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This has got to be some kind of record

Alrin Kharr

Jan 17, 2009
Well now, I rolled up this start just now, and it looks like it's going to be an interesting game. A riverside start next to a mountain, on the coast, with Marble, as Babylon.... and a neighbor close enough to spit on, coveting my lands from turn 2. :crazyeye:

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looks like a really good start.
rush archery/build monument. Get animal husbandry next, and pick worker policy.
build archers and kill him outwright. and have lots of free land to exspand into.

your archers start out with a massive bonus.
That reminds me of a long ago game, where there was only me and Pachacuti sharing the same continent.

We naturally went to war (he DOWed), then I massed as many bowmen as I could and took his capital and some cities on the way. Then we had peace, but he still had enough cities left to wonderspam the Great Wall.

Then I went after him again, and this time it was a job he would never recover from.

Only problem was my tech stagnated. There was the Mongols on their own neighboring continent, and they were fielding WW2 Infantry. Then they allied the CSes left on my continent, and dowed me...:(
Well, after going Archery first and spamming out four Bowmen, capturing two enemy workers, and taking the free Liberty Worker/Settler, I encountered something I've never seen before.

"Your empire can only support 9 units. You are over that limit by one, which decreases :c5production: Production in your cities by 10%".

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I wasn't aware that there was any such mechanic in place, but then again I've never rushed to spam units out so quickly at the start of a game.
Well, after going Archery first and spamming out four Bowmen, capturing two enemy workers, and taking the free Liberty Worker/Settler, I encountered something I've never seen before.

"Your empire can only support 9 units. You are over that limit by one, which decreases :c5production: Production in your cities by 10%".

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I wasn't aware that there was any such mechanic in place, but then again I've never rushed to spam units out so quickly at the start of a game.

You can check your allowable unit number under the military tab. You'll need more cities to field a bigger army.
Yah, check your F3, on the left.

Basically your unit supply cap is:
base 5
+2 for each city
+1 for every 2 population in your cities.

But you CAN still build units; it just takes progressively more hammers to build them, or you can potentially purchase them (your production drops, the hammer cost does not rise).

Assumes no mods which change it, of course.
<bows down> what an amazing start! good fun to be had here, but its better if you provoke him into making war with you, and since he covets you, just denounce him and bribe a city state near him - that should do the trick ;)
I had a start like this where I was the Mongols. I wasn't as close to Cusco as you, but I built up an army to take him out, but he DoW'd me before I did the same to him. his attack failed miserably and I destroyed his entire army and took Cusco with no resistance.
The start on the OP is ridiculous.
I just keep on rerolling, until I get a start like that.

Talk to you in year 2025! :)
Cusco will be a great 2:nd city, then build more cities inwards the fog.

4 archers and a warrior NOW, then relax!
well it is babylon, next to mountain, marble, sugar, horses, sheep cattle, easily defendable, looks like an amazing start
Can someone explain to me why this start is good?

Marble = 15% Wonder construction, Babylon can build Great Library much faster than anyone except Egypt.

Mountain = Can construct Observatory, 50% Science production, Babylon will be running full scientists anyway.

River = Can build Garden, 25% Great Scientist production on top of their 50% bonus
This has turned out to be a very weird game; it was a Small Continent map, but produced less total land mass than I'm used to seeing from such maps; the result was that nobody really had very much good land to expand into, and pretty much all civs were neck-in-neck scorewise for basically the entire game. Darius and Washington pulled ahead recently by conquering their neighbors and a couple city-states, but even now, it's turn 262 and the highest score is 832. I ended up settling only two cities besides the captured Cusco, since there wasn't much other good land worth settling on that continent. China is to the south of me, across a barren stretch of desert, hills, and mountains. I tried to take out her capital, but by then the window for a Bowmen rush was already closed, and since there was no Iron AT ALL anywhere close to my lands, I ended up just leaving her alone. Wu had a nice capital, but otherwise very little good land at all, mostly barren tundra. As a result, I was perpetually at war with her for a good portion of the game. She couldn't touch me, but her sheer mass of units (she led in military for most of the game), plus Cho-ko-nus, made an invasion of her lands more costly than I was willing to invest in. I struggled with keeping my gold up for much of the game, so I couldn't ally any Maritime city states to help boost my population numbers, either.

The sheer strength of my capital carried me through, and I'm on my way to a Science victory. I'm sure a more experienced player could have done a lot more with this start than I did, but I only bought the game recently, during the Steam sale, and I'm still kind of learning the game and moving up the levels (this game was played on King). In retrospect, I should have probably conquered and puppeted the two city-states on my continent, and beelined Chivalry after finding no Iron to take China out with Knights. Since I ended up settling so few cities of my own, annexing Cusco and building a Courthouse to control it directly probably would have been a good move as well. This may have also been a strong game to simply go for a Cultural win instead of Science.

My lands (note the low scores for both myself and the AI)
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China to the south of me (her conquest of Ragusa was very recent)
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That's a pretty spacious small continents map. Usually I'll roll with not-Pangaea (one or two tile channels separating the continents at points).
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