Those Wacky Racist Republicans

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Isn't the Democrat party the welfare party? How many vote have they won because of their freebies?
Mexicans like cactus and goat meat so what is the big deal? I like watermelon and chicken myself.
I don't get offended every time someone mocks or make fun of Christians.
Now if it said something like "die" or "kill him" then yes that would be racist.

You're saying this isn't racist?
Sheila Raines, an African-American member of the club, was the first person to complain to Fedele about the newsletter. Raines, of San Bernardino, said she has worked hard to try to convince other minorities to join the Republican Party and now she feels betrayed.

"This is what keeps African-Americans from joining the Republican Party," she said. "I'm really hurt. I cried for 45 minutes."

Yep, this is pretty sad. Hopefully they learn how wrong and disrespectful this was, and grown to be better people. She really deserves an apology at there next meeting.

@ JeffIllinois. Saying Republicans have a hard time not saying anything racist is just as bigoted. I am sure there are a lot of republicans that would be offended by that. Do you have any Republican friends BTW?
Isn't the Democrat party the welfare party? How many vote have they won because of their freebies?

Only blacks get welfare, rite?

This picture is an accurate representation of the Senator from Illinois. There couldn't be any undertones.

@Woody60707, ok, maybe not all of them, but it's more than I'd like to see amongst the republicans I've talked to. I do live further downstate, and when involved in conversations with people like the guy I mentioned above I tried to use fact to combat the racism I've encountered, normally with limited success.
Only blacks get welfare, rite?

Nope but I've noticed in the news media when they talk about welfare guess who they often show as a welfare example. It's the same with a poor family. Some times when someone say talks about "the poor" they are referring to minorities especially blacks. So I find stereotyping common in the media.
Too many people is looking to be offended.

WHAT!? This isn't Jessie Jackson trying to make a scene. This Woman and others were genuinely offended, and for damn good reason.
How come only black people work at KFC? Go look for yourself.

@aug: Obama looks like he is going to steal a big piece of that chicken... I bet white meat.
Mexicans like cactus and goat meat so what is the big deal? I like watermelon and chicken myself.
I don't get offended every time someone mocks or make fun of Christians.
Now if it said something like "die" or "kill him" then yes that would be racist.

If I recall right, the watermellon and fried chicken association with blacks is a holdover from Blackface. Long association with racist caricature. Personally, I think there are more important things to focus on than this.
The thing is Obama is running for president as a Democrat. This woman admitted she has in the past supported Alan Keyes. If Obama was running as a republican she will probably support him. So this alone doesn't prove she has hatred to blacks and has more to do with politics.
If I recall right, the watermellon and fried chicken association with blacks is a holdover from Blackface. Long association with racist caricature. Personally, I think there are more important things to focus on than this.

No dude. This is not from "blackface".

Black people eat alot of fried chicken. They love that stuff.

Am I a racist for saying Italians like pasta? That Greeks like gyros? That whitie loves mayonaise and white bread? That Jews like matza?

How are ANY of those things putting people below me? Do any of those things carry the presumption that white is the master race? How??

I think you are confusing racism with talking about black people in general.
If I recall right, the watermellon and fried chicken association with blacks is a holdover from Blackface. Long association with racist caricature. Personally, I think there are more important things to focus on than this.
I don't know anything about Blackface but I do know the blacks I know love watermelon and will some times offer me a slice at work. They even mention before about this stereotype and agree they love watermelon,chicken,etc..
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