Tiny Civ VI update just landed

China has habit of rewriting history and claiming neighborhood nations history as their own (e.g Korea) they even claimed Kimchi and Hanbok ( Korean traditional clothing) as their own.
I don't mind them claiming the "accomplishments" of North Korea, at least. :mischief:
wonder if someone could mod the original voiceline and text back in? the original .ogg file's still out there from the intros leaking earlier. dunno for how many languages the original translation of the line is lost to time now, but certainly english and chinese should be recoverable
edit: attached the .zip since i cant seem to sttach the .ogg directly


Oh, just another day which will live in infamy - another US company that suddenly and deliberately surrenders to market pressure from an oppressive government. Lifting the Little Red Book besides the prison door for a yuan - what a sight.

There were what - just two or three hotfixes over these 6+ years, including this one? The game is plagued with gameplay bugs, left for months and years to persist. But what deserves a hotfix in a hurry, just in a few days? A political sensitivity in an oppressive government controlled, but very, very and extremely lucrative market. In a game which has rewriting history in its core, for each and every of its leaders and civilizations - that's the whole premise, isn't it? To rewrite the history, many times over - that's the deal on offer, which we take, that's why we play this game, isn't it?

I guess, the tempest-tossed might be looking for a new place to call their home before too long, if this trend continues.
Oh, just another day which will live in infamy - another US company that suddenly and deliberately surrenders to market pressure from an oppressive government. Lifting the Little Red Book besides the prison door for a yuan - what a sight.
It's not even just bowing to pressure, but bowing to pressure over something so insignificant.
wonder if someone could mod the original voiceline and text back in? the original .ogg file's still out there from the intros leaking earlier. dunno for how many languages the original translation of the line is lost to time now, but certainly english and chinese should be recoverable
edit: attached the .zip since i cant seem to sttach the .ogg directly
I'd sub to a mod that did this in a heartbeat.
1.3 mb update just landed and game version is now (859676), I'm guessing a bug fix??

@Laurana Kanan

Edit: Just realised the version history doesn't include the Chinese pack so game version likely went up with that rather than this tiny update.
Yeah, sorry. I haven't had a chance to update my chart yet (RL issues ATM). I mentioned the version update in the pack release thread here -
Since when do they do hotfixes?
They've done three hotfixes in the past that I can recall. One shortly after R&F (I don't remember the specific reason), one for cross-player functionality for Macs, and one after the September 2020 update. All three were game-breaking bugs, though, unlike this update apparently.
The small fix also re-wrote all the customized jersey files for me. Don't know if this was intended or was some kind of "file integrity" check with the fix. :dunno: I've had the jersey colors changed for so long I could not notice any change in the original ones.
To quote an old white playwright:
"Much Ado About Nothing"

As in, you are stunned, appalled and upset because any capitalist entity does not follow the money?
As in, you expect integrity of any kind from such an entity?
As in, most players probably think the Yongle Emperor was named after a cat toy: there is no chance that any sales would be affected by any change they made to him, because 99.999% of the gamers won't know the difference.
And so, again: you are in any way surprised that any capitalist entity does not follow the money?
To quote an old white playwright:
"Much Ado About Nothing"

As in, you are stunned, appalled and upset because any capitalist entity does not follow the money?
As in, you expect integrity of any kind from such an entity?
As in, most players probably think the Yongle Emperor was named after a cat toy: there is no chance that any sales would be affected by any change they made to him, because 99.999% of the gamers won't know the difference.
And so, again: you are in any way surprised that any capitalist entity does not follow the money?
Of course not -- but I am impressed that they moved so fast and thought it was important enough for a hotfix. I mean, it's one thing to be a stooge, but this level of stooginess is something to behold.
Of course not -- but I am impressed that they moved so fast and thought it was important enough for a hotfix. I mean, it's one thing to be a stooge, but this level of stooginess is something to behold.
Right. Their priorities are messed up.

If anyone gets around to restoring the missing audio and text, please link the mod here so that we can fix our games.
The small fix also re-wrote all the customized jersey files for me. Don't know if this was intended or was some kind of "file integrity" check with the fix. :dunno: I've had the jersey colors changed for so long I could not notice any change in the original ones.
I didn't have any edited jerseys touched, just the introduction speech about Yongle being pruned.
Oh, just another day which will live in infamy - another US company that suddenly and deliberately surrenders to market pressure from an oppressive government. Lifting the Little Red Book besides the prison door for a yuan - what a sight.

There were what - just two or three hotfixes over these 6+ years, including this one? The game is plagued with gameplay bugs, left for months and years to persist. But what deserves a hotfix in a hurry, just in a few days? A political sensitivity in an oppressive government controlled, but very, very and extremely lucrative market. In a game which has rewriting history in its core, for each and every of its leaders and civilizations - that's the whole premise, isn't it? To rewrite the history, many times over - that's the deal on offer, which we take, that's why we play this game, isn't it?

I guess, the tempest-tossed might be looking for a new place to call their home before too long, if this trend continues.

I don't like it either, but that level of pearl-clutching is painful. There's more than one oppressive government in the world, and more than one that uses its currency as a weapon.
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Do we have any official word on the patch notes or is this all just sleuthing on the part of observant players and fans? Asked another way: has Firaxis publicly admitted what they changed?
I don't like it either, but that level of pearl-clutching is painful. There's more than one oppressive government in the world, and more than one that uses its currency as a weapon.
And when was the last time the US censored a game like this? Let's not be apologists for the CCP. I'm rather tired of our media companies censoring everything to please them.
Still kinda disappointed at how cowardly Fraxis is being.

I fully expect Civ 7 China to have something equivalent to GDR's and no other civ has access to.

I kid, I don't mind this so much. Let's be honest, this country is one reason Civ6 has done as well as it has. It's making them a lot of money. I'm sure the game sold more copies over there than in the U.S. We are just going to have to get used to stuff now and in the future.

Now if they would just rid of the Dan Quayle jokes in Civ4. :D Or was that Al Gore?
And when was the last time the US censored a game like this? Let's not be apologists for the CCP. I'm rather tired of our media companies censoring everything to please them.

Most military-themed games work with the US military, and are required to show the military in a positive light. I'm tired of companies censoring to please them.

That's just one example of establishment control over media, which some people rightfully push back against, while others believe it's somehow perfectly fine, because the tools of control are money and the law, not law and money like it is in China. Also perhaps because it's for freedom™.

Also, could you not read the words 'I don't like it either'? I thought that was pretty clear. The Chinese government is absolutely appalling. Is that clear enough for you to not skip right over and call me an apologist?
Most military-themed games work with the US military, and are required to show the military in a positive light. I'm tired of companies censoring to please them.
Required by who? There's no law about showing the military in a positive light. If the game companies choose to do so, well, that's on them. The government isn't making them do it or threatening to ban their games. This situation isn't at all comparable to what the CCP has been doing to video games, movies, and TV for a number of years now.

We should probably not keep writing about it this way, though, or we'll get the thread locked.
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