Tolkien's Middle-Earth Modpack

Thanks Hemiptera, you are a life saver! Followed your instructions and now it works. Yippie!
I've been trying to download this, and it's written that I should remove the .net in them, how and where do I do this?
Eclipse, after several hours of downloading, confusion:confused: :cry: , and a keyboard bashed in two :D I got your mod running on my computer and I totally fell in love with it (especially the drawings of the leaders!:love: ).
As for the feedback, I agree with pretty much everything the other posters has been saying - fixing wonders, the design of the palaces, the look of the cities on the map and so on. But those are just petty details: nothing to concern ourselves with at the moment.
However, stalking these forums, I found a thread (URL below) by a skilled map-maker by the name of hagbart or some such thing. (I bet you're already aware of this, but) This hagbart has apparently created a pretty accurate map of Tolkien's Middle Earth, and he hasn't changed the rules of this map at all (with the exception of making tundra produce NO food). An idea immediately lodged in my brain, that perhaps you could use this map, or mayhap alter it in some way so that it matches your rules for Middle Earth. For it struck me as a terrible shame to have the perfect Middle Earth mod with no Middle Earth, or contrariwise to have Middle Earth but only as a regular map. I know you are just testing graphics in the current series of versions but I hope that you consider co-operating with this hagbart, or, for that matter, just download his map and change it :D .

Thanks for creating this great mod Eclipse!:goodjob:

Your humble servant,

URL to hagbart's ME Map thread

(PS. I would like to take this opportunity to convey my very special thanks to Hemiptera who saved me a lot of time and adrenaline.)
I posted the same kind of comment in that map thread for those looking for a LotR mod.
By the way, I noticed that Toynbee and the Venerable Bade still publishes masterpieces like "The Happiest Nations Of the World" and things like that. Unless you want to remove it, you could always change the names from Toynbee and those guys to the names of some of the Istari (Radagast, Saruman, Gandalf) or the valar (Manwë, Ulmo, Aulë, Oromë, Mandos, Lórien, Tulkas, Varda, Yavanna, :sleep: Nienna, Estë, Vairë, Vána and Nessa) or the maiar (Melian, Olórin/Gandalf, Ilmarë, Eönwë, Ossë and Uinen). Just a thought. :sheep:
Also, the ordinary advisors takes away some of the excellent Tolkien vibes you've created in the mod; maybe you could get more drawings from wherever they came from of the advisors. I'm aware that the advisors need to be the same for all the civs, but I'm sure that whoever made the leader-drawings is skilled enough to be able to make kinda neutral looking advisors.
That's all the feedback for now, keep on truckin'!
Originally posted by kring
I posted the same kind of comment in that map thread for those looking for a LotR mod.

Hey thanks for that link I did not know that place even existed. The more Good civ3 sites the better I say! Sorry off topic! :p
Questions for anyone. I am assuming this converts the entire Civ3 program.(Since when I start it up it did) Does it do so creating a scenario bic? If so where is it? Or does this mod just convert civ3? Is the map tied in with cities/etc. Where is the .bic to load it. Sorry for my ignorance but can find a map bic or a scenario bic to play the game other than as a standard start up game.

I downloaded this a while back but am wary of actually installing it, could you post some screenshots?
I downloaded all 13 files and got them all together. However when i try to install the mod no files are copied and nothing changes ar gets added in my civ directory. I tried copy the files into and empty folder to and there were NO files in it. Can some1 plz tell me what is going on because i really really really want to play this mod!

Hey eclipse. When i installed your mod no changes happened to the game. i uninstalled it and then i re-installed it. This time all the text in the game dissapeared. Can u fix that or can u give me some info on how to insatll properly and what not. Thanks. :confused:
Hello, ummm i expect that this question has been answered a million times but im not seriously gonna read the whole 8 pages of posts am i! so here is my query, I just found this modpack and have begun to download the 13 files however, skimming through i see eclipse saying what hes gonna do in version 1 or watever so i need to know, what version am i downloading (from the very 2nd post of the whole thread)?
I hope some experienced person can help...
oh, also does the mod come with a map of middle earth or do i need to get one seperately from the map forum?
hhmm... many days without Eclipse giving any signs... are you ok buddy? little or no time? don't worry, we are patient. But I would be so happy if you could work on the next incarnation of your mod :D
Me too!
What's up, Eclipse in what kind of kondition is the Mod?
It would be easier to be patient if you released the mod...;)
Yes, I'm still alive! I do have to admit, I'm a little overwhelmed both by the supportive emails I've been receiving about the current mod release, and also by the number of updates made to editing in Civ3. Firaxis has been busy this summer and I need some time to catch up!

I'm sure no one will be surprised to hear that the mod will need to be re-created now that many new editor features have been made available. This shouldn't be too much of an exercise for me as I did manage to keep all of the documentation and raw files from the initial creation in April/May.

The attention I paid to my career this summer has paid off, though it was at the expense of my personal projects such as the ME Mod. I've done very well at work, got a great raise and a fantastic bonus. :goodjob: Now I may be able to send some free time getting back up to speed and getting the next release out the door!!

Thanks again for your ongoing support! :)


Now, Im not really a fan of Tolkien, but WOW! Good work, now work some more!
It would be nice if you made it a scenario with hagbarts map as the map(duh). Keep up the good work!
Could i get a screen shot before i download this beast of a file? Please?
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