance to flee if it's loosing. If it's alone it will move back, else in a stack it will just stay behind others.
One idea that I like, that I haven't seen mentioned yet, at least, is a slight modification to the world-map display. On Earth (or Terra maps), we see the whole thing (e.g. including the New World) represented as blank space when calendar is discovered. However, many still thought the world was flat until the new world was actually discovered. How hard would it be to change the number of options available for world map display? Right now there are two:

1) The extent of the land I've discovered.
2) The whole world.

(Remember, I'm talking about the size of the world map, not what it displays)

These two are available at:

A) The beginning of the game
B) Stonehenge/Calendar.

Might be interesting to add new options to both lists, and make the options configurable to mod developers.

For example:

3) The extent of the world that anyone has discovered.
4) The extent of the world that anyone I've had contact with has discovered.
5) The extent of the world known by the transitive closure of my contacts (e.g. anyone I know plus anyone they know and anyone they know ad infinitum)
6) The extent of the world I can in principle reach with a galley.
7) The extent of the world I can in principle reach with a caravel
8*) The extent of the world that is not in fog of war in cases 1,3,4,5 (although 1 would be very very weird).

Note that these last two might include a single line of blank squares to represent the entire, unknowable width of a continent that spans the
entire north-south space.

8-3 would be the interesting case of China and/or Vikings discovering America, then losing their city to barbarians, and not going back for ages
(the former is an argument made in the book 1421).

C) Astronomy
D) Whatever lets us trade world maps
E) Someone does the circumnavigation thing.
Any status update? What are you working on now? And mod planned after that?
Zuul said:
Any status update? What are you working on now? And mod planned after that?

Zuul you can always check the 4th post in this thread for status updates on mod progress. I try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

I would like to ask for your help please. I have merged several of your mods into my modpack, all of which use Dr Elmer Jiggle's coding. I would like to merge in the Great Person Mod v2.01 and have tried very unsuccessfully to convert it to the same format (Python gives me a headache :crazyeye: )

As you know, Patricius is no longer working on his Great Person Mod and I am wondering/hoping (read: Begging) that you would be able to convert it to Dr Elmer Jiggle's coding. I'm not looking for any changes/options to be added, just convert it so that I (and anyone else who is interested) can more easily merge it with your wonderful mods.

I really appreciate any help you can offer. I have attached the GP Mod python in case you can find the time to help. Thank you again & don't sweat it if you are too busy.


Amra said:

I would like to ask for your help please. I have merged several of your mods into my modpack, all of which use Dr Elmer Jiggle's coding. I would like to merge in the Great Person Mod v2.01 and have tried very unsuccessfully to convert it to the same format (Python gives me a headache :crazyeye: )

As you know, Patricius is no longer working on his Great Person Mod and I am wondering/hoping (read: Begging) that you would be able to convert it to Dr Elmer Jiggle's coding. I'm not looking for any changes/options to be added, just convert it so that I (and anyone else who is interested) can more easily merge it with your wonderful mods.

I really appreciate any help you can offer. I have attached the GP Mod python in case you can find the time to help. Thank you again & don't sweat it if you are too busy.

Alright, here you go. I just rewrote the event manager for the GreatPersonMod


Thank you very much! :D

I will be sure to add you to the Great Engineer list in my mod :goodjob:
Amra said:
I will be sure to add you to the Great Engineer list in my mod

Nice, now we can each have our own TheLopez to hurry our wonders and produce our hammers. :p This opens the door for a CivFanatics Forum Mod, little TheLopezs, Thunderfalls, The Great Apples, Wyz_sub10s, Rabbit Whites, Kaels, Zuuls, Ploeperpengels, Amras, chef pablos, Portuss, Fachys, and the whole gang digitized and distubuted for our Civ4 playing enjoyment. :cool:
TheLopez said:
Zuul you can always check the 4th post in this thread for status updates on mod progress. I try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

Thanks. Could you tell me some about "Dynamic Resources Mod"?
Could we have a mod that makes borders based on player number rather than Civilisation?

The advantage would be when combining new civs into a mod or large amount of civs mods that you would always have distinct colours for each player no matter what civs you got/picked.
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