can you take a look at this,its just one of many ideas i have but the one im most interested in seeing
ok, there has been alot of discusion about this,ive said more than my share and peolple have gotten their feathers ruffled over this.So ive not really had any desire to ask about a mod ,till now.
This is one of those 12 year old boy's ideas,well duh just let the air out of the tires.Any way its this simple ,A unit for each age should have fixed culture attached to it,this should be some type of groand unit,warrior,swordsman,maceman,musketman,etc.The big issue is getting the AI to reconize this.
If you think about it, this should resolve alot of the supply issues,and allow some of the tactics.If your pushing units to your border attempting to push the border back and the AI (this is probally going to be the big hurdle, to get the AI to understand the concept)is doing this as well,then you should end up with the nifty line of units on both sides of the border.With units requireing maintanence and needing units to push the border back there wont be the stacks of doom in the cities.furthermore if war is declared figuring out where the weak point in the chain is, will be imparative .flanking ,pinching all these tactics will come into play.I know this dosnt resolve the oil issue for mech units but it does resolve the issue of supplieing ground troops.
I just realized this cuold be done with the navy as well.pick one unit to represent a blocade unit have it have culture,move it into your enemys port city or cities and the culture from the blockade should cover your enemys access to the sea .As you advance through the ages more advanced ships would have a higher culture rating.culture rating would represent operational range.In modern times the blockade ship would be the submarine, having 5 or 6 in an ocean would effectivly give you controle of shipping in that ocean.
The same could be done with bombers giving a one time culture rating in an area that you decide land or sea provided it servives any fighters on patrole.